Midwest Historical and Genealogical Society is pleased to present transcriptions of school year books.
Wichita High School East located in Wichita, KS
Courtesy of Curtis Brown
Seniors 1924
Margaret Alexander | Leroy Edwards | Victor Lauchland | Mildred Ruby | Ray Wyckoff |
Leilia Alfstad | Lois Elliott | Louise Lavendar | Mary Rue | Neva Yokley |
Joe Allen | May Emmitt | Robert Lawrence | Ronald Ruland | Carril Young |
Blanche May Alyea | Roy Engel | Burnice Lefler | Marjorie Rush | Orville Young |
Ernest Anderson | Henry English | Eleanor Leland | Elsie Russell | William Youngmeyer |
Isis Anthony | Cecil Ensign | Edith Lewis | Beryl Rutledge | Carolyn Yungmeyer |
Neva Arnold | Katherine Erker | Blanche Lipp | Marion Rutledge | Harold Zerkle |
Ethel Arrington | Maurice Evans | Fred Ross Little | De Witt Saxe | Helen Parker |
Herbert Asman | Vena Falkner | William Lloyd | Lucille Shanklin | Joseph Cohn |
William Attwater | Reginald Fergeson | Mildred Long | Herma Shallmo | Nell Suddith |
Theodore Axtell | Meta Ferguson | Horace Luckow | Genvieve Seibert | |
Katherine Baird | Leah Fetherston | Lucille Ludlam | John Scott | |
Hazel Lee Baker | Vivian Finch | Victor Maddux | Lillian Schweiter | |
Billy Barnhart | Maxine Fisher | Fred Madison | Charles Schumacher | |
Fred Barton | Mary Foley | Pauline Mallonee | Helena Susanna Schmidt | |
Virginia Bassett | Alice Mae Forney | Helen June Martin | Laura Schmidt | |
Howard Beeler | Harold Fortney | Lester Martin | Minerva Schmitt | |
Elmer Beloof | Dorris Fox | Melvin Allen Martin | Charles Sharp | |
Pearl Bense | John French | Beatrice Massey | Edith Mae Sheets | |
Theodore Berntsen | Mabel Frost | Jennie Matassarin | Oren Shelley | |
Lora Bertholf | Louise Fulton | Creigh Mateer | Nelson Shepherd | |
Blanche Bickel | Eleanor Fulton | Charles Maxwell | Vere Shiffert | |
Vernon Blandin | Julius Gadeke | Frank McAnany | Elizabeth Sholl | |
Albert Blasé | Alice Garnett | Ray McBratney | George Shuker | |
Velma Blazier | Ruth Garrison | Pearl McCague | Alice Shultise | |
Lucile Bodenhamer | Leona Marguerite Gates | Harriet Ione McCarter | Viola Siedhoff | |
Dorothea Bordner | Basil Irene Gaulding | Thomas McCarty | Nellie Sims | |
Lucile Bower | Ralph George | Krelia edith McChesney | Ormal Arden Sinkhorn | |
Lynn Bowers | Margaret Gerteis | Evelyn McClanahan | Ira Smith | |
Alice Bowman | Madolin Gibbs | Randolph McCluggage | James C. Smith | |
Virginia Bowman | Marie Gill | Nellie McComb | Floyd Smith | |
John Boyer | Grace Gist | Robert McCormick | Robert Smith | |
Joseph Brandon | John Godby | Beatrice McDavitt | Florence Snyder | |
Kenneth Brasted | Irene Grady | Gertrude McHarg | Regina Snyder | |
Ernestine Brehm | Berton Goin | June McIntire | Helen Amelia Spark | |
Gladys Brewer | Blanche Graves | Harold McIntyre | Iva Sproul | |
William Briggs | Zelma Green | Marion McNabb | Harvey Spurrier | |
Clark Brown | Thomas Grieb | Virginia Meek | Margaret Starr | |
Fern Brown | Maynard Groth | Elmer Miller | Frieda Starr | |
Gladys Bruner | John Grove | G. Lawrence Miller | Verda Stayton | |
Willie Madge Bryant | Dessa Guettsche | Beatrice Mitchell | Ruth Stearman | |
Ralph Budd | Anna Mae Gunther | Burdette Mitchell | Anna Stearns | |
Lloyd R. Bump | George Fred Haas | Grace Montgomery | Carl Steck | |
Ruth Burkett | Erma Hafer | Maxine Moore | Karl Stephenson | |
Leona Calhoun | Marjorie Hagerman | Naomi Morton | Gladys Stephenson | |
Laiten Camien | Mary Hall | Leonard Mustoe | Eli Stevens | |
Ralph Camp | Helen Hamilton | Helen Myers | John Stinson | |
Elizabeth Campbell | Beatrice Hampton | Elizabeth Nesbit | Fred Stockert | |
Carlyle Carlson | Eunice Hankins | Edna Nickel | Bert Stofer | |
Horace Carothers | Elizabeth Hanson | Acklin Nordyke | Temple Stoops | |
Esther Carter | Vera Harris | Ted Nordyke | Fern Straw | |
Louise Chalfant | George Harrison | D. Norfleet | Annis Strickland | |
Mildred Channer | Leota Haywood | Elizabeth Offenstein | Mossie Stuckey | |
F. Rea Chapman | Ross Henderson | Mildred Orr | Murlin Stutsman | |
Severy Chase | Hazel Hendrix | Frances Orebaugh | Elizabeth Sweet | |
Pearl Chilton | Kathryn Henry | Raymond Overly | Carl Swanson | |
Benjamin Chisholm | Ralph Herman | Lucille Page | Bernadine Swope | |
Glenna Clifford | Thomas M. Herman | Meryl Pammenter | Charles Synnamon | |
Miriam Cohn | Carl Hervey | Harryette Paswater | Carolyn Sawyer | |
Gail Cole | Craig Hilton | Everett Paup | Wendell Tate | |
Roberta Compton | Doris Holley | Carlos Pease | Evah Ruth Tatman | |
Clarence Comstock | Helen Hornecker | Esther Peebler | Leila Taylor | |
Elizabeth Copley | Dorothy Jean Horwitz | Lenore Pennington | James Taylor | |
Josephine Cowles | George Houston | Esther Pennock | Russell Taylor | |
Belma Cox | Pauline Howes | Ellise Phares | Thelma Taylor | |
Thomas Cox | Joe Hoye | Milford Pierpont | Earl Thompson | |
Lois Crandall | Lindley Hughes | Oran Pinkston | Dorsett Thompson | |
Wauketa Craw | Bryce Huguenin | Margaret Jane Pickrell | Mary Thompson | |
Francis Craw | Erma Hulen | Ruth Plant | Hermina Tilma | |
Mary Crosby | Sidney Humphrey | William Alden Powell | Helen Ulsh | |
Ardie Curtis | Frances Ellen Hutchinson | Algia Porterfield | Marion Van Ordstrand | |
Lillian Daniels | Paul Inman | Marvin Porter | Florence Van Syckle | |
Clara Davis | Wayne H. Ioerger | Clarice Porter | Louise Vesper | |
Dorothy Mae Davis | Ida Ion | Pearl Posey | Alberta Voth | |
Harold Davis | Courtney Ireland | Aileen Poundstone | Harold Walker | |
Richard Davis | Ruth Israel | Eva Pray | Catherine Wallace | |
Robert Davis | Josephine Issitt | Fern Precesang | John Waller | |
Alva Dawson | Beulah Jack | La Verne Prentice | Howard Walton | |
George Dean | Haskell Jacques | Winnifred Proffitt | Carl Watkins | |
Hayne Dermid | Meredith Jocelyn | Anne Elizabeth Quick | Irene Way | |
George De Vorss | Pauline Johnson | Julian Ralston | Beryl Webb | |
Robert Dice | Ralph Johnson | Lela Rash | Edith Weed | |
Virginia M. Dickerson | Bessie Johnston | Cleatha Ray | Richard Whelan | |
William Dickerson | Gladys Delours Jones | Dorothy Rea | Bruce White | |
Mae Forest Dickson | Harriette Jones | Mary Helen Reathaford | Fred White | |
Charles V. Dixon | Ila Jones | Ralph Reed | Mary Whitmore | |
Juanita Dixon | George Kautz | Martha Reese | Lawrence Wilbur | |
Denzil Doane | Dora Keach | Gilga Reynolds | Faye Wiley | |
Neva Doane | Marie Keith | Harold Reynolds | Margaret Wilkie | |
Jacqueline Hope Dolph | Vera Kelly | Claudine Richardson | Helene Williams | |
Richard Dold | Dorothy Kincade | Stanley Rittenoure | Homer Williams | |
Geneva Donaldson | Violet Kinder | Hazel Roark | La Verne Williams | |
Iverna Dorr | Lola Kinyon | William Roblyer | Marguerite Williams | |
Edra Doughty | Ruth Knapp | Louise Robinson | Frances Williamson | |
Bob Drake | Charles Knorr | Arthur Rochester | Sam Willis | |
Harry Dreyer | Dora Kuhlman | Frederic Roehr | Alfred Wilson | |
Karl Bernard Drowatzky | Ida Mae Kunkle | Herbert Roll | Pauline Wisler | |
James Dye | Sallie Lahey | Blanche Rosecrants | Nina Wood | |
Clyde Eckhardt | Lorence Laird | Helen Rothwell | Paul Houston Woods | |
Earl Edwards | Faith Lansdowne | Edna Rowe | Helen Wooten |