New Items: The Sunflower, by Winter General Hospital, 1944

We were recently gifted two issues of The Sunflower, a little magazine published by Winter General Hospital in Topeka during WWII.   Winter was opened in 1943 to provide medical care to serve soldiers from Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and the Dakotas. The veteran’s hospital specialized in patients with neurological and psychiatric disorders.

The July 22, 1944 issue includes:

  • a description of the medical clinic operation,
  • a story about the first D-Day casualties to arrive at the hospital (Pfc. Guy D. Hamar, Pfc. Boyd Cummingham, Pfc. Charles Avery and Staff Sgt George Kohler)
  • gossip about the patients and staff
  • a profile of “personality of the week” T-5 Jesse D. White
  • a profile of “this week’s interesting patient,” T-4 Kenneth V. Turner
  • and a marriage announcement for Frances Streit and Pfc. Wayne Culburtson

The August 5, 1944 issue includes:

  • a description of the new laundry service — with photos!
  • the names of the 12 performers in the upcoming USO show (Stubby Kaye, Joan Lee, Donna Jean Exline, Jo Clarice Humphrey, Charlotte Ray, Connie Bie, Marlowe Quick, Beverly Peterson, Gloria Gove, Suzanne Wright, Helen Anderson, Jean Broshears, and Rosemarie Beishir)
  • a profile of a “crocheting patient,” Cpl Vincent Mersolias
  • a profile of “personality of the week” S-Sgt Frank McWhirter
  • more gossip
  • introductions to two new Red Cross staff members, Marion Brewer and Helen Huttig
  • a profile of “this week’s interesting patient,” Pvt. John Darcy
  • and a marriage announcement for Mae Blaylock and Pfc. Bill Basye

Good stuff in here!  Come to the library if you’d like to take a look.   And, now that we know they exist, we’d love to have some more of these nifty little magazines!