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Genealogical Society

Wichita, Kansas

Midwest Historical and Genealogical Society is pleased to present transcriptions of school year books.

Wichita High School East located in Wichita, KS

Courtesy of Curtis Brown

Seniors 1924

Margaret Alexander Leroy Edwards Victor Lauchland Mildred Ruby Ray Wyckoff
Leilia Alfstad Lois Elliott Louise Lavendar Mary Rue Neva Yokley
Joe Allen May Emmitt Robert Lawrence Ronald Ruland Carril Young
Blanche May Alyea Roy Engel Burnice Lefler Marjorie Rush Orville Young
Ernest Anderson Henry English Eleanor Leland Elsie Russell William Youngmeyer
Isis Anthony Cecil Ensign Edith Lewis Beryl Rutledge Carolyn Yungmeyer
Neva Arnold Katherine Erker Blanche Lipp Marion Rutledge Harold Zerkle
Ethel Arrington Maurice Evans Fred Ross Little De Witt Saxe Helen Parker
Herbert Asman Vena Falkner William Lloyd Lucille Shanklin Joseph Cohn
William Attwater Reginald Fergeson Mildred Long Herma Shallmo Nell Suddith
Theodore Axtell Meta Ferguson Horace Luckow Genvieve Seibert
Katherine Baird Leah Fetherston Lucille Ludlam John Scott
Hazel Lee Baker Vivian Finch Victor Maddux Lillian Schweiter
Billy Barnhart Maxine Fisher Fred Madison Charles Schumacher
Fred Barton Mary Foley Pauline Mallonee Helena Susanna Schmidt
Virginia Bassett Alice Mae Forney Helen June Martin Laura Schmidt
Howard Beeler Harold Fortney Lester Martin Minerva Schmitt
Elmer Beloof Dorris Fox Melvin Allen Martin Charles Sharp
Pearl Bense John French Beatrice Massey Edith Mae Sheets
Theodore Berntsen Mabel Frost Jennie Matassarin Oren Shelley
Lora Bertholf Louise Fulton Creigh Mateer Nelson Shepherd
Blanche Bickel Eleanor Fulton Charles Maxwell Vere Shiffert
Vernon Blandin Julius Gadeke Frank McAnany Elizabeth Sholl
Albert Blasé Alice Garnett Ray McBratney George Shuker
Velma Blazier Ruth Garrison Pearl McCague Alice Shultise
Lucile Bodenhamer Leona Marguerite Gates Harriet Ione McCarter Viola Siedhoff
Dorothea Bordner Basil Irene Gaulding Thomas McCarty Nellie Sims
Lucile Bower Ralph George Krelia edith McChesney Ormal Arden Sinkhorn
Lynn Bowers Margaret Gerteis Evelyn McClanahan Ira Smith
Alice Bowman Madolin Gibbs Randolph McCluggage James C. Smith
Virginia Bowman Marie Gill Nellie McComb Floyd Smith
John Boyer Grace Gist Robert McCormick Robert Smith
Joseph Brandon John Godby Beatrice McDavitt Florence Snyder
Kenneth Brasted Irene Grady Gertrude McHarg Regina Snyder
Ernestine Brehm Berton Goin June McIntire Helen Amelia Spark
Gladys Brewer Blanche Graves Harold McIntyre Iva Sproul
William Briggs Zelma Green Marion McNabb Harvey Spurrier
Clark Brown Thomas Grieb Virginia Meek Margaret Starr
Fern Brown Maynard Groth Elmer Miller Frieda Starr
Gladys Bruner John Grove G. Lawrence Miller Verda Stayton
Willie Madge Bryant Dessa Guettsche Beatrice Mitchell Ruth Stearman
Ralph Budd Anna Mae Gunther Burdette Mitchell Anna Stearns
Lloyd R. Bump George Fred Haas Grace Montgomery Carl Steck
Ruth Burkett Erma Hafer Maxine Moore Karl Stephenson
Leona Calhoun Marjorie Hagerman Naomi Morton Gladys Stephenson
Laiten Camien Mary Hall Leonard Mustoe Eli Stevens
Ralph Camp Helen Hamilton Helen Myers John Stinson
Elizabeth Campbell Beatrice Hampton Elizabeth Nesbit Fred Stockert
Carlyle Carlson Eunice Hankins Edna Nickel Bert Stofer
Horace Carothers Elizabeth Hanson Acklin Nordyke Temple Stoops
Esther Carter Vera Harris Ted Nordyke Fern Straw
Louise Chalfant George Harrison D. Norfleet Annis Strickland
Mildred Channer Leota Haywood Elizabeth Offenstein Mossie Stuckey
F. Rea Chapman Ross Henderson Mildred Orr Murlin Stutsman
Severy Chase Hazel Hendrix Frances Orebaugh Elizabeth Sweet
Pearl Chilton Kathryn Henry Raymond Overly Carl Swanson
Benjamin Chisholm Ralph Herman Lucille Page Bernadine Swope
Glenna Clifford Thomas M. Herman Meryl Pammenter Charles Synnamon
Miriam Cohn Carl Hervey Harryette Paswater Carolyn Sawyer
Gail Cole Craig Hilton Everett Paup Wendell Tate
Roberta Compton Doris Holley Carlos Pease Evah Ruth Tatman
Clarence Comstock Helen Hornecker Esther Peebler Leila Taylor
Elizabeth Copley Dorothy Jean Horwitz Lenore Pennington James Taylor
Josephine Cowles George Houston Esther Pennock Russell Taylor
Belma Cox Pauline Howes Ellise Phares Thelma Taylor
Thomas Cox Joe Hoye Milford Pierpont Earl Thompson
Lois Crandall Lindley Hughes Oran Pinkston Dorsett Thompson
Wauketa Craw Bryce Huguenin Margaret Jane Pickrell Mary Thompson
Francis Craw Erma Hulen Ruth Plant Hermina Tilma
Mary Crosby Sidney Humphrey William Alden Powell Helen Ulsh
Ardie Curtis Frances Ellen Hutchinson Algia Porterfield Marion Van Ordstrand
Lillian Daniels Paul Inman Marvin Porter Florence Van Syckle
Clara Davis Wayne H. Ioerger Clarice Porter Louise Vesper
Dorothy Mae Davis Ida Ion Pearl Posey Alberta Voth
Harold Davis Courtney Ireland Aileen Poundstone Harold Walker
Richard Davis Ruth Israel Eva Pray Catherine Wallace
Robert Davis Josephine Issitt Fern Precesang John Waller
Alva Dawson Beulah Jack La Verne Prentice Howard Walton
George Dean Haskell Jacques Winnifred Proffitt Carl Watkins
Hayne Dermid Meredith Jocelyn Anne Elizabeth Quick Irene Way
George De Vorss Pauline Johnson Julian Ralston Beryl Webb
Robert Dice Ralph Johnson Lela Rash Edith Weed
Virginia M. Dickerson Bessie Johnston Cleatha Ray Richard Whelan
William Dickerson Gladys Delours Jones Dorothy Rea Bruce White
Mae Forest Dickson Harriette Jones Mary Helen Reathaford Fred White
Charles V. Dixon Ila Jones Ralph Reed Mary Whitmore
Juanita Dixon George Kautz Martha Reese Lawrence Wilbur
Denzil Doane Dora Keach Gilga Reynolds Faye Wiley
Neva Doane Marie Keith Harold Reynolds Margaret Wilkie
Jacqueline Hope Dolph Vera Kelly Claudine Richardson Helene Williams
Richard Dold Dorothy Kincade Stanley Rittenoure Homer Williams
Geneva Donaldson Violet Kinder Hazel Roark La Verne Williams
Iverna Dorr Lola Kinyon William Roblyer Marguerite Williams
Edra Doughty Ruth Knapp Louise Robinson Frances Williamson
Bob Drake Charles Knorr Arthur Rochester Sam Willis
Harry Dreyer Dora Kuhlman Frederic Roehr Alfred Wilson
Karl Bernard Drowatzky Ida Mae Kunkle Herbert Roll Pauline Wisler
James Dye Sallie Lahey Blanche Rosecrants Nina Wood
Clyde Eckhardt Lorence Laird Helen Rothwell Paul Houston Woods
Earl Edwards Faith Lansdowne Edna Rowe Helen Wooten


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