Snapshot of large bridge with lions. Handwritten label on back says "Taken 3-8-14 Bridge on Connecticut Avenue across Rock Creek. Cost $1,000,000 . It is said that Congress put up this bridge for the benefit of the DC real estate grafters."
Snapshot of the US Capitol. Handwritten label on back says "Taken 3-8-14. U.S. Capitol Taken from the southeast portion of the Capitol Grounds. Looking northwest."
Snapshot of a tour boat docked on a river. Handwritten label on back says "Taken 4-10-14. 'Charles MacAlester' This boat runs between Washington and Mt Vernon. It also goes to the pleasure resort, Marshall's Hall, just across the river from Mt Vernon. Have had 5 or 6 rides on this boat. Mt vernon is about 20 miles from Washington and like about 100 minutes to make the trip."
Snapshot of a large government building and the Washington Monument. Handwritten label on back says "Taken 3-4-14 Taken on top of Bureau of Chemistry (216 13 st S.W. showing the West Wing of the Agricultural Building and Washington's Monument. Looking northwest."
Snapshot of a large government building. Handwritten label on back says "Taken 3-15-14 State, War, and Navy Building showing south front and east side. This building is just west of the White House."