Regional Agricultural Credit Corporation Livestock Loan Inspector Applications

As the bank failures of the early 1930s diminished the availability of credit across the United States, the federal government became concerned that food production would suffer if farmers and ranchers could not get loans to finance the purchase of seeds, livestock and equipment. In January 1932, Congress passed the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act, which included provisions for twelve regional agricultural credit corporations.

A physical inspection of the farm or ranch is an important part of the process of making an agricultural loan. Short-term agricultural production loans are intended to be “self-liquidating,” which means that a loan to purchase feeder cattle will be paid off by later selling those same cattle, nicely fattened up, for a sum large enough to cover the loan, the loan interest, the rancher’s other costs and a reasonable rate of return for the rancher.  Inspectors need to be familiar with the business in order to make informed judgments about the likelihood of loan repayment.

MGHS has a small collection of 105 applications filled out by people seeking to be livestock loan inspectors for regional agricultural livestock corporations in Kansas, Colorado, Oklahoma and New Mexico.  These three-page applications contain a wealth of information about each applicant, including date and place of birth, address in 1932, name and address of nearest relative, a description of any livestock-related business experience, and references.  The original applications are available at the MHGS library; they have been digitized and placed online in the MHGS Digital Collections.

Benton, Lewis 5/1/1884 Oberlin, Kansas
Birdsong, Aubra C. 9/30/1884 Cache, Oklahoma
Birney, Joseph William 12/10/1883 Bucklin, Kansas
Brooks, Benton S. 1/12/1880 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Brown, A. C. 9/13/1892 Wichita, Kansas
Brown, C. Alvie 8/7/1878 Durango, Colorado
Brown, William John 5/21/1885 Fall River, Kansas
Bruce, Marvin Boyd 4/20/1872 Wichita, Kansas
Burback, Harold Joseph 12/21/1892 Hayden, Colorado
Burchinal, Luther L. 7/20/1881 Formoso, Kansas
Burkholder, Arthur L. 6/6/1892 Marion, Kansas
Chase, Clarence Hart 9/8/1903 Junction City, Kansas
Clare, Glenn Wilson 11/27/1885 Moline, Kansas
Clayton, Roy B. “Buster” 2/19/1899 Deming, New Mexico
Coggins, Marion T. 11/30/1878 Ashland, KS
Colson, Dick Russell 5/7/1884 Wichita, Kansas
Craddock, Carl C. ?/?/1889 Pawhuska, Oklahoma
Creaghe, Richard F. 2/16/1884 Granada, Colorado
Crowe, Geo. F. ?/?/1883 Canon City, Colorado
Currie, Ralph C. 10/8/1878 Las Vegas, New Mexico
Davenport, John E. 8/15/1892 Espanola, New Mexico
Dean, William Paul 1/6/1876 Estancia, New Mexico
Decker, James B. 5/10/1883 Durango, Colorado
Donelson, Robert Lee 10/20/1901 Burbank, Oklahoma
Duffy, James 8/25/1866 Mangum, Oklahoma
English, Allie Houston 6/25/1871 Rush Springs, Oklahoma
Eresch, Edward 5/3/1908 Beloit, Kansas
Estes, William C. 10/27/1892 Clovis, New Mexico
Flinchum, James Maxwell 10/31/1890 Calvin, Oklahoma
Flint, William Edwin 1/6/1901 Artesia, New Mexico
Fox, Charles G. 9/14/1880 Wild Horse, Colorado
Fritzlen, George William 11/16/1896 Norton, Kansas
Fry, Paul William 5/28/1890 Chelsea, Oklahoma
Gaines, Oliver 6/5/1887 Howard, Kansas
Garcia, Reginaldo 4/2/1888 Antonito, Colorado
Gilbert, Phillip L. 3/19/1911 Lamar, Colorado
Gottlieb, Sidney S. 11/28/1890 Cubero, New Mexico
Graham, Eugene Broderick 5/1/1899 Holton, Kansas
Guinn, James Henry 12/8/1895 Las Cruces, New Mexico
Hall, William O. 8/26/1890 Deming, New Mexico
Harris, Chesley M. Unknown Sterling, Colorado
Harris, Will Ed. 4/16/1892 Carrizozo, New Mexico
Hartley, Frank N. 9/24/1887 Clayton, New Mexico
Hartman, Frank M. 9/1/1888 Longmont, Colorado
Hartshron, H. L. 3/21/1879 Syracuse, Kansas
Hiatt, Lewis L. 6/11/1876 Grand Summitt, Kansas
Holland, William Edward 9/21/1884 Achille, Oklahoma
Holman, Eben ?/?/1874 Wichita, Kansas
Hughes, Clifford Randolph 11/8/1896 McAlester, Oklahoma
Johnson, E. R. 12/10/1878 Sublette, Kansas
Jones, Louis L. (L.L.) 11/?/1879 Garden City, Kansas
Keough, Miles J. 4/17/1876 Hotchkiss, Colorado
Knott, Wm. E. 12/30/1886 Tucumcari, New Mexico
Lamb, J. A. ?/?/1895 Ridgway, Colorado
Lane, Joe 12/6/1872 Denver, Colorado
Laswell, Otis 8/10/1874 Delia, Kansas
Linger, Earl O. 9/19/1893 Alamosa, Colorado
Linn, Mark O. 1/18/1880 Albuquerque, New Mexico
Long, Alfred H. 1/2/1876 Durango, Colorado
Long, Frederick W. 9/21/1888 Denver, Colorado
Long, Lucius Walter 8/17/1874 Rush Springs, Oklahoma
MacIntosh, Robt. 7/14/1893 Rifle, Colorado
Madsen, Bertel M. 12/26/1879 Brush, Colorado
Maloy, John Nalen 9/15/1882 Okemah, Oklahoma
Marriott, Howard M. 7/14/1887 Utopia, Kansas
McFarland, James F. 4/10/1878 Logan, New Mexico
McGhee, Please Thomas 8/8/1896 Ardmore, Oklahoma
Meaker, Frank 11/14/1884 Montrose, Colorado
Means, Clarence Harland 2/7/1889 Sargent, Colorado
Menifee, Newell D. 9/18/1888 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Middlemist, A. .C. 1/9/1869 Denver, Colorado
Miles, John Edgar 5/5/1867 Denver, Colorado
Monaghan, James 3/19/1891 Meeker, Colorado
Mooney, William F. 4/18/1883 Bernalillo, New Mexico
Mullendore, Claude Harold 7/23/1898 Miami, Oklahoma
Musgrove, W. S. 6/20/1878 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Nitzen, Jess 10/10/1877 Otis, Colorado
Oswald, Casper D. 1/30/1892 Kit Carson, Colorado
Parker, James H. 7/19/1877 Julesburg, Colorado
Patton, Roy Butler 8/3/1897 Porum, Oklahoma
Radcliff, Frank B. 10/1/1890 Cedarvale, Kansas
Ray, Elmer A. 2/1/1893 Antonito, Colorado
Ray, William O. 9/18/1900 Tishomingo, Oklahoma
Reneau, J. Robert 2/28/1897 Carmen, Oklahoma
Robertson, John B. 8/15/1874 Albuquerque, New Mexico
Roper, Wilbur M. 6/9/1897 Pueblo, Colorado
Rose, Orel Granthan 11/?/1875 Ada, Oklahoma
Roundtree, Charles William 6/11/1880 Wichita Falls, Texas
Smith, John M. 6/11/1888 Altus, Oklahoma
Souders, Francis M. 7/2/1881 Sedan, Kansas
Stanley, John Neal 4/12/1897 Dighton, Kansas
Storey, Burr 1/23/1870 Ellsworth, Kansas
Straughan, Archie Benjamin 2/20/1904 East Vaughn, New Mexico
Street, Harold L. 7/10/1899 Sharon, Oklahoma
Strickland, Frank L. 8/21/1871 Roswell, New Mexico
Thorne, Harry 1/22/1881 Roswell, New Mexico
Trujillo, R. E. 6/26/1897 Mosquero, New Mexico
Vincent, James M. 12/4/1876 Hickory, Oklahoma
Walls, Shep R. 4/2/1889 Clovis, New Mexico
Watson, Hollis Gardner 12/16/1889 Artesia, New Mexico
Webber, Gaillard Thomas 11/19/1886 Ada, Oklahoma
Wilson, Robert James 2/20/1895 Meade, Kansas
Wix, J. Hilton 2/16/1897 Meeker, Colorado
Wood, Guy S. 9/15/1893 Akron, Colorado
Yadon, Roscoe B. 10/18/1886 Woodward, Oklahoma