We need your help! We have some openings on our volunteer team — maybe one is calling your name?
Newsletter Editor: We publish the Alert newsletter 11 times a year. It’s (usually) four pages long and contains news about our society activities. The newsletter editor assembles content from the Librarian and other board members, gets the mailing list from the membership chairperson, and oversees the printing, folding and mailing of the newsletter with help from the library volunteers. The editor needs some computer skills, but nothing exotic; Vince has promised to provide as much technical assistance as required.
Publicity Coordinator: We publicize our society events in several local publications and newsletters. The publicity coordinator assembles content from the board and writes and distributes publicity notices, mostly via email. This person also contributes to our Facebook page and website. Again, this position needs only basic computer skills, mostly email.
Building and Grounds Chairperson: We need someone to manage the maintenance on our property. Although it helps to be handy, this person doesn’t necessarily need to actually do the maintenance — we need someone to identify issues, call suppliers for estimates on repairs, brief the board and get a decision, and supervise the work. We can also use members who are able to help with the minor maintenance tasks like cleaning up the garden beds and replacing light bulbs.
All three of these positions are considered board members; the board meets each month on the second Saturday morning at 10:30.
Interested? Contact Rex at president@mhgswichita.org or drop by the library.