Our quarterly publication, the "Register" (ISSN 0271-8685), has been published continuously since 1966. Here you will find records and information pertinent to Sedgwick County and the surrounding area, additions to our library as well as additions to the genealogy section of the Wichita Public Library, book reviews, ancestor charts and queries. Publication mailing dates are May 15, August 15, November 15, and February 15. Recent issues are available for $3.75 (US Dollars only) each, postpaid.
Queries: Members may submit two queries per issue. Non-member queries are $1.50 (US Dollars only) each or $2.75 (US Dollars only) with a copy of the "Register" in which the query appears.
Submissions: Members are encouraged to submit a five generation pedigree chart or ahnentafel chart for publication.
Send queries and submissions to: "Register" Editor, Midwest Historical and Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 1121, Wichita, KS 67201-1121. Include date and your signature with "permission to publish". All material for publication is subject to editing. Every effort will be made to publish accurate material. Midwest Historical and Genealogical Society and the editor will not assume responsibility for errors on the part of the contributor. We are not responsible for publishing rights of contributed material. MHGS does not buy articles for publication.
Advertising space is sold in 2-1/2" × 2-1/2" block units, (12 blocks per page). Cost for a single block is $5.00 (US Dollars only) per issue. Contact the editor for additional information.
The library/office is located at 1203 North Main, Wichita, KS. Our phone number is 316-264-3611.
Topical Index by Issue for the Midwest Historical and Genealogical Register, through 1996 has been published. With this publication, you will know all of the records, research aids, etc. published in the REGISTER since the first issue. The Index is 27 pages, paper cover and available postpaid for $4.50(US Dollars only). KS residence add destination tax (state, county and city sales tax for you place of residence). Order from Midwest Historical and Genealogical Society, Inc., P.O. Box 1121, Wichita, KS 67201-1121.
by Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society as part of the KSGenWeb
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