New Books January 2021

A few new books this month:

Call Number Date Author Title
R-210 SG 114 2002 Wichita High School East Alumni Directory
R-210 RL 15 2005 2005 Kansas State University Alumni Directory
R-210 SG 254 2004 2004 Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High School Alumni Directory
R-210 SG 255 2008 2008 St. Jude Catholic Church Parish Directory
R-210 SG 191 2007 2007 College Hill United Methodist Church Directory
R-430 194 1979 Andrew Jackson’s Hermitage
R-140 011 1982 Castillo
R-150 046 1962 Church, Mary L. The Hills of Habersham
G-H 168 1973 Harms, Martha I. With Head Held High
G-H 167 Hill, Loretta Joseph Hill and Mary Emily Cannon Hill
VB Morrow V 01 – 10 Morrow, Laura Dolores Greer Laura Greer Morrow Collection
R-210 NS 05 Pearce, Don Beeler Broncos 1923-1966 Alumni
G-G 090 Terry, Judia Greer International Newsletter
G-Z 010 1983 Zook, Harry D. Zug/Zuck/Zouck/Zook genealogy