Sedgwick County Marriage Index

This index is a work in progress. It currently contains Books EEE through HHH, covering September 4, 1949 thru September 21, 1951, and Book XXX, covering January 1959 thru July 1959.

Some search tips:

  • Click on a row to see additional information
  • when you enter a text string, the search engine looks for it all in one column.  This means that you can’t search for both a first and last name, or last name and home town, or use boolean terms like AND
  • you need to enter text and press the Enter key to start the search
  • if you enter smith,  the engine will find Smith, Smithson and Smith Center.
  • the search is not case sensitive
  • you can’t search for a date
  • states are abbreviated KS; countries CAN
  • fort, saint, mount are spelled out
  • once you have search results, you can show up to 100 items on the screen at once, and click on the the column headers to sort
Groom Last NameGroom First NameBride Last NameBride First NameLicense DateLicense NumberMarriage DateGroomTownGroom AgeBride TownBride AgeBookPageItem NumberAffidavitGroomConsentBrideConsent
Groom Last NameGroom First NameBride Last NameBride First NameLicense DateLicense NumberMarriage DateGroomTownGroom AgeBride TownBride AgeBookPageItem NumberAffidavitGroomConsentBrideConsent