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Genealogical Society

Wichita, Kansas

Midwest Historical and Genealogical Society has a number of Sedgwick County, KS marriage affidavits in their library. (Some of the affidavits from the 1870's and 1880's are missing from the files even though the names appear in the index). MHGS has copies of the marriage returns for 1882 and 1883, then 1885 through April 1913. These contain the same information as the affidavits along with when the marriage was performed and by whom.

Here you can access a marriage index covering Books A through Z, 9 May, 1870 to 24 May 1922. If you would like a copy of any affidavit we have, please send a SASE along with $5.00 (US Dollars only) for each affidavit to: MHGS, P. O. Box 1121, Wichita, KS 67201-1121. You must include the names of the bride and groom, the date, Book and page number or our committee will be unable to fulfill your request.

If there is no date in the date column there was no return made to Probate Court that the marriage was performed. From April 1, 1915 to May 28, 1917 (R405 through T386) no marriages were recorded in Sedgwick County, only that application was made for a license. These must be obtained from Vital Statistics in Topeka.

Index courtesy of Bill Pennington.

A -B

C - E

F - H

I - L

M - O

P - R

S - T

U - Z

Here you can access a marriage index covering Books AA through JJ, 24 May, 1922 to 25 Nov. 1933. If you would like a copy of any affidavit we have, please send a SASE along with $5.00 (US Dollars only) for each affidavit to: MHGS, P. O. Box 1121, Wichita, KS 67201-1121. You must include the names of the bride and groom, the date, Book and page number or our committee will be unable to fulfill your request.

If there is no date in the date column there was no return made to Probate Court that the marriage was performed.

Index courtesy of Bill Pennington.

A -B

C - E

F - H

I - L

M - O

P - R

S - T

U - Z

Here you can access a marriage index covering Books AA through QQ, 24 May, 1922 to December 1941. If you would like a copy of any affidavit we have, please send a SASE along with $5.00 (US Dollars only) for each affidavit to: MHGS, P. O. Box 1121, Wichita, KS 67201-1121. You must include the names of the bride and groom, the date, Book and page number or our committee will be unable to fulfill your request.

Index courtesy of Bill Pennington.

A B-Bell Belo-Boyd Boye-Buf Bug-Bys C-Clara Clark-Coult Coun-Daw
Day-Dum Dun-E F-Frey Fri-Goodlow Goodman-Ham Hamm-Henc Hend-Hop Hor-Hy
I-Jones Jonk-Kom Kon-Lewe Lewis-Ly M-Maz Mc Me-Moon Moone-My
N-O P-Piz Pl-Raz Rea-Robertson Robey-Ryun S-Sharon Sharp-Smis Smith-So
Sp-Stroe Stroh-Th Ti-Ty U-Walton Waltrip-Wes Wet-Williams Williard-Wu Wy-Z




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