This index is a work in progress. It currently contains Books EEE through HHH, covering September 4, 1949 thru September 21, 1951, and Book XXX, covering January 1959 thru July 1959.
Some search tips:
- Click on a row to see additional information
- when you enter a text string, the search engine looks for it all in one column. This means that you can’t search for both a first and last name, or last name and home town, or use boolean terms like AND
- you need to enter text and press the Enter key to start the search
- if you enter smith, the engine will find Smith, Smithson and Smith Center.
- the search is not case sensitive
- you can’t search for a date
- states are abbreviated KS; countries CAN
- fort, saint, mount are spelled out
- once you have search results, you can show up to 100 items on the screen at once, and click on the the column headers to sort
Groom Last Name | Groom First Name | Bride Last Name | Bride First Name | License Date | License Number | Marriage Date | GroomTown | Groom Age | Bride Town | Bride Age | Book | Page | Item Number | Affidavit | GroomConsent | BrideConsent |
Groom Last Name | Groom First Name | Bride Last Name | Bride First Name | License Date | License Number | Marriage Date | GroomTown | Groom Age | Bride Town | Bride Age | Book | Page | Item Number | Affidavit | GroomConsent | BrideConsent |