Midwest Historical and Genealogical Society is pleased to present transcriptions of school year books.
Wichita High School East located in Wichita, KS
Courtesy of Curtis Brown
Seniors 1923
Aaron Abelard | Gertrude Bernice Doughty | Kemps Kirkpatrick | Elizabeth K. Pinney | Viola Elizabeth Waters |
Catherine Adams | Theodore Draper | Lawrence Klintworth | Kathryn Irene Pohlman | Harold Kenneth Watson |
Thelma Faye Albin | Ernestine Mary Drowatzky | Virginia Kniseley | Vernon Carlyle Porter | La Vergne Wear |
Helen Alexander | Mark L. Drowatzky | Olive Kooken | Hortense Mabel Potter | Helen Boyton Webb |
Meradith Almond | Harvey Melvin Dreyer | Margaret Kopf | Naomi Potter | Oletha Weddle |
Alice Ames | Elva Mauretta Dull | Gladys Krouse | George Pottorff | Joe West |
Eleanor Anderson | Bernice Dumbolton | Marline Lander | Dallas Meyer Potts | Jack Wheeler |
Grace Anderson | Raymond Harry Dumont | Dororthy Lauder | George Bristow Powers | Chester Whitten |
Mary Anderson | Dorothy Leona Dunn | Elizabeth Lavin | Clarence Price | Rex Whitlock |
Nettie Allis Anderson | Ruth Durling | Estrella Law | Fred Prothero | Raymond Whitmore |
Ray Ashworth | Sylvia Beatrice Eastman | Ewing V. Lawrence | William Purves | Kenneth W. Wiand |
Wava Lorene Bachman | Alma Eberhardt | Ruby Elizabeth Leaman | Opal Quane | Germaine Wickersham |
Erma Baldwin | Arthur Eberhardt | Nathan Richard Leben | Thearl Kenneth Randle | George M. Wiedeman |
Augusta Mae Ball | Earl Jr. Elliott | Earl Kenneth Leland | Clyde Rea | Anna Wilson |
Mildred Ball | Frank Emery | James Leslie | Bernice Reagor | Beulah Wilson |
Ruth Barnhisel | George Hoffman Ewing | Fred William Lewis | Marietta Redman | Constance Wilson |
Helen Millard Bassett | George Willard Ewing | Helen Lidell | Clarence Reese | Lorena Wilson |
Arline Beeler | Ruth Merle Fair | Karolina Lidell | Leelah Richards | Walter Wilson |
Virginia Bell | Hazel Marie Fasnacht | Albertina Linder | David Riddle | Clara Winesberry |
Loy Charles Benedict | Lois Fetherston | Virgil Linot | Frank M. Riddle | Everett Wolfe |
Evelyn Bennett | Juanda Naomi Findeiss | Harold Lee Roy Linscott | Fern Beatrice Riggs | Marion Wolfe |
Mildred Bertrand | Cecil Paul Foote | Howard Lipp | Harley Riggs | Rose Alice Wolfe |
La Ruba Carene Billings | Russell Kenneth Fortney | Catherine Litsey | Margaret Riley | Marguerite Wolfe |
Howard John Black | Zella Florence Foster | Freeman Long | Whitney Rinker | Molly Wolkow |
Daphne Dell Blackwell | Gertrude Louise Fraser | Glenna Irene Long | Margaret Roberts | Ethel Rose Wolkow |
Vessie May Blaine | Fern Gladness Friend | Edward Love | Charles J. Rodney | Isis Woodward |
Ruth Blakely | Bertha Gertrude Fruhauf | Margaret Lozier | Mae Joy Rogers | Amos Wright |
Robert Long Boggs | Glenn Elbert Fuller | Erma Ludeman | Sanderson Root | Cusil Wright |
Opal Iola Bohnert | Myron Augustus Gale | Allen Mallory | Frances Fleming Ross | Vester Wright |
Opal Mae Bostick | Sydnie Inez Gardiner | Thenell Arlene Mann | John Ross | John William Yancy |
Lawrence A. Bosworth | Verna Mable Gardner | Frank Markwell | Nina Ross | Gwendolyn Yeagy |
Theodore Boterf | Leon Walker Garnett | Dorothy Marshall | Edwin M. Rosser | Verne Yoho |
Betty Rachel Bowman | Lillian Garrett | George Marshall | Hazel Fern Royse | Glenn Yokely |
Mary Pauline Bowman | Rhea Samantha Garrison | John Marshall | Theodore Runyan | Loren Young |
Zeno Brewer | Ethel Mae Gaskill | Mamie Martin | Beulah Russel | Elizabeth Youngmeyer |
Gladys Elvia Brinker | Glendena Gingerich | Robert Massey | Grace Elizabeth Rutledge | |
Paul Broadus | Virginia Miriam Goldsmith | Clay Mathers | Neva Marie Rutkowski | |
Lawrence Brockway | Catherine Rebecca Grable | Thomas McCoy Matney | Margaret E. Rynders | |
Martha Leona Brodbeck | Gwendolyn Graham | May Mabel | Marguerite Sabanos | |
Alberta Brown | Kenneth Graham | Robert S. Mayberry | Clyde Samuel | |
Ethel Charlotte Brown | Opal Bessie Graves | Helen Mayfield | Bernice Ella Sanders | |
Hiawatha Brown | George Abbett Gray | Charles H. McAleer | Josephine Sarver | |
Laura Brown | Kenneth Maxson Greider | Mildred McCafferty | Geraldine Maud Sauer | |
Ralph Brown | Mildred Griffin | Mildred E. McCaslin | Clovis Saunders | |
Vesta Pauline Brown | Vera Marjorie Grinstead | Margaret McClintock | Pauline Jenny Schaeffer | |
Wesley William Brown | Carolyn Augusta Gruger | Russell E. McClure | Wilma Schneider | |
John Brummett | Evelyn Gsell | Winston McClure | Cora E. Schuenemann | |
Nellie Maude Brunk | Garnett Gunter | Frances McCoin | Josephine Schuerhoff | |
Gilbert G. Buck | Carleton Edwin Hadley | John Bush McCormick | Roy Schumacher | |
Don Buechel | Forrest Hale | James McCune | Sheldon Scott | |
Louise Buechel | Evelyn Lucile Hall | Minnie McDow | Ruth Carolyn Secrest | |
Virgil Milton Burnett | Mary Belle Hall | Glen McHarg | Delmar Seidle | |
Bernice Faye Burney | Faye La Mote Hankins | Paul Garver McHargue | Hazel H. Shafer | |
Edward Bilsing Burton | Vera Viola Hankins | Gladys McKee | Curtis Shannon | |
Ruth Butler | Leefa Myrl Harnish | Ernestine McMahon | Neil Marsh Sharon | |
Feth Butts | Mac George Harrell | Gwendolyn McMullan | Dean Shearer | |
Loren B. Calhoon | Faye Harrover | Bertha McRoberts | John Shepherd | |
Alfred Campbell | Charles E. Harwood | Loreta Mead | Ernest R. Siefkin | |
Melba Campbell | Vera Harfield | Gladys Meador | Paul Simpson | |
Gladys Cantrill | Mildred Eloise Hauser | Caroline Means | Josephine Sites | |
Blanche Carter | La Verne Russell Hauser | Doris Pauline Middaugh | Thelma Skaer | |
Mary E. Cartwright | Rena Marie Hays | Wayne Mill | Sythia Skinell | |
Frieda Naomi Case | Pauline Hennigh | Francis A. Miller | Violet Smart | |
Tracy John Catlin | Julia Louise Hex | Irene M. Miller | Clifford Smith | |
Mildred Chance | James S. Hibband | Katherine Miller | Gail Smith | |
Dorothy I. Chandler | Opal Hickcox | Maurice M. Miller | Goldie Smith | |
Melvina May Chapman | Edward Hiltner | Wilma Milligan | Harold Brooks Smith | |
Queenie Esther Chapman | William Histed | Opal Bernice Mills | Donnabel Smyser | |
Roy B. Chipps | Russell Hite | Lucile N. Montgomery | Audrey Melvin Solliday | |
Thyra Aline Chisholm | Hazel Vernetta Hoag | Leo Clark Morgan | Lawrence Songer | |
Ethel Louise Chowning | Eunice Hobson | Thomas Morgan | Mabel Stanley | |
Russell Christman | Helene Vivian Hood | Lee Morrison | Lois Stebbins | |
Robert Julian Clark | Charles Houseman | Lorena Opal Morrison | Vernon Steenrod | |
Eugene Marius Cleaves | Ray Huston | Kenneth Mowrer | Ferol Stevens | |
Earl Barrington Clemings | Theodore Houston | Blanche Eileen Mundell | Almeron Willis Stillwell | |
Lindley Kraven Clemings | Vera Frances Howard | Gerald Nebergall | Neva Stinson | |
Laura La Vergne Coe | Gale Huber | Artaruth Neill | Bernard Stone | |
Harry Colberg | Ben Hull | Wallace Arnold Nelson | Harold Strahn | |
Arthur Collete | Cecil Hunter | Ruth Newby | Carolyn Suhm | |
Thora Collins | Fred William Huston | Blaine Newcomb | Virginia Talbott | |
Moneta Cooley | Leslie Huxtable | Clyde Nibarger | Cosette Vera Taylor | |
Kermit Carleton Corzine | Wilber Hysom | Alberta Faye Nininger | Edrie Rennah Thomas | |
Merle Coulson | Wendell Jaquith | Mabel Lorena Nixon | Homer Thomas | |
Luberta Craig | Ruby Jenner | Beatrice Rosolynde Odell | Orvis Thuma | |
Marie Craig | Helen Antonia Johns | Fred John Osborne | Edwin Titt | |
Earl Franklin Cross | Catherine Hattie Johnson | Peggy Paddock | Lorna Tobiason | |
Louva Imogene Crum | Edward Johnson | Mabell Page | Mary Esther Townsley | |
Walter Curry | Florence Johnson | Dean Palmer | Byron Wayne Travis | |
Freida Cuthbertson | Wanda Avis Johnson | Robert Parker | Aurel Troup | |
Pauline Cuykendall | Gertrude Vernelia Jones | Lillian Mae Parks | Louise Lucile Van Arsdale | |
Carl Dadisman | Margaret Jane Judkins | Gladys Parrish | Evelyn K. Van Cleve | |
Rexford Vernon Daniels | Sherman Kamen | Arch D. Paup | Lawrence E. Van Order | |
Roland Daniels | Jeanette Kamenesky | Adelaide Paxton | Madalon Wagner | |
Lucile Daratt | Irene Kelley | Pauline E. Paxton | Marie Susie Wagner | |
Vernon Edward Davies | Louise Margaret Kelly | Frances Payne | Eddyth Walker | |
Beverly Davis | Pearl Kennedy | Loyd Peacock | Laurance Wallace | |
Arthur De Grafenread | Kenneth Kerley | Rizina Rebecca Pechin | Loren Walter | |
Bernedette Delehoy | Kenneth Ketzler | Roy Peebler | Louise Walz | |
John Dirks | Myrtle Kimpton | Karl Peters | Florence Waples | |
James Virgil Ditch | Albert Kipfer | Lillian Marie Pfanschmidt | Gladys Warne |
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