Midwest Historical and Genealogical Society

Wichita, KS
MHGS Library - external photograph

About Us

The Midwest Historical and Genealogical Society collects, preserves and distributes genealogical and historical information, with emphasis on the preservation of Sedgwick County, Kansas heritage. MHGS was started in 1966 by concerned citizens of the community who recognized the need for a genealogical organization to fulfill that mission. The society is conducted as a non-profit educational organization under Internal Revenue Code, Section 501(c)(3), operating as a corporation, with current bylaws and standing rules. MHGS is a non-profit organization with no ethnic, age or racial restrictions.

Midwest Historical and Genealogical Society library is open most Tuesdays and most Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. (check the calendar for closings). The library is operated by an all volunteer staff. If you have a few hours a month that you could volunteer please contact us and we will match your skills and talents to our needs. Because our staff is limited, when requesting copies of any of our material, please allow four weeks for MHGS to receive and process your request.

For further information on the Society or membership, please call (316) 264-3611 (during business hours) or send a SASE to: Midwest Historical and Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 1121, Wichita, KS 67201-1121 or stop by the library at 1203 North Main, Wichita, KS. E-mail: info@mhgswichita.org.

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