


ns………………………………………….north side





bdgh…………………………………boarding house











p o…………………………………….…post office








rlest……………………………………….real estate









Doug……………………………….Douglas avenue

ss………………………………………….south side


se…………………………………………south east



es…………………………………………..east side

sw………………………………………..south west












ws………………………………………….west side






The word “street” or “avenue” is implied



Aandun, John, wks European Hotel

Aaron, Daniel W., carp, r 1054 n Mosley

Abbett, Prof Henry W., r 921 e Third

Abbett, Stewart R., stu Lewis acad, r 921 e Third

Abbey, Miss Effie, wks cracker factory, r 1013 Ida

Abbott, Mrs. Belle, laundress, r 247 n Washington

Abbott, Clement H., contr, r 429 n Lawrence

Abbott, Eddie, gardener, r 1205 Cleveland

Abbott, Ernest V., bkpr Chicago lum co, r 429 n Lawrence

Abbott, Frank, servant, 120 w William

Abbott, Frank S., clk Robinson & Champion, r 429 n Lawrence

Abbott, Henry, gardener, r 1205 Cleveland

Abbott, John, gardener, r 1205 Cleveland

Abbott, Lew S., bkpr S D Pallett, r 1230 s Fifth

Abbott, Thomas, gardener, r 1205 Cleveland

Abbott, Thomas Jr., gardener, r 1205 Cleveland

Abbott, W., stu Southwestern business college

Abbott, William, news agt W W Ry, r 1205 Cleveland

Abel, Mrs. M. I., rms 339 s Lawrence

Abele, Frank W., cashier W & W Ry, r 255 n Ohio

Abell, Miss Lyde M., teacher Lewis acad, bds 243 n Lawrence

Abernathy, Hopkins, stud, r 1140 n Mead

Abernathy, Samuel S., lab, r 1140 n Mead

Abrams, Levi M, (Brice & Abrams), rms same

Ackerman, D., krout & cab’ge, J O Chapmann, agt, at 211 n Main

Ackerman, Daniel E., pork packer, r w Second near bridge

Ackerman, F. J. & Co, J. A. Clark, rlest & l’ns, rm 7, ab 211 n Main

Ackerman, Frank J., (F. J. A & Co) mngr W P Sand Co, r w Second, near bridge

Ackerman, Fred L., (Slade & A), rms 218 S Emporia

Ackerman, John H., r w Second near bridge

Ackerman, Joseph, pork packer, r w Second near bridge

Ackerman, Miss Mary T., r w Second near bridge

Acme Printing House, E. H. Brown, prop, Percy Longlands,, mngr, ab 410 E Doug

Acuff, Chas M., tinner, 117 N Main, r 250 w Morris

Adams, A., lab Whittaker Packing Co

Adams, Alvin S., house cleaner, r 335 n Mosley

Adams, Miss Anna, wks Cottage House

Adams, Austin, engineer, r 703 e Central

Adams, Bonny, clk, r 517 n Fourth

Adams, Chas E., carp, Sternberg, r Beacon and Fifteenth

Adams, Chas L., (Frank A. Cooper & Co), r 355 n Riverview

Adams, Chester F., Sr., teacher S B College, r 346 Fannie

Adams, Chester F., Jr., clk Bennett Bros, r 346 s Fannie

Adams, David, electric belts, r 619 n Mead

Adams, Edward, photographer, 151 n Main, bds 231 s Water

Adams, Elma, stu S B College, r Garnett, Kansas

Adams, Elmer W., student high school, bds 1521 n Lawrence

Adams Express Company, E. A. Palmer, agent, 120 n Market

Adams, Ezekil L., plumber, wks 140 n Market r 608 n Waco

Adams, Frank B., jeweler, 145 n Main, rms same

Adams, F. C., stu S B College, r Peotone, Kan

Adams, Frederick W., driver L C Jackson, r 222 Pattie

Adams, George W., (A. Jones & Adams), bds Occidental

Adams, Harry E., (Elliott, Dean & Adams), r 346 Fannie

Adams, Jasper, tanker on Midland Ry, r n Washington nr 35th

Adams, John F., attorney, rooms 4 and 6 ab 128 n Main, rms 130 n Main

Adams, J. K., carpenter, r 835 Eagle

Adams, John Wesley, (Adams, Jones & Adams), bds Occidental

Adams, John W., servant Hotel Metropole, r same

Adams, Jones & Adams, J. W. and G. W. Adams, and G. W. C. Jones, attorneys, ab 107 e Douglas

Adams, Joseph, tile layer, r 908 s Fourth

Adams, Mrs. Lizzie, r 631 n Wichita

Adams, Miss Lizzie P., r cor Beacon and Fifteenth

Adams, Miss Lucelia, r ab 126 Fourth

Adams, Miss Lula, stu, r 242 Pennsylvania

Adams, Luther J., wks S Fe Ry, r Sedgwick, Kan

Adams, Marshal, carp, r 1120 Dayton, ws

Adams, Miss Maud, dress makr White House, r 703 e Central

Adams, May, dom, 255 n Waco, r same

Adams, Nolie, dom, 1955 Jackson, r 631 n Wichita

Adams, Oliver O., baggage checker W & O co bds 242 Penn’a

Adams, Thomas L., cook, r 631 n Wichita

Adams, Tony, plumber, 140 n Market, r 608 n Waco

Adams, Warren, engineer, bds 703 e Central

Adams, Warren, wks Whittaker Packing Co

Adams, William M., r 916 Cleveland

Adams, William L., wks Park & Reeves, r 913 s Topeka

Adamson, Henry C., carp, r n Fifth near Thirty-third

Adamson, Johnathan, gardener, r n Fourth near Thirty-second

Adamson, Wm B., teacher, bkpr W Packing co, r n 4th near 32d

Adays, George, stu Southwestern B College, r Scott City, Kan

Addington, Henry I, r 1515 n Emporia

Addington, Mrs. I., r 1515 n Emporia

Addy, Wm R., agent, r cor Everett and Munnell ws

Adkins, James, wks Woods’ Brick Yard, rms same

Adkisson, Miss Eddie, domestic, 254 n Topeka

Adkisson, Miss Etta, stu S B College, r Case Hill, Ill

Aermes, Miss Rose, stu S B College

Agens, Charles, hostler, 536y n Lawrence

Agnew, Andrew G., printer Eagle, r 608 s Lawrence

Agnew, Mrs. Fannie, r 608 s Lawrence

Agnew, John W., laborer, r 600 w Douglas

Agnew, Wm A., laborer, r 600 w Douglas

Ahern, D. W., carpenter, r cor Henry and Douglas w s

Aherns, August, wks Young Bros, r 744 s Main

Aikin, James H., stu Southwestern Business College

Aikin, Miss Ada, stu Lewis Academy, r 313 w Central

Aimbarost, Gus, carpenter, r n Fifth av near Twenty-sixth

Aimbarost, Miss Lena, stu r n Fifth av near  Twenty-sixth

Aimbarost, Marten, stu, r n Fifth av near Twenty-sixth

Aimbarost, Victor, stu, r n Fifth av near Twenty-sixth

Aker, Alfred C., student, 1537 Schiller

Aker, John W. C., pump dealer, r 1537 Schiller

Akers, Elmer, stu S B College, r Elm Dale, Kan

Akers, H. E., stu S B College, r Elm Dale, Kan

Akin, John A.., carpenter, rms 1121 n Pierce

Alameda The Park, William English, prop; cor Mkt & Skinner

Albert, Charles O., contractor, r 1403 Jeanette

Albert, A. Leo, mngr U S Trading Co, r 515 e Central

Albert, Mrs. George R., r Boulevard n of Thirteenth

Albert, Ida May, stu S B College

Albert, John K., brick contr, r 1417 Boulevard

Albert, L., stu S B College, r Anthony, Kan

Albert, Martin, brick mason, r 1403 Jeanette

Albert, Miss Maud, stu S B College

Albertson, Joshua R, horse trainer, r n Wichita ws

Albin, William L., wks elevator, r 708 e Third

Albrecht, G. C., wks Whittaker Packing House

Albright, Geo, wks packing house, r n Fifth bet 29th and 30th

Alcorn, Geo R., carp Maler & Ramey, rm 10 ab 150 n Main

Alden, Leverett D., carp, r ab 501 N Main

Aldendifer, Miss Francis, stu public schools, r 311 s Market

Aldendifer, George M., clk Boston Store, r 311 s Market

Aldendifer, Mrs. Mary C., r 311 s Market

Aldendifer, Miss Stella, stu public schools, r 311 s Market

Alderman, Dayton (Coleman & Co), r 827 Maple ws

Alderman, Miss Edna, student, r 827 w Maple ws

Aldrich & Brown, Benajah W. Aldrich, W. J. Brown, druggists, 142 N Main

Aldrich, Benajah W. (Aldrich & Brown), r cor Doug and Moser

Alexander, Archer, bell boy Carey hotel, r 136 n Topeka

Alexander, Arthur, carp, r 1145 Munnell ws

Alexander, Miss Cora, dau Cyrus E, r cor Levy and Swan

Alexander, Cyrus E., farmer, r cor Levy and Swan

Alexander, D. P., r 637 n Fourth

Alexander, Edward L., laborer, r 1126 Hendryx ws

Alexander, Edwin, laborer, r s Fern

Alexander, Prof Geo F., bandmaster, r 245 n Fourth

Alexander, Geo W., wks Gas Co, r 208 n Mead

Alexander, Horace, laborer, r 310 w Elm

Alexander, John D., rlest 1st near p o r 1343 n Waco

Alexander, J. Evart, carp, r 1145 Munnell ws

Alexander, James G., r 930 s Emporia

Alexander, James R., shoemaker, r 136 n Topeka

Alexander, Joel, stone mason, r 1126 Hendrix, ws

Alexander, Julian H., deputy sheriff, r cor Levy and Swan

Alexander, Mrs. Laura, dom, 354 n Lawrence

Alexander, Mrs. Lucy, dressmaker, r 136 n Topeka

Alexander, Mark, wks Whit packing house, r 136 n Topeka

Alexander, Matthew E., wks Metropole brbr shop, r 310 w Elm

Alexander, Robt N., grocer, 559 s Ida ave, r Gilbert & Broadway

Alexander, Philip H., printer, r 136 n Topeka

Alexander, Robt W., lunch counter 608 e Douglas

Alexander, Samuel, lab, r 1126 Hendrix, ws

Alexander, Thompson, carp, r 1145 Munnell, ws

Alexander, V. Lynn, teacher, rms 140 n Topeka

Alexander, Walter K., grocer, 559 Ida, r 830 s Emporia

Alexander Steel & Son, hardware and stoves 117 n Main

Aley, Claud, stu, r 1505 n Fairview

Aley, Fred D., collector W Water co, rms 418 n Topeka

Aley, J. Henry, capitalist, r 1505 n Fairview

Aley, Madison, speculator, bds 406 s Water

Aley, Omrah K., stu Lewis acad, r 1505 Fairview

Alford, Melvin, contractor, r 526 Sherman

Alford, Melvin, r 1126 s Main

Algier, L. M., stu Southwestern Business College

Allcock, Mrs. Hulda, r 1332 s Mosley

Allen, Mrs. Amelia, r 255 n Lawrence

Allen, Alpheus G., r 1523 s Emporia

Allen, Miss Ara, r ab 120 w Douglas

Allen, Archibald S., com merchant 717 e Oak, bds 711 e Oak

Allen, Arthur E., (Allen & Smith) r 407 e Central

Allen, A. William, rms 216 n Market

Allen, Bennett D., (Allen & Jones) r 329 n Emporia

Allen, Charles, farmer, r 1604 Strong

Allen, Charles, mgr. Telephone exchange, bds Hotel Carey

Allen, Charles C., phys, off 420 e Douglas, r same

Allen, C. H., r 602 n Washington

Allen, David R., retired, r flat 13 ab 538 n Emporia

Allen, Miss Delia, teacher, bds 227 w Central

Allen, Dr. E. B., capitalist, bds Hotel Carey

Allen, Ed T., rlest, 208 Sedg bldg, r 326 Park av College Hill

Allen, Eugene, wks 717 e Oak, bds 711 e Oak

Allen, Miss Florence, teacher High school, rms 155 n Topeka

Allen, Miss Flora, rms at 322 n Main

Allen, Fred, umbrella manufacturer, r 113 s Fourth

Allen, H. C., stu S B College, r Rising Sun, Neb

Allen, Miss Jessie M., stu Lewis Academy, r 229 n Topeka

Allen, J. Ed, traveling salesman Lee Hays, r 617 n Water

Allen & Jones, B. D. Allen and C. E. Jones, rlest, ab 253 n Main

Allen, J. M., real estate, 112 e Douglas, r 229 n Topeka

Allen, John W., grocer, 1230 e Douglas, r ab 1230 e Douglas

Allen, Joseph N., r 840 n Wabash

Allen, Joseph P., druggist, 108 e Douglas, r 353 n Lawrence

Allen, Mrs. Josephine, r 842 s Fourth

Allen, Miss Lena, r 826 N Main

Allen, Miss Mamie G., r 826 n Main

Allen, Mrs. Mary R., dressmaker, r 211 Mosley

Allen, Mrs. Mattie, rm 412 e Central

Allen, Miss Maud, r 840 n Wabash

Allen, Mortimer B., carp, wks Bryan Fruit Co., bds 402 n Main

Allen, Nathan C., barber shop, 323 n Main, bds 124 s Fourth

Allen, Miss Nellie May, stu Lewis Ad’my, r flat 3 ab 538 n Emp.

Allen, Noah, (Humphrey & Allen), r 329 n Fourth

Allen, Noah S., r 258 n Mead

Allen, O. S., teamster, r 328 n Mosley

Allen, Miss Pearl, r 326 Park ave College Hill

Allen, Robert, laborer, r 409 s Fifth

Allen, Roy E., student Lewis Academy

Allen & Smith, Arther E. Allen, O. Z. Smith, rlest 135 n Market

Allen, S. R., moulder, bds Sweet Home hotel

Allen, Mrs. Tessie A., laundress, r 826 n Main

Allen, Miss Viola, wks boot and shoe factory, r 328 n Mosley

Allen, Wilbur, works city sewer

Allen, Wilbur, teamster, r 328 n Mosley

Allen, William, wks Stewart, Coney & Co., r 211 s Mosley

Allen, William, student Lewis academy, son E. T. Allen

Aldrich, Charles S., bkpr Niederlander’s loan office

Allen, William, student Lewis acad, r 326 Park av

Allen, William, works Wichita Bottling Works, r ab same

Allen’s Drug Store, J. P. Allen, prop, 108 e Douglas

Allen, Miss Viola, student Garfield

Allgaier, Geo E., wks Egan & Co., r 333 n Market

All Hallows academy, conducted by the Sisters of Charity B. V. M., Sister M. Veronica, superioress; Henry bet Douglas and First ws

Allison, Burt M., stu Harvard College, r 1217 University ws

Allison, Chas H., photog, wks Rogers, r 1024 n Lewellen

Allison, Mrs. Debbie M., r 1024 n Lewellen

Allison, Earl, farmer

Allison, Miss Emma A., teacher, r 1024 n Lewellen

Allison, Geo D., bkpr D. M. Kirkbride & Co., r 1217 University, ws

Allison, Geo M., wks car works, r n Emporia near 36th

Allison, James, with D. M. Kirkride & Co., r 1217 University, ws

Allison, J. Albert, clerk, 216 e Douglas, rms Zimmerly blk

Allison, James B., photog ab 204 e Douglas, r 1024 n Lewellyn

Allison, Miss Lydia J., stu, r 1024 n Lewellyn

Allison, Ora, bds Hotel Carey

Allison, Orrie E., trav salesman, r 1024 n Lewellyn

Allison, R. H., stu Southwestern Business College

Allison, R. I., stu Southwestern Business College, r Udall, Kan

Alliston, Earl, r Tyler and Twenty-first

Alliston, Fred, farmer, r Tyler and Twenty-first

Alliston, Miss Jessie, dau Sarah Alliston

Alliston, Miss Kate, dau Sarah Alliston

Alliston, Mrs. Sarah, r cor Tyler and Twenty-first

Alloway, John, rms 930 n Water

Alloway, John R., wks 120 s Lawrence, rms ab same

Almond, Mrs. Rose, dom, 815 e Oak

Altoff, Miss Annie, domestic 1557 n Fairview

Amaux, Daniel, moulder Globe Iron Works, bds 344 n Fourth

A M E Church, 525 n Water

American Banking and Trust Co., 109 e First, J. R. Shields pres, J. W. Lawson vice pres, W. C. Shields sec.

American Express Co., A. W. Reeves agt, 103 w Douglas

American Watch Club Co., Geo M. Boyd pres, J. W. Hull mang, office 118 e First

American Watch & Jewelry Co., J. P. Wilcox mang, 140 n Main

Ames, James, stu Garfield, r Geuda Springs, Kan

Ames, Robert N., stu Garfield, r Geuda Springs, Kan

Ames, Wilson D., lunch counter 575 w Douglas

Amidon, Miss Nellie, r 231 n Ohio

Amidon, Miss Rebecca, teacher, 231 n Ohio

Amidon, Sam B. (Sankey, Campbell & Amidon) r 231 n Ohio

Amos, George, fisherman, r ab 940 n Main

Amsbary, Don H., bkpr Wichita Water Co., r 514 n Topeka

Amsbary, Frank C., supt Wichita Water co., r 514 n Topeka

Anawalt, Benjamin, stu High school, r 1109 n Topeka

Anawalt, Miss Clara, student, r 1109 n Topeka

Anawalt, Elias H., mangr R. I. Lumber Co., r 1109 n Topeka

Anawalt, Miss Lulu, stu, r 1109 n Topeka

Anawalt, Fred, student Garfield

Anawalt, Wm M., auditor R. I. Lum co., r 1009 n Topeka

Anchor Building & Loan Asso, H. W. Lewis, pres, A. B. Jackson, secy., ab 156 n Main

Anderson, Abraham B., grader, r cor Wheeler and West ws

Anderson, Mrs. Annie, laundress, r 301 s Fourth

Anderson, Miss Annie, dom 327 Park av College Hill

Anderson, Miss Annie, domestic, 821 n Topeka

Anderson, August, wks Dold Packing Co.

Anderson Bros, W. H. Anderson, Millard Anderson, and Thos E. Anderson, dlrs in confectionery, 828 e Douglas

Anderson, Burl, laborer, r 335 n Mosley

Anderson, Burl, Jr., laborer, r 335 n Mosley

Anderson, Burr, coachman for S. L. Davidson

Anderson, Charles, laborer, r 335 n Mosley

Anderson, Charles C., carpenter, r 938 s Topeka

Anderson, Miss Christina, dom 132 n Topeka

Anderson, Miss Emily E., student, r 1327 w McCormick ws

Anderson, E. E., stu S B College, r Tonganoxie, Kan

Anderson, Miss Flora, drssmkr, M & M McNamara, r 338 Cleveland

Anderson, Harry, wks Car Shops, bds 34445 n Fourth

Anderson, Miss Hilma, dom, 415 s Seneca ws

Anderson, Miss Ina, stu Lewis Academy, r 1454 n Fourth

Anderson, Herbert J., stu Garfield, r Beaumont, Kan

Anderson, Jean, stu Southwestern Business College

Anderson, Miss Jennie, stu Southwestern Business College

Anderson, Mrs. Jessie, bds 842 s Fourth

Anderson, John, laborer, r 817 s Water

Anderson, John, r 3027 e First

Anderson, John, student, r 520 n Ohio

Anderson, John A., bds 535 n Market

Anderson, John T., compositor Journal, rms 118 s Lawrence

Anderson, Lake, coachman for Charles Davidson

Anderson, Lee, coachman for Dr. Fabrique, r 613 e Central

Anderson, Lewis, janitor Citizens’ bank, r 817 s Water

Anderson, Miss Lulu, cook, wks 325 s Main

Anderson, Miss Mary Jane, domestic, r 817 s Water

Anderson, Millard, (Anderson Bros) r 828 e Douglas

Anderson, Miss Minnie, stu public school, r 326 Cleveland

Anderson, Nels, (Miller & Anderson), r 1403 s Market

Anderson, Otto, student S B College, r Pocahontas, Iowa

Anderson, Miss Rosamond, student, r 1454 n Fourth

Anderson, Miss Susie, student, r 520 n Ohio

Anderson, S. E., carp, r 326 Cleveland

Anderson, Rev. Samuel R., Pres min, r 1327 w McCormack ws

Anderson, Sylvester, hostler, Judge Reed

Anderson, Thomas E. (Anderson Bros), r 828 e Douglas

Anderson, William, carp, Whittaker Packing Co., r 1454 n 4th

Anderson, William B., r 1454 n Fourth

Anderson, William H. (Anderson Bros), r 828 e Douglas

Anderson, William H., carpenter, r 520 n Ohio

Andes, J. Oliver, night clk Manhattan Hotel, rms same

Andrews, Miss Catherine, seamstress, r 830 n Washington

Andrews, Charles E., r 1407 s Lawrence

Andrews, C. H., painter, r 832 s Water

Andrews, D. Charles, carp, Whittaker Pkg. Co., r 1731 Strong

Andrews, G. P, carpenter, r 1007 n Mosley

Andrews, H. H, speculator, r 1257 s Hydraulic

Andrews, Jacob S., retired, r 423 s Lawrence

Andrews, John C., stu Southwestern Business College

Andrews, John G., student, r 423 s Lawrence

Andrews, Miss Lulu, dau Jacob S., r 423 s Lawrence

Andrews, Miss Maud, wks shoe factory, r 1007 n Mosley

Andrews, Miss Mary, stu S B College, r Ottawa, Ill

Andrews, M. S., painter, 126 s Main, bds Oklahoma H’se s 4th

Andrews, Timothy L., physician, r 303 s Hydraulic

Andrews, W. D., painter, bds 430 s Fourth

Andrews, Selden, teamster, r 301 n Osage ws

Angel, Mrs. Kate, r 1304 e Oak

Anglo-American Canning Co., San Francisco, Cal., J. O. Chapman, local agent, above 211 n Main

Ann, Miss Mable, r 121 s Mead

Anthony, Mrs. C. B., student Southwestern Business College

Antrim, James W., policeman, r 1560 s Mosley

Ancient Order United Workmen, ab 117 n Market

Apollo Social Club, rm 21 ab 211 n Main

Appel, Anton, carp, boards Riverside hotel

Apperson, D. T., with R. I. Coal Co., rms ab 236 n Main

Apperson, Wm, solicitor R. I. Coal Co., bds Idlewild restaurant

Appleby, Clyde, student Southwestern Business College

Appleby, Vernon E., Wichita Planing Mill, r 613 n Waco

Applegate, Alva J., abstracter A. D. Mallory, r 1344 s Main

Applegate, Chas, bl’ksm’h cor Doug Emporia, rms 210 s Emporia

Appleton, E. O., student S B College, r Lawrence, Kan

Applewhite, Col. J. T., special U. S. land insp’tor, bds Occidental

Arbogast, John W., foreman Mirror office, r 337 s Market

Arbogast, Mrs. Nellie N., milliner, 220 e Doug, r 928 e Doug

Arbogast, Oliver (Yeakey & A), r 928 e Douglas

Arcade Chop House, John Poulson, prop, 244 n Main

Arcade Dry Goods Co., W. F. Green pres, John L. Powell sec, W. J. Wilson mngr, 139 n Main

Archer Electric Mnfr Co., N. A. English pres, C. A. Phillips sec and mngr, 321 w Douglas

Archey, William, works 736 n Topeka

Archibald, Daniel, clk Young Bros, rms 357 n Market

Archibald, Frederick, clk, 313 n Main, rms ab 254 n Main

Archibald, James, stone cutter, r 935 w Central

Aregood, W., wks Forest City Brick Co., rms same

Arey Easy Payment House, W. A. Arey prop, furniture 255 and 257 n Main

Arey, E. E., mattress mkr, Kau Spring bed Co., 303 n Mead

Arey Furniture Co., W. A. Arey, prop, 255 and 257 n Main

Arey, Wm A., prop Arey Easy Payment House, 735 Gilman

Argust, John, plumber, 140 n Market, bds 306 s Exposition

Arkansas Val B and L Assn, off rms 1 and 3 ab 146 n Main, F. A. North, secy.

Arkansas Val Fence Co., E. Soderstrom prop, 109 n Wichita

Arkansas Val Fire Ins. Co., N. A. English, pres, Eugene Garnett, v p, E. P. Ford, secy., Wm Mathewson, treas, room 528 Sedgwick

Ambrost, Gustave, wks 120 s Lawrence, r n Fourth

Armour, John S., stock dealer, r 536 s Water

Armstrong, Mrs. Amelia A., r 201 n Lawrence

Armstrong, Mrs. Emma, r 515 w Douglas ws

Armstrong, J. H., farmer, r 3027 e Central

Armstrong, John W., A S S U missionary, r 201 n Lawrence

Armstrong, Lloyd W., bkpr with G. M. Boyd, r 201 n Lawrence

Armstrong, Nathaniel, teamster, r 402 n Seneca, ws

Armstrong, Peter, stu, S B College, r Beloit, Kan

Armstrong, Robt G., fireman, Hose Co. No. 1, rms 230 n Market

Armstrong, Mrs. Sallie E., wks W. Tel Ex, r 319 w Second

Armstrong, Wm, r 402 n Seneca ws

Arner, Robert E., bkpr 119 w Douglas, r 229 n Waco

Arnett, P. L., farmer, r near Car Works

Arnholz, Fred, wks foundry, r 421 s Laura

Arnley, Cal E., laborer, r 1621 n Topeka

Arnold, Mrs. Dora C., dressmaker, r 713 s Market

Arnold, Geo, with A. Bruggeman, bds Delmonico Hotel

Arnold, Harry L., atty., 222 n Main, bds 414 w Central

Arnold, Hugh, r 630 n Topeka

Arnold, F. J., agt American B & L Ass of Minneapolis, 407 Sedgwick, rms 216 e Douglas

Arnold, Libbie, r 118 s Emporia

Arnold, Mrs. Mary, bdgh 118 s Emporia

Arnold, Miss Maud, dom, r 318 s Topeka

Arnold, Sterly M., (Arnold & Neal) r 318 s Topeka

Arnold, William, laborer, bds 143 Indiana

Arnold, Miss Zoe, r 623 e Waterman

Arrell, Samuel H., r 1619 s Fifth

Arrick, Ross J., stu, r 721 s Martinson, ws

Arrow Printing Co., Lon Hoding ed & prop, ab 216 e Douglas

Arthur, J. W. (Arthur & Voss) rms above 251 n Main

Arthur, L. E., real estate and loans, 251 n Main, rms 437 n Washington

Arthur & Voss, J. W. Arthur and Thomas M. Voss, rlest and loans,251 n Main

Ary, Mrs. Laura, r 1106 n Fifth

Asbell, Charles H., gardener, r 2254 s Lawrence

Asbell, Miss Etta, dau Charles H. Asbell, r 2254 s Lawrence

Asbell, Miss Mary, dau Charles H. Asbell, r 2254 s Lawrence

Asbell, William, r 2254 s Lawrence

Ash, Miss Irma, stenographer J. H. Ash, r 1556 n Tarsy

Ash, Capt. John H., attorney, ab 116 n Market, r 1556 Tarsy

Ash, Mrs. John H., r 1556 n Tarsy

Ash, Miss Nora V., r 736 s Ida

Aspey, Amos, brick maker, r 825 s Seneca, ws

Aspey, Frank H., r 825 s Seneca, ws

Aspey, Lewis, Chief of Police, r 412 n Washington

Atcheson, Mrs. Tillie, wks Reg of Deeds Office, r 1046 n Topeka

Atchison, George E., plasterer, bds Sedgwick House

A T & S Fe District Freight Office, 126 n Main

A t & S Fe Freight Depot, cor Fifth and Douglas

Atha, M. H., bkpr Wichita Steam L’dry, bds Hotel Metropole

Atkin, W. W., collector Singer Manufacturing Co.

Atkin, William W., liveryman Eagle Barn, rms Zimmerly

Atkins, Henry, r Robert near Wheeler, w s

Atkinson, William, r 201 s Fourth

Atwater, Miss Bertha Mabel, stu Garfield, r 624 s Fern, ws

Atwater, Fred E., stu Garfield, r 624 s Fern, ws

Atwater, John M., teacher Garfield, r 624 s Fern, ws

Atwill, James, painter, r 1128 Munnell, ws

Atwood, Charles C., student Garfield, r Galena, Kan

Atwood, John M., atty, ab 105 w Douglas, r Seneca s of Delano

Aubin, Albert I, (U.S. Trading Co.), r 515 e Central

Auchmoody, E. E., stu Southwestern Business College

Auchmoody, W. H., r 1601 n Emporia

Auener, Adolph, wks London Trailers, r 948 s Market

Aughe, Emily, domestic, 630 n Main

Aughe, James E., mason, r above 635 n Main

Ausmus, Miss Aurora, stu S B College, r, Ill

Aust, C. F., stu S B College, r Cleveland, Ohio

Austin, James, stu S B College, r Sedan, Kan

Austin, John M., engineer, r 632 s Fourth

Austin, Miss Mary, r 210 Pennsylvania

Austin, Washington, laborer, r 623 n Ohio

Avery, Ashbel S., man N and S Lum Co., bds Hotel Metropole

Avery, Cyrus R., (Avery & Virtue), r 209 Mathewson

Avery, D. S., stu S. B. College, r St. Charles, Mo.

Avery, S., stu S B College, r St. Charles, Mo.

Avery & Virtue, Cyrus R. Avery and James S. Virtue, dlrs in flour, feed, and seeds, 1228 e Douglas

Avery, William, horse shoer, 140 n Water, r 614 w Pine, ws

Axtell, John H., speculator, r 704 n Water

Ayden, S. F., stu S B College, r Winfield, Kan

Ayer, Mrs. Ada F., r 407 n Lawrence

Ayers, Miss Anna, student, r 230 s Millwood ws

Ayers, Miss Mabel, student Lewis Academy, r 407 n Lawrence

Ayers, Mrs. Sarah, r n Cherry

Ayers, Miss Sarah E., r n Cherry

Ayers, Thomas, teamster, r 230 s Millwood ws

Ayres, William A., student Garfield, r Bentley, Kan



Babb, Harry E., brick maker, r 3412 e Oak

Babb, Jerry B., atty rms 1 & 3 ab 142 n Main, rms 254 n Topeka

Babb, Michael G., carp, r 3412 e Oak

Babb, Rufus, gardener, at 341 n First

Babb, William J., atty ab 142 n Main, r 1432 Fairmount ave

Babcock, Henry N., mechanic, r 814 e First

Babcock, Russell P., stu Lewis Acad, r 814 e First

Bach, Miss Mary, domestic at 728 n Emporia

Bacharach, Henry, clk Fam’s Cl’th’g H’se, rms 147 n Emporia

Bachman, George, baker Indiana Bakery, r ab 258 n Main

Bachtel, Hiram J., carp, r 319 s Exposition ws

Bachtel, Miss Maggie E., student, r 319 s Exposition ws

Bacus, Miss Delia, stu S B College, rms 426 s Topeka

Bader, August, wks Dold Packing Co.

Badger, Edward B., ex-policeman, r 218 s Water

Badger Lumber Co., F. J. Schwartz mangr, C. A. Schwartz bkpr, E. J. Schwartz yard foreman, 551 w Douglas, ws

Baeder, August, wks Dold Packing Co., r 1825 n Fifth

Baehr, Joseph F., drugs 3316 Douglas, r 126 n Topeka

Baer, Leo, clk Famous Clothing House, rms 147 n Emporia

Bagby, Mrs. Elizabeth A., tailoress, r 301 s Osage, ws

Bagby, John Y., gardening, r s Lawrence

Bagby, Miss Lizzie A., seamstress 310 n Main, r 301 s Osage ws

Bagby, William H., laborer, rms 301 s Osage ws

Bailey, Miss Ada, bkpr Taylor Blackwelder & Co., r 814 s Topeka

Bailey, Albert, wks Forest City Brick Co., rms same

Bailey, Arthur G., salesman Trimble Bros & Threldkeld, r 814 s Topeka

Bailey, George P., student Garfield

Bailey, George W., brick contractor, r 339 n Water

Bailey, Harry H., cutter shoe fac, r 1415 Strong

Bailey, James, hod carrier, bds 532 s Mosley

Bailey, Joseph T., clerk, 318 e Douglas, r 814 s Topeka

Bailey, Mrs. Josie A., r 229 n Fourth

Bailey, Lloyd S., teacher, room 1 ab 146 n Main

Bailey, Miss Lucy, dom, 417 n Main, r same

Bailey, Miss Mattie, r 339 n Water

Bailey, Oscar P., r 229 n Fourth

Bailey, Mrs. Pauline, r 134 n Ohio

Bailey, Townsend W., clk Slade & Ackerman, r 814 s Topeka

Bailey, W. Benjamin, atty ab 132 n Main, r 206 n Minnesota

Bailey, W. E., trav aud W & W Ry, bds Carey hotel

Bailey, Will E., salesman Allen’s drug store, r 814 s Topeka

Bailey, William T., contr, r 1415 Strong

Bain, Arthur O., stu Garfield, r 1227 University, ws

Bain, William C. A., 0physician, r 932 n Fifth

Bain, Miss Ella E., stu Gar Univ., r 1227 University, ws

Bain, John, minister, r 1227 University, ws

Bain, J. R., com trav Combs Stinson & Co., r 932 n Fifth

Bain, Miss Silva M., stu Garfield, r 1227 University, ws

Bair, Samuel, carpenter, r 336 n Washington

Baird, Andrew, sec Y M C A, rms 340 n Topeka

Baird, Mrs. C., r 240 n Fourth

Baird, Geo W., lamp lighter, r 709 n Ohio

Baird, Miss Maggie J., domestic, at 433 n Lawrence

Baird, Miss Mary, stu Lewis Acad, rm 13, bds 1213 e Douglas

Baird, Wallace, carpenter, rms 416 n Waco

Baker, Mrs. Adda, rms 141 s Lulu

Baker, Miss Addie, r 312 n Fourth

Baker, Albert W., carpenter, r 1235 e Blaine

Baker, Andrew T., painter, r sw cor Exchange and Geneva

Baker, Bert W., r 1235 Blaine

Baker, Calvin M., mason, bds 425 James

Baker, Charles A., wks 115 s Lawrence, rms 312 n Fourth

Baker, Clarence W., student, r 1112 s Laura

Baker, Eber S., speculator, 1851 n Lawrence

Baker, E. E., student Southwestern Business College

Baker, Edward E., (Collins & Baker) rms 310 s Lawrence

Baker, Miss Ella H., dress mkr 139 n Main, r 1200 w Doug ws

Baker, Miss Emma, teacher, r 1200 w Douglas ws

Baker, Frank M., laborer, bds 328 n Mosley

Baker, Henry, drayman, 428 n Water

Baker, Herman E., student, r 1851 n Lawrence

Baker, Horatio U., at Studebaker Repository, r 214 s Emporia

Baker, Isham F., wks McComb Bros, bds 302 n Market

Baker, Mrs. Jennie, r 312 n Fourth

Baker, Joman, farmer, r n Adeline w Little river

Baker, John, wks Kan Sash and Door factory, r 1037 Cleveland

Baker, Johnathan H., contractor, r 205 s Exposition ws

Baker, Joseph, harnmkr, r 1037 Cleveland

Baker, J. Nathan, bkpr Hydraulic Mills, r 209 New York

Baker, Mrs. Martha A., r 243 n Pennsylvania

Baker, Mrs. M. C., r cor Fifteenth and Dora, ws

Baker, Miss M. Helen, milliner, r 243 Pennsylvania

Baker, Michael H., prop West Side hotel, 1200 w Douglas ws

Baker, Mike, gardener, r 1037 Cleveland

Baker, Robt B., bkpr, r 322 New York

Baker, Miss Rosa, domestic at 428 n Fourth

Baker, William teamster, bds 201 n Exposition ws

Baker, W. H. & Co., W. H. Baker & J. T. Waddill ticket broker, Manhattan hotel

Baker, William H., (W. H. Baker & Co.) r 410 s Market

Baker, Dr. W. L., bds 110 s Topeka

Baker, Wm L., nurseryman, r 1112 s Laura

Baker, Z. T., agt Studebaker Repository, r 214 s Emporia

Baker, ———, laundress, r 333 s Ellis

Balch, Horace O., capitalist, r 317 n Market

Balderston, J. M., judge court com pleas, r 713 n Emporia

Baldock, Albert W., cigars & Tob 244 n Main, r 1340 n Hillside

Baldock, Miss Fannie B., stu, r 1340 n Hillside

Baldock, George P., clk A. W. Baldock, r 1340 n Hillside

Baldock, James, gardener, r 1340 n Hillside

Baldridge, David H., (Baldridge & Hubbard) rms 340 n Topeka

Baldridge & Hubbard, David H. B.——, Samuel E. H.——, real estate and loans ab 228 n Main

Baldwin, A. E., driver street car

Baldwin, Chas F., with Baldwin & Son, r 121 s Lawrence

Baldwin, Edward, boilermaker r 240 s Ida

Baldwin, Tob, bds 535 n Market

Baldwin, Fred W., (Baldwin & Son) r 121 s Lawrence

Baldwin, George W., student, r 240 s Ida

Baldwin, Gus, st car driver, bds 1063 n Wichita

Baldwin, John stu Lewis acad, r 240 Ida

Baldwin, John H., contractor, r 819 s Seneca, ws

Baldwin, Johnathan, brick mason contr, r 446 n Mosley

Baldwin, Miss Mosceline, stu Garfield, r 121 s Lawrence

Baldwin, Nereus, Baldwin & Son) r 121 s Lawrence

Baldwin’s Restaurant, C. F. Guyer prop, 112 w Douglas

Baldwin & Son, N. Baldwin, F. W. Baldwin, photographers, ab 118 e Douglas

Balentine, William, clk 216 n Main, r 903 s Water

Bales, Mrs. Elizabeth, laundress, r 436 s Fourth

Bales, B. F., lab, Whittaker Packing Co.

Ball, Mrs. Catherine, r 1003 s Lawrence

Ballan, Miss Mamie, dom, wks 711 Palisaide

Ballance, Chas, (Ballance & Jaus) r 1157 n Lawrence

Ballance & Jaus, Chas Ballance & Chas F. Jaus, props W Steam Stone Wks, 1129 n Main

Ballance, Miss Jessie, student high school, r 1157 n Lawrence

Ballance, Miss Josephine, stu high school, r 1157 n Lawrence

Ballance, Miss Mable, r 1157 n Lawrence

Ballantine, William, wks com house, r 905 s Water

Ballard, Albert L., r 1447 Sherwood

Ballard, Andrew J., bricklayer, r 248 s Laura

Ballard, Frank, r 1459 Sherwood

Ballard, Fred, r 1459 Sherwood

Ballard, Jasse A., carpenter, r 1453 n Sherwood

Ballard, Lewis M., painter, r 1503 Woodland

Ballard, Morton, wks Dold Packing Co.

Ballard, William, r 1459 Sherwood

Balleu, Miss Alice, r 430 s Fourth

Balleu, E. M., proprietor Oklahoma House, r 430 s Fourth

Balleu, Miss Mary, r 430 s Fourth

Ballens, John, laborer, r 1012 Douglas, ws

Ballew, James F., asst clerk dist court office, r 516 s Emporia

Ballou, Chas A., cigars and billiards, Occidental Hotel

Ballou, H. D., brick layer, r ab 822 e Douglas

Baltjes, John, stone mason, r 1124 s Water

Bamberger, Abraham, gents furnishings 316 e Douglas, rms Gandalfo block

Bamberger, Floren, stone setter, r 726 n Market

Bamford, James, coachman J. F. Shearman, 1438 n Waco

Bamford, John, clerk, r Andrews ave, Riverside

Bamasfer, Ishman, laborer, r 217 s Fourth

Banbolkinburg, Henry H., retired, r 911 w Texas, ws

Banacker, James, real estate, rms 321 s Lawrence

Bancroft, Harry R., stamp clk post-office, rms ab 158 n Main

Bandera Flagstone, F. S. Hotchkin, agt, room 305 Sedgwick

Banford, James McG, horse trainer, r 1438 n Waco

Baughman, Paul, wks Rock Island Lumber Yd, r 811 s Pattie

Banks, Miss Annie G., student, r 1140 n Lewellen

Banks, Mrs. Hester, r 115 Laura

Banks, John W., foreman Wichita Cracker Co., r 126 n Fourth

Banks, John W., laborer, r 418 n Topeka

Banks, Miss Talitha, stu Garfield, r Blandisville, Ill

Banks, Miss Talitha S., stu Garfield, r Fountain Green, Ill

Banks, Thomas G., jan 1st Ark Val Bk, r 1140 n Lewellen

Baumin, E. J., bl’ksmith W. & W. round house, bds 126 s Fourth

Baptist Chapel, 3516 n Fourth av, Rev. J. S. Nasmith, pastor

Barackman, Rufus L., teacher, bds 256 n Ohio

Barber, Mrs. Elizabeth, r 115 n Charles, ws

Barber, Ernest A., jeweler, 823 w Doug, ws, r 115 Charles, ws

Barber, Prof. E. M., teacher S B College, rms 323 n Fourth

Barberick, Joseph, baker 146 n Main, rms 452 Riverview

Barbrick, John N., laborer, r 1905 s Fannie

Barbour, E. M., student Garfield

Bard, Theron N., baggage master Rock I Ry, r 201 n Mosley

Bardsley, Frank, sec eng Crys Ice Wks, r 223 n Walnut, ws

Barere, John, carp, r 436 s Ida

Barger, Mrs. Axaw, r 708 n Waco

Barger, Robert, wks Riverside Ry, r 708 n Waco

Barger, William, wks Riverside Ry, r 708 n Waco

Barker, Lon M., decorator, r 210 Mathewson

Barker, Wesley, laborer, r 415 n Water

Barker, Wm M., lab, r 317 s Fifth

Barkimer, Geo F., salesman Thos Shaw, r 221 n Mead

Barley, Joseph H., eng cracker fact, r 230 n Wabash

Barley, Thos H., wks cracker fact, r 230 n Wabash

Barley, William H., student, r 230 n Wabash

Barlow, A. B., r 1434 n Fifth

Barlow, Bert B., paperhanger, r 1434 n Fourth

Barlow, N. Augustus, clk 213 s Main, r 1434 n Fourth

Barlow, William E., p o carrier, No 14, r 447 Ida

Barman, A., laborer Kansas Sash and Door co, r Fairmount

Barman, Fred, wks Dold Packing Co

Barnard, L. L., gen merchant 623 w Douglas, bds Occidental

Barnard, Miss Mattie, waiter Occidental hotel

Barnard, Mrs. O. W., r 719 Cleveland

Barnard, Miss Rosie, r 719 Cleveland

Barnard, William, bds Occidental

Barnett, Miss Effie L., stu Garfield, r Conway Springs, Kan

Barnett, Jesse M., wks car shops, r 3528 n Emporia

Barnes Block, 311 to 313 e Douglas

Barnes, Charles, wks Stewart, Coney & Co., r 229 Ida

Barnes, E. P., paper hanger, wks Butler s Main, r 117 n Topeka

Barnes, Frank M., teamster, r 229 Ida

Barnes, James E., laborer, r 205 s Pattie

Barnes, Miss Jessie, student, r 229 Ida

Barnes, John A., wks car shops, r 3703 n Fifth

Barnes, L. B., stu S B College, r Garden Plain, Kan

Barnes, Melzar P., capitalist, r 407 n Lawrence

Barnes, Oliver A., carp, r 618 n Emporia

Barnes, Oscar D., druggist, r 141 n Lawrence

Barnes, Osamel C., loan ex Wichita Banking Co., r 407 n Main

Barnes, R. A., mngr Southern Detective Agcy., r 346 n Waco

Barnes, S. T., laborer, r 1103 e First

Barnes, Mrs. Susan, r Mead near Thirty-second

Barnes, Vernon V., rms 505 w Fifteenth

Barnett, Henry C., carpenter, r 3528 n Emporia

Barnett, Miss Minnie M., dressmaker, r 3528 n Emporia

Barnum, Geo M., supt Dold Packing Co., bds Exchange Hotel

Barr, Charles A., student, r 1544 Riddell

Barr, Jacob J., carpenter, r 1544 Riddell

Barr, John, stock dealer, r 1108 s Fourth

Barrett, Miss Blanche, student, r 203 Clarence, ws

Barrett, C. S., stu S B College, r Holton, Kan

Barrett, L. D., carpenter, r 1024 n Mead

Barrett, Miss Melissa, servant, 653 e Oak

Barrett, Miss Melissa B., r 1024 n Mead

Barrett, Michael, laborer, r 1247 n Market

Barley, Joseph H., engineer, W. Cracker Co., r 230 Wabash

Barley, T. Henry, wks Wichita Cracker Co., r 230 Wabash

Barley, William H., student, r 230 n Wabash

Barrett, Salathiel, Justice Peace, Office ab 140 n Main, r 203 s Clarence, ws

Barrick, Miss Ada, r 232 New York

Barrick, Harley, student, r 232 New York

Barrick, Joshua, coal and stone dealer, r 232 New York

Barrick, Miss Lizzie, student, r 232 New York

Barringer, Mrs. J. B. r 847 e Oak

Barrows, J. H., st car driver, rms nw cor Hydraulic and Harry

Barrows, J. W., carpenter, Whittaker Packing Co.

Barrows, W. P., hackdriver, bds 411 e Douglas

Barrows, Waldo V., tailor 131 n Main, r 519 s Market

Bartel, Miss Agnes, domestic 1002 s Lawrence, rms same

Bartel, Bernhardt, carpenter, r 1427 s Emporia

Bartel, Henry, carpenter, r 1345 s Emporia

Bartes, D. C., student S B College, r Bloomington, Ill

Bartells, Mrs. Maggie, r 202 s Topeka

Barth, Gustave, wks Santa Fe bakery, r 1547 Woodland

Barth, Gustage, jr., stu Lewis Acad, r 1547 Woodland

Bartholomew, Miss Anna, r n Mead near Thirty-second

Bartholomew, Daniel, laborer, r n Mead near Thirty-second

Bartholomew, Frank, wks Peerless Laundry, r 941 w Central

Bartholomew, George W., rlest, rm 304 Sedgwick, r 1557 s Water

Bartholomew, Joel, laborer, r n Mead near Thirty-second

Bartholomew, Phillip, laborer, r Mead near Thirty-second

Bartholomew, Zanan M., wks car works, r n Mead near 32d

Bartles, Dr. William, physician, r 3434 n Fourth

Bartlett, Charles H., gardener, r 2159 s Mead

Bartlett & Co., Ulyssus G., Chessley W. Herriford, grocers, 1201 e Douglas

Bartlett, Eli, wks Novelty Workds, rms 618 s Emporia

Bartlett, Eli, stu S B College, r Anness, Kan

Bartlett, Henry, baker, bds 139 Laura

Bartlett, Hugh S., contr car0p, r 2159 s Mead

Bartlett, Miss Kate, dau Hugh S. Bartlett, r 2159 s Mead

Bartlett, Levi, mechanic, bds 608 s Emporia

Bartlett, Miss Mabel, dau Hugh S. Bartlett, r 2159 s Mead

Bartlett, Ulyssus G., (Bartlett & Co.), bds 1121 e Douglas

Bartlett, William P., broom maker, 425 s Emporia

Barton, Miss Mary, teacher public schools, bds 815 s Emporia

Barton, Mrs. Sarah, bds 815 s Emporia

Barton, Harry, wks Wichita Planing Mill, r 1413 n Lawrence

Bartrim, Samuel F., bkpr Mo P R R Eldorado, r 214 e Oak

Bartrim, William, mail carrier, r 214 e Oak

Barwise, Asa S., mngr Barwise Grain & Com Co., r 730 e 135h

Barwise, C. E., (Barwise Grain & Com Co.) r 730 e Thirteenth

Barwise Grain and Com Co., C. E. Barwise, A. E. Shber, rms 211 and 213 Sedgwick

Barwise, Miss Ida, stu public schools, r 730 e Thirteenth

Barwise, Miss Mamie, stu Lewis Academy, r 730 e Thirteenth

Basaker, Mrs. Anna, r 127 n Washington

Basaker, Miss Nellie, r 127 n Washington

Bash, Mrs. Laura, dressmaker, Munson, r with A Clark Payne

Bashore, Daniel, laborer, r 346 n Fourth

Baskerville, Mrs. Harriett N., r 703 n Water

Baskett, John, r 949 s Market

Basley, Alfred, capitalist, r 721 n Topeka

Basley, Miss Lottie, stu Lewis acad, r 721 n Topeka

Bass, Efton E., eng Elliott’s Plg mill, r 123 n Wichita, ws

Bass, Selvy A., physician, ab 1022 w Douglas ws, r same

Batchelder, Mrs. Sarah G., r 822 e Douglas

Bateman, Frank B., laborer, r 629 n Water

Bateman, Vernon O., wks car shops, r 3528 n Emporia

Bates, Charley, clk Mascott Grocery, r 1217 n Fourth

Bates, Charles Q., stu Garfield, r Montana, Kan

Bates, David C., mail carrier No 11, r 1320 n Fourth

Bates, Miss Ella M., teacher, rms 322 New York

Bates, Salvin C., r 246 Mathewson

Bates, Mrs. Sarah G., r 1320 n Fourth

Batson, Edward E., carpenter, r 321 n Walnut, ws

Batson, Mrs. Estella, r 321 n Walnut, ws

Batte, E. F., (Bayley Abstract Co.) room1 ab 114 n Main

Battery A, First Light Art’lry, K N G Arm’y, 151 n Emporia

Baughman, Miss Edith, r 811 s Pattie

Baughman, H. C., driver W O & Co., r 338 s Emporia

Baughman, J. W., manager W O & Co., r 338 s Emporia

Baughman, Paul, yardman 301 w Douglas, r 811 s Pattie

Bauman, A., laborer Kansas Sash & Door Co.

Baur, Robert F., secret’y and treas Wichita Triphammer Brick Works, bds Manhattan

Bauslin, Miss Ella, stu S B College, r Peabody, Kan

Baxter, Ed, printer Eagle, bds 228 s Water

Baxter, John, hostler 220 w Lewis, bds 236 w Morris

Baxter, William, porter Douglas Avenue House

Bay, M. E., brick layer, r 1225 n Washington

Bayer, Fred H., barber 117 n Market, r 718 s Main

Bayles, M., stu S B College, r Decatur, Ill

Bayles, Daniel E., student, r 143 n Emporia

Bayles House, 147 n Emporia

Bayles, John N., speculator, r ab 143 n Emporia

Bayles & Thomas, blk 141-155 n Emporia

Bayles, Wiley, wks Wood’s brick yard, rms same

Bayless, William J., wks 503 n Wichita, r same

Bayley Abstract Co., T. A. Bayley, E. F. Batte, rm 1 ab 114 n Main

Bayley, Thomas A., (B Abstr’t Co.), surveyor, r 1603 Palisade

Bayman, John C., moulder 120 n Wichita, r 736 s Pattie

Bayne, Silas T., carpenter, r 1421 s Water

Baynum, Miss Delle, r 401 n Topeka

Bays, Miss Edith, r 305 s Fourth

Bays, John L, plumber 317 e Doug, r 305 s Fourth

Bays, Mrs. Margaret, r 305 s Fourth

Baysinger, Madison W., carpenter, r 1711 s Palisade

Beach, Elmer E., trav salesman, bds 1117 n Market

Beach, Mrs. Eva J., Sec St L P Fancy G Co., r 302 s Lawrence

Beach, F., student S B College, r McPherson, Kan

Beach, Harry E., sten Hatton & Ruggles, bds 5234 n Washington

Beach, Harry H., sign writer, r 3719 n Fourth

Beach, John, student S B College, r Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Beach, Joseph M., with Kan News Co., rms 216 s Exposition ws

Beach, J. N., trav salesman Wichita Produce Co.

Beach, Oscar W., blacksmith, r 216 s Exposition ws

Beachman, Mrs. Jennie, boarding house, r 317 s Market

Beachy, D. S., prop shooting sch’l 243 ½ n Main, r 1026 n Waco

Beacon Block, 121 and 123 n Market

Beacon Daily and Weekly, John S. Richardson and Frederick N. Peck, props, 117 w Douglas

Beacon Job Print Co., Frank B. Smith, prop, Geo MacDonnell mngr, 121 n Market

Beadey, Thomas, bds Grand View House

Beading, Scippio, servant, 1115 n Carlos

Beading, Mrs. Susie, bds Grand View Hotel

Beading, Mrs. Maria, domestic, 1115 n Carlos

Beal, Chas F., prop Beal’s Dancing Academy, r same

Beal, G. W., r 1561 s Mead

Beal, Miss Jennie, chambermaid, Douglas Av House

Beal, Winfield S., farmer, r cor Biddle and Central ws

Beal, ———, speculator, bds St Lawrence

Beal’s Dancing Academy, C. F. Beal, prop, Crawford Opera H

Bean, Albert, waiter Hotel Carey

Bean Bleakmore & Co., R. T. Bean, J. B. Bleakmore, W. W. Bean, live stock com, rm 6, Exchange blk

Bean, Robert T., pres Fourth Nat’l Bank, r 1924 Arkansas

Bean, William R., laborer, r 1339 Pattie

Bear & Herring, J. W. Bear and J. C. Herring, surveyors above State National Bank

Bear, John W. (Bear & Herring) r 252 n Mead

Beard, Irvin, r 227 Spruce

Beard, Isaac, drayman, r 227 n Spruce

Beard, Louis E., transfer, r 227 n Spruce

Bearhs, Charles, waiter Cotter’s Cafι, rms ab 236 n Main

Bearse, George F., copyist, r 1633 Lulu

Beasley, Mrs. Mattie, wks Clair Dining Hall, r 623 n Market

Beasley, William B., carpenter, r 809 s Martinson, ws

Beattie, E. J., real estate, bds Hotel Carey

Beattie, W. J., real estate, bds Hotel Carey

Beatty, Charles W., driver Badger Lum Co., bds 529 w Doug. Ws

Beatty, Miss Ella, r 449 Ida

Beatty, F. H., student S. B. College

Beatty, Joseph E., machinist, r 449 Ida

Beatty, Luther W., painter, r 449 Ida

Beatty, Miss Theresa, stu S B College, r Coffeyville, Kan

Beatty, William, traveling salesman, bds Hotel Metropole

Beauchamp, Miss Bertha, r 305 s Sycamore ws

Beauchamy, Jesse, wks 6539 n Guy, r same

Beaudet, Miss Clara, stu public schools, r 1509 n Mead

Beaudet, Fred, stu public schools, r 1509 n Mead

Beaudet, Irving, r 1509 n Mead

Beaudet, Urban S., shoemaker 603 e Oak, r 1509 n Mead

Beaver. Miss Cora, student, r 157 n Topeka

Beaver, Ed, barnman 335 n Seneca, r cor Seneca & Hendryx ws

Beaver, Fred, scissor grinder, r 120 s Mead

Beaver, John A., blacksmith Youngmeyer Bros, r 328 n Mosley

Beaver, John T., clk, r 157 n Topeka

Beaver, Joseph, gardener, r 157 n Topeka

Beaver, Miss Katie, student, r 157 n Topeka

Beaver, Lon, carpenter, r 202 s Fourth

Beaver, Martin, gardener, r cor Robert and Wheeler

Beaver, Miss Millicent E., r 157 n Topeka

Beaver, Miss Stella, student, r 157 n Topeka

Becht, Theodore, r 230 Cleveland

Bechtold, Rev. Conrad, r Indianapolis bet Emporia and Fourth

Beck, Miss Bertha, laundry woman, r 337 s Main

Beck, E. A., wks Citizens’ Electric Light Co., bds Oklahoma H

Beck, Miss Mary, laundrywoman, r 337 s Main

Becker Bros, dlrs Hay, Grain & Coal, 920 e Doug, F A & C Becker

Becker, Charles (Becker Bros) grain dlrs, 920 e Doug

Becker, Frank A., (Becker Bros) r 115 s Washington

Becker, George F., dry goods dlr, 220 e Doug, r 321 n Topeka

Becker, John S., wks Wichita Sash & Door Co., r 1037 n Cleveland

Becker, Joseph, wks McComb Bros, r 1037 Cleveland

Beckmeyer, F. W., jr., student S B College, r Leon, Kan

Beckwith, William, painter, Kansas Buggy Co.

Beckwith, W. M., engineer, r 1210 w Central

Beebe, O., prop R I Bath Rm and Barber Shop, r 124 n Mosley

Bee Hive Dry Goods Store, L. J. Grisier, prop, 256 n Main

Beemis, Harry, student, r 331 s Dodge ws

Beemis, Mrs. Mattie, r 331 s Dodge ws

Beers, Samuel E., paper hanger, bds Sedgwick House

Beeson, Monroe, teamster, r 221 s Pattie

Beffel, Anthony, shoe store, 803 e Doug, r 801 e Doug

Belcher, John W., reg clerk post-office, rms same

Belcher, Mrs. Nancy, r 515 s Hydraulic

Belcher, Warren, insurance agent, r 515 s Hydraulic

Belhel, Miss Jeannettie, r 1562 s Fifth

Bell, Alfred J., real estate, r 414 n Topeka

Bell, Geo E., studio, rm 16, 407 e Douglas

Bell, A. W., real estate, r 1007 e Central

Bell, Charles E., rlest, rms ab 205 n Main, r 344 Mathewson

Bell, Geo E., artist, s Main, bds cor Second and Wichita

Bell, I. N., capitalist, bds 1002 n Waco

Bell, John, engineer, wks W. Wire and Wire Cloth Co., rms cor Martinson and Mentor, ws

Bell, J. Walter, r 1007 e Central

Bell, J. Whet, agent genl mdse., r room 36 ab 123 w Douglas

Bell, John W., farmer, r 833 Eagle

Bell, Louis, carpet weaver, r 1628 Humboldt

Bell, Mrs. Mary, r room 36 above 123 w Douglas

Bell, Oliver, clerk, r 833 Eagle

Bell, Mrs. S. A., r 741 n Emporia

Bell, T. B., grain dler, room 500 Sedg, rms and bds St Lawrence

Bell, William T., teamster, r 833 Eagle

Bellas, Miss Ella B., clerk Munson & McNamara, r 614 s Water

Bellas, Mrs. Hannah, r 614 s Water

Bellas, Miss Jennie B., r 614 s Water

Bellas, Miss Louise C., clk Munson McNamara, r 614 s Water

Bellas, Mrs. Mattie, agent for shirts, r 1333 Fairmount

Bellas, Thomas R., architect at 223 e Doug, r 1333 Fairmount

Bellesen, S. J., porter Missouri Pacific Ry

Bellew, James F., clk at court room, r 516 s Emporia

Bellman, A & Co., Alwin F. & Frank J. Fortman Jr., tailors, rear 201 e Douglas

Bellman, Alwin F. (A Bellman & Co) r 344 Riverview

Bellonze, Louis, laborer, r rear 628 e Douglas

Bellows, Ambrose, stu S B College, r Peabody, Kan

Bellows, Earnest, laborer, r 328 n Mosley

Belter, Louis G., actor, rms ab 143 n Market

Beman, J., driver street car

Benbow Bros, P. T. & E. A. Benbow, spring beds, 1308 e Hunter

Benbow, Paris J., (Benbow Bros) r 1302 e Hunter

Benbow, Elwood A., (Benbow Bros) rms 1302 e Hunter

Bender, John, stu Garfield, r Avon, Iowa

Benefield, Mrs. A., dressmaker, r 220 n Wabash

Benefield, Miss Edna, r 316 Mathewson

Benefield, Enoch, carpenter, r 316 Mathewson

Benefield, L. G., laborer, 316 Mathewson

Beneke, William, barber, 226 e Douglas

Benerly, Miss Mary, r 1222 Blaine

Bensfer, Simon, laborer, r 1237 s Mead

Benford, Harry, conductor A T & S F, r 410 s Fourth

Benham, Edward N., loans, Sedgwick blk, r 811 n Topeka

Benhuff, Henry, engineer, r 147 Mathewson

Benier, R. M., driver street car

Benike, Wm. wks Model Barber Shop, rms ab 127 w Douglas

Benjamin, Mrs. Elizabeth, r 6502 n Water

Benkendorf, Miss Clara, domestic 622 n Waco

Benkendorf, Miss Louisa, domestic 437 n Waco

Benkley, Sheridan L., carpenter, r 1651 Lulu

Benn, Edward, lumber broker, room 407 Sedg, r 404 n Mead

Benn, Miss Eva L., r 613 w Central

Benn, Henry P., r 613 w Central

Benn, Henry P., r 613 w Central

Benn, Miss Ida M., music teacher, r 613 w Central

Benn, John A., r 826 Eagle

Benn, William R., wks Commercial, r 613 w Central

Benner, James A., auctioneer, 213 w Douglas, r 303 n Wichita

Bennett, Miss Agnes, Capt. Salvation Army, r 519 s Emporia

Bennett Bros, Dan J. & Geo W. Bennett, pl’m’rs, 121 ½ e Doug

Bennett, Byron D., mngr W. Lub Co., r 519 Riverview

Bennett, Chas B., agt W. Vinegar Wks, bds 147 n Emporia

Bennett, Dan J., (Bennett Bros) r 205 Sycamore ws

Bennett, Frank, lumberman, bds Occidental, rms 301 w Doug

Bennett, Geo W., (Bennett Bros) r 125 s Oak, ws

Bennett, Gustage, farmer, r Sumner s of Harry

Bennett, Dr. J. Emerson, phys, ab 143 n Main, r 604 s Lawrence

Bennett, J. Frank, bkpr, R I Lum Co., rms 301 w Douglas

Bennett, James W., merchant, r 1493 w Douglas ws

Bennett, Richard, tailor, C. F. Harmening, r 232 w Morris

Bennett, Miss Sarah, r 322 n Wynona

Bennett, W. G., operator, r 1120 e Oak

Benscheidt, Herman, W Vinegar Wks, r 145 n Hydraulic

Benson, Albert J., coal dlr, r 421 Ida

Benson, Miss Bell, housekeeper, J. O. Davidson

Benson Bros, R. S. & J. A. Benson, props Union Coal Co., off 143 n Mead

Benson, John, laborer, r 915 n Wichita

Benson, J. A. (Benson Bros) r 421 Ida

Benson, R. S. (Benson Bros) r 421 Ida

Benson, Seth S., laborer, r 655 s Fannie

Benson, Stephen B., clk City Mills, r 326 s Mosley

Bentley, F. H., student S B College

Bentley, Fred W., atty room 210 Sedgwick, bds and rms Carey

Bentley, Gaither C., stone mason, r 833 s Martinson, ws

Bentley, Harry T., laborer, r 833 s Martinson, ws

Bentley, J. C., (O. H. & J. C. Bentley) r 1025 n Market

Bentley, Milton E., laborer, r 833 s Martinson, ws

Bentley, O. H. & J. C., attorneys off rooms 54 & 55 Zimmerly

Bentley, O. H., (O. H. & J. C. Bentley) r 1042 n Topeka

Bentley, P. M., (Eaken & Bentley) rms 1442 s Lawrence

Bentley, William G., teamster, r 833 s Osage, ws

Benton, B. J., blacksmith, r 1123 n Ohio

Benton, Chester, butcher 502 e Douglas, r 308 n Topeka

Benton, Eli, engineer, r 436 n Wichita

Benton, Miss Flora M., r 308 n Topeka

Benton, Mrs. M. J., r 308 n Topeka

Benton, George W., retired, r 436 n Wichita

Benton, Orrin, moulder, r 436 n Wichita

Benton, Roger M., painter, r 431 n Wynona

Benyston, Miss Berta, domestic at 516 n Topeka

Berberick, Frank, janitor Getto Block, r same

Berberick, Joe, baker Santa Fe Bakery, rms 452 n Riverview

Bergdoll, Miss Cora, domestic 1047 n Lawrence

Berge, Simon J., wks Whittaker Pkg Co., r near Plow Works

Bergman, George W., (Wichita Mer Co.) r 1121 Bitting

Bergen, Andrew J., coachman W. C. Little, r 523 n Lawrence

Bergen, George A., clk Boston Store, bds Delmonico

Bergen, George H., clk 1102 s Lawrence, r 1119 s Lawrence

Badger, E. B., merchant police 127 w Douglas, r 218 s Water

Berger, Mrs. Carrie, bds 1039 s Emporia

Bering, W. M., sec Lee Investment Co., bds Hotel Metropole

Berk, James B., cook, r 638 n Main

Berlin, Miss Mary, bkpr Cash Star Gro’y, rms 1031 n Topeka

Bernard, James A., laborer, r 832 w Central

Bernard, Mrs., agent Jackson Corset Waist, rms ab 232 n Main

Bernard, William, laborer, r 620 n Water

Bernaugh, William, wks Eagle off, rms 504 w Fifteenth

Bernell, B., student S B College, r Oatville, Kan

Bernhard, Edgar, wks R I lunch counter, rms same

Berry, George, driver C E Rogers, bds 334 s Fourth

Berry, Geo W., student S B College, r Rotate, Kan

Berry, H., wks C E Rogers, r 334 s Fourth

Berry, Mrs. John, r 205 s Fourth

Berry, Miss Lula, typewriter, bds 404 Campbell ws

Berry, Miss Nelora, r 1550 n Park pl

Berry, William E., horse trader, r 217 n Waco

Berrry, William H., with C E Rogers, r 334 s Fourth

Bertsch, Emil, wks 507 s Lawrence, rms same

Bertsch, George, farmer, r 307 s Sycamore ws

Bertsch, Miss Mary E., r 307 s Sycamore ws

Bertsch, Phillip E., news boy, r 307 s Sycamore ws

Bertsch, Willie G., farmer, r 307 s Sycamore ws

Bertsche, Geo, switchman S Fe yds, r cor English and Fourth

Beseau, William M., teamster, r cor Maple and Grandien ws

Bethel, Miss Jennie, r 1552 s Fifth

Bethel, Jesse, r 1552 s Fifth

Bethel, Joseph, painter, r 1552 s Fifth

Bethel, William, retired, r 1552 s Fifth

Bethel, August, journalist, bds City Hotel

Bettis, Mrs. Maggie, r 720 n Market

Bettie, Mrs. M. F., bdgh, r 124 s Fourth

Bettis, William A., bkpr, r 720 n Market

Betts, Lew, stu Garfield, r El Dorado, Kan

Beumer, Mrs. L. F., residence 123 n Estelle

Beumer, Miss Lydia, residence 123 n Estelle

Beutler, Miss Mary E., domestic 1211 n Carlos

Bevelle, H. L., stenographer Mo P Ry, bds 412 n Market

Bever, James W., grave digger, r Goethe, n of Frisco

Bever, John, barber Exch Billiard Parlor, r ab 523 w Doug, ws

Bever, Mrs. Lucy, rms 351 Fannie

Beverlin, Grant, student, r 3428 n Fourth

Beverlin, Samuel, wks car shops, r 3428 n Fourth

Beverly, Miss Lizzie, residence 623 nb Fourth

Berry, William E., livery 157 n Waco, r 217 n Waco

Berryman, James H., laborer, r 809 w Central

Beyton, Ed, wks Neff & Young, bds 121 s Pattie

Bibbee, Dr. G. M., physician, bds Hotel Carey

Bicknell, Edwin T., (Chamberlin & Co.) r 25th st op Ploy F’y

Bicknell, Joseph S., carpenter, r 301 n Osage, ws

Bicknell, Rev. Larkin W., pastor West Side Baptist Church, r 1127 w Hendryx, ws

Biddle, Robt A., carpenter, r blk 31 n Mead

Bidleman, Miss Emma, r 1106 e Douglas

Bidleman, W. E., gardener, r 1106 e Douglas

Bidwell, Mrs. Amanda, r 252 n Wabash

Bidwell, Miss Clara, bds 3445 n Fourth

Bidwell, Edward, driver W Steam Laundry, r 252 n Wabash

Bidwell, Henry E., supt silk station, bds West Side Hotel

Bidwell, John O., driver Wells Fargo Exp Co., r 252 n Wabash

Biddle, Miss Laura, r blk n Mead near 31st

Biebrower, Miss Annie, r 1150 Getto

Bierbrower, Charlie, plasterer, r 1150 Getto

Bierley, Miss Liddie, wks Woman’s Ex, rms rm 23 ab 146 n Main

Bierman, Miss Louise, domestic at 1117 n Topeka

Biersbacher, Miss Groetchen, domestic 116 n Water

Bigelow, B., stu S B College, r Haviland, Kan

Bigelow, Charles E., collector 4th Nat Bk, rms 1846 n Wichita

Bigelow, E. W., with Soliday Bros & Lamphere, 903 s Emporia

Biggie, Miss Mary, dressmaker 339 n Market, r same

Biggs, Edward A., law student, rms 401 n Topeka

Biggs, Robert J., eng W S Mill, r 824 Lulu

Bigler, Crist, teamster, r 925 n Wichita

Biglow, Charles E., collector Fourth Nat bk, r 1846 n Wichita

Bilderback, William, stock dealer 147 n Waco, r 1410 s Fifth

Billig, Miss Alice, r 316 s Main

Billing, Elijah, r 1001 e First

Billing, Miss Hattie, r cor Emporia and Waterman

Billing, J. W., painter, r 1001 e First

Billing, Mrs. Rachel, midwife, r cor Emporia and Waterman

Billinger, John C., r 418 s Lawrence

Billinger, Orval, stu Lewis Acad, r 418 s Lawrence

Billings, Ben, car inspector R I Ry, r 126 Laura

Billings, Frank, laborer, r 126 Laura

Billings, E. M., (Billings & Rison) r ab 230 n Main

Billings, Samuel, live stock com stock yards, r ab 228 n Main

Billings & Rison, E M B, W H Rison, live stock com,r 5 Exchange bldg

Billingsley, S. S., (Jackman & B) rms 626 n Topeka, bds St Lawrence

Billman, Mrs. Caroline, r 1141 s Lawrence

Billow & Doup, N K B & L G Doup props Kan S Bed Co., se cor Mead and Second

Billow, N. K., (B & Doup) bd St Lawrence Hotel

Bilson, Wm H., mechanic, r cor Bonn s Lincoln ws

Binford, G., student S B College, r Haviland, Kan

Bingham, Miss Eliza, r 924 n Wichita

Binkley, Miss Bessie M., student, r Cowper n of Frisco

Binkley, Herbert L., student, r Cowper n of Frisco

Binkley, Walter R., soap mnfr, r Cowper n of Frisco

Birch, A. D., student S B College, r Moreland, Ill

Birchie, Georgie, at A T & S F R R, bds 237 s Fourth

Bird, Miss Daisy, student, r 526 n Emporia

Bird, Geo W., (Proudfoot & Bird) r Circle Drive and Cedar

Bird, Nicholas, atty rms 4 & 6 ab 128 n Main, r 526 n Emporia

Bird, Richard B., student high school, r 311 s Oak ws

Birdsell, Rufus, weaver, r 403 n Walnut ws

Birley, Miss Lydia, wks Woman’s Exchange

Birrer, John, shoemkr, 705 w Doug ws, rms 563 w Doug ws

Birtchner, T. W., student S B College, South Haven, Kan

Bisbee, Mrs. A., student Garfield

Bisbee, Fred M., (Paul Jones & Co.) r 321 s Lawrence

Bishop, Joseph P., wks Sedgwick Cigar store

Bishop, Wm P., clerk, p o, r 437 n Washington

Bissantz, Miss Albertine, student, r 301 n Water

Bissantz, Miss Amelia, r 301 n Water

Bissantz, Fred, prop Eagle Bakery, r same

Bissantz, Jacob A., (B & Matthews) r 301 n Water

Bissantz, Miss Lena, stu Lewis Acad, r 301 n Water

Bissantz & Mathews, J A B & G G M, hardware 123 e Doug

Bissell, Miss Laura A., r 1305 Vassar

Bissell, Will T., bkpr 116 n Topeka, r 1305 Vassar

Bitting, Alfred W., (Bitting Bros) r 1157 n Topeka

Bitting Block, 126 & 128 e Douglas

Bitting, Charles W., (Bitting Bros) r 715 n Lawrence

Bitting Bros, A W & C W Bitting, clothing, 126 and 128 e Douglas

Bitting, Lewis, retired, r 616 n Lawrence

Bittmann, John, assoc ed Wichita Herold, r 202 s Lawrence

Biumme, August, r cor Vine and Hancock, ws

Bivens, Ben A., hostler, 1315 n Fourth

Bivens, Miss Ines, dau Mrs. Mollie Bivens, r 1002 n Water

Bivens, Mrs. Mollie, laundress, r 1002 n Water

Bivion, Miss Minnie, domestic, r cor Park and Water

Bixby, Charles, stone mason, r 236 w Morris

Bixby, George, student High School, r 236 w Morris

Bixby, Velorius W., carpenter, r 218 w Morris

Bixler, Jacob S., barber, bds 1103 e First

Blackly, John C. F., carp 140 n Main, bds Ohio nr Chisholm ck

Black, Charles, waiter 402 e Douglas, rms 317 s Market

Black, Charles T., plasterer, r 1332 s Mosley

Black, Franklin D., r 424 n Millwood

Black, Frank M., stu Business College, r 1419 n Fairview

Black, George W., mangr W Overall and Shirt Man Co., r 1419 n Fairview

Black, Dr. Harvey W., landlord 414 w Douglas, r same

Black jr. & Co., J H Black and W L Johnson, druggists, 521 e Douglas

Black, J. H. (J H Black & Co.) bds Hotel Carey

Black, James H., sec and treas W W Gro Co., r 309 s Lawrence

Black, John I., mgr McKee & Francis, r 423 n Millwood ws

Black, Joseph A., farmer, r 424 n Millwood, ws

Black, Miss Luella, r 424 n Millwood, ws

Black, Robert, capitalist, r 1725 e Douglas

Black, Robt E., coal hauler, r 424 Millwood, ws

Black, Samuel, stu S B College, r Goddard, Kan

Black, Theodore, farmer, r 424 Millwood, ws

Black, William, real estate, rms and bds 449 n Market

Black, Wm W., transfer, r 220 s Oak, ws

Blackburn, Miss Fannie, stu S B College, r Bounds, Ill

Blackburn, Miss Mary J., stu S B College

Blackburn, N. F., lumberman, r 115 Ida

Blackwelder, Geo H., (Taylor, Blackwelder & Co.) r 1825 n Water

Blackwell, Mrs. Maud, rms 15 120 w Douglas

Blackwell, William W., (Wheelock & B) r 138 n Emporia

Blackwood, Mrs. Mary, r 720 n Main

Blads, James W., huckster, r 1140 ave F

Blads, John W., meat shop, r 1140 ave F

Blads, Miss Sadie, r 1140 avenue F

Blair, A. H., stu S B College, r Chenwa, Illinois

Blair, Miss Florence I., stu Lewis Acad, r 1506 Fairmount

Blair, Vance, clk 602 n Main, r Lonsdale near Irving ws

Blair, W. David, nurseryman, r 1442 Goethe

Blair, William M., phys, r nw cor Richmond & Walker ws

Blake, Freeman K., (Payne & Blake) r 313 s Martinson ws

Blakely, Agnes, stu public school, r 927 e Central

Blakely, Charles, student S B College

Blakely, Charles A., carpenter, r 717 Hinton

Blakely, Ellen, r 927 e Central

Blakely, George, plasterer, r 927 e Central

Blakely, George, stu S B College, r Colwich, Kan

Blakely, Harry, stu High School, r 927 e Central

Blakely, John M., carpenter, r 927 e Central

Blakely, Miss Lydia, dressmaker, r 927 e Central

Blakely, W. F., r 927 e Central

Blakeman, Jerry, meat market, r 1345 s Fifth

Blaker, Isaac B., feed store 406 Eighteenth, r 448 Riverview

Blanchard, Albert, night clk European Hotel

Blanchard, Albert D., gun smith rear 201 n Main, r 419 Stephen

Blanger, Miss Leda, r 811 w Central

Blanger, Noah, laborer, r 811 w Central

Blanke, Louis, engineer Dold Packing Co., r cor 21st & Water

Blankinship, Mrs. Fannie, trimmer 153 n Main, r 324 s Oak, ws

Blankinship, Francis M., hardware dealer 324 s Oak ws

Blankinship, Mrs. Lockey, r 1034 n Waco

Blankinship, Thos J., prop Kentucky House, r Emporia bet Eighteenth and Nineteenth

Blankinship, Wm M., wks W St Stone Wks, r 1034 n Waco

Blase, Albert H., shoe maker, 437 n Main, r 617 n Wichita

Blase, Charles C., clk Cole & Jones, r 617 n Wichita

Blase, Henry, shoemaker 437 n Main, r 617 n Wichita

Blaufuss, Edward J., dyer, wks 331 w Douglas, r same

Bleakmore, John B., student, r 717 s Main

Bleakmore, John B., (Bean, Bleakmore & Co.) r 1057 n Emporia

Bleakmore, Wylie H., real estate, r 717 s Main

Bleakmore, W. R., law student Hallowell & Hume, r 608 s Emp

Blease, Thomas H., shoemaker 213 e Doug, r 232 s Lawrence

Bleckley, Elmer E., pass & tkt agt, 137 n Main, r 1136 n Mk’t

Blessing, George, night w’man 224 w Waterman, r 302 Emp

Blinn, Lyman, laborer, bds 1555 s Market

Bliss, Miss Carrie, student, r 423 n Main

Bliss, Darius J., farmer, r 423 n Main

Bliss, Miss Ella F., r 423 n Main

Bliss, Herman A., clerk New York Store, r 330 s Lawrence

Bliss, Miss Minnie, r 423 n Main

Bloch, Isaac, loans, room 1 Fecheimer, r 523 s Market

Bloch, Michael, loans, room 1 Fecheimer, r 523 s Market

Blocker, Miss Effie, stu S B College, r Morrow, Kan

Blood, E. E., bds 411 n Main

Blood, Mrs. Ella, r 211 s Topeka

Bloss, Christopher, (B & Dwyer) r 1024 s Lawrence

Bloss Deam & Melvin, Geo Bloss, H M Deam and Andy Melvin, carriage mk and horse shoers 126 s Main

Bloss & Dwyer, Christopher Bloss and Daniel C Dwyer, horse shoers 327 w Douglas

Bloss, George, ( B Deam & Melvin) r 1020 s Lawrence

Blue, George, plasterer, r 416 Stephen

Blyan, C., stu S B College, r Colwich, Kan

Burke, Miss Catherine, domestic 726 s Emporia

Board of Trade of Wichita, W S Corbett pres, H L Pierce sec, Sedgwick

Boaz, Robt B., real estate, r 1508 e Division

Boaz, Spencer S., (Figg & B) r 413 s Water

Bobb, Chas A., stu S B College, rms 631 n Market

Bobbitt, Randolph, wks brick’yd, r 1556 Humboldt

Bobbitt, R. Eli, farmer, r 1556 Humboldt

Bobbitt, Miss Willie, stu, r 1556 Humboldt

Bock, Thomas, laborer, bds 320 Pennsylvania

Boddy, George, painter, r 302 n Market

Boden, C. W. Adolph, wks Wm Griffinstein, r 1221 n Jefferson

Boden, Emel R., gardener, r 1221 n Jefferson

Bodenhammer, Alex, barber, r 531 n Water

Bodine, Henry M., blacksmith, r 126 s Osage ws

Bogart, Isaac, wks city scavenger, r 732 n Waco

Bogdensky, Fred, tailor, wks 149 n Main, r 618 s Topeka

Boggs, Mrs. Ellen T., r 3511 n Fourth

Boggs, James, wks car shops, r 3511 n Fourth

Boggs, Miss May, r 3511 n Fourth

Boggs, Miss May B., stu Garfield, r McPherson, Kan

Bogue, Jack W., barber Morgan’s barber shop, r 3060 e Doug

Bohannon, Jacob H., grocer, 640 n Water, r 420 Riverview

Bohr, Frank, teamster, bds 603 n Exposition ws

Bohr, Henry, Star billiard hall, r 131 s Pattie

Bohr, Peter, laborer, r 603 n Exposition ws

Boice, Frank, supt Wichita Sub Ry, r 1646 Minnie

Bolden, William W., wks W S stone works, bds 1005 n Wichita

Boles, Miss Carrie, drsmkr 139 n Main, r cor Hillside & Francis

Boles, Miss Cora, r cor Hillside and Francis

Boles, Miss Dana, teacher, r cor Hillside and Francis

Boles, Miss Dovie, waiter Occidental Hotel

Boles, George W., r cor Hillside and Francis

Boles, Miss Nellie, teacher, cor Hillside and Francis

Bolick, Mrs. Rebecca, r 940 s Water

Boling, Frank H., wks lithographing department Eagle

Bolt, Miss Fanny, bkpr H M Jones, grocer, rms 331 s Ellis

Bolte, Albert, stu Lewis academy, r 335 s Water

Bolte, Henry, retired furniture merchant, r 335 s Water

Boltjes, John, stone mason, r 1124 s Water

Boltwood, Robert, glass cutter Kansas Sash & Door Co., r same

Bond, William M., (Alex’der & Bond) rlest, r 1437 n Fairview

Bone, A. Lewis, teacher, r 429 Stephen

Bonnetti, Miss Carrie, stu Lewis Academy, r Fourth and Pine

Bonnetti, Charles, (Bonnetti & Porcassi) r 638 n Fourth

Bonnetti & Porcassi props Model Barber Studio, 226 e Doug

Bonjour, Miss Lucy, stu S B College, r Neuchatel, Kan

Bonnell, John R., carpenter 231 Main, r 249 w Morris

Bonnell, Miss Kate, teacher 1st ward, rms 419 s Lawrence

Bonner, Miss Mary, wks Dold Packing Co.

Bonney, Francis M., real estate, r 1421 Holyoke

Bon Ton Bakery, Nicholas Steffen, prop, 348 n Main

Boomer, Miss Maria, rms cor Maple and Park av

Boone, Charles J., star steam laundry, r 1401 s Main

Boone, Geo, clk 522 e Douglas, rms 201 s Fourth

Boone, W., student S B College, r Bedford, Kan

Boone, Willard H., atty rm 210 Sedgwick, rms 431 n Waco

Boonsteele, Miss Cora, student S B College, r Hadnona, Kan

Boord, Milton, bridge builder, bds 209 s Washington

Booth, James R., rlest, r 130 s Millwood ws

Booth, Jennie, r 602 n Water

Booth, Josiah F., grocer, r 130 s Millwood ws

Booth, Miss Lucy, student S B College, r Battle Creek, Mich.

Booth, Mrs. Lucy, teacher, bds 527 s Seneca ws

Bowder, Wm, laborer Whittaker Packing Co.

Borcher, John, carp, r 1403 e Gilbert

Bordeaux, Willard H., bkpr, 213 s Main, bds ab 219 s Main

Borden, F. C., r 1422 s Fourth

Borgh, Chris, painter Viney Bros

Borland, Theodore V. Sr., carpenter, r 1504 n Lawrence

Borland, Theodore V. Jr., stu, r 1504 n Lawrence

Bormann, Charlie, laborer, r 1105 n Cleveland

Bormann, Henry, wks Kan Sash & Dr Co., r cor 10 & Cleveland

Borstner, George, shoemaker, r 1115 s Water

Borstner, Godfrey, shoemaker, r 1100 s Wichita

Bosley, Algielo A., stone mason, r 16th and Arkansas

Bosley, Mrs. Almira, residence 1136 Dayton, ws

Bosley Bosley & Speer, C H B, J F B and T E S, rlst rm 67 Zimmerly

Bosley, Chas H., (B B & Speer) r 1136 Dayton, ws

Bosley, James F., (B B & Speer) rms 1136 Dayton, ws

Bost, G. W., stu S B College, r Douglass, Kan

Bostick, Reuben L., rlst 208 Sedgwick, r 1014 s Lawrence

Boston Bakery, Zierorth & Clemens props, 823 w Douglas ws

Boston Shoeing Shop, Bloss & Dwyer props, 327 w Douglas

Boston Store, Wallenstein & Cohn props, dry goods 103, 105, 107, 109 e Douglas

Botkin, Rev. Jeremiah D., presiding elder M E ch, r Lucy n 22d

Botkin, Murray R., farmer, r 3617 n Emporia

Botkin, Owen D., contractor, r 3617 n Emporia

Botkin, Richard, r Lucy bet Twenty-second & Twenty-third

Botkin, Miss Rosa B., student, r 3617 n Emporia

Bott, Mrs. Anna, r 1113 s Emporia

Bott, Warrington, wks Schuyler Elc Lgt Co., r 1113 s Emporia

Bottjer, Fred, grain buyer, r 409 s Sherburn

Bottjer, Fred, with R W Eldridge & Co., r cor Lulu & Gilbert

Botts, Thomas B., laborer, r 441 Sherman

Bottomfield, Miss Grace, r ab 1102 w Douglas ws

Bottomfield, Henry S., bricklayer, r ab 1102 w Douglas ws

Bottomfield, Mrs. Mary, tailoress 313 e Douglas, rms Martinson block ws

Bottomfield, Miss Maud, student, r ab 1102 w Douglas ws

Bouffard, Ephraim, baker Santa Fe bakery, r 419 Orchard ws

Bourgette, Mr. A. M., r 216 n Topeka

Bourgette, Miss Ella, student S B College, r 216 n Topeka

Bourgette, James B., postal agt R I Ry, r 216 n Topeka

Bourgette, Evan, wks 117 n Market, bds City Hotel

Bowers, Buck, bronco rider, 147 n Waco, bds 232 n Water

Bowers, Mrs. Carry, r 113 e Waterman

Bowers, Ed S., operator W U T Co., r 1102 e Douglas

Bowers, Mrs. Fannie B., r 316 n Market

Bowers, Geo P., cabinet mkr Finlay Ross, r 113 e Waterman

Bowers, Miss Louisa, dom, r n Mead bet 19th and 20th

Bowers, Samuel A., wks Park & Reeves, rms 1908 n Wichita

Bowers, Walter E., lab, r 1304 s Mead

Bowie, Alexander, wks Dold Packing Co

Bowles, Miss Redie, student S B College, r Avilla, Kan

Bowlin, Willard B., painter, r ab 525 w Douglas ws

Bowerman, Adam, carp, r 3424 e Thirteenth

Bowman, Albert J., farmer, r 738 s Emporia

Bowman, Albert A., (Dininger & Bowman) r 456 n Main

Bowman, Benjamin F., New York Carriage Co., r 1215 Pattie

Bowman, Miss Clara, dau Benjamin F., r 1215 Pattie

Bowman, Eddy D., laborer, r 738 s Emporia

Bowman, E. W., carpenter, r 738 s Emporia

Bowman, Harry, r 1215 Pattie

Bowman, H. W., photographer 1014 e Douglas, r 220 Grove

Bowman, Joseph, bkpr Fourth Nat Bank, r 1524 Lorraine

Bowman, John F., stair builder Carson’s Pl’g Mill, r 135 s Ida

Bowman, Kennedy, laborer, r 235 n Fifth

Bowman, Miss Maud J., student, r 3331 e Twelfth

Bowman, R. B., cashier Con Tank Line Co., r 1304 e Oak

Bowman, Miss Rosa, r 135 Ida

Bowman, Samuel, bkpr Fourth Nat Bank, r 3331 e Twelfth

Bowman, Samuel, carpenter, bds West Side Hotel

Bowman, William H., telegrapher, r 738 s Emporia

Bowser, G. W., cashier Mass Mutual Life Ins Co., r 232 n Topeka

Boyce, Miss Jessie, stu S B College, r Conway Springs, Kan

Boyce, Miss M., stu S B College, r Dixon, Ill

Boyd, Abram, teamster, r 313 n Mead

Boyd, Alfred D., mechanic, ab 135 n Market

Boyd, Miss Alice E., art student, r 1715 n Fairview

Boyd, B. Y., phys ab 146 n Main, bds Hotel Metropole

Boyd, Charles, student Garfield

Boyd, Charles H., carp r n Mosley near Thirty-third

Boyd, Miss Ella, stu S B College, r Mexico, Mo

Boyd, Frank L., teacher, r Elizabeth s Wheeler ws

Boyd, George M., r 1715 n Fairview

Boyd, Mrs. Ida, r 253 n Wabash

Boyd, James M., rlest, r 449 n Market

Boyd, J. F., rlest, ab 205 n Main, bds 556 n Alice

Boyd, John, Hose Co. No. 1, 230 n Market

Boyd, John L., general inves loan brok, ab 201 n Main, r 1715 n Fairview

Boyd, John W., farmer, r Fourth near Thirty-sixth

Boyd, Julius M., hotel keeper, r n Fifth near Thirty-seventh

Boyd, Miss Mabel, student, rm 33 Smith & Skinner building

Boyd, Miss Mary, domestic at 223 n Emporia

Boyd, Miss Nora, student Garfield

Boyd, O. L., barber, bds 430 n Main

Boyd, Dr. Theodore F., dentist ab 113 e Doug, r 618 s Water

Boyd, William H., clk 220 e Doug, rms Grandolfo blk

Boyer, Harvey L., teamster Hydraulic Mills, rms 205 Laura

Boyer, J. H., tinner, bds Plow Works Hotel

Boyer, Miss Mamie, stu S B College, r Ft Scott, Kan

Boylan, Miss Julia, domestic 803 n Waco

Boyle, Clara V., r 1014 w Douglas, ws

Boyle, Daniel, sec foreman Mo Pac Ry, r 132 w Tenth

Boyle, David, retired, r 139 n Fourth

Boyle, John A., wks Ice Factory, r 1014 w Douglas, ws

Brack, Wm C., Southw’n Real Est Co., bds n Market nr Central

Bracken, Archibald, hides, 536 w Doug, ws, r 503 Hewitt, ws

Bracken, Chas H., student, r 503 Hewitt, ws

Bracken, J. C., stu S B College, r Gibson, Kan

Bracken, Will S., bkpr W Sash & Door Co., r 503 Hewitt, ws

Braden, Henry, laborer, r 906 n Wichita

Braden, Mrs. Mary, r 919 n Wichita

Braden, Robert, porter Carey Hotel, r 919 n Wichita

Bradford, Anusted, wks Eagle Cornice Wks, r 903 s Fourth

Bradford, William E., carpenter, r 639 n Ohio

Bradley, Edward S., wks 317 e Douglas, bds 316 e Williams

Bradshaw, George A., r 1237 s Lawrence

Bradshaw, J. F., r Hillsdale s of Franklin

Bradshaw, Miss Maggie, r 116 s Mosley

Bradshaw, Miss Mamie, r 116 s Mosley

Bradt, Gurdon E., clk Mo Pac frt depot, r 231 n Wichita

Brady, Miss Alice, dressmaking, rm No 1 611 e Douglas

Brady, Eugene, Ry employee, r 852 e Oak

Brady, Joseph, farmer, r 852 e Oak

Bragg, John, shoemaker, r 1745 Jackson

Brain, Edgar, printer Daily Journal, r 5034 s Main

Braitsch, C., shoemaker John Braitsch, r 534 n Riverview

Braitsch, John, boots & shoes, 120 e Doug, r 333 s Main

Braitsch, Roman, wks McComb Bros, r 527 s Topeka

Brander, Miss Isa, r 245 n Topeka

Brandom, Chas, r 213 n Hydraulic

Brandom, Harrison, phys, ab 408 e Doug, r 1810 s Fannie

Brandom, M. C., salesman J L D G Co., r 1810 s Fannie

Brandom, M. T., clk Johnson-Larimer, r 1810 Fannie

Brandom, Owen T., musician, r 1810 Fannie

Brandow, Miss Clara, r 308 s Market

Brandt, David S., clk Parlor Meat Market, r 532 Sherman

Branham, James A., stone cutter, r 512 Riverview

Brannen, Jerry, wks Dold Packing Co.

Brannan, Mathew, blacksmith, r 3700 n Fourth

Branstitter, Raper, watchmaker, 145 n main, r 1219 n Waco

Brant, Joseph, contracting carp, r 1015 s Water

Brant, Louis Johnson, laborer, r 223 s Fourth

Brasier, Andrew J., constable W P Mosley, r 131 Ida

Brasier, Frank, constable W P Mosley, r 936 s Lawrence

Brasier, Miss Maggie, r 131 Ida

Bratley, Miss Leoni, stu  S B College, r ab 153 n Emporia

Bratley, Jessie H., student S B College, r ab 153 n Emporia

Bray, Miss Ella, rms No 9 ab 224 n Main

Bray, T. C., laborer Whittaker Packing Co.

Bray, Mrs. Kate, r 313 s Fourth

Bray, Thomas E., farmer, r cor Water and 25th

Brayden, Miss May, laundress Occidental Hotel, r same

Breckenridge, Preston P., miller, r cor Delaware and Erie

Breece, Vincent, feed store man, r 413 s market

Breckon, Miss Lizzie E., dressmaker, r room 39, Fletcher

Breed, A. S., r 1625 Orange

Breed, J. F., laborer, r 1625 Orange

Breed, Sands N., laborer, r 1625 Orange

Breed, Sanford, laborer, r 1625 Orange

Breeden, Sanford, laborer, r n Fifth in blk 3200

Breese, Morris W., wks Wichita Sash & Door Co., r same

Breese, V. E., feed, flour, etc., 725 n Main, r s Market

Breitwieser, Henry, wks Forest City Brick Co., rms same

Brelsord, Chas, wks Barney Daly, rms same

Breneman, Frederick, retired, bds 140 n Topeka

Brengle, Miss Jennie, domestic, 217 s Emporia

Brennan, Miss Maude, student S B College, r Peoria, Ill

Bressler, James N., wks Eagle Cornice Wks, r 212 n Waco

Brewer, A. A., bkpr R’l Spic Mill, r Lewis bet Topeka & Emporia

Brewer, Charles, farmer, r n Wabash near Thirty-fifth

Brewer, Daniel H., policeman, r 242 Pennsylvania

Brewer, Mrs. Eliza T., rms 1451 Park Place

Brewer, Milton, laborer, r 505 s Emporia

Brewer, Wm. N., engineer, w n Wabash near Thirty-fifth

Brewster, Geo C., veterinary 117 e Doug, r 413 n Millwood ws

Brice & Abrams, Benjamin W. Brice and Levi M Abrams, bdh 316 e William

Brice, Benjamin W., (Brice & Abrams) r 316 e William

Brice, Miss Fora, wks 316 e William, rms same

Brice, Mrs. Nettie, wks 316 e William, rms same

Bricker, Miss Mary, trimmer Mrs M. Klentz, r 431 s Lawrence

Briddell, Harry E., train disper, Mo Pc Ry, r 1066 n Water

Bridenbaugh & Rauch, w H Bridenbaugh, W H Rauch, attys rooms 5 and 7 ab 205 n Main

Bridenbaugh, William H., (B & Rauch) rms 516 s Water

Brindenstine, Abraham, stone mason, r 625 n Fifth

Brindenstine, Alson, student, r 625 n Fifth

Brindenstine, James M., clk Boston Store, r 625 n Fifth

Brindenstine, Lon, printer, r 625 n Fifth

Bridges, Miss Cora, student, r 732 s Elizabeth, ws

Bridges, Miss Flora, student, r 732 s Elizabeth, ws

Bridges, George W., brick mason, r rear 1201 Pattie

Bridges, James G., stone cutter, r 1201 Pattie

Bridges, James W., machinist, r 1201 Pattie

Bridges, John C., wks Elliott’s Plg Mill, r 732 s Elizabeth, ws

Bridges, Samuel A., machinist, r 1201 Pattie

Briggs, Andrew, r 1761 Arkansas

Briggs, Albert N., bds Hotel Metropole

Briggs, Miss Edith, stu Lewis Acad, r 1127 n Topeka

Briggs, Joseph H., compositor Daily Journal, r 321 n First

Briggs, Miss Lissa, r 329 n Emporia

Briggs, Milo H., r 224 n Fourth

Briggs, Russell, r 224 n Fourth

Briggs, Swain, r 1014 s Emporia

Bright, Charles A., clk room 38 Smith-Skinner bldg, rms 422 w Central

Bright, C. H., student Garfield, r Marion, Kan

Bright, Miss Ella, r 422 w Central

Bright, Henry, wks W O & C Co., bds 302 s Emporia

Bright, John G., loans, r 422 w Central

Bright, Leonard C., carpenter, bds 1146 Hendryx, ws

Bright, Miss Lottie, r 422 w Central

Bright, Miss Olive, r 422 w Central

Bright, Oscar, horseman, bds 2151 s Market

Bright, Peter, horseman, rms 1136 n Waco

Brill, Miss Annie, r cor Arkansas and Adeline

Brindley, John B., retired farmer, r 2230 w First, ws

Briner, C. J., wks Whittaker Pkg House, bds Exchange Hotel

Bringle, Albert, night watchman car shops, rms Burton House

Bringle, Miss Ida, rms Burton House

Brink, Mrs. V. H., r 336 n Topeka

Brinklow, Alfred, teamster Ross Bros, rms ab 115 n Topeka

Brinkman, William, wks Whittaker pkg house, bds Ex hotel

Brissey, William C., teamster, r 443 n Fifth

Bristow, George W., cashier Lom Mortg Co., r 1327 Vassar

Bristow, Irma R., stu Lewis Acad, r 1327 Vassar

Bristow, Percy C., student, r 1327 Vassar

Bristow, Walter S., r 1327 Vassar

Britell, John T., wks Mo Pac Ry, r 514 n Wichita

Britten, Lester, wks car shops, bds 3517 n Fourth

Britenfield, Miss Ada May, stu, r 939 Piatt

Britenfield, Columbus, r 1914 e Park

Britenfield, Miss Ella, r 939 Piatt

Britenfield, Lewis, retired, r 939 Piatt

Britenfield, Miss Lulu M., r 939 Piatt

Britenfield, Walter T., laborer, r 939 Piatt

Brittingham, F. M., photog, 207 s Main, bds 201 s Fourth

Brittingham’s Gallery, T A Watkins, prop, ab 112 e Douglas

Britton, Dexter, waiter St Lawrence, bds same

Britton, Martin T., wks Sash and Door fac, r 807 e Gilbert

Broadway, Alva C., clk 528 e Douglas, r 617 e Oak

Broadey, W. W., laborer, r bet 17th and 18th Chisholm cr

Brock, Miss Florence, domestic 401 n Topeka

Broderick, Jack, harn mkr, bds 302 n Market

Broderick, John D., butcher 223 s Main, bds 302 n Market

Broderick, J. P. (P J Thistlewood), r 923 n Market

Bromwell, J. C., student S B College, r Antelope, Kan

Brook, Miss Addie J., teacher, 1023 n Emporia

Brook, F. S., r 1021 n Emporia

Brook, Thomas J., contracting carpenter, r 1023 n Emporia

Brooks, Miss Amy L., wks box factory, r 123 s Seneca ws

Brooks, Chas H., (Smyth B & Coffin) r 354 Indiana

Brooks, Frank E., wks box factory, r 123 s Seneca ws

Brooks, Homer E., physician, off and r 123 s Seneca ws

Brooks, Mrs. M. H., r 616 n Washington

Brophy, J., bds Lindell Hotel

Brose, Joseph W., farmer, r e of Hydraulic s of Franklin

Brose, Fred, teamster, rms 1823 s Hydraulic

Brothers Academy, campus bet McCormic and Irving ws

Browder, William, teacher, r ab 224 n Main rm 6

Brown, A., wks Cracker Co., r 428 n Mead

Brown, Alfred, (Brown & Kerbaugh) r 428 n Main

Brown, Alexis, clerks 1103 w Doug, ws, r 626 s Martinson, ws

Brown, Andrew B., painter, r 319 s Pattie

Brown, Mrs. Ann, r 221 s Fourth

Brown, Miss Annie, r 121 s Mead

Brown, Asbury, bricklayer, r 213 n Fern, ws

Brown, Byron K., jewelry, 217 e Douglas, r 139 n Lawrence

Brown, Carl C., clerk 110 w Douglas, rms 514 n Wichita

Brown, Miss Carrie, r 441 n Market

Brown, Miss Carrie M., laundry woman, r 538 n Wichita

Brown, Cearles L., student, r 1125 s Millwood, ws

Brown, Miss Clara I., r 903 s Emporia

Brown, David M., attorney at 256 n Main, r 929 n Market

Brown, Edgar T., r 1904 Arkansas

Brown, Miss Edith, stu S B College, r Mulvane, Kan

Brown, Edward H., prop Acme Print’g House, r 4717 e Kellogg

Brown, Eli W., carp, Gribi & Stillhamer, r 311 s Sycamore, ws

Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth M., r 329 s Lawrence

Brown, Miss Ella, student, r 430 n Main

Brown, Frank, plasterer, r 534 s Market

Brown, Frank A., student, r 205 s Exposition, ws

Brown, Frank C., carpenter, r 326 n Mead

Brown, Fred, laborer, r 414 s Emporia

Brown, Fred A., stone cutter, r 936 n Waco

Brown, Geo W., printer ab 317 e Douglas, rms 311 e Douglas

Brown, Gilbert M., butcher, r 1326 e Douglas

Brown, Harry, waiter 112 w Douglas, r 313 e Second

Brown, Herbert R., carpenter, bds 1006 w Douglas, ws

Brown, Ira, gardener, r cor McPherson and Lawrence

Brown, James, teamster, r 1548 s Washington

Brown, Mrs. James G., boardinghouse 238 n Market

Brown, James H., r 1326 e Douglas

Brown, James R., reg deeds, r 437 Campbell, ws

Brown, James W., clk 1103 w Douglas, ws, r 626 s Martinson, ws

Brown, J. Henry, speculator, r 4717 e Kellogg

Brown, J. H., meat market 906 e Douglas, r same

Brown, Miss Jennie, 618 e William

Brown, John C., carpenter, r near 3700 n Emporia

Brown, John C., carpenter, rms 508 s Topeka

Brown, John F., farmer, r 125 s Millwood, ws

Brown, Joseph L., r 329 s Lawrence

Brown, Miss Kate E., teacher Lewis Acad, r 243 n New York

Brown, Miss Katie, cook W C T U, r same

Brown, Miss Katie C., dressmaker, r 936 n Waco

Brown & Kerbaugh, Alfred Brown and William Kerbaugh, hand made candy, 428 n Main

Brown, Miss Ladowskey, r 1322 s Mead

Brown, Mrs. L. A., r 1044 n Emporia

Brown, Louis A., postal clerk Frisco Line, r 1044 n Emporia

Brown, Lewis D., teacher, rms 140 n Topeka

Brown, Lloyd D., salesman 106 e Doug, r 1024 n Washington

Brown, Louis, student, r 430 n Main

Brown, Miss Lulu, stu St Alloysius, r 626 s Martinson, ws

Brown, Miss M. G., r 441 n Market

Brown, Miss Mamie G., r 903 s Emporia

Brown, Miss Mary M., music teacher, r 329 s Lawrence

Brown, Olney Othnile, speculator, r 526 n Waco

Brown, Otto, student, r 936 n Waco

Brown, Paul, carrier Daily Eagle, r 329 s Lawrence

Brown, Robert, Adams Express Co., bds 218 s Topeka

Brown, Robert B., laborer, r 230 s Lawrence

Brown, R. H., asst city engineer, r 251 n Wabash

Brown, Silas, carrier Daily Eagle, r 329 s Lawrence

Brown, Stephen R., coal dlr 124 n Exposition, r 217 n Fern

Brown, Susan, r 139 n Water

Brown, Theodore F., under sheriff, r 630 w Central

Brown, Thomas C., clk 138 n Main, rms 300 n Main

Brown, Victor W., grocer 1103 w Doug, r 626 s Martinson

Brown, William, servant Manhattan hotel, r 221 s Fourth

Brown, William F., brickmason, r 534 s Market

Brown, William F., bricklayer, bds 302 n Market

Brown, W. H., gardener, r cor McPherson and Lawrence

Brown, William H., com traveler, r 1036 Rogers

Brown, William H., drayman, r 936 n Waco

Brown, William J. (Aldrich & Brown) r 441 n Market

Brown, William P., r 1655 s Mead

Brown, W. S., prop Exchange liv stable, bds Doug Av House

Brown, W. W., cashier Adams Express Co., rms Gandolfo blk

Brownwell, Albion S., Hose Co No 1, r 230 n Market

Browning, King & Co., represented by James Pye, rm 9 Gandolfo block

Brownson, Mrs. Harriet, r 228 n Topeka

Brownson, J. M., r 228 n Topeka

Brownson, Miss Lettie, r 228 n Topeka

Brownson, S. S., student S B College

Brownwell, J. G., stu S B College, rms 408 s Emporia

Brubacher, Jos A. (Wilson & Brubacher) rms 817 n Lawrence

Brubaker, Mrs. B., r 1206 e Fifteenth

Brubaker, William, pressman, r 1206 e Fifteenth

Bruce, Alexander, wks Riverside Ry, rms at car barn

Bruce, Alfred, clk Monarch Drug Store, r Peck sta

Bruce, M. H., Ex Co Supt schools, r 826 e Central

Bruce, John H., phys and surg rooms 1, 2 & 3 ab 150 n Main, r 455 n Waco

Bruch, Miss Clara A., stu Garfield, r La Cross, Kan

Bruederli, Miss Lizzie, domestic 121 s Water

Bruggeman, Adolph G., tailor 214 n Main, r 345 n Market

Bruggeman, Miss Carrie, stu Lewis Acad

Bruhn, Anton (Tony), barber, r 1001 s Wichita

Bruhn, Fred, hose house No 2, r 1001 s Wichita

Brumage, Benjamin R., stone mason, r 720 e Tenth

Brumage, Elmur L., laborer, r 720 e Tenth

Brumbaugh, Albert J., clk Exchange Hotel

Brumbaugh, Miss Ardella, stu S B College, r Towanda, Kan

Brumma, Miss Eda, domestic 112 e Morris

Brumbfield, Thomas Jordan, sol Kan Fruit Co, r 527 w 3d

Brumme, August, laborer, r W bet Maple and Douglas

Brumer, John, wks Dold Packing Co

Brummer, Otto, coachman W B Hendryx

Brummet, Wm, baker, r 443 n Main

Brumett, John W., laborer, bds 137 Laura

Bruner, Miss Daisy, clk Innes & Ross, r 427 w Ninth

Bruner, Geo C., W Mercantile Co., r 427 w Ninth

Bruner, Mrs. Lizzie, r 427 w Ninth

Bruner, Miss Lula, teacher public schools, r 427 w Ninth

Brunner, Ed, with The Fashion, r w Nineteenth

Brunson, Lafayette L., painter, bds Fairview Hotel, ws

Bryan, C. Z., (Bryan Fruit Co) r 324 n Water

Bryan, Mrs. Delila, wks Sedgwick blk, rms 329 Sedgwick

Bryan, Mrs. E. O., student Garfield

Bryan Fruit Co., M J Bryan, C Z Bryan, U T Bryan, whol fruit and produce, 239 n Main

Bryan, Mrs. Margaret, music teacher, r 1612 Guy

Bryan, M. J., (Bryan Fruit Co), r 324 n Water

Bryan, Mrs. Nancy, r 324 n Water

Bryan, Phillip, janitor Sdg bldg, rms 329 Sedgwick

Bryan, Thomas F., prop Yankee dairy, r Yankee dairy

Bryan, U. T., (Brian Fruit Co), r 324 n Water

Bryant, Alf, head cook Occidental hotel, r 420 n Wichita

Bryant, Miss Gertrude, r n Mead near Thirty-third

Bryant, Vilas E., car builder, r n Mead near Thirty-third

Bryson, Miss Ivanona M., teacher West Wichita

Bryson, Jack, coachman J O Davidson

Buch, Aaron, bookbinder, ab 338 n Main, rms 6 and 7 same

Bucher, Albert, liveryman 628 n Main

Buck, Allen H., carp cor Everett and Munnell ws

Buck, Miss Emma, dressmaker, r 712 n Main

Buck, Henry C., r 3124 e Central

Buck, Miss J. A. E., r 357 n Fourth

Buck, Mrs. Mary F., r 610 s Water

Buck, Miss Orpha H., student, r 3124 e Central

Buck, William, wks Kansas Furniture Co

Buck, William, clk, bds 148 n Mosley

Buckeridge, Alfred T., mnfr pumps, cor 1st and 4th, r 1543 n Fairview

Buckley, Fred, prop Eagle Cornice Wks, r 523 s Main

Buckner, George O. M., real estate and loans, r 716 e Central

Buckner, Mrs. Jane, r 224 s Poplar

Buckner, Miss Roberta, r 224 s Poplar

Buckner, Thomas A., cash New York Life Ins Co, bds Carey

Buckner, William T., probate judge, r 708 e Central

Burkwalter, Dr. Oliver, Wichita Dental Inst, r 1106 Larimer

Budd, Henry L., with A Cannon & Co., r 312 n New York

Budd, Oliver H., clerk, bds 1200 Mosley

Buerhaus, Chas J., ship clk Corner & Far’m, rms 129 Lawrence

Buffard, L., cash boy Boston Store, r 419 s Orchard, ws

Buffington, Gainer P., railroad conductor, r 1003 e Second

Buffington, Miss Maud, stu Lewis Academy, r 1003 e Second

Buffington, M. E., sten Davidson Inv Co., bds 414 w Central

Buffington, William, coachman J R Mead

Buffington, William S., railroad employee, r 1003 e Second

Buford, Miss Albirdie, r 417 n Fifth

Buford, Henry, hod carrier, r 241 n Fifth

Bugbee, O., grocer 1147 s Lawrence, r 1313 s Emporia

Buhr, John W., laborer, r 724 n Ohio

Buhr, Miss Lucinda, r 724 n Ohio

Buhr, Mat, drives ex wagon, r 342 n First

Buhrlage, John W., carpenter, r 1114 Hendryx, ws

Builders’ Exchange, W P Stem pres, R C Stewart sec & treas, room 3, Israel & Myers block

Buker, Alpha, prop Woods stable, r 607 n Wichita

Bukofzer, Samuel, grocer 827 w Douglas ws, r ab same

Bulla, L. Frank, foreman cement, r 418 w Central

Bullard, Mrs. B. M., r 228 n Topeka

Bullen, Geo, stu S B College, r Beloit, Kan

Bullinger, Chas A., student, r 138 n Larimer

Bullinger, Miss Ella S., student, r 1138 n Larimer

Bullinger, Freeman O., farmer, r 1138 n Larimer

Bullinger, H., farmer, w Little River n Adeline

Bullinger, James E., pho 535 w Douglas, r 320 s Exposition, ws

Bullinger, John M., farmer, r 1138 n Larimer

Bullinger, William A., farmer, r 1138 n Larimer

Bullock, David R., (Crawford, Bullock & Co) rms 323 n Emporia

Bulwer, Chris, contr brick work, r 316 n Wichita, ws

Bumgardner, Herman, interpreter and nurse ab 254 n Main

Bumgardner, J., stu S B College, r St Clairville, O

Bumholdt, August, wks Dold Packing Co, r Mead and 19th

Bumholdt, Charles, wks Dold Packing Co, r Mead and 19th

Bumholdt, John, wks Dold Packing Co, r Mead and 19th

Bumholdt, Wm, wks Dold Packing Co, r Mead and 19th

Bundy, Mrs. Ida, shirt folder Kan Stm Ldry, r 619 n Wichita

Bunker, Mark, student S B College

Bunnell & Eno Inv Co, W S Eno, pres, Chas N Frost, sec’y, L B Bunnell, v-pres and treas, loans and securities, 126 e First

Bunnell, Luther B., v-pres and treas Bunnell & Eno Inv Co, r 1306 n Lawrence

Bunnell & Morehouse, L B Bunnell and Chas H Morehouse, real estate, 126 e First

Bunnell, Isaac U., bkpr Bunnell & Eno, r 1306 n Lawrence

Bunnell & Roys, block 227 and 229 e Douglas

Bunneman, William, stone cutter, rms 726 n Market

Bupp, Irvin, foreman W & W R R, r 835 s Fourth

Bupp, Mrs. James L., r 943 s Fourth

Bupp, John H., painter, r 943 s Fourth

Burbridge, James H., detective, bds 302 n Market

Burd, Miss Jane, teacher, r 1014 n Water

Burd, Joseph C., conductor Rock Island R R, r 1014 n Water

Burd, Miss Mary, dau Joseph C. Burd, r 1014 n Water

Burge, Joseph, carp, r Whitney, ws

Burgess, Geo L., shoemaker 577 w Douglas, ws, r same

Burgess, J. A., carriage trimr M A McKenzie, bds 902 e Doug

Burke, Miss Clyde, r 1902 s Wichita

Burke, Edmond W., student, r 508 s Water

Burke, R. E., r 3441 n Fifth

Burke, William, tinner, wks D J Chatfield, r 508 s Water

Burkholder, Ed, wks Wes Elec Con Co, bds 148 n Wichita

Burkholder, John E., electrician, bds 138 n Wichita

Burley, John E., carp, r Columbia near Huron

Burline, Miss Mary, cashier Dorsey’s groc, bds 1031 n Topeka

Burmester, Adolphus, laborer, bds 116 n Water

Burnaugh, William F., wks Eagle Bindery, r 504 w Fifteenth

Burnett, Elmer J., carp, r 348 n Lawrence

Burnett, Joseph G., lab, r 1054 n Fifth

Burnett, Roland, farmer, r 1054 n Fifth

Burnett, Roland, Jr., lab, r 1054 n Fifth

Burnett, Samuel E., lab, r 1054 n Fifth

Burns, Amos, atty ab 144 n Main, r cor Frisco and Dickens

Burns, C. I., porter W & W Ry, rooms 522 e Douglas

Burns, George H., Wichita Mercantile Co., r 217 s Market

Burns, George, canvasser, r 1147 s Laura

Burns, James W., teamster, r 1147 s Laura

Burns, John Luther, teacher, cor Frisco and Dickson

Burns, Martin, r 102 n Mosley

Burns, Nathan, wks Santa Fe Ry office, bds 251 n Market

Burns, Robert, wks Dold Packing Co.

Burns, Miss Lalla R., r cor Frisco and Dickens

Burnside, Sidney S.., gasoline stove sup, 305 e Douglas

Burr, Miss Anna G., stu High school, r 133 s Hydraulic

Burr, Arthur G., grocer 1338 e Douglas, r 133 s Hydraulic

Burr, Miss Jennie B., r 133 s Hydraulic

Burr, Miss Lucy M., r 133 s Hydraulic

Burrell, James P., com salesman, r 442 Riverview

Burris, Mrs. Martha, r 403 n Market

Burris, Mrs. Salome, bdgh, r 3445 n Fourth

Burris, Miss Susie, r 3445 n Fourth

Burroughs, Miss Nell, domestic S S Boaz 413 s Water

Burroughs, Reuben, veterinary surg 115 n Water, r same

Burrow, S., student S B College, r Chanute, Kan

Burrows, A Will, (B & Butler) r flat 4, 219 s Main

Burrows & Butler, A Will Burrows & Hobert R Butler, dlrs wall paper and paints, 213 s Main

Burrows, Chas E., Capt. police, r 1153 University ws

Burrows, Miss Ella L., bkpr Sedg Lo’n Co, r 1153 University ws

Burrows, Miss Maud E., stu, r 1153 University ws

Bursell, Clarence, r 1145 av C

Bursell, Erastus, stone mason, r 1145 av C

Bursell, Miss Mattie, r 1145 av C

Burson, Curtis, student, r 1058 n Lawrence

Burson, Miss Gracie E., stu Lewis Acad, r 303 Riverview

Burson, Harvey H., speculator, r 303 Riverview

Burson, Harvey W., Jr., student, r 303 Riverview

Burster, Henry, wks Stewart, Coney & Co., r 319 n Water

Burt, Frank S., sec & treas W T & M Service, r 1333 s Emporia

Burt, Jesse, retired, r 1333 s Emporia

Burtch, Celinda, dressmkr, r 123 Laura

Burton, Mrs. Charles, rm 1703 Lulu

Burton Coal & Fuel Co., Rees C Vidler & Bro., props, rm 407 Sedgwick

Burton, Ezra A., foreman Burton Car Wks, r n Fourth nr 36th

Burton House, 628 Karl av; A B Chestnut, prop

Burton, James W., weighmaster L C Jackson, r 330 s Mosley

Burton, John M., cashier Burton Car Works, r Allerton

Burton M E Church, 6726 e Karl, Rev. O. P. Light, pastor

Burton Presbyterian Ch, Fifth nr 33d, Rev. Robertson, pastor

Burton School, cor Karl and Emporia

Burton Stock Car Co., cor n Washington and Karl av, John T. Chamberlain, general superintendent

Burton, W. F., physician, r 423 n Washington

Burwell, A. C., atty ab 134 n Main, r 607 n Lawrence

Busby, Charles L., clerk, r 1131 n Lewellen

Busby, Miss Grace, rms 204 n Emporia

Busby,John P., carpenter, r 1131 n Lewellen

Busby, Miss Maud, student, r 1131 n Lewellen

Busby, William, brick moulder, r Locke near Second, ws

Busch, John B., (Busch & Grover) r 329 n Market

Busch & Grover, John B. Busch and L. Grover, props Kansas Meat Market, 322 n Main

Busch & Grover’s Slaughter Houses, Big River nr Moore, ws

Busenbark, Mrs. A. P., r 1023 n Fifth

Busenbark, Miss Emma, stenographer, r 619 s Water

Busenbark, John, (Cooper & B) r 619 s Water

Bush, A. T., stock dealer, r 805 n Lawrence

Bush, Geo W., stock dealer, bds 805 n Lawrence

Bush, Wm F., carp, r 344 Matthewson

Bushell, David, engineer, rms 313 e William

Buss, A. J., marble cutter, r 312 Indiana

Bussell, Erastus S., mason, r 1145 Ave C

Bussey, James W., teamster, r 615 n Ohio

Butcher, Thos W., stu Garfield, r South Haven, Kan

Butler, Miss Alice M., stu Lewis Acad, r 1341 n Wichita

Butler, Arthur, laborer, r 209 s Washington

Butler, Berry, foundryman, r 632 s Fourth

Butler, Edgar W., r Hillside s of Franklin

Butler, Eugene H., carpenter, r 217 s Chautauqua

Butler, E. W., at 116 s Fourth, r 829 s Topeka

Butler, Frank S., wks 116 s Fourth, r 829 s Topeka

Butler, Geo, carp, r Fourth near Thirty-sixth

Butler, Geo W., wks 116 s Fourth, r 829 s Topeka

Butler, Hobert R., (Burrows & B) r 1341 n Wichita

Butler, Miss Jessie, bds 3719 n Fourth

Butler, James, wks Dold Packing Co., r 1827 n Fifth

Butler, J. H., r Hillside s Franklin

Butler, Johnson, gardener, r sw cor Harry & Waco

Butler, Miss Lottie, dau S Geo Butler, r 829 s Topeka

Butler, Miss Maggie, r 226 n Water

Butler, Mrs. Mary, boarding house 226 n Water

Butler, Miss May, dau S Geo Butler, r 829 s Topeka

Butler, Miss Libbie, r 1341 n Wichita

Butler, S. Geo, livery 116 s Fourth, r 829 s Topeka

Butler, William, civil engineer with J O Mulvey, r 1220 s 4th

Butner, Coleman B., section foreman, R I Ry, r 219 n Mead

Butner, Vinda, wks Dold Packing Co.

Butterfield & Co., Dr. B. E. Butterfield & J. L. Davis, druggists, 128 w Douglas

Butterfield, Benj E. (Butterfield & Kelker) rms 268 n Main

Butterfield & Kelker, B. E. Butterfield, D. N. Kelker, drgs, 258 n Main

Butterfield, Wm A., laborer, r n Fourth near Thirty-seventh

Butts, Mrs. Isabella, boarding house, 328 n Water

Butts, John, wks Clair Dining Hall, r 328 n Water

Butts, W. F., wks J. E. Flowers, bds 343 n Main

Buzzard, John W., carpenter, r 904 Central

Byers, William H., (Peerless Stove Co) bds 720 Hinton

Byrne, Alonzo, wks City Plumbing Co, 306 s Mosley

Byrne, John M., salesman J A Wallace, r 1432 s Mosley

Bywater, John, livery, r 723 s Main


Cady, W. S., attorney, bds 411 e Douglas

Cagle, Miss Rhoda, waiter Hotel Richland

Cahill, Miss Mona, r 158 n Mosley

Cain, Amos M., wks Forest City Coal Co., r 138 n Wichita

Cain, Dawson B., plasterer, r 813 Eagle

Cain, Harvey M., r 138 n Wichita

Cain, Harry V., deliverer Forest City Coal Co., r 138 n Wichita

Cain, Mrs. Julia F., rms ab 219 e Douglas

Cain, Miss Laura, saleslady New York Store, r 1205 e First

Cain, Mrs. Lillia R., boarding house keeper 231 s Water

Cain, Miss Mollie, clk 139 n Main, r 1205 e First

Cain, Thomas A., student, r 409 n Waco

Cain, Thomas A., painter, r 1214 n Waco

Cairns, James, (W A Polk & Co.) r 1110 n Bitting

Calbick, Wesley, with Houck & Thomas, r 1211 n Market

Calder, William, mason, r 600 w Central

Caldwell, Mrs. Barbra J., Christian scientist, r 120 w William

Caldwell, Charles S., ins rm 5 ab 130 n Main, r 335 n Topeka

Caldwell & Fellows, C S C & J W Fellows, ins, 130 n Main

Caldwell, Miss Gail, r 335 n Topeka

Caldwell, Miss Hanna, stenog Eq T & I Co., r 424 w Elm

Caldwell, J. Douglas, r 851 e Third

Caldwell, John J., fireman Hose Co No 1, r 424 w Elm

Caldwell, John S., wks Chicago Lum Co., r 339 n Fifth

Caldwell, Johnathan E., r 3005 e Douglas

Caldwell, Miss Mary, student, r 3005 e Douglas

Caldwell, Mrs. Mary S., r 424 w Elm

Caldwell, Miss Maud, r cor Lincoln and C

Caldwell, Mrs. Nancy, r 513 s Market

Caldwell, Miss Nina, r 3005 e Douglas

Caldwell, Miss Sadie, stu High school, r 120 w William

Caldwell, Mrs. W. D., r 420 n Seneca, ws

Caldwell, William A., abstracter, r 314 n Wabash

Caldwell, William L., carpenter, r 440 n Mead

Cale, David P., carpenter, r 941 e Gilbert

Cale, J. C., carpenter, r 1202 s Washington

Cale, J. L., with Soliday Bros & Lamphere, r 606 s Lawrence

California Prsrvng Co., J A Chapman man agt ab 211 n Main

Calhoun, Geo M., eng Crystal Ice Co., r 617 s Emporia

Calkins, Horace F., stone mason, r 921 n Lawrence

Call, Chas J., Steam Pipe Co., r 1050 n Mosley

Callahan, Emmett, (Musseller & Callahan) rms 237 n Market

Callahan, Henry C., hack driver G A Foye, bds Richland Hotel

Callahan, Miss Mary, domestic Sedgwick House

Callanan, Ed, inspt meats Dold Pac Co., bds Union Hotel

Callaway, Chas F., r 705 s Main

Callaway, Miss Lena T., clk New York Store, r 705 s Main

Callaway, Miss Lillie F., clk New York Store, r 705 s Main

Callaway, Mack M., trader 328 w Douglas, r 539 n Main

Callaway, Malcolm M., stock dlr, r 705 s Main

Callaway, Miss Mary E., clk Boston Store, r 705 s Main

Calvert, Alexander B., r 537 s Topeka

Calvin, Miss Cora, stu Garfield, r Johnson City, Tenn.

Calvin, Miss Cora, domestic 625 s Robert, ws

Calyer, James K., laborer, r Tracy and e Central

Cameron, Mrs. S. C., r 603 s Water

Cameron, Miss E. J., saleslady White House, r 603 s Water

Camien, Henry T., tailor 117 n Market, r 1139 n Jackson

Camp, Lorin W., surveyor, r 340 s Ellis

Camp, Oscar, barber Morgan’s Barber Shop, r 611 n Mead

Campbell, Mrs. Abigail, r 429 Stephen

Campbell, Alex, wks Dold Pkg House, r 1904 n Washington

Campbell, A. D., pres St. Louis Pro Gro Co., r 302 s Lawrence

Campbell, Burton H., capitalist, r Riverside cor Beal

Campbell, Charles B., street commissioner, r 805 Maple, ws

Campbell, Chas E., bkpr Dold packing Co., r 1720 Fairview

Campbell, Miss Clyde, student, r 908 e Central

Campbell, C. P., farmer, r cor Levy and Av D

Campbell, C. W., wks Tripham’er Br’k Wks, r cor Levy & Av D

Campbell, C. V., laborer, r 1328 e Thirteenth

Campbell, Davis, r cor Andrews and Buffum

Campbell & Dyer, W. P. Campbell J L Dyer attys, ab 134 n Main

Campbell, Miss Edith A., stu Garfield, r Conway Springs, Kan

Campbell, Edward, r 1111 s Water

Campbell, Miss Ellen, dau Chas E. Campbell, r 1720 Fairview

Campbell, Mrs. Elizabeth, r 418 s Lawrence

Campbell, F. Joseph, r cor Maple and Palmerston ws

Campbell, Frank, wks Trip Hammer Brick Wks, rms same

Campbell, Frank A., farmer, r 429 Stephen

Campbell, Fred, wks Forest City Brick Co., rms same

Campbell, Fred, wks car shops, bds n Mead near Thirty-third

Campbell, George A., laborer, r 323 s Emporia

Campbell, Mrs. George A., laundress, r 323 s Emporia

Campbell, George D., driver Pac Ex Co., r 139 n Water

Campbell, George E & Co., George E. Campbell, David H. Baldridge insurance, ab 228 n Main

Campbell, George E., (Geo E Campbell & Co) r 350 n Topeka

Campbell, George K., brick maker, r 1633 Strong

Campbell, Harvey B., carpenter, r 1758 s Mosley

Campbell, Isaac K., wagon mkr 711 w Doug, r 219 n Vine, ws

Campbell, Isaac P., (Sankey, C & Amidon) r 444 n Waco

Campbell, James O., wks Trip Hammer Brick Co., r cor Levy and avenue D

Campbell, James O., laborer, r Harry

Campbell, James P., farmer, r 1612 Guy

Campbell, Mrs. J., r 355 Indiana

Campbell, J., wks W W Cloth Co., rms Martinson & Merton, ws

Campbell, J. C., student Garfield

Campbell, Miss Jennie, dau C. P. Campbell, r cor Levy & av D

Campbell, J. E., student Southwestern Business College

Campbell, Miss Jetta G., stu Lewis Acad, r 1227 n Emporia

Campbell, John, wks Trip Ham Br Wks, rms same

Campbell, John E., bkpr 110 n Topeka, r 1502 Park Pl

Campbell, John F., farmer, r 429 Stephen

Campbell, John N., contr, r 908 e Central

Campbell, J. S., real estate, r 1407 n Ohio

Campbell, J. T. & Co., whol tobacco and cigars, 110 n Topeka

Campbell, John T., (Campbell, J. T. & Co.) r 1502 Park Pl

Campbell, Miss Katie, student Garfield

Campbell, Mrs. Margaret, r 1111 s Water

Campbell, Mrs. M. B., shirt maker, rm 35 ab 143 n Market

Campbell, M. C., stock dealer, r 1227 n Emporia

Campbell, Miss Maude, stu Lewis Acad, r 805 Maple, ws

Campbell, Miss Minnie, dan C P Campbell, r cor Levy & Av D

Campbell, Mollie, domestic 332 n Seneca, ws

Campbell, Miss Nannie E., student Garfield

Campbell, Oliver P., wks Mo Pac Ry, r 1011 n Wichita

Campbell, Robert, wks Trip Ham brick yard, r cor Levy & Av D

Campbell, Scott K., farmer, r 1612 Guy

Campbell, S. E., clerk, r 231 s Pattie

Campbell, Sherman, laborer, 1407 n Ohio

Campbell, Miss Susie B., student Garfield

Campbell, Thomas, wks Trip Hammer Brick Works, rms same

Campbell, Thomas J., farmer, r 341 n Walnut, ws

Campbell, W. Davis, laborer, r 1111 s Water

Campbell, William, stock dealer, r cor Andrews and Buffum

Campbell, William G., carriage maker, r 1612 Guy

Campbell, William L., farmer, r 1612 Guy

Campbell, Wm, wks Trip Hammer Brick Works, rms same

Campbell, Wm P., (Campbell & Dyer) attorney, r Maple and Palmerston, ws

Canady, James, wks Dold Pkg Co., r 1021 n Wichita

Candy Kitchen, R A Spears, prop, 242 n Main

Cann, Fred, grocer, r 429 e Lewis

Cann, William, grocer, 425 e Douglas, r 417 e Lewis

Cannegie, William, St Fe Ry yardman, r 147 s Washington

Cannon, A., (A Cannon & Co.) r 312 n New York

Cannon, A & Co., A C & J J Hunter, whl com mer 211 n Water

Cannon, John J., fruits and confec Woman’s Ex, bds same

Canody, Jas A., wks City Brickyard, r 1930 Ellis

Cantril, John S., carpenter, r 653 s Fannie

Cappeller, George, stone cutter, rms 345 n Market

Cardel, Miss Kate, student S B College

Cardwell, Columbus F., clk A J Farmer, r 810 w Texas, ws

Carew, Miss Kesiah, domestic at 1211 n Lawrence

Carey Barber Shop, Hotel Carey, Jacob Sherman prop

Carey Block, cor Fourth and Douglas, J B Carey prop

Carey, Charles W., (O B Stocker & Co) bds Hotel Carey

Carey, C. N., lumber 1206 e Douglas, bds Hotel Carey

Carey, John B., capitalist, r Hotel Carey

Carey, J. T., (Carey Lumber Co.) r 434 n Fourth

Carey, Lewis A., engineer, r 227 n Walnut, ws

Carey-Lombard Lumber Co., A C Lombard pres, W P Carey v pres & man, L D Skinner sec & trs, off 1206 e Douglas

Carey, W. P., (Carey Lumber Co.) bds Carey Hotel

Carey Lumber Co., W P Carey & J T Carey props, off 1206 e Douglas

Carl, C. H., rlest, about 205 n Main, r 556 n Alice

Carl, Mrs. E. D., r 528 n Wabash

Carl, John, waiter Hotel Carey, bds 401 s Fifth

Carlisle & Turk, W. K. Carlisle, R. S. Turk, attys rm 500 & 501 Sedgwick

Carlisle, W. K., (Carlisle & Turk) r 1215 n Emporia

Carlson, Joe, laborer, rms Oklahoma House

Carlson, Peter, laborer, rms Oklahoma House

Carlton, Billings P., w m w Doug scales, res 630 s Millwood, ws

Carlton, Miss Carrie A., r 630 s Millwood, ws

Carlton, Chas E., fore Kan S Bed Co., r 630 s Millwood, ws

Carlton, E. D., (Wagner & Carlton) grocers, r 1135 n Fourth

Carlton, F. E., student S B College, r Paris, Mo

Carlton, F. I., r 1135 n Fourth

Carlton, Lynn F., wks Kan Mat Factory, r 630 s Millwood, ws

Carlton, R. P., bkpr, r 1135 n Fourth

Carlton, Samuel D., tinner, rms ab 219 e Douglas

Carlmichael, Miss Alice B., r 705 s Ellis

Carmichael, Harden, Sr., gardener, r 910 s Fannie

Carmichael, Harden, Jr., farmer, r 910 s Fannie

Carmichael, John R., restaurant 919 e Douglas

Carmichael, John R., teamster, r 313 n Mosley

Carmichael, Solomon E., (Crow Wm & Co.) r 705 s Ellis

Carmichael, Solomon E., Jr., drives express, r 737 s Lulu

Carmichael, Thomas, teamster, r 1013 s Hydraulic

Carnahan, George, city porter, r s Main

Carnegie, Wm, car rep Santa Fe yds, r 147 s Washington

Carney, John L. G., deputy city clk, r 225 s Oak ws

Carney, Samuel, bds 537 s Mosley

Carney, Willard D., grocer 900 e Douglas, r same

Cornell, W. J., moulder, bds Sweet Home hotel

Caroll, Miss Letitia A., student, r 537 s Mosley

Carson, Adolph, brickmoulder, r cor Tillman & Brindley, ws

Carothers, Howard, carp, r 326 s Topeka

Carothers, John, carp, r 326 s Topeka

Carothers, William A., clk 106 w Douglas, r 326 s Topeka

Carpenter, Albert T., atty 220 n Main, r 821 n Lawrence

Carpenter, Arthur H., r se cor avenue A and Jackson

Carpenter, Mrs. A. H., r avenue A e Rochester

Carpenter, Miss Belle, r 3433 n Fifth

Carpenter, Brazleton N., carpenter, r 3433 n Fifth

Carpenter, Mrs. Caroline, dressmaker, r 612 n River

Carpenter, Charles, stu Garfield, r West Middlebury, O

Carpenter, Miss Ella, rms 809 s Laura

Carpenter, George W., teamster, r 612 n River

Carpenter, Miss Helen N., stu high school, r 821 n Lawrence

Carpenter, Howard, student S B College, r Manhattan, Kan

Carpenter, John, retired, r 1947 n Main

Carpenter, Miss Phebe J., dressmaker, r 612 n River

Carr, Charles, section hand Mo Pac, r 604 n Seneca, ws

Carr, Chas, laborer, bds 402 n Seneca, ws

Carr, Miss Cora M., student Garfield, r Larned, Kan

Carr, Dallas, laborer, r 310 n Wichita

Carr, Frank F., gas fitter, wks 121 w Doug, r 310 n Wichita, ws

Carr, Isaac, real estate, r 215 n Locust

Carr, Mrs. Kate, wks Union Hotel, bds same

Carr, Joseph, clerk Douglas Av House

Carr, Miss Lottie, dining-room girl Douglas Av House

Carr, Miss Mary, tailoress C F Harmening, rms 313 n Market

Carr, Miss Minnie, wks Union Hotel, bds same

Carr, Miles D., lab, r 310 n Wichita, ws

Carr, Miss Myrtle, student S B College, r Larned, Kan

Carr, W. M., blacksmith, bds Plow Wks Hotel

Carruthers, Miss Fannie, dressmkr, r rm 39 Fletcher

Carruthers, Robert, boiler mkr, r ab 153 n Emporia

Carswell,John, engineer O & Shirt Factory, r 235 n Wabash

Carson, Eli, lab, r 908 n Water

Carson, Enoch P., engineer Carson’s P Mill, r 835 s Water

Carson, Florence B., stu, r 314 s Water

Carson, Mrs. Hannah, r 835 s Water

Carson, James S., teacher, r 1314 n Emporia

Carson, Miss Jennie, dom 507 s Lawrence

Carson, Miss Lyda, dressmkr, ab 115 s Lawrence, rms same

Carson’s Planing Mill, mill off w William near river

Carson, Robert, prop Planing Mill w William, r 314 s Water

Carson, Miss Roenia, dom 704 n Market

Carrigen, Michael, moulder, r 302 s Mosley

Carroll, William, wks 231 n Main, r 231 n Mead

Carroll, Wm H., boiler mkr Whittaker P’k’g Co., bds Union H

Carroll, David A., laborer, r 347 n Wichita, ws

Carter, Mrs. Clara B., rms room 15 Gandolpho

Carter, Edward N., traveling salesman, r 407 e Douglas

Carter, Frank, with Wild West, rms 338 s Emporia

Carter, Fred, wks J E Flowers, bds 353 n Main

Carter, George, barber 111 n Main, bds 328 n Water

Carter, Mrs. Hannah, r cor Fifteenth and Dora

Carter, Harrison A., blacksmith, r 808 s Emporia

Carter, James, laborer, r 614 n Ohio

Carter, Joe L., druggist Aldrich & Brown, rms Gandolfo

Carter, John D., laborer, bds 320 n Walnut, ws

Carter, Mrs. Lucetta S., agt Encypd Britanca, r ab 407 e Doug

Carter, Marshall, wks The Alameda, rms same

Carter, Mrs. M. D., dressmaker, r 148 s Mosley

Carter, Miss Ophelia, stenographer, r 521 n Waco

Carter, Richard S., Hotel Richland

Carter, William E., stone cutter, r 326 n Seneca, ws

Carter, William W., bricklayer, r 521 n Waco

Carver, Dee, laborer, r n Lawrence bet 20th and 21st

Carver, William, waiter 620 e Douglas, rms same

Carvin, Herbert W., hrdwre 719 w Doug, ws, r 843 w Maple, ws

Carvin, Merritt A., deputy Co clerk, r 512 e Second

Cartwright, Claud, stu S B College, r 301 s Exposition, ws

Cartwright, Miss Maud, r 301 s Exposition ws

Cartwright, Thomas B., County Treas, r 301 s Exposition, ws

Casad, Miss Annie L., r 420 s Topeka

Casad, Edgar A., carpenter, r 420 s Topeka

Casad, E. F., laborer, r 420 s Topeka

Casad, Mrs. Elizabeth, r 420 s Topeka

Casad, Thomas M. (Gillogly & Co.) r 1521 Vassar

Case, Miss A. Maud, student, r 1041 n Waco

Case, Charles E., real estate, r 1041 n Waco

Case, G. W. M., carpenter, r 1148 n Ohio

Case, H. E. (Davidson & Case) r 1144 n Market

Case, Miss Jennie B., student, r 1041 n Waco

Case, Mrs. M. C., student S B College, r Benton, Kan

Cash, Melson C., barber 108 n Market, r 1418 n Mead

Cash Star Grocery, J T Dorsey, prop, 238 n Main

Casey, Miss Kate M., wks European Hotel

Casey, james, wks Kansas Furniture Co., r 118 n Spruce

Casey, J. A., stu S B College, r Warren, Penn

Casey, J. F. D., atty rm 509 & 513 Sedgwick, r 118 n Spruce

Casey, Joseph C. (Major & Casey) r 1117 n Emporia

Casey, Miss Julia, stu S B College, r Wellington, Kan

Casey, J. W., wks Kan Furniture Co., r 118 Spruce

Casner, G. O., teacher, r cor Tracy and Central

Cason, Simeon, rms ab 116 s Lawrence

Casper, Riley O., cigar mkr, r 802 s Water

Casper, C. S., student Garfield, r Cottonwood Falls

Cass, Miss Anna M., teacher, r 1709 Humboldt

Casstell, H. L., farmer, r cor Fourteenth and Wabash

Casstell, James C., clk 109 n Main, rms 508 s Water

Castanien, Frank A., fire W G E L & P Co., bds Riverside H

Castator, Elma, r 726 e Oak

Castator, Frank, wks feed store, 726 e Oak, r same

Castator, Wm H., feed store 726 e Oak, r same

Casteline, J. L., wks 338 n Lawrence, bds 348 n Lawrence

Caster, Chas S., stu Garfield, r Cottonwood Falls, Kan

Caster, J. Kahle, stu Garfield, r Norwich, Kan

Caswell & Buckley, Wm N Caswell & Fred Buckley, cornice wks 800-804 s Main

Caswell, Chas E., clk 340 n Main, r 423 Sherman

Caswell, C., student Southwestern Business College

Caswell, Miss Flora, stu High school, r 423 Sherman

Caswell, Miss Lucy A., r 423 Sherman

Caswell, Russell W. (Caswell & Spangler) r 423 n Sherman

Caswell & Spangler, R W C & E R S, hardware & stoves, 340 n Main

Caswell, William N., (Caswell & Buckley) r 731 s Market

Catherman, Miss Anna S., stu S B College, r Baileyville, Kan

Catherwood, Arthur, wks Union Bakery 701 e Oak, r 1027 n Water

Catherwood, Arthur D., student, r 1027 n Water

Catherwood, John, capitalist, r 1027 n Water

Catholic cemetery, e Orme bet Clifton and Park

Catholic church, cor Fifth and Twenty-third

Catlett, Thomas A., Sr., retired, r 55 Campbell, ws

Catlett, Thomas A., Jr., clk A Cannon & Co., r 440 Campbell, ws

Catlett, Wake, wks A Cannon & Co., r 440 Campbell, ws

Caughlin, Thomas, lab, bds 535 n Market, r Eldridge park

Cautlet, Miss Eva, stu S B College, r Conway Springs, Kan

Cave, A. L., r 934 n Lawrence

Cave, Claud M., stu Lewis Acad, r 934 n Lawrence

Cave, Miss Effie E., teacher music, r 934 n Lawrence

Cave, G. C., capitalist, r 934 n Lawrence

Cavner, Mrs. Margaret, r 1603 s Topeka

Cavner, James, r 1603 s Topeka

Cayton, J. J., wks 325 e Douglas, rms same

Cayton, Martin A., barber 124 w Douglas, bds Jenkins’ rest

Cegbeag, John, shoemaker 1222 e Douglas

Cemetery Marble Wks, W Y Teetzel prop, near cemetery

Cemetery Office, ab 123 e Douglas, Henry Smith mgr

Center, James, farmer, r sw cor Wichita and Lincoln

Central Ave Grocery, M L Squire prop, 459 n Main

Central Christian Church, se cor Second and Market

Central Met Market, Joseph H Foster prop, ab 327 e Douglas

Cerder, Henry, stone mason, r 200 w Douglas

Cerf, Geo C. (Chaffer & Cerf) r 215 n Water

Cervoust, J. E., driver street car

Chaboneau, Joseph, barber, r 421 Orchard, ws

Chace, Fred H., wks 213 w Douglas, bds 302 n Wichita

Chadburn, E. D., wks J C Davis, r Motor add, Garland

Chadburn, Miss Phoebe K., dau Simeon C C, r 1926 Garland

Chadburn, Simeon C., gardener, r 1926 Garland

Chadwick, Charles K., clk Chicago Lum Co., r 1544 Hillside

Chadwick, Miss Ismay, student, r 1544 n Hillside

Chaffee, Nelson, prop Chaffee’s express, r 625 e Central

Chamberlain, Chas G., candy mkr, r 404 Campbell, ws

Chamberlain, Elmer B., wks Wichita elevator, r 916 e Douglas

Chamberlain, Glenn, mess W T & M service, 238 n Lawrence

Chamberlain, James W., carpenter, r 911 w Texas, ws

Chamberlain, John T., supt Burton Car Wks, r 520 w Third

Chamberlain, Joseph M., r 109 s Emporia

Chamberlain, Mrs. L. A., dressmaker, r 238 n Lawrence

Chamberlain, Miss Mable, student, r 520 w Third

Chamberlain, Nathaniel, r 238 n Lawrence

Chamberlain, W., carpenter, bds 343 n Main

Chamberlin, Miss Belle, r 1253 n Emporia

Chamberlin & Co., (Joseph L Chamberl’n, Edward T Bicknell and Charles E Daring) foundry, 329 w Douglas

Chamberlin, Mrs. Catherine, r 1253 n Emporia

Chamberlin, Frank M., real estate, r 1919 e Park

Chamberlin, John, prop Hotel Goodyear, r 109 s Emporia

Chamberlin, John L., carpenter, r Macon nr Thirty-second

Chamberlin, Joseph L. (C & Co.) r 3216 n Mead

Chamberlin, Joseph L., carp, r Macon near Thirty-second

Chamberlin, Lewis J., carp, r 3216 n Mead

Chamberlin, Miss Louie, teacher, r 1253 n Emporia

Chamberlin, Mrs. Mattie, r 1253 n Emporia

Chamberlin, Miss Myrtle B., r Macon near Thirty-second

Chamberlin, Ross, printer, rms ab 410 e Douglas

Chamberlin, Solon F., carp, r n Fifth near Thirty-seventh

Chamberlin, Wm, carp, rms and bds 343 n Main

Chambers, Miss Bessie, r 434 av B

Chambers, Clarence, farmer, r 734 s Elizabeth, ws

Chambers, Miss Emily, r 734 s Elizabeth, ws

Chambers, Mrs. Florence E., dressmkr The Fashion, r 434 av B

Chambers, John K., carp, r 734 s Elizabeth, ws

Chambers, Willard E., spec agt N Y Life Ins Co., r 135 n Market

Champ, William, wks Forest City Brick co., rms same

Champin, A. R., driver st car

Champion, Chas T., (Robinson & Champion) r 331 n Lawrence

Champion, Frank L., clk Kan Nat Bank, r 331 n Lawrence

Champion, Mrs. Mary E., r 331 n Lawrence

Champlain, L., wks Forest City Brick Co., rms same

Champlin, H. H., stu S B College, r McPherson, Kan

Chance, Chas, stu S B College, r Augusta, Kan

Chandler, Bliss, waiter Cotter’s Cafι, r 325 w Second

Chandler & Griffith, Frazier P C, Tom H G, brokers 213 s Main

Chaney, Miss Belle, dau Benson Chaney, r 134 n Mead

Chaney, Benson, horse dlr, r 134 n Mead

Chapell, Christopher C., laborer, r 205 n Walnut, ws

Chapman, A. W., contr sewer work, r 522 n Washington

Chapman, B. F., carpenter, r 344 n Washington

Chapman, Frank, ab 216 e Douglas, r 344 n Washington

Chapman, Geo B., Sr. agt Nw Life Ins Co. 205 Sedg, r 1226 n Waco

Chapman, George B., Jr., r 1226 n Waco

Chapman, Miss Grace, wks L M Cox, r 522 n Washington

Chapman, Harry, prop Ex Billiard Parlor, r cor 25th & 5th

Chapman, Miss Hermie L., teacher, r 344 n Washington

Chapman, Jessie B., carp, r 824 w Douglas, ws

Chapman, John G., wks Riverside Hotel, r same

Chapman, John O., mdse broker ab 211 n Main, bds 316 w Doug

Chapman, John W., farmer, r 1110 s Laura

Chapman, Mrs. Mary, r 1226 e Oak

Chapman, Robert (Shepard & Chapman Mtge Co.) r Hotel Metropole

Chapman, Mrs. Rosanna, r 412 s Topeka

Chapman, Miss Sarah M., student, r 1226 n Waco

Chapman, Walter F., jockey, r 1226 e Oak

Chapman, W. Sidley, student, r 1226 n Waco

Chapman, William W., atty, ab 223 e Doug, r 1523 Fairmount

Charbonneau, A. J., barber 212 n Main, r 421 Orchard ws

Charles, Cassius M., painter, r Millard

Charles, Grant U., carver and cabinet mkr, r 941 w Central

Charles, J. L, r Indiana

Charles, Leonidas H., mechanic, r 941 w Central

Charles, Miss Mary M., milliner, r Millard

Charles, Mrs. Susanah, r Millard

Charles, W W & Co., W W C & J L C, rlst brokers rm 3 ab 224 n Main

Charles, W. W., (W W Charles & Co.) rms ab 224 n Main

Charley Sing, laundry, 415 e Douglas

Charlton Bros, J W & R E Charlton, m’t mkt 113 s Seneca, ws

Charlton, George, r 1245 n Water

Charlton, John W, (Charlton Bros) r 307 s Exposition, ws

Charlton, Mrs. Mary E., r 1245 n Water

Charlton, Robert E, (C Bros) r 206 Millwood, ws

Charter, Delbert W., contr, r cor Everett & Monell, ws

Chase, Elliott, r 1654 s Emporia

Chase, Miss Mary, domestic 1315 n Fourth

Chatfield, Deancon J., hardware, 516 e Doug, r 327 Park av

Chatfield, Geo A., student, r 327 Park av

Chave, Thomas, collector N & S Lumber Co., bds Metropole

Chesbrough, S., stu Garfield, r Cleveland, Kan

Cheshire, A. T., driver L C Jackson, r 912 e Decatur

Chesnut, Abram B., prop Burton House, r same

Chicago Lumber Co., Geo L Pratt mngr, Geo D Cross auditor, 158 n Lawrence

Chicago Steam Dye House, 115 n Lawrence, Mrs. K. S. Spencer, prop

Chidester, Marion, supt city schools, r 124 Dodge, ws

Child, Hubert, upholsterer, ab 129 n Main, r 316 s Water

Childers, Wm, wks Elec Light Co, bds 308 s Oak, ws

China Palace, J A Talmage & Co, props, 230 n Main

Chipps, C., stu S B College, r Los Angeles, Cal

Chism, Mrs. Talitha A., r 1125 s Main

Chitty, Charles H., atty,ab 105 w Douglas, r 311 n Hydraulic

Chitty, Wm L, atty,ab 105 w Doug, r 311 n Hydraulic

Chitty, W T, student Garfield

Chivington, Mrs. C C, r 325 s Oak, ws

Choppers, Geo, candy maker, rms ab 209 n Fourth

Chouteau, Geo T., carrier No 3 p o, r 1255 n Washington

Christen, Miss Lena, dom 150 s Lulu

Christian Church, s Lawrence, ne cor Lincoln & Lawrence

Christian, David, driver L C Jackson, r 716 s Mosley

Christian, David H., engineer, r 440 s Ida

Christian, George W., driver L C Jackson, r 917 e Decatur

Christian, John, student, r 918 e Decatur

Christian, Mrs. Mary A., r 918 e Decatur

Christman, Albert, r 446 n Washington

Christman, Albert J., slsmn Lewis’ Shoe Str, r 446 n Washt’n

Christman, J. E., hack driver W O & C Co., bds 411 e Douglas

Christman, Joseph T., barber 226 e Doug, r 446 n Washington

Christman, Victor J., salesman John Braitsch, r 446 n Washt’n

Christopher, John M., lab, r 302 s Emporia

Christopher, Joseph, teamster, r 703 s Topeka

Christy, Jessie J., r 343 n Main

Christy, Mrs. R. C., dressmaker, 343 n Main, r same

Chritton, Abram, carpenter, r 618 w Douglas, ws

Chritton, Burt, laborer, r 618 w Douglas, ws

Chumley, R. D., wks Stewart, Coney & Co., r Island, w Central

Church, Mrs. Anna J., dressmaker ab 220 n Main, r same

Church, Chancey E., laborer, r 204 s Ida

Church, Charles C., laborer, r 204 s Ida

Church, Clinton, D., r 1041 s Washington

Church, Mrs. Emeretta, r 204 s Ida

Church, George C., laborer, r 204 s Ida

Church, Samuel V., laborer, r 204 s Ida

Churchill, Albert, teamster, bds 403 s Washington

Churchward, Bayard T. (Glaze & C) r 804 e Central

Cincaid, J., stableman Wichita Street Railway Co.

Citizens’ Bank Block, nw cor Douglas and Main

Citizens’ Bank, J O Davidson, pres, Chas A Walker, v-pres, Jno C Derst, cashier, nw cor Douglas and Main

Citizens’ Electric Light Co., J Oak Davidson, pres, Francis O Jackson, secy., Ford O Rusling, manag’r, cor Third and Wichita

Citizens’ Meat Market, James R. Morrison, prop, 211 e Doug

Citizens’ Land Co., J O Davidson, pres, H G Lee, secy., under Citizens’ Bank

City Bakery, E G Zeininger, prop, 131 n Market

City Exchange Hotel, Sephus Richey, prop, 430 n Main

City Hotel, 130 n Market, Otto Kopplin, prop

City Livery Stable, Thos J Harris & Edwin Taylor, props, 114 and 118 s Market

City Meat Market, John M Forry, prop, 940 n Main

City Offices, Getto block, cor Main and Second

City Plumbing Co., 114 s Emporia, Frank S Vesseriat prop

City Roller Mills, 623 e Douglas, Oliver & Imboden Co props, H Imboden and A W Oliver

City Scales, cor Main and Oak

City Scales, B P Carlton w’gmstr, w Douglas bet Wichita and River

City Scavanger, Fred S Dennis, r 728 n Waco

City Shoe Store, Woodworth & Milligan, props, 156 n Main

Civil Engineer’s Asso of Kan, o Mulvey, pres, J C Herring, sec, ab 144 n Main, rm 18

Civel, John, lab, cor Arkansas bet Thirtieth and Thirty-first

Clader, John F., clk New York store, rm 20 Gandolfo

Clair Dining Hall, John Leibrand, prop, 141 n Market

Clancy, Frank M., iron moulder, r 418 Stephen

Clapp, Lewis W., loans, 107 s Main, r 201 w Eighteenth

Clarington, Mrs. Nellie, r 807 e Gilbert

Clark, Miss Anna, dau T. E. Clark, r 1102 n Fifth

Clark, Miss A. Bertie, r 1149 s Water

Clark, Allen B., Hose Co No 1, bds 816 s Water

Clark, Arthur, real estate, r 1137 n Wichita

Clark, Arthur C., com merchant, r 438 n Topeka

Clark, Benjamin F., carpenter, r 1731 n Tyler

Clark, Bertie, printer

Clark, Bud C., with Thomas Chaw, r 223 n Waco

Clark, B. O., student S B College, r Nora, Ill

Clark, Calvin R., laborer, r n Wabash near Thirty-fifth

Clark, Chas, student S B College, r Nora, Ill

Clark, C. A., barber 349 n Main, r 326 s Water

Clark, Curtis T., wks coal yard 613 e Oak, r 1102 n Fifth

Clark, Miss Daisy, r 337 s Fourth

Clark, Mrs. D. C., wks W Steam Laundry, r 213 n Waco

Clark, Edward, ticket broker 314 e Douglas, r 310 s Lawrence

Clark, Mrs. Emma S., r 504 w Fifteenth

Clark, Eugene I., ex-policeman, r 1125 n Carlos

Clark, Fenton B., bkpr J W Hawn & Co., r 310 s Lawrence

Clark, Frank B., bridge builder Mo Pac, r 1062 n Water

Clark, G. E., wks Dold Packing Co.

Clark, George G., stock dealer, r 316 s Market

Clark, George W., plasterer, r 816 s Water

Clark, H., carpenter, r 1102 n Fifth

Clark & Harper, Mrs. R C & I H Harper, bdgh 641 n Main

Clark, Henry S., rlest, r 356 n Ohio

Clark, Miss Ida, dom 1724 n Fourth

Clark, James D., wks Eagle bindery, r 504 w Fifteenth

Clark, Jeff S., paper hanger, r 1149 s Water

Clark, Jeff M., clk 213 s Main, r 1149 s Water

Clark, Miss Jessie L., teacher, r 808 e Thirteenth

Clark, John, lab, r 3719 n Fifth

Clark, John with L C Jackson, 313 s Fifth

Clark, John A., rlest loans ab 211 n Main, r 1543 Woodland

Clark, John R., lab, r 315 s Fourth

Clark, Josephus, confectioner, r 202 n Mead

Clark, Miss Kate B., teacher, r 116 Ida

Clark, Miss Kate, student public school, r 1102 n Fifth

Clark, Kirk, wks Heisel Bros, r 1104 n Fifth

Clark, Lewis B., lab r s Mosley

Clark, Louis, foreman hose co No 1, r 249 n Lawrence

Clark, Louis J., jockey, bds 535 n Market, r 116 n Emporia

Clark, Miss Mary C., dom 1354 n Wichita

Clark, M. D., night watch W Sash & Door Co., r 344 n Washing’n

Clark, Miss Mary E., r 916 n Market

Clark, Mrs. Maud, wks Dold Packing Co.

Clark, Mrs. Minnie, r 438 n Topeka

Clark, Morton D., wks Kan Sash & Door Co., bds 344 n Washt’n

Clark, Philo W., carpenter, r 116 Ida

Clark, Robert, engineer Carey Hotel, r 236 s Mosley

Clark, Samuel D., wks 121 ½ w Douglas, r 201 n Walnut, ws

Clark, Samuel M., miller Hydraulic Mills, r 217 n Hydraulic

Clark, Thomas E., carpenter, r 1102 n Fifth

Clark, Thomas I., wks Shoe Factory, bds 1554 Riddell

Clark, Wallace W., r 116 Ida

Clark, William, waiter Hotel Carey, r 330 n Fourth

Clark, William C., wks Innes & Ross, r 809 n Water

Clark, William H., clerk, r 816 s Water

Clark, William H. A., clk State Nat Bk, r cor Oak and Market

Clark, Willie, r Sedgwick House

Clark, William T., plasterer, r Allen and Twenty-third

Clark, Willis E., laborer, r 1731 Tyler

Clark & Wise co., axle grease, J O Chapman, agt, ab 211 n Main

Clark, Mrs. Zula M., boarding house, 303 n Main

Clark, Mrs. Emma R., r 238 s Fourth

Clark, John, wks L C Jackson, r 618 e English

Clark’s Cut Rate Ticket off, Edward Clark, prop, 314 e Doug

Clary, John A., wks McComb Bros, bds 302 n Market

Claton, Nelson, wks Mo Pa Ry, bds 220 w Park st

Clater, Edward, carp, r 838 w Central

Clater, Mrs. Jane, r 904 w Central

Clater, Jasper, r cor James w Doug

Clauder, Miss Cord, dining rm girl W C T U, r same

Clay, Miss Emma, r 401 s Fifth

Clay, Henry A., teacher, 1124 n Fifth

Clay, Mrs. Mary, r 401 s Fifth

Clayton, C. A., carp, r 530 n Fourth

Clayton, Miss Genevieve, bds 212 n Lawrence

Clayton, John W., r 719 s Market

Clayton, Miss Olive, stu high school, r 530 n Fourth

Cleary, John J. (Knoll & Cleary) bds and rms 609 n Main

Cleaeland, Miss Tinnie, teacher, 215 s Poplar

Cleaveland, W. P., clk Probate Judge off, r 2150 Poplar

Clee, Wm, sign painter, bds 430 s Fourth

Clegg, Grant, cook Cotter’s cafι, r 152 Laura

Clegg, Mrs. Nancy L., r 152 Laura

Clegg, Miss Nannie, r 152 Laura

Clegg, Thomas F. (Stancer & Clegg) r 152 Laura

Clegg, W. E., cook Cotter’s cafι, r 152 s Laura

Clemens, Frank, (Zieroth & Clemens) bakers

Clement building, 251 and 253 n Main

Clement, George W., Mayor of Wichita, r 1451 Park Place

Clement, Miss Mabel, dau Geo W Clement, r 1451 Park Place

Clements, William, butcher Dold Pkg House, r 322 n Fourth

Clendennen, Amos, drayman, r 808 w Texas, ws

Clendennen, Mrs. Louisa, r 808 w Texas, ws

Clever, Miss Carrie, domestic, r 1017 n Emporia

Clever, Martin L., carpenter, r 628 n Emporia

Clever, Miss Mary J., r 628 n Emporia

Clifford, Miss Ada, student, r 521 n Emporia

Clifford, Frank J., laborer, r 312 n Mead

Clifford, Miss Fredonia, r 521 n Emporia

Clifford, Mrs. Hannoria, r 312 n Mead

Clifford, Henry A., atty, off, room 24 Zimmerly, r 240 n Topeka

Clifford, Miss Lizzie, cook 204 n Topeka

Clifford, Michael J., laborer, r 312 n Mead

Clifford, William K., r 521 n Emporia

Climax Carriage Works, 544, 546 w Douglas, ws, Robt W McClelland prop

Cline, Albert, wks pump factory, r 1121 e First

Cline, Miss Anna, dom cor Henry and Second, ws, r same

Cline, Frank D., druggist, r 252 n Waco

Cline, Jacob M., laborer, r 346 Riverview

Cline, James C., carp Riverside Elec Ry, r 639 n Waco

Cline, John, sprinkler driver 221 n Waterman, bds 409 s Water

Cline, W. A., real estate, bds 411 e Douglas

Clinesmith, W. H., r cor Ellis and Zimmerly

Closson, Miss Emma, r 3655 n Emporia

Closson, Lewis L., real estate, rms 126 s Fourth

Closson, Mrs. Sarah, r 3655 n Emporia

Cloud, Miss Blanch A., r 1555 Fairmount

Cloud, Edgar, turnkey, bds and rms 535 n Market

Cloud, Mrs. Mary A., wks tin shop 111 e Oak, r same

Cloud, Silas, prop tin shop 111 e Oak, r same

Cloud & Selvidge, hardware, tinware, etc., 111 e Oak

Clough, Mrs. Isabella, r 1432 Fairmount

Clover, Miss Daisy, stu S B College, r Lawrence, Kan

Cluff, Charles, wks Stewart, Coney & Co., r 323 n Mosley

Clune, John, wks Stewart, Coney & Co., bds 403 s Washington

Clurg, William, rms at 115 n Water

Coates, Joseph W., (Schoonover & C) rms 257 n Topeka

Coates, Robert F., with Schoonover & C., rms 257 n Topeka

Cobb, Edwin, painter, r 1324 n Wichita

Cobb, Mrs. Ellen, r 443 n Fifth

Cobb, Dr. E. Emma, physician, off and r 711 Ida

Cobb, Miss Estella, clk Boston Store, r 503 s Sycamore, ws

Cobb, Frank M., clk, bds 411 e Douglas

Cobb, Henry, plasterer, e 1360 Cleveland

Cobb, Dr. Joseph, physician, office and r 711 Ida

Cobb, Miss Maude, student, rms 503 s Sycamore, ws

Cobb, Warren, stu Lewis Acad, r 711 s Ida

Coburn, Arthur, distributing clk, r 412 e Elm

Coburn, John H., carpenter, r 412 e Elm

Coburn, Joseph, wks Stewart, Coney & Co., r 1027 s Mosley

Coburn, Mrs. Mary M., prop Ohio shoe store, r 352 n Main

Coburn, Samuel H., butcher 519 e Oak, r 1042 n Fourth

Coburn, William M., wks Ohio shoe store, r 352 n Main

Cobler, Miss Carrie M., wks Innes & Ross, r 610 s Water

Cobler, Miss Catherine, clk Munson & McN, r 610 s Water

Cochran, Miss Blanche, stenographer, r 339 n Market

Cochran, B. C., farmer, r 1128 n Fifth

Cochran, Edd E. M., atty Zimmerly, r 229 n New York

Cochran, E. F., mach Whittaker Packing Co., bds Mrs. William

Cochran, Miss Eugenie, r 610 n Market

Cochran, Frank, wks packing house, bds Plow Wks Hotel

Cochran, Glenn B., r 1128 n Fifth

Cochran, Miss Hallie, dau G B C, r 1128 n Fifth

Cochran, Mrs. Hariet V., r 229 New York

Cochran, James R., architect, r 610 n Market

Cochran, John N., feed store 112 s Ida, r 409 Laura

Cochran, James T., sec and mngr Lombard Mtge Co., r 1409 e Division

Cochran, Joshua P., lightning rod agt, r 417 n Water

Cochran, Mrs. L. A., r 610 n Market

Cochran, Miss Pauline, clk F A Cooper & Co., r 160 n Market

Cochran, Perry W., carp, r 610 n Market

Cochran, Wm C., lightning rod agt, r 1214 n Fifth

Cochran, Wm E., lab, r 409 Laura

Cody, Miss Nancy, dom 725 s Emporia

Coe, H. D., shipping with Kan Sash & Door Co., r 157 n Ohio

Coe, James S., clk supt W & W Ry, r 416 n Emporia

Coe, Mrs. L., r 416 n Emporia

Coen, Franklin, architect and superintend’t, r 215 Chautauqua

Coen, Wilbur F., student, r 215 n Chautauqua

Coffee, Aleck, groceries, r 215 n Fifth

Coffey, Miss Cora, r 1005 Allen

Coffeey, David F., house repairer, r 1526 Ida

Coffey, James W., grocer, r 626 n Pine

Coffey, L., r 1005 Allen

Coffey, Miss Rose, stu S B College, r Cheney, Kan

Coffin, Charles F., (Smyth, Brooks & C) r 1030 n Emporia

Coffman, Miss Nellie, waitress Manhattan Hotel

Cogdell, Carrie P., student, r 314 n Waco

Cogdell, Miss Lena M., student High school, r 314 n Waco

Cogdell, Richard, clk Houck Bros, r 314 n Waco

Coggeshall, George A., student Garfield, r Chelsea, Kan

Coggershall, Peter, retired, r 517 n Fourth

Coguill, Mrs. Mary E., matron W C T U ab 1020 w Doug, ws

Cohn, B., mngr B Cohn Cigar Co., r ab 124 w Douglas

Cohn, B Cigar Co., B Cohn, mngr, ab 122 and 124 w Douglas

Cohn, Charles G., (Wallenstein & Cohn) r 516 n Topeka

Cohn, Moe B., prop Globe D G H, r 516 n Topeka

Cohn, Moses L., ins agt, r ab 124 w Douglas

Coin, Ephraim, house mover, r 225 n Market

Coin, Geo M., house mover, r 225 n Market

Colburn, Arthur, clk p o, r Elm bet Emporia and Topeka

Colby, C. G., stu S B College, r Ontario, Canada

Colby, H. G., stu S B College, r Ontario, Canada

Colby, J. W., carpenter, r 1126 e Central

Coldwater, Chas, laborer, r cor Tillman and Brindley, ws

Cole, Carroll E. (Strong & C) r 211 n Fourth

Cole, Col. E. C., real estate, bds Tremont 220 s Fourth

Cole, Frank, baggage mstr Ft Scott dpo, bds 402 n Seneca, ws

Cole, George S., sec Equitable Bldg & Ln Asso, r 816 n Water

Cole, Henry, blacksmith 140 n Water, r 1157 Jackson

Cole, James H., carpenter, r s Martinson e of Figg, ws

Cole, Jeremiah S. (Cole & Jones) r 129 n Emporia

Cole, John, laborer, r 137 n Indiana

Cole & Jones, J S Cole and C M Jones, clothing etc. 208-212 e Douglas

Cole, Ludovic R., real estate, r 1846 n Wichita

Cole, Mrs. Nannie, 736 e Thirteenth

Coleman, Charles F. (Coleman & Co) r 1105 University, ws

Coleman & Co., Chas F Coleman, Dayton Alderman, livery 133, 135 n Water

Coleman, Miss Dora, student, r 1105 University, ws

Coleman, Oscar, laborer, r 1253 Blaine

Coleman, R. R., civil engineer, r 921 n Topeka

Coleman, Mrs. R. R., r 921 n Topeka

Coleman, W. W., stock and poultry dlr, r 1518 e Central

Coles, N. C., foreman Trip Hammer Brick Wks, r same

College Hill grocery, F E Hopkins, prop, 3062 e Douglas

College Hill M E church, Rev. D W Phillips pastor, Douglas e of Park

Collette, H. S., stu S B College, r Wellington, O

Collings, George W., atty, ab 220 n Main, r 412 w Central

Collins & Baker, wholesale lum off, rm 41 Zimmerly

Collins, David, asst. janitor Sedgwick, rms Sedg

Collins, Frank, cook Cotter’s Cafι, rms ab 236 n Main

Collins, Jerome R., furnished rms ab 251 & 253 n Main, r same

Collins, John C. (Collins & Baker) r 440 n Riverview

Collins, Lee R., driver John Wilkins, bds 536 w Central

Collins, Miss Lola, stu public schools, r 327 n Ohio

Collins, Miss Maggie, rms 2021 Fannie

Collins, Miss Minnie, r ab 117 e Oak

Collins, P. J., agent Sedgwick, room 201 Sedgwick

Collins, Mrs. Sarah, rms 935 s Lawrence

Collins, W. G., student S B College, r Nora, Ill

Collins, William H., clerk I Gross & Co., r 204 s Topeka

Colman, Henry C., servant cor Gilman and Riverside

Columbus Packing Co., J O Chapman, local agt, ab 211 n Main

Colvil, Frank, stu S B College, r Columbus, Kan

Colvin, A. D. teamster, r 1323 e First

Colvin, Charles, wks Wichita Sash and Door Co., r 737 s Mead

Colvin, Edgar, student r 124 s Dodge, ws

Colvin, Frances E., clk Shaw & Schlemmer, rms 1724 s Mosley

Colvin, Francis L., laborer, r 610 Hendryx

Colvin, Henry O., engineer Shoe Factory, r 1405 Academy

Colvin, Hiram J., wks W & W R R, r 737 s Mead

Colvin, Isaac, wks Wichita Sash and Door Co., r 737 s Mead

Colvin, James M., plasterer, bds Cottage House

Colvin, Thomas J., farmer, r Arkansas and Andrews

Colwell, Miss Carrie, salesl’y T L Fox & Son, r 307 n River’vw

Colwell, Ed J., (Ranney & Co) r 307 Riverview

Colwell, Mrs. John, r 307 Riverview

Coman, H. L., tanner, r se cor Richmond & McCormick, ws

Combs, Albert, bds 118 s Emporia

Combs, Allen, hose house No 2, bds 118 s Emporia

Combs, Mrs. A. C., r 115 n Spruce

Combs, Frank, r 115 n Spruce

Combs, Leslie M. (Combs, Stinson & Co) r 711 e Central

Combs, Stinson & Co., L M C & L D S, mnfrs agts, rm 525 Sedg

Comes, Frank, carp, bds 842 s Fourth

Comfort, T. W., stu S B College, r Holton, Kan

Comley, Chas E & Co, Chas E Comly & W P Carey, grain & provisions, rm 406 Sedg

Comley, Charles E. (Chas E Comley & Co) r Buffum & Harrison

Comley, Henry (W M Pond & Co) r 332 s Lawrence

Commercial off Frisco Ry, C R Gray, agt, 122 n Main

Commons, Arthur, student, r 308 s Green

Commons, David T., fruit dlr, r 347 s Volusia

Conmmons, Thos L., dlr in produce, r 308 s Green

Company A, 2d Regiment K N G, 151 n Emporia

Comstock, M. M., clk, bds 411 e Douglas

Conaly, John T., wks Dold Packing Co., r 1701 n Ohio

Conaly, Peter, wks Dold Packing Co., r 1701 n Ohio

Conaughan, Michael, stone mason, r 343 n Main

Conaway, Geo T., painter, r 227 s Wichita, ws

Concannon, William, r 1115 e Oak

Concklin, Charles W., carpenter, r 146 n Topeka

Condon, Mackey R., stu Garfield, r Galesburg, Kan

Cone, Edwin, clk Major & Casey, r 1609 s Mead

Cone, Miss Irene, dau Lucius Cone, r 1609 s Mead

Cone, Joseph L., dep constable B L Keenan, r 217 e Gilbert

Cone, Lucius, express wagon, r 1609 s Mead

Cone, Oscar, bkpr Major & Casey, r 1420 s Topeka

Cone, Rufus, constable B L Keenan, r 931 s Lawrence

Coney, Edward T. (Stewart, Coney & Co) r 254 n Wabash

Conklin, Ebenezer M., physician, rooms 7 and 15 Zimmerly, r 339 s Lawrence

Conklin, Fred, stereotyper Eagle, r 146 n Topeka

Conklin, Neddie, student, r 146 n Topeka

Conly, James F. (Conly & Ward) r 1103 n Carlos

Conly, John J., prop Conly’s Drug Store, r 1103 n Carlos

Conly & Ward, James F Conly, Artemus H Ward, attorneys, above 230 n Main

Conly’s Drug Store, John J. Conly, prop, 228 n Main

Connell, Walter, sec foreman Frisco, bds 636 n Wabash

Connelly, Alice, r 626 e Waterman

Connelly, Eugene S., btchr, wks Dold Pkg Co., bds Union hotel

Connelly, Harry, lather, r 1120 Hendryx, ws

Connelly, James, laborer, bds 511 w Second

Connelly, John D., bk stand, cor 1st & Doug, r 1120 Hendryx, ws

Connelly, Miss Lillie, r 1120 Hendryx, ws

Connelly, Miss Maud, r 1120 Hendryx, ws

Connelly, Samuel, lather, r 1120 Hendryx, ws

Connelly, William H., wks Kan Furn co., rms 401 e Douglas

Conner, J. Lowe, ship’g clk W W Grocer Co, r 622 s Water

Conner, Miss Marie, wks register deeds off, r 434 n Market

Connolly, H. G., steam fitter Whit Pkg Co, bds Kentucky house

Connor, James, farmer, r Franklin e of Sumner

Conrardy, Casper, wks City hotel, bds same

Consolidated Tank Line Co., 700 n Fifth, L Weitzel, mgr

Conuley, Thomas, lab, bds 338 s Mosley

Conway, Miss Agnes, r 327 n Emporia

Conway, E. S., bds Union hotel

Conway, H. G., steam fitter, Whit Pkg Co., bds Kentucky house

Conway, John A., sec Elec L & Power Co., r 830 n Topeka

Conway, J. William, teamster, r 2813 e Frisco

Conway, Mrs. Margaret R., r 327 n Emporia

Cook, Aaron L., laborer, r 821 s Texas, ws

Cook, Andrew J., retired, r 3212 e Central

Cook, Cyrus M., clk Cole & Jones, r 305 s Topeka

Cook, Elnathan C., stu Lewis Acad, r 3212 e Central

Cook, Henry J., retired, r 717 n Main

Cook, James M. (Morris & Co) r 1354 n Wichita

Cook, Jesse, laborer, r 959 n Mead

Cook, Mrs. Sarah Ann, laundress, r 935 n Wichita

Cook, Lewis C., house mover, bds 1027 s Mulberry, ws

Cook, Mrs. Sarah Ann, dressmaking, bds 814 s Topeka

Cook, Nathan, stu Lewis acad, r cor Hillside and Central

Cook, O. P., stu Garfield, r La Fontaine, Kan

Cook, Robert S., farmer, r Central e of Dickens

Cook, Samuel C., stu High School, r 3212 e Central

Cook, Miss Sarah, wks Cansas Stm Laund, r cor 3d and Water

Cook, Seth D., shoe shop 321 n Main, r 121 w Third

Cook, William S., prop Nat Lab Bureau, r 1409 s Topeka

Cooke, M. C., atty ab 152 n Main, r 114 n Minnesota

Cook’s Hill School House, Central e of Dickens

Cookson, Wesley J., wks 800 n Main, r 1012 s Lawrence

Cooley, Mrs. A. E., r 1807 Crown

Cooley, Miss Alma L., dau Wm E Cooley, r cor Arkansas & 25

Cooley, David C., farmer, r cor Arkansas and Twenty-fifth

Cooley, I. N., r ab 125 n Market

Cooley, William E., farmer, r cor Arkansas and Twenty-fifth

Cooper, Abe L., clk 114 n Market, rms 205 s Fourth

Cooper, Arthur H., carpenter and painter, r 220 w William

Cooper & Busenbark, prop Mammoth Stables, 114, 116 and 118 s Main

Cooper, B. W., wks Carey Hotel, r 322 n Mead

Cooper, Miss Eva, stnographr A Cannon & co, r 1112 n Market

Cooper, Frank A. & Co., Frank A cooper, Chas L Adams, drugs 248 n Main

Cooper, Frank A. (Frank A Cooper & Co) bds 343 n Topeka

Cooper, Frank A., horse shoer 315 w Douglas, bds 221 w Wm

Cooper, Jacob L. (Cooper & Busenbark) r 220 w William

Cooper, Miss Margaret A., r 533 n Main

Cooper, Mrs. Sarah A., r 1107 n Jackson

Cooper, S. W., loan office ab 137 n Main, H F Goode, manager

Cooper, Mrs. Virginia C., r 513 s Main

Cooper, William P., bds 535 n Market

Coots, Miss Eva A., dressmaker, r 220 s Water

Coots, Miss Ida, dressmaker, r 314 s Dodge, ws

Coots, Miss Ida M., wks Kan Steam Laundry, r 220 s Water

Coots, Mrs. Mary A., boarding house keeper 220 s Water

Copeland, C. C., wks Wichita Roofing Co., bds 343 n Main

Copeland, E. W., foreman Wichita Roofing Co., bds 343 n Main

Copeland, Miss Ella, dau W E Copeland, r 1141 s Topeka

Copeland, Mrs. Sarah P., r 1030 s Emporia

Copeland, Willis E., agent Rock Island R R, r 1141 s Topeka

Coplin, Miss Birdie, domestic, r 804 e Central

Copple, Miss Dellie, laundress, Douglas Avenue House

Copple, Miss Francis, domestic, 321 n Waco

Corbett, Daniel F., clk Mo Pac Ry, room 408 Sedgwick, r 916 n Lawrence

Corbett, Winfld Scott, pres W Whol Gro Co, r 233 n Topeka

Corbin, John H., printer Eagle, r 112 w Morris

Corbley, James Albert, real estate, bds 1261 n Water

Corcoran, William, laborer, bds 636 n Wabash

Corder, Herbert O., barber, clk n Main, r 123 s Fannie

Corder, Orlando E., trav sales W W Gro Co, r ab 201 n Water

Cordobl, Miss Katie, wks Riverside Hotel, r same

Corey, Hiram W., tel operator 126 n Main, r 429 n Wichita

Corkill, Miss Lillie, stu S B College, r Maize, Kan

Corn, B. S., student S B College, r Pratt, Kan

Corn, Miss Etta, r 1624 e Central

Corn, Mrs. Mollie, r 1158 n Wichita

Corneilison, Andrew M., stove rep, r 308 s Martinson, ws

Cornelison, William R., r 603 s Orchard, ws

Cornell, Charles, blacksmith car shops, r n Wabash near 35th

Cornell, Everett P., clk Carey Hotel, rms same

Cornell, William J., molder, bds 726 e Douglas

Corner & Farnum, Royal Spice Mills 112 e Emporia, W J Corner & H R Farnum

Corner Grocery, Deininger & Bowman, props, 458 n Main

Corner, W. J. (Corner & Farnum) r 124 s Emporia

Corns, Frank M., carpenter

Corns, John, retired, r 320 s Dodge, ws

Correll, Charles T., foreman government bldg, bds 116 e Lewis

Corrie, Mrs. Mary, sec and treas Woman’s Ex, r 115 s Lawrence

Corwin, Bartholomew, r 917 s Topeka

Corwin, Miss Eva, teacher, r 518 n Wabash

Corwin, Joseph, 917 s Topeka

Corwin, Miss Katie, r 518 n Wabash

Corwin, Mrs. Marcie, 518 n Wabash

Corwin, Miss Mary, r 1555 Tyler

Corwin, Stephen G., carp, r 1555 Tyler

Corzine, Geo W., bkpr Johnson-Larimer D G Co., r 535 n Washington

Cosper, C. S., law stu, rm 35 Zimmerly, bds Garfield U

Cossett, John, lab, r 726 n Market

Cossitt, C. M., asst bkpr W M Pond & Co., r 455 n Riverview

Cossitt, Fred J., bkpr, 301 w Douglas, r 455 n River

Cossitt, John M., lab, r 455 n River

Cossitt, Miss Mary, stu Lewis Acad, r 455 River

Costello, Miss Genevive, student, r 502 s Ida

Costello, Joseph, student, r 502 s Ida

Costello, Thomas F., engineer, r 502 s Ida

Cottage Bakery, Knoll & Cleary, props, rear 711 n Market

Cottage House, Mrs. Katie Roberts, props, cor Emporia & 18th

Cotter Bros, W S & John A Cotter, props Cotters’ cafι, 236 n Main

Cotter, John A. (Cotter Bros) r Grandolfo bldg

Cotter, D. T., wks Cotter Bros, rms ab 236 n Main

Cotter, Mrs. W. S., r 252 n Waco

Cotter, William S. (Cotter Bros) rms 252 n Waco

Cotter’s Cafι, Cotter Bros props 236 n Main

Cottman, J. B., grocer, r 136 s Millwood, ws

Cottman, Jas D., clk J L Moore & Son, r 136 n Millwood, ws

Cottrell, Miss Callie M., r 8520 n Emporia

Cottrell, John T., carp, r 3520 n Emporia

Cottrell, Miss Stella, r 3520 n Emporia

Couch, Austin B., sale stable 213 w Douglas, bds Doug Av Hs

Couch, Meshack I., wks 213 w Douglas, bds Doug Av House

Couchman, A. J., plasterer, r 611 n Ohio

Coulson, Frank, photog Brittingham’s gal, rms ab 112 e Doug

Coulson, John W., wall paper and pain, 237 n Main, r 919 s Lawrence

Coultas, Harry J., clk 313 n Main, r 309 w Second

Coultas, Mrs. Margaret, r 309 w Second

Coultas, Miss Meck, dress maker 309 w Second

Coultas, Miss Sarah, dress maker 309 w Second

Coulter, Miss Gertrude, stu Lewis Acad, r 521 s Seneca, ws

Coulter, John E., ins and loans, room 820 Sedgwick, r 521 s Seneca, ws

Coulter, M. W., treas Equitable Trust and In Co., r 1018 n Mk’t

Cowneil, Miss Mayme, student S B College, r Augusta, Kan

County Building, s e cor Main and First

Coup, Miss Arla, r 418 n Topeka

Coup, Miss Ella, r 1126 n Carlos

Court Common Pleas, J M Balderston, judge, ab cor Market and First

Courter, Benj F., coal dealer, r above 1100 w Douglas, ws

Courter & Co., M Courter, mangr, dlrs in coal and lime, 1007 Douglas, ws

Courter, M. (Courter & Co) rms Martinson block, ws

Courter, Miss Mattie, r 1100 w Douglas, ws

Courtney, Charles, student, r cor Lincoln and B

Courtney, John W., farmer, r cor Lincoln and B

Courtney, Wylie, teamster, r cor Lincoln and B

Coutlet, Miss Eva, wks Clair, rms room 25 above 146 n Main

Covell, A. Charles, printer Eagle job rooms, r 437 s Main

Covell, Frank C., bell boy Metropole, r 437 s Market

Covington, Alfred, prop Covington’s Fish Mkt, rms 415 n Water

Covington, Beckley H., r above 513 n Main

Covington Building, 513 n Main

Covington’s Fish Market, A Covington, prop, 344 n Main

Covington, John H., janitor common pleas crt, r 501 n Water

Covington, Miss Lulu A., r 501 n Water

Covington, Miss Mary I., r 501 n Water

Cowan, Miss Emma E., stu S B College, r Covington, Kan

Cowan, G. W., wks 115 s Lawrence, rms 120 w Douglas

Cowan, G. W., student S B College

Cowan, Mrs. Mattie F., furnished rooms, ab 120 w Doug

Cowden, Mrs. Eliza, cook, r 123 n Fourth

Cowden, Miss Mattie, r 123 n Fourth

Cowden, Richard, lab, r 123 n Fourth

Cowell, Mrs. Susan, r 829 n Fourth

Cowley, Mrs. Flora, r w Park

Cowley, Hale, prop Park st Grocery, r w Park

Cowley, John, r 604 e Oak

Cox, Adolphus, carpenter, r cor Palmerston & Walker, ws

Cox, Albert, farmer, bds Lindell Hotel

Cox, Charley A., r 149 n Emporia

Cox, Chas H., drug clk, r ab 149 n Emporia

Cox, Miss Clara, r 3424 e Second

Cox, Darwin L., painter, r 331 s Dodge, ws

Cox, David, laborer, r 416 James

Cox, Dode, painter Kansas Buggy Co.

Cox, Forest E., carp, r 331 s Dodge, ws

Cox, Fred F., waiter Occidental, r same

Cox, G. W., student S B College, r Ashland, Kan

Cox, Geo W., stenographer, r 1203 n Fifth

Cox, Geo W., M. D., (T E Williford & Co.) r ab 149 n Emporia

Cox, Miss Hattie, r 3424 e Second

Cox, Miss Ida M., daughter L Cox

Cox, J. D., teamster, r 839 Cherry

Cox, James W., lab, 621 s Mosley

Cox, Miss Jennie, r 203 w Eleventh

Cox, Miss Jessie M., student, r 529 n Waco

Cox, John L., lvry, fd stbl, 566 w Doug, ws, r 1100 w Doug, ws

Cox, J. W., stu S B College, r Liberal, Kan

Cox, Lindley M., confectionery, 217 s Main, r 529 n Waco

Cox, Livingston (Taylor & Cox) r 333 s Dodge, ws

Cox, Miss M., student S B College

Cox, Marcus, newsboy, r 301 w Second

Cox, Morgan, hotel keeper, r 257 n Topeka

Cox, Mrs. Morgan, r 257 n Topeka

Cox, Oria, wks dairy, r cor Palmerston and Walker, ws

Cox, R. A., r 1022 n Emporia

Cox, Samuel, janitor 126 e First, r 120 w Oak

Cox, Samuel A., laborer, r 621 s Mosley

Cox, Simeon, wks for Simms, real estate

Cox, S. W., wks at 1065 n Emporia

Cox, Thomas G., painter and paper hanger, r 153 n Emporia

Cox, W. D., student S B College, r Sedgwick, Kan

Cox, Walter J., secy Friends Bd of Educat’n, r 3424 e Second

Cox, William M., r 1203 n Fifth

Coyle, James, wks Shoe Factory, bds 1505 Goethe

Cozad, Miss Lillie, chambermaid Hotel Goodyear

Cozatt, Orpheus P., merchant, r 229 s Ellis

Cozine, John S., real estate, r 414 w Central

Crabill, John, laborer, r 112 w Lewis

Crabill, Miss Sadie, wks Eagle bindery, r 112 w Lewis

Crabill, Sim W., adv’g solicitor Daily Journal, r 112 w Lewis

Crabtree, Dr. John S., chief detective K D B, r 419 s Market

Craddock, Mrs. J. S., r 806 Eagle

Craddock, Mrs. Mary, dressmaker r 407 e Douglas

Crafts, L. H., dlr artificial stone, r 1216 n Mosley

Crager, Charles W., wks W Wire & I’n Wks, r 1116 s Topeka

Crager, Samuel A., wks W Wire & I’n Wks, r 1116 s Topeka

Craig, Charles C., carpenter, r 214 s Fern ws

Craig, Charles G., blksth 113 n Exposition, ws, r 214 s Fern, ws

Craig, Everett L., blacksmith, r 214 s Fern, ws

Craig, H. H., laborer, r 934 s Emporia

Craig, Mrs. H. H., matron Child’n’s Home 119 Pennsylvania

Craig, M. J., r 1841 n Waco

Craig, N. M., retired, r 1561 s Mead

Craig, Robert W., teacher, r 1136 n Main

Cramer, Miss Alma, stu S B College, r New Philadelphia, O

Cramer, Miss Annie, stu public school, r 923 e First

Cramer, Daniel, r 927 e First

Cramer, Mrs. Emma A., r 923 e First

Cramer, Ernest A., asst eng W Water Co., r 1210 w Central

Cramer, Jacob E., teamster Stewart, Coney & Co., r 846 s Lulu

Cramer, John, r 923 e First

Cramer, Miss Katie, stu public schools, r 923 e First

Cramer, Miss Mamie, r 1526 n Park Place

Cramer, Miss Minnie, stu Lewis Acad, r 1210 w Central

Cramer, Urias, head eng W Water Co., r 1210 w Central

Cramer, W. H., student S B College, r Elmdale, Kan

Cramphin, Miss Francis, r 505 Orchard, ws

Cramphin, Jas H., plasterer, r 505 s Orchard, ws

Crandall, John M., laborer, r 319 s Exposition, ws

Crane, Edward, laborer, r 827 n Lawrence

Crane, Mrs. Eliza A., r 625 s Lawrence

Crane, Forest R., clk 122 w Douglas, rms 528 s Main

Crane, G. A., driver street car

Crane, Noah A., contr mason work, r 718 s Ida

Crane, Will, clk Israel Bros, r 1406 s Lawrence

Cranston, Mrs. Mollie, r 232 n Mead

Cranston, M. P., shirt manufacturer, r 426 w Elm

Craskey, Miss Annie, student Garfield

Craaver, Henry, labor, bds Cottage House

Craven, Horatio T., agt Mass Mut Ins Co., r 1561 s Lawrence

Craven, Jesse T., wks packing house, bds Plow Wks Hotel

Cravens, Reese, drayman, r 603 n Water

Crawford, Alfred L. (Crawford, Bullock & Co) r 622 n Waco

Crawford, Miss Azella, stu, r n Emporia near Thirty-second

Crawford, Bullock & Co., W L C, D R B & T J Rogers, gen ins agts, rms 3, 4 & 5 Zimmerly

Crawford, Miss Della, waiter Fairview Hotel

Crawford, Geo W., btchr, 557 Ida, r 911 s Fannie

Crawford Opera House, O T Crawford, mngr, Topeka & William

Crawford, James S., farmer, r se cor Pennsylvania & Huron

Crawford, James L., lab, r 716 Ohio

Crawford, John, laborer, r 240 s Mead

Crawford, Miss Leonore, student, r n Emporia near 32d

Crawford, Miss Maggie, music teacher, r 837 n Ohio

Crawford, Orlin T., mngr Crawford Opera House, r same

Crawford, S. E., lamp lighter, r 716 n Ohio

Crawford, Wm, farmer, r n Emporia near Thirty-second

Crawford, W. S., printer, bds 310 s Main, r 230 n Main

Craycroft, John, wks 123 s Topeka, rms same

Creditor & Buckwalter, props W Dental Ins’tte, ab 209 n Main

Creditor, E. H. (W Dental Institute) r n Topeka

Creekmore, G. A., student S B College, r Mayfield, Kan

Creig, Noah, laborer, r 823 Cherry

Creighton, James, grocer, r 338 n Mosley

Creller, F. T., commercial traveler, bds Occidental

Cresap, Homer, collector Blair Bros, r 1407 Humboldt

Crenshaw, Chas, barber, r 731 Ida

Creson, Miss Josie, rms ab 322 n Main

Crewson, C. C., draughtsman, bds e Andrews n Wichita

Crewson, Stewart, eng, car wks, bds e Andrews n Wichita

Crichton, David, student, r 415 s Washington

Crichton, Mrs. Ellen L., r 415 s Washington

Crichton, Miss Jane, wks Cracker facty, r 415 s Washington

Crichton, Miss Mary, clk Boston Store, r 415 s Washington

Crichton, Wilhelmina, wks cr factory, r 415 s Washington

Crider, C. E., driver Bryan Fruit Co., bds 402 n Main

Criley, W. H., atty with Sluss & Stanley, rms 917 n Market

Crissman, J. E., hack driver, bds 411 e Douglas

Crist, Miss Emma, bkpr City Shoe Store, r 838 n Market

Crist, J. Edward, trav clerk Mo Pc Ry, r 838 n Market

\Crist, John J., architect, r 838 n Market

Crocker, R. D., stu S B College, r Belleville, Kan

Crocus, Charles, carpenter, bds 258 n Mosley

Croes, John, laborer, r 820 Elm, ws

Croes, Joseph, dlr harness 306 w Doug, r 507 s Campbell, ws

Croll, Frank, wks M A McKenzie, bds City Hotel

Crook, Joseph, laborer, r 603 n Wichita

Crooks, Orson R., operator W U T Co., r 412 n Market

Cropper, Charles, lunch stand, r 412 n Main

Cropper, E. B., ex dep Dold Pkg Co., bds Union Hotel

Cropper, Gene, wks Union Hotel, rms same

Crosby, Theodore D., laborer, r 333 n Fern, ws

Crosby, William, r 638 n Walnut, ws

Croskey, Miss Annie, stu Lewis Acad, r 1103 n Wichita

Croskey, Miss Agnes, stu Lewis Acad, r 1103 n Wichita

Croskey, Harry, phys, Fechheimer blk, r 1103 n Wichita

Croskey, Henry, carpenter, r 1103 n Wichita

Cross, Mrs. Dora, boarders, r 321 s Martinson, ws

Cross, Frank, stone mason, r 1027 s Mulberry, ws

Cross, George D., Chicago Lum Co., r 433 n Lawrence

Cross, Richard, news agt St L & S F R R, bds 411 e Douglas

Crosson, David M., teamster, r w Twenty-first near River

Crosson, Miss Emma, stu Southwestern Business College

Crosson, Mrs. Emma J., r 307 Riverview

Crosson, Frank, night watchman City Mills, 323 n Walnut, ws

Crosson, Perry, rlest and loans, 211 e Doug, r 829 s Topeka

Crouch, Mrs. Annie B., oil painting, r 1912 e Park av

Crouch, Ellis, retired, r 236 n Fourth

Crouch, George A., cook, r 1620 n Topeka

Crouch, James, laborer, r 1606 n Wabash

Crouch, Jefferson S. (Herman & C) r 216 s Fourth

Crouch, Jesse, laborer, r 1220 n Cleveland

Crouch, Jesse, laborer, r 236 n Fourth

Crouch, John, r 708 n Water

Crouch, Miss Mattie, r 236 n Fourth

Crouch, Miss Minnie, r 236 n Fourth

Crouch, William, teamster, r 827 n Wichita

Crouse, Miss Annie, rms 1930 Ellis

Crow, Abram J. (Wm Crow & Co) r 172 Pattie

Crow, Chas C., butcher 1103 e Douglas, bds 152 n Ohio

Crow, Ed, te4amster and liveryman, r 116 s Mosley

Crow, Wm, (Wm Crow & Co) r 1252 s Market

Crow & Co., W M Crow, S E Carmichael and A J Crow, real estate, office above 616 e Douglas

Crowder, John, laborer, r 135 n Water

Crowe, Rev. J B., Presbyterian minister, r 213 n Market

Crowl, Frank, wks Wichita Carriage Wks, rms ab 127 w Doug

Crowler, Jack, A T & S F R R, room 29 Hotel Richland

Crowell, Prof. M. E., teacher Lewis Acad, bds 638 n Lawrence

Crum, Mrs. Sallie, domestic, 407 n Lawrence

Crume, Alonzo C., baggage agt Union depot, r 1024 Fourth

Crusinberry, Prof. W. A., teacher Garfield, rms 1826 w Maple, ws

Crystal Ice Co., cor Pearl and Osage, ws; N A English, pres, J T McMillen, secy

Cubbon, George T. (Cubbon & Kenagy) r ab 1228 w 17th

Cubbon & Kenagy, Geo T Cubbon and Rudolph H Kenagy, grocers, 1228 w Seventeenth

Cuddy, J. J., student S B College, r Kingman, Kan

Cudwright, Miss Ida, student S B College

Cueni, F., wks Ice Co., bds 1507 e First

Cukerman, M., peddler, r 1150 s Mosley

Cullar, Benj F., Lee’s Furniture Store 419 e Douglas

Cullasaja, B. O., student S B College, r Mexico, Minn.

Culley, Joseph, laborer, bds Valley House

Cullum, Charles O., engineer, r 218 s Sycamore, ws

Cullum, Miss Ota, student, r 218 s Sycamore, ws

Culp, William H. (W H Culp & Co) r 611 n Wabash

Culp, W. H. & Co., florists, 611 n Wabash

Culp, Mrs. May (W H Culp & Co), r 611 n Wabash

Culver, Miss Florence E., r 1238 n Lawrence

Culver, Dr. J. B., r 1238 n Lawrence

Culver, Mrs. Judith, dress mkr 139 n Main, r 1238 n Lawrence

Cummings, Miss Anna M., r 1340 s Main

Cummings, Furman L., money ord dept. p o, r 336 n Topeka

Cummings, Miss Mattie, stu Bus College, bds 408 s Emporia

Cummings, Mrs. Mattis, rms 536 s Emporia

Cummings, Wilson, stu Garfield, r South Haven, Kan

Cummins, William, cook 110 w Douglas, rms 203 e Douglas

Cumpston, Charles D., carp, r n Emporia near Thirty-seventh

Cunningham, Calvin H., porter, Manhattan Hotel

Cunningham, Charles, cook, r 122 n Emporia

Cunningham, Edward W. (Tent & Aw’g Co) bds 402 e Doug

Cunningham, Frank, r 120 s Fourth

Cunningham, Miss Hattie, domestic, r 122 n Emporia

Cunningham, Henry, wks Forest City Brick Co., rms same

Cunningham, John, laborer, r 122 n Emporia

Cunningham, Joseph, wks Forest City Brick Co., rms same

Cunningham, Joseph, yardman Douglas Av House

Cunningham, M., stone mason, bds 343 n Main

Cunningham, Miss Mary, r 120 s Fourth

Cunningham, Michael, butcher, r 120 s Fourth

Cunningham, Miss Nellie, r 226 Cleveland

Cunningham, Robt, wks Carey barber shop, r 122 n Emporia

Cunningham, Silas P., janitor, r 1341 n Wichita

Cunningham, Stephen L., canvasser, r 226 Cleveland

Curboist, John S., car driver, bds 427 n Main

Curd, Mrs. Icy, r 459 n Water

Curd, William, wks Sedgwick Billiard Hall, r 459 n Water

Curiluck, W., student S B College, r Mexico, Mexico

Curry, Harry, laborer, r 630 n Fourth

Curry, James, wks Dold Packing Co.

Curry, James, student S B College, r Leseta, Kan

Curry, James W., stu Garfield, r Mt. Hope, Kan

Curry, Lee, frgtmn A T & S F R R, rms 204 s Lawrence

Curry, Miss Stella, dom, r 630 n Fourth

Curry, W. A., stu S B College, r Mt. Hope, Kan

Curtis, Mrs. Anna M., r 421 s Campbell, ws

Curtis, Chas A., cook Plow Wks Hotel

Curtis, Chas E., cashier Savings Bank of W, r 421 Campbell, ws

Curtis, Frank E., bkpr C R Miller, r 421 s Campbell, ws

Curtis, Frederick M., c’l dlr, cor 2d & Wich’, r 1318 Fairmount

Curtis, Miss Isabelle, dom 721 n Topeka

Curtin, Miss Lillie, stu S B College, r Hiawatha, Kan

Curtis, M., stu S B College, r Springfield, Mo

Curtis, Mrs. Malinda, r 716 n Ohio

Curtis, Peter, wks Dold Packing Co.

Curtis, Solomon, wks Crystal Ice Co., r 224 n Osage, ws

Curtis, William T., r 1303 e First

Cushman, Bennett B., (Equitable Trust & Inv Co) bds Carey

Cusick, Louis, errand boy Bitting Bros, r Broadway & D

Cusick, Mrs. Mary F., dressmkr, r Broadway & D

Custer, Dan, student S B College, r Stafford, Kan

Custer, Miss Lizzie, r 1327 e Gilbert

Custom and Exchange Mills, west side, W R Cornelison

Cutchen, Irving M., laborer, r 117 n Wichita

Cutright, Miss Ida B., r 1421 Schiller

Cutright, Ismael, carpenter, r 1421 Schiller

Cutright, Ord D., wks brick yard, r 1421 Schiller

Cymbal, Henry, student Southwestern Business College



Dabertz, L. W., moulder at 120 n Wichita, r n Water

Dade, Robert, laborer, bds Grand View House

Dadisman, Everett, student S B College, r Derby, Kan

Dadman, Ed, section hand Mo Pac, r cor Wichita & Dexas, ws

Daft, Miss Mary E., student S B College

Dagner, Miss Bessie, r 631 n Topeka

Dagner, James H., capitalist, r 631 n Topeka

Dague, Miss Cora, r 425 n Topeka

Dailey, James M., wks brick yard, r 1943 n Hydraulic

Daily, Michael, student, r 831 s Water

Daily, Peter, laborer, r 831 s Water

Daily, Peter, Jr., student, r 831 s Water

Daily, Thomas, student, r 831 s Water

Daisy, Edward G., driver sprinkler, r 403 s Water

Daisy, O. C. (Daisy & Co) r 123 s Topeka

Daisy & Vanderbeck, O C D & H V, st spklrs, 221 w Waterman

Dale, David M. (Dale & Wall) r 937 n Waco

Dale, Frank (Dale & Thomas) r 1237 n Wichita

Dale Nessly & Beebe, Udall flour and feed depot, 722 e Doug

Dale & Thomas, Frank D & W W T, attys Smith-Skinner blk

Dale & Wall, D M D & T B W, attys ab 114 n Market

Daley, James B., abstracter for reg deeds, r s Hillside

Dalton, Geo, wks Dold Packing Co.

Daly, Barney, farmer, r Seneca s of Wheeler, ws

Dalzell, Joseph, st car driver, bds Fairview Hotel

Dando, Wm T., printer Eagle, rms 316 n Main, bds 228 s Water

Dangerfield, Chas H., real estate, 519 w Third

Daniel, J., watchman W St Ry Co.

Daniels, Benj J., wks St Car Co., bds 123 s Seneca, ws

Daniels, Bushrod W., dry gds. & Millinery, 533 n Main, r same

Daniels Bros, C W & C S, second hand goods 908 e Douglas

Daniels, Clay W (Daniels Bros) r 425 Ida

Daniels, Chas S (Daniels Bros) r 425 Ida

Daniels, J. M., student S B College, r Red Bud, Kan

Daniels, Kerry, wks Dold Packing Co., bds 1912 n Topeka

Daniels, Nathan B., lab, r 123 s Seneca, ws

Daniels, Miss Ora, bds 1912 n Topeka

Daniels, Robert S., lab r 117 n Seneca, ws

Daniels, S. S., 2d hand dlr, 251 n Main, r 124 n Green

Daratt, Clifford R., stu S B College, r 222 s Osage, ws

Daratt, Miss Millie, stu, r 222 s Osage, ws

Daratt, Oscar R., rlest, r 222 s Osage, ws

Dardias, H. G., driver st car

Dare, Fred W., stair bldr shop 929 e Third, r 236 n Lawrence

Dare, Lewis D., spcl agt N Y Life Ins Co., bds Tremont Hotel

Daring, Chas E. (Chamberlin & Co) r 25th opp plow factory

Darling, Geo W., trav salsmn Royal Spice Mills, r 427 w 9th

Darling, H. W., sec Hydraulic Milling Co., r 3605 e Central

Darling, John P., sign painter, rms 434 s Ida

Darling, —, r av A near Waco

D’Armant, John, wks cor Merton and Hiram, ws, rms same

Darnell, J. Ed, jailer, r 527 n Main

Darnett, C., student S B College

Darnett, D. D., student S B College

Darney, Robert, supt and eng W Gas E L & P Co., r 413 w 3d

Darragh, Robert H., asst bkpr Eagle off, bds 218 s Topeka

Darrell, Miss F., r 158 n Mosley

Darrin, Herbert F., phys 800 n Main, bds Forest City Hotel

Daton, O. R., student S B Colelge, r Nickerson, Kan

Daubert, Miss Alice, dressmkr McDaniels, r ab 533 n Main

Danbert, Mrs. Jennie, dressmaking ab 533 n Main, r same

Daugerty, Miss Maggie, dom, 503 n Dodge, ws

Daugherty, Albert C., carp, bds 1117 Hendryx, ws

Daugherty, Ammon R., carp, bds 1117 w Hendryx, ws

Daugherty, Miss Bertha, teacher Wichita University

Daugherty, Isaac, trader, r 53n5 117 n Wichita, ws

Daugherty, Miss Jennie, teacher, bds 1200 s Emporia

Daugherty, James V., atty ab 137 n Main, r 203 n Emporia

Daugherty, Frank S., carp, r 1117 Hendryx, ws

David, Albert E., clk, r 709 w Central

David, Milton, farmer, r 709 w Central

Davidson, Agnes W., stu Lewis Acad, r 210 n Market

Davidson, Arthur I., r 604 s Water

Davidson, Chas L., sec S L Davidson Mrtg Co., r 1326 n Law’ce

Davidson, Miss Clemantine, r 604 s Water

Davidson, Frank, student, r cor Buffum and Riverside

Davidson, Fleming, carpenter, r 604 s Water

Davidson Investment Co., J O Davidson, pres, Thos G Fitch, secy and treas, office Citizens’ Bank

Davidson, Jack, laborer, r 1441 n Fifth

Davidson, John D., laborer, r 1441 s Fifth

Davidson, John, Sr., retired, r 208 n Market

Davidson, John, capitalist, r 210 n Market

Davidson, John, student Lewis Academy, r 210 n Market

Davidson, J. Oak, pres Citizens’ Bank, r Riverside

Davidson, L. D., druggist Cooper & Co., bds 414 w Central

Davidson, Mrs. Mary A., r 604 s Water

Davidson, Mrs. Sally C., r 626 n River

Davidson, Stephen L., pres S L Davidson Mtg. Co., r 302 n Topeka

Davidson, The S L Mortgage Co., S. L. Davidson, pres, C L Davidson, sec, office rear Citizens’ Bank

Davidson, William (Davidson & Case) r 208 n Market

Davidson & Case, William Davidson and H E Case, lumber dealers, 151 n Mosley

Davies, John R., agt Mass Mut L Ins Co., r 713 s Washington

Davies, Miss Mary, student , r 713 s Washington

Davies, Walter T., student, r 713 s Washington

Davis, Allen S., stu Lewis Acad, r ab  1101 w Doug, ws

Davis, Miss Annie, r 131 n Fourth

Davis, Andy, wks Dold Packing Co., bds Kentucky House

Davis, A. W., treas W Cracker Co., bds Occidental

Davis, Cary D., carrier No 1 & supt car’rs W p o, r 214 n Water

Davis, Chas W. (Davis & Fouts) r cor Highland & Douglas

Davis, Chas E., lab, r 119 s Lawrence

Davis, Chas W., stock dlr, r 320 s Oak, ws

Davis, Chas T. (Monarch Bill Parlors) r 303 Riverview

Davis, Miss Clara F., r ab 120 s Topeka

Davis, Mrs. Clara, laundress, r 301 s Fourth

Davis, D. M., boiler mkr Globe I Wks, r 1006 e Second

Davis, Miss Dora, r ab 120 s Topeka

Davis, Ed, barber 226 e Douglas, rms ab 222 n Main

Davis, Emanuel, lab, bds 144 n Wabash

Davis, Elizabeth, rms Delaware near Ontario

Davis, E. A., stu S B College, rms 313 n Market

Davis, E. L., student S B College

Davis, E. S., student Garfield

Davis, Edw H., S F Dist Ft & Pass Agt 126 n Main, bds Metpl

Davis, Edward S., farmer, r cor Pennsylvania and 21st

Davis, Frances A., r 1641 s Fifth

Davis, Miss Fanny, dressmaker, r 131 n Fourth

Davis & Fouts, C W D & W S F, gents furnishing, 105 w First

Davis, George, bkpr W W Grocer Co., r cor Kellogg & Brown

Davis, G. B., boiler maker Globe Iron Wks, r 1006 e Second

Davis, Geo H., carpenter, r 1750 Waco

Davis, Geo L., farmer, r cor Pennsylvania and Twenty-first

Davis, Giles, physician ab 1018 w Douglas, ws, r same

Davis, Harry, clk J R Holliday, r 131 n Fourth

Davis, H. H., rms city clerk’s office

Davis, Henry, laborer, r n Fifth bet Eleventh and Twelfth

Davis, Henry, r 1007 e Second

Davis, Henry, farmer, r cor Palmerston & Walker, ws

Davis, Henry, cook Metropole, r 111 E English

Davis, Hezekiah L., barber 565 w Douglas, r 114 s Osage, ws

Davis, Howard M. (Monarch Billiard Hall) r 340 n Water

Davis, James C., rlest ab 114 n Main, r cor Emporia & Gilbert

Davis, James L. (Butterfield & Co) 128 w Douglas

Davis, Mrs. Jane M., r ab 120 s Topeka

Davis, Jasper, farmer, r cor Douglas and Jones

Davis, J. C., rlst, rms 6 and 7 ab 130 n Main, r Alamo add

Davis, J. Edwin, rlest assessors off, r 1037 Cooledge

Davis, Jefferson E., stu Garfield, r Gainesville, Texas

Davis, Jeff, hostler at 537 n Topeka

Davis, John, laborer, r 223 n Waco

Davis, John D., atty ab 113 n Main, r 1041 n Fourth

Davis, John H., coachman M J Oliver, r 1103 n Lawrence

Davis, John W., painter for Young Bros, r 248 w Morris

Davis, Miss Katie G., r 120 s Topeka

Davis, Miss Lizzie, dau Francis A Davis, r 1641 s Fifth

Davis, Lee, wks Stewart, Coney & Co., r 3600 n Emporia

Davis, Madison, wks Kansas Fruit Co., r 127 n market

Davis, Manuel, laborer, r 124 n Mead

Davis, Miss Mattie, dau Jasper Davis, r cor Douglas & Jones

Davis, Miss Martha, r 1007 e Second

Davis, Miss Martha, domestic, 426 s Main

Davis, Reuben, wks car shops, r n Macon

Davis, Robert S., engineer Mo Pac Ry, r 317 n Wichita

Davis, S. L., grocer, 707 n Fourth, r same

Davis, S. M., r 527 n Locust

Davis, Miss Sarah E., teacher, rms 415 n Market

Davis, Sherman L., teacher high school, rms 412 e Central

Davis, S. B., brick mkr, r nw cor Hydraulic & Harry

Davis, Thomas, Jr., stu, r 131 n Fourth

Davis, Thomas, Sr., mechanic, r 131 n Fourth

Davis, W. E., student S B College

Davis, Walter, r Baltimore, w end

Davis, W. C., bds 535 n Market

Davis, Wilbur L., drug 224 e Doug, r 1139 n Waco

Davis, William, 2d cook Douglas Av House

Davis, William, laborer, r 616 n Market

Davis, William H., r ws Delaware near Ontario

Davis, William M. (W P, Pump & Sup Co) r 1144 University, ws

Davison, John A., teller W S Nat Bank, r 1145 University

Davison, John, blacksmith, rear 234 n Water, r 1611 s Fifth

Davy, Allan D., carp, r 803 w Doug, ws

Davy, John D., r 726 w Douglas, ws

Dawson, Mrs. A. C., r 606 n Washington

Dawson, Bernard B. (Waco Meat Market) r 315 w Elm

Dawson, B. F., prop Oak Street Bakery, r 737 n Fourth

Dawson, Miss Ella, r 308 s Fourth

Dawson, G. I., student S B College, r Winfield, Kan

Dawson, Joseph, wks Waco Meat Market, bds 315 w Elm

Dawson, Miss Mamie J. B., r 606 n Washington

Dawson, Robert F., teamster C E Rogers, r 631 n Water

Day, Mrs. Amanda E., r 368 n First

Day, Edgar B., wks st car barn, ws, r 127 s Main

Day, Mary Gage, physician, r 127 s Main

Day, Mrs. Mollie, cook Sweet Home Hotel, r same

Day, Mahlon H., carpenter, r 400 e Central

Day, Wilson E., carpenter, r 3518 n Emporia

Deabertz, Mrs. Mary, wks W Steam Laundry, r 213 n Waco

Deahull, Miss Ella, r 332 n Topeka

Deam Abstract Co., L A Deam, R C Deam and F M Deam, under County building

Deam, Mrs. Ann, r above 313 n Main

Deam, Frank M. (Deam Abstract Co) r above 313 n Main

Deam, Miss Harriet, teacher, r ab 313 n Wichita

Deam, Herbert H., depty county treas, r 522 n Fourth

Deam, Henry M. (Bloss D & Melvin) r 1113 s Main

Deam, Lewis A. (Deam Abstract Co) r 837 n Main

Deam, Mrs. Martha A., r 538 n Fourth

Deam, Miss Myrtle, r ab 313 n Main

Deam, Robert C., county auditor, r 538 n Fourth

Deam, Warren G., clerk Economy Coal Co., r 838 n Market

Dean, Mrs. A. A., rms 1323 Lulu

Dean, Miss Bessie, stu Lewis Acad, r 903 n Lawrence

Dean, Dell J., Hotel Metropole, r same

Dean, Harry F., Mail carrier No 12, r 945 n Emporia

Dean, Herbert W., clk, 815 n Main, 806 n Water

Dean, Isaac N., stock dealer county clerk’s office

Dean, John, bds n Mosley, blk 3300

Dean, J. C., retired, r 903 n Lawrence

Dean, Miss Margaret, stu Lewis Acad, r 903 n Lawrence

Dean, Myron A., clk 815 n Main, r 806 n Water

Dean, Mrs. S. B., r 812 n Lawrence

Dean, William G., agt Mass Mut L Ins Co., r 903 n Lawrence

Dean, Wm N., traveling salesman, r 225 s Dodge, ws

Dearborn, O. M., clk Sweet Home Hotel, r same

Dearing, Samuel, carpenter, r 1149 Cleveland

Dearing, Mrs. Susan Mary, r 605 n Waco

Dearing, Will, cook Monarch Lunch Room, r 1149 n Cleveland

Dearth, Martin, carpenter, r 222 Ida

Debaun, Thomas J., carpenter, r 1747 s Palisade av

Debbrecht, Fred E., wks Dold Packing Co., r 621 n Fifth

Debbrecht, Henry C., wks Dold Packing Co., r 621 n Fifth

Debbrecht, H. H., carpenter, r 621 n Fifth

Debbrecht, Miss Kate, r 621 n Fifth

Debbrecht, Lewis F., carpenter, r 621 n Fifth

Debow, W. H., wks W Trip Ham Brick Works, r same

Debusman, Wm J. G., cook 109 w Douglas, rms 313 w William

Decatur, Mrs. Ida W., clk Mo Pac Ry office, r 811 n Topeka

DeCastro, Paul, barnman W St Ry Co., r 232 n Wichita, ws

DeCona, Paolo, fruit stand, r n Water

Dedmean, Edward, laborer, r 821 s Texas, ws

Deeds, Walter S., contractor and builder, r Karl and Emporia

Deen, David M., eng Wichita & Suburban Ry, r 1554 Riddell

Deets, Miss Risa, wks O and Shirt Factory, room 35 Getto blk

Deffenbaugh, Ben (Hydraulic Mills) r 150 n Hydraulic

Deffenbaugh & Benscheidt, props W Vinegar Wks, sw cor Hydraulic and First

Deffenbaugh, John L. (Hydraulic Mills) r 210 Pennsylvania

Deffenbaugh, John, vinegar mngr, 210 n Pennsylvania

DeGroff, Wm L., supt Amer S S union, r ab 1012 w Doug, ws

Deigan, Miss Maria J., r Maple w of Sheridan, ws

Deiner, Miss Sophie, dom 805 Gilman

Dieninger & Bowman, Wm W D & A B, prop cor gr’c 408 n Main

Deininger, William W. (Deininger & Bowman) r 456 n Main

Deitrick, C. P., drayman, r 1008 n Mead

Deitrick, Miss Rem, student S B College, r e Liverpool, O

Delay, Daniel J., painter M A McKenzie, bds 155 n Water

Delmont, F. E., stu S B College, r Gaylord, Ill

Delmonico Hotel, 120 s Topeka, J H Martin, prop

DeLong, Edward, rlest, bds 218 s Topeka

DeLong, Miss Florence, r 415 s Sycamore, ws

DeLong, James, retired, r 415 s Sycamore, ws

DeLong, Jesse, farmer, r 1130 Hendrix, ws

DeLong, Mrs. O. W., r 307 n Mosley

DeLong, Oscar, head slsmn White House, r 415 s Sycamore, ws

DeLoss, Harley, farmer, r 342 n Wichita

Delzell, John, driver street car

Delzell, William H., gardener, r 820 McCormick, ws

Demaree, Peter S., laborer, , 946 s Market

DeMarais, Mrs. D., r 820 e Oak

DeMarais, Miss Ida, stu S B College, r Chicago, Ill

Demeess, Mrs. M. F., r 849 e Oak

Demarias, Napoleon, meat market, 820 e Oak, r 807 e Oak

Demars, Charles, clerk 528 e Douglas, bds 231 s Laura

Deming, Aaron N., prop Occidental Hotel, r same

Deming, Charles H., farmer, r Figg near Robert, ws

Demsey, A. E., student, S B College, r Leavenworth

Denbow, Henry, laborer, r 1635 s Fifth

Denler, Ben, farmer, r Maple near Meridian, ws

Dennis, Albert, r 435 n Emporia

Dennis, Miss Ida, nurse girl at 229 n Fourth

Dennis, George H., policeman, r 219 s Lawrence

Dennis, Fred S., city scavenger, r 728 n Waco

Dennis, Mrs. Gertrude, r 728 n Waco

Dennis, H. C., harn mkr with McComb, bds 302 n Market

Dennis, Nicholas, McMahan’s patrol, r rm 2 ab 211 n Fourth

Dennis, Miss Zuline, dom at 227 Spruce

Dennison, Bennett, r cor Merton & Hiram, ws

Dennison, Harry, farmer, r cor Merton & Hiram, ws

Dennison, Josephine A., r cor Merton & Hiram, ws

Dennison, Mrs. Lydia, r cor Merton & Hiram, ws

Denny, A. M., clk L W Clapp, r 435 n Emporia

Denny, Wm Edgar, stu Garfield U, r Annelly, Kan

Denny, Miss Emma, stu S B College, r Carmi, Ill

Denny, John H., r 1018 s Market

Denny, Miss Sally, r 1018 s Market

Dent, Wm, deliveryman N Y Store, r Wrency’s barn

Denton, Geo, stu S B College, r Emporia, Kan

DePew, Marshal F., phys, rm 7 Fechheimer, r 525 n Wabash

Depew, S. M., stu S B College, r Madison, Wis.

Derby Flat No 1, cor 3d & Stephen, Frank E Munsen

Derby, Chas F., r 432 n Topeka

Derby, Geo M., stu, r 432 n Topeka

Dermer, Miss Ella, wks Cracker fac, r 508 s Main

Dermody, Michael, plumber, 140 n Market, r 1035 s Water

Dernell, Chas F., carriage trimmer, r 443 Riverview

Derr, James M., wks Trip Hammer Brick Co., r Osie & Chateau

Derst, John C., cashier Citizens’ Bk, r cor Franklin & Buffum

Desson, D. W., student S B College, r Medicine Lodge, Kan

Dester, Miss Anna, dom 1451 Park Place, rms same

Dester, Miss Elizabeth A., r Beacon s of 15th

Dester, Henry A., contractor, r cor Fifteenth and Beacon

Dester, Jacob S., carp Henry A Dester, bds cor 15th & Beacon

Dester, Miss Katie I., stu, r Beacon s of Fifteenth

Dester, Lydia B., r Beacon s of Fifteenth

Dester, Miss Mary E., r Beacon s of Fifteenth

Deubler, Edward G., clk Peckham & Dresser, r 811 n Market

Deubler, Miss Emma, domestic, r 1063 n Wichita

Deubler, Jennie I., r 811 n Market

Deussing, Bert, wks Wichita elevator, bds City Hotel

Deveny, George D., wks M A McKenzie, r 204 s Wichita, ws

Deveny, James, carpenter, r 203 s Wichita, ws

Devine, Alexander N., bkpr, r 527 n Locust

Devine, Miss Mamie, r St Clair, s Walker, ws

Devine, Michael, contractor, r 513 s Hydraulic

Devine, Peter, stone cutter, r cor St Clair and Walker

Devore, Chas H., grocer, r 710 w Texas, ws

Devore, Miss Lulu, domestic cor Spalding and Franklin

Deweese, George E., carp, r 1645 Humboldt

Deweese, John H., carp and contr, r 3309 e Twelfth

Deseese, William R., wks Arcade Chop House, r 513 n Main

Dewey, Miss Eva, dau H H Dewey, r 1011 n Market

Dewey, Miss Ella, dau Lauren, r Richmond near Walker, ws

Dewey, F., prop Eagle Dairy, r West near Delano, ws

Dewey, Hamer, r s Richmond near Monroe, ws

Dewey, H. H. (Healy & Dewey) r 1011 n Market

Dewitt, Joseph, butcher, r 600 n Waco

Dewey, Lauren S., miller, r Richmond near Walker, ws

Dewey, W. H., hotel keeper, r 236 s Emporia

Dexter, George H., news boy, r 624 w Texas, ws

Dexter, Wm, plasterer, r 624 w Texas, ws

Dibben, Mrs. Emily, r 612 w Douglas, ws

Dice, George, carpenter, bds 1036 n Emporia

Dickenson & Co., loans room 303 Sedgwick

Dickerson, E. C., student S B College

Dickerson, Miss Lou, wks W Dye Co., rms 309 s Walnut, ws

Dickerson, R. M., gen agt Mass Mut Life Ins Co., r 341 n Topeka

Dickey, Miss Daisy, r 250 n Lawrence

Dickey, F. N., r 250 n Lawrence

Dickey, Marcellus B., painter, r 1704 e Tenth

Dickey, Robert, artist, 316 e William

Dickey, Miss Myrtle, r 250 n Lawrence

Dickinson, Edward H. (Dickinson & Co.) r ave A

Dickinson, Miss Jennie, teacher, r 910 e First

Dickinson, Miss Lizzie, teacher, bds 436 s Topeka

Dickinson, Caleb, wks Santa Fe R R, bds 137 Laura

Dicks, Miss Eliza, domestic at 407 e Central

Dickson, Miss Alice, r 1207 n Pierce

Dickson, A. C., rlest rm 208 Sedg blk, r 1044 n Lawrence

Dickson, David M., teacher, r 2204 n Arkansas

Dickson & Durkee, whol coal and lum, rm 1 ab 205 n Main

Dickson, Ed C., reporter, r 1207 n Pierce

Dickson, Frank G., clk, r 1207 n Pierce

Dickson, George M. (Dickson & Durkee) r 1207 n Pierce

Dickson, Henry, coachman for Dr. Londsdorf

Dickson, James, lather, r 724 s Market

Dickson, Miss Susie, stu Lewis Acad, r 1207 Pierce

Diddle, Harry, with L C Jackson, rms Hacker & Jackson blk

Diddle, Wm, turner 4th av planing mill, bds 236 n Fourth

Diehl, Calvin, speculator, r 141 s Lulu

Diehl, Chas E., clk 137 n main, r 141 Lulu

Diehl, M. Ellsworth, teacher, r 331 s Ellis

Diemer, Mrs. Elizabeth, r 508 s Main

Dietl, Joseph, cook, bds 200 w Doug

Dilday, P. B., trav solicitor Eagle, r Cheney

Dill, Peter M. (Parks & Dill) atty, r 1447 n Lawrence

Dill, Wallace W., s W rlest co, r 536 s Emporia

Dille, Chas L., stu S B College, rms 320 n Topeka

Dillenbeck, Walter J., car builder, r bet 28th and 29th, 5th ave

Dilley, Miss Cora, stu S B College, r Lebanon, O

Dillon & McTaggart, J H D & G W McT, props Kan News Co, 108 n Main

Dillon, Jesse H. (Dillon & McTaggart) r 1106 s Topeka

Dillon, John, lab, r 900 n Fifth

Dillon, Peter C., shoemkr, r 817 Mulberry, ws

Dilly, Chas, stu B College, bds 608 s Emporia

Diets, H. W., carp Kan Sash & Door Co., bds Decatur & Wash’n

Dines, John J., printer, r 346 n Wichita

Dines, Miss Mollie A., clk Innes & Ross, r 346 n Wichita

Dines, William C., clk Robert Jacks, r 346 n Wichita

Dines, Richard H., cook, r 346 n Wichita

Dingerson, Charles, carp, r 1037 s Fourth

Dittman, L. W., Block 104 w Douglas

Ditmars, Voris & Vandiver, C D, W C V & J M V, live stock com, N C Houston salesman, room 1 Ex Building

Divelbiss, Henry T., wks Elliott’s Plaining Mill

Diver & Berry, M R D, W E B prop livery stable 157 n Waco

Diver, Merritt R. (Diver & Berry) r 143 n Waco

Diver, Joseph R., blacksmith rear 324 n Water, r 324 n Water

Divire, Daniel J., blacksmith, r 1205 e First

Dixon, Chas R., fireman, r 217 n Fourth

Dixon, Fred A., Economy Stove Rep Co., r 115 e William

Dixon, Geo, watch Hydraulic Mills, r 237 n Hydraulic

Dixon, Myrwood T., phys ab 414 e Douglas, r 3805 e Douglas

Dixon, T. L., ex-police judge, r 217 n Fourth

Dixon, Wm F., retired farmer, r 2449 e Kellogg

Doane, Charles H., yardman, St L & S F Ry 707 e Oak, r same

Dobbert, John, wks Eagle Bindery, r 318 n Market

Dobson, Daniel W., blacksmith, r 1200 Sedgwick

Dobson, Geo H., dlr fruits, r 412 s Water

Dobson, Gerad, wks Ice Factory, bds 612 w Douglas, ws

Dobson, James, ex-policeman, r 1200 Sedgwick

Dobson, James D., clk 139 n Main, r 216 n Cleveland

Dobyns, Lemuel, clk Kendall & Morrison, bds 220 n Fourth

Dodds, Miss Ada, r Delaware s of Geneva

Dodd, Ed M., prop Wichita Cornice Wks, r 2027 e Douglas

Dodds, Joseph, r Delaware s of Geneva

Dodds, Richard P., real estate, r Delaware s of Geneva

Dodge Ave M E Ch, W J Tull, pastor, cor Dodge & Pine, ws

Dodge, Miss Alice, stu Lewis Academy, r 247 n Waco

Dodge, Almon E., real estate 124 w Douglas, r 247 n Waco

Dodge, Enoch, real estate, 1328 w First, ws

Dodge, Joseph, wks cor Delaware and Roxbury, rms same

Dodson, Miss Ella, drssmkr White House, r 211 Exposition, ws

Doerksen, John A., laborer, r 3623 n Fifth av

Doelle, Magdalena, house keeper, r 211 n Vine, ws

Doelle, Henry, retired, r 211 n Vine, ws

Dofflemyer, Elmer, farmer, r 153 n Glenn av, ws

Dofflemyer, Mrs. Lucinda M., r 153 n Glenn av, ws

Dold, George P. (Jacob Dold Packing Co) r 1712 Fairview

Dold (Jacob) Packing Co., Jacob Dold pres, Edward F Dold secy, Albert W Dold treas, J C Dold 1st v-pres, Twenty-first and Topeka

Dold, Jacob (Jacob Dold Packing Co) r Buffalo, NY

Doll, Herman, carp, r blk 36 n Ohio

Doll, Michael, lab, r Orme bet Main and Market

Dolph, Arthur L., carp, r 213 n Waco

Dolson, Martin O., jeweler, r 218 e First

Dolson, Mrs. Martin O., mnfr hair goods, r 218 e First

Domie, Geo, wks Forest City Brick Co., rms same

Domie, Henry, wks Forest City Brick Co., rms same

Dominique, Geo W., lab, r Smithson, ws

Donahue, James, rms 238 s market

Donahue, Michael, lab, r Hillside s of Levy

Donaldson, Andrew, stone mason

Donaldson, Chas, runner Goodyear House, r 107 s Emporia

Donaldson, Mrs. Etta, dom at 727 n Lawrence

Donham, Frank C., r 1261 n Water

Donham, G. Van, lab, r 1261 n Water

Donham, Geo J., lab, r 1261 n Water

Donham, Isaac F., teamster, r 1261 n Water

Donham, John S., farmer, r 1261 n Water

Donham, Miss Mary B., r 1216 s Washington

Donham, Robert H., teamster, r 1261 n Water

Donham, William T., laborer, r 1621 n Water

Donledy, J. C., laborer, Whittaker Pkg Co.

Donivain, Mike, blacksmith, r 526 n Water

Donnell, Mrs. Bettie, r 140 n Wichita

Donnell, James T., 2d hand furn 512 e Doug, r 249 n Fourth

Donnell, William F., clerk 512 e Doug, r 516e First

Donnelly, Douglas V., dept sheriff, r 725 n Fourth

Donnelly, Miss Lizzie, crayon artist, bds 304 e Third

Donnelly, William C., mail carrier, r 216 English

Donohoe, Bridget, cook St Francis Hospital, r same

Donohue, Patrick, janitor St Aloysius church, r 306 n Fourth

Donavan, Peter, foreman street car barn, r 1112 n Wichita

Doole, Rev. W. I., pastor Oak St. Pres church, rms 307 e Oak

Dooley, Miss Mary, dom G L Pratt

Dooling, James, hostler at 310 e Elm

Doolling, John, lab, bds 929 s Emporia

Doolittle, Geo L., farmer, r 633 Hewitt, ws

Doolittle, Henry, retired farmer, r 633 Hewitt, ws

Doran, Miss Addie, general house work, r 447 n Main

Doran,Mrs. Jane, r 313 s Fourth

Doran, John A., r 259 n Emporia

Doran, Wm, prop Ill Shoe Rep Shop, r 1326 s Pattie

Doran, Miss Mary, domestic at 216 n Topeka

Dore, James, laborer, bds 226 n Water

Doremus, Mrs. May, cook 326 n Main, r rm 8 ab 338 n Main

Dorman, Mrs. Ann, houskpr, r 221 n Vine, ws

Dorman, Patrick, stone mason, r 330 n Topeka

Dorsey, E. A., building nw cor Main and First

Dorsey, Edgar A., real estate ab 201 n Main, r 404 n Market

Dorsey, A. E., r cor Moore and Emmett, ws

Dorsey, Hart W., wks clk dist court, r 403 n Market

Dorsey, Henry, student S B College

Dorsey, J. T., prop Cash Star Grocery, r cor Tenth & Topeka

Dorsey, Samuel E., broom maker, r 130 n Emporia

Dorsey, Capt. W. H., r 1430 n Fourth

Douffard, Ephram, baker, r 419 Orchard, ws

Dougherty, B., laborer, bds City Hotel

Dougherty, Phillip L., r ne cor First and Henry

Douglas Ave Plaing Mill, E C Hartzell, prop, 823 e Douglas

Douglas Avenue House, Timothy M Lane, prop, 201 w Doug

Douglas Avenue Block 416 and 418 e Douglas

Douglas, Frederick, waiter Hotel Carey, r 428 n Main

Douglas, George L. (Moore & Douglas) atty, r 1037 n Lawrence

Douglas, Miss Jessie, saleslady T L Fox & Son, r 727 n 4th

Douglas, J., express Dold Pkg Co., bds Union Hotel

Douglas, Miss Allie C., domestic at 1105 n Lawrence

Douglas, John M., carpenter, r 1851 Woodland

Doup, L. G. (Billow & Doup) bds St Lawrence Hotel

Douthitt, Mrs. F., shoes 1022 w Doug, r 211 s Exposition, ws

Douthitt, John, clk 1022 w Doug, r 211 s Exposition, ws

Dow, George, carp, r 1427 Humboldt

Dowd, Martin A., machinist, r 3531 n Fourth

Dowley, Monroe M., lab, r 720 w Central

Downing, Benjamin H., councilman 2d ward, r 329 n Wichita

Downing, George D., student, r 329 n Wichita

Downing, Miss Sallie, stu Lewis Acad, r 329 n Wichita

Downing, Wm C., carpenter, r 321 n Wichita

Downs, Mrs. Anna C., bdgh keeper 308 n Wichita

Doyle, Frank C., clk, bds 412 s Water

Doyle, Frank, hostler W O & C Co., bds cor 4th and English

Doyle, Geo W., laborer, bds 117 n Exposition, ws

Doyle, Miss Mary, dom, r 1117 n Market

Doyle, Mrs. Mattie R., r 135 n Lawrence

Doyle, Miss Nellie, domestic 1021 n Lawrence

Draine, Albert, laborer, r 924 n Wichita

Draine, Miss Lucia, stenographer, bds 416 n Waco

Drake, Miss Alice, dau Hiram T Drake, r 1905 Poe

Drake, Miss Annie, student, r 741 s Pattie

Drake, Clarence B., carpenter, r 202 s Exposition, ws

Drake, Edgar J., Studebaker Repository, r 926 s Lawrence

Drake, Ephraim, wks car works, r blk 32 n Macon

Drake, Miss Genevieve, dau Hiram T Drake, r 1905 Poe

Drake, Hiram T., retired, r 1905 Poe

Drake, Miss Ida, r 3456 n Emporia

Drake, Lee, wks Stewart, Coney & Co., r 741 s Pattie

Drake, Miss Minnie, student, r 741 s Pattie

Drake, O. L., lumber, r 530 s Campbell, ws

Drake, Richard, coachman for A W Oliver

Drake, Samuel E., carpenter, r 3456 n Emporia

Drake, William, stock dealer, r 741 s Pattie

Draper, Benj F., carpenter, r 1323 s Martinson, ws

Draper, O. D., r 323 n Fourth

Draves, Julius, laborer, r 1615 s Hydraulic

Dreeher, Alexander, r 139 Indiana

Dreisbach, Mrs. Anna T., prop furnished rooms ab 256 n Main

Dreisbach, Diocletion T., stu Wichita Uni, r ab 256 n Main

Dreisbach, Isaiah W., furnished rooms ab 256 n Main, r same

Dreisbach, Martin T., stu Wichita Uni, r ab 256 n Main

Dreisvogt, Herman (Rife & Dreisvogt) r 214 Laura

Drheesen, Fred W., lithographer Eagle, r 313 n Mosley

Dreschaux, Mrs. Albertine, teacher, r 3d floor Fletcher

Dressbarger, Ross, r 1627 e First

Dressen, Barthold J., real estate, r 313 n Mosley

Dresser, Miss Blanch M., r 650 Riverview

Dresser, Miss Ella A., r 350 Riverview

Dresser, John W. (Peckham & Dresser) R 350 N Riverview

Dressler, A. W., salesman Hutchings & Co., r 332 n Topeka

Drew, James, shoemaker 334 n Main, r same

Drier, Henry, dlr coal and feed 616 e Second, r 618 e Second

Drisball, Arthur, farmer, r Harry e of Shober

Driscoll, Thomas E., butcher, r n Mosley blk 3300

Driskill, Mrs. Polly, r 635 n Main

Drown, Mrs. Barbara H., r 739 n Market

Drown, Elmer L., student, r 739 n Market

Drown, Miss Jessie G., teacher, r 739 n Market

Drown, Miss Minnie, teacher, r 739 n Market

Drukker, Miss Belle, r 238 s Lawrence

Drukker, Miss Esther, r 238 s Lawrence

Drukker, Miss Lillie S., bkpr News-Beacon, r 238 s Lawrence

Drukker, Miss Lillie, stu S B College, r Newton, Kan

Drukker, Michael, (W Towel Supply) r 227 n Ohio

Drukker, Miss Ray, r 238 s Lawrence

Drukker, Samuel, r 238 s Lawrence

Drumheller, Judd A., blksth Henry Cole, bds 140 n Water

Drummer, W. E., tailor Swab & Glosser, bds 237 n Market

Drummer, Mrs. William, tailoress Swab & Glosser, bds 237 n Market

Drury, Miss Viola, stu Garfield, r Clearwater

DuBois, Fred, laborer, bds 330 n Topeka

DuBois, H. M., pub daily report, r 1337 n Topeka

DuBois, Miss Lucy A., teacher language Lewis Academy, r 1337 n Topeka

DuBois, Mrs. S. T., r 1337 n Topeka

Duchene, Napoleon, plasterer, r s Millwood, ws

Duck, Henry M., asst cashier Fourth Nat Bk, r 1502 Fairmount

Dudley, E. H., student S B College

Dudley, Frederick J., r 408 s Emporia

Dudley, Levi, carpenter, bds Fairview Hotel, 1012 w Douglas

Duff, J. N., foreman machine shop, Burton, bds 3517 n Fourth

Duffey, Thomas E., cook, r 507 w Second

Duffield, John J., foreman Crystal Ice Co., r 613 w Central

Duffy, M. student S B College, r Quincy, Ill

Dugan, Christopher, farmer, r Maple w of Sheridan, ws

Dugan, Francis M., r Maple w of Sheridan, ws

Dugan, Henry L., farmer, r Maple w of Sheridan, ws

Dugan, Miss Katie, dom at 538 n Fourth

Dugger, Pharagus M., blcksmth, r n Fifth blk 3200

DuGranrut, John L., butcher, bds 902 n Market

Dulaney, William R., foreman stck yds, off 426 w Third

Dulin, Robert S., wks Hotel Carey, rms same

Dum, Benjamin F., R I R R off, r 600 s Topeka

Dumbaugh, D. L., trav slsmn Bryan Fruit Co., r 316 n Topeka

Dumbaugh, Mrs. D. L., r 316 n Topeka

Dumont, Mrs. Addie M., r 502 s Main

Dumont, Elbert (Dumont & Hayward) r 423 n Riverview

Dumont, Miss Grace, r 502 s Main

Dumont & Hayward, Elbert Dumont, A W Hayward, architects, room 9 & 11 ab 211 n Main

Dumpley, Stephen, at Hotel Carey, r 130 n Fourth

Dun, R G & Co., commercial agency, E Lee Hall, mgr, 216 Sedg

Duncan, Mrs. A. M., student Garfield

Duncan, B. O., student S B College, r Winfield, Kan

Duncan, Byron D., teamster, r 805 s Wichita

Duncan, Robert, retired, r se cor Orme and Wichita

Dunbar, Mrs. Catherine, r 3448 n Emporia

Dunbar, Miss Clara, dau David T Dunbar, r 851 e Third

Dunbar, David T., undertaker, 131 n Main, r 851 e Third

Dunbar, Miss Eva, dau D T Dunbar, r 851 e Third

Dunbar, Harry C., int clk S L Davidson Mtg Co., r 851 e 3d

Dunbar, James O., lightning rod agt, r 417 n Water

Dunbar, J. W., policeman, r 611 Mona

Dunbar, Miss Mont, dau D T Dunbar, r 851 e Third

Dunbar’s Undertaking Rooms, 131 n Main, H C Dunbar prop

Duncan, Miss Clara J., boards 236 w Morris

Duncan, Edwin L., Ry employee, r 200 n Ohio

Duncan, E. W., laborer, bds 236 w Morris

Duncan, Mrs. E. W., dressmaker, bds 236 w Morris

Duncan, Frank M., stu High School, r 200 n Ohio

Duncan, Francis M., lumberman, r 200 n Ohio

Duncan, H., wks Hotel Carey

Duncan, H. W., r ab 220 n Main

Duncan, Joseph C., carpenter, r 1745 n Mead

Duncan, Miss Mary, stu S B College, r Emporia, Kan

Duncan, Warren R., teamster, r Indianapolis and Wichita

Duncan, Wm W., stu S B College, r 200 n Ohio

Duncombe, Wm, contractor, r 225 s Martinson, ws

Dundon, T. J., wks clk dist court office, r 224 n Wabash

Dunegan, Manis J., butcher 216 n Main, r 243 n Wichita

Dunham, C. N., trav salesman, bds 1455 Vassar

Dunham, Geo P., life ins agt, rms and bds Occidental

Dunham, Michael, saloon keeper, r 526 n Water

Dunham, Norton W., wks Whittaker Pkg Co., r Lawrence

Dunham, N. Walter, wks Whittaker Pkg House, r n Mosley

Dunham, William A., with H C Hatfield, r 905 e First

Dunkin, Frank, teacher Levy Street School, r 421 s Water

Dunkin, Sylvanus, County Clerk, r 421 s Water

Dunkin, Wm H., carpenter, r 411 n Main

Dunlap, Elmer, student S B College, r Tabod, Iowa

Dunlap, G. W., bkpr W & W Ry, r 824 n Lawrence

Dunlap, Rev. George W., r 608 s Emporia

Dunlap, Hall J., stu S B College, r Williamsport, Pa

Dunlap, Miss Hattie, stu Garfield

Dunlap, James, carpenter, bds 727 n Fourth

Dunlap, J. B., mngr Woods’ Brick Yard, r same

Dunlap, Lycurgus, carpenter, r 138 Ida

Dunlap, Paul R., student, 608 s Emporia

Dunlap, Mrs. N. J., r 608 s Emporia

Dunlap, Rieman, student medicine Dr. Kirkwood, rms 608 s Emporia

Dunmire, James, laborer, 3418 n Emporia

Dunmire & Hedger, Wm Dunmire and E T Hedger, restaurant, 626 e Douglas

Dunmire, Robt, lab, r blk 3400 n Lawrence

Dunmire, Wm, (D & Hedger) r 626 e Doug

Dunn, Alva, lather, r 205 s Laura

Dunn, Albert D., r 205 s Laura

Dunn, Miss Anna, r 223 Mathewson

Dunn, Berney, trav sales, r 205 s Laura

Dunn, B. F., cashier R I Ry, r 600 s Topeka

Dunn, Ephraim, plasterer, r 120 s Mead

Dunn, Frank L., stu Garfield, r Oatville, Kan

Dunn, James, stone cutter, r 117 n Osage, ws

Dunn, J. C., student S B College

Dunn, John C., clk 219 e Doug, r 5448 s Campbell, ws

Dunn, John, farmer, bds 849 e Oak

Dunn, Mrs. Julia, music teach Lewis Acad, bds 243 n Lawrence

Dunn, Mrs. Mary, r 1108 n Topeka

Dunn, Robert, r 120 s Mead

Dunn, Samuel E., clk Major & Casey, r 445 Sherman

Dunn, Miss Viola, stu, r 205 s Laura

Dunn, Willis E., wks Hotel Carey, r same

Dunnett, Harry L., stu S B College, r Howard, Kan

Dunning, Miss Jennie, seamstress, r ab 806 e Oak

Dunning, Mrs. Mary M., r 535 n Lawrence

Dunphy, Stephen, steward Hotel Carey, r 130 n Fourth

Dunsmore, William O., laborer, r 441 Sherman

Dunson, J. R., wks Lawrence drug store, r 906 n Wichita

Dunton, Miss Nellie, clk Arcade, rms ab 143 n Market

Dupee, Mrs. Annie, wks European Hotel, r 534 n Mosley

Durand, Amos M., com poor with co clk, r 705 s Water

Duran, John A., bds Occidental

Duratt, S., stu S B College, r Garden City, Kan

Durham, Luther, laborer, 905 e First

Durham, William, engineer, r 905 e First

Durkee, Fred L. (Dickson & Durkee) r 1207 Pierce

Durkee, J. H., jobbing coal, ab 222 n Main, bds Occidental

Durley, Miss Callie, stu city schools, r 803 e Central

Durley, E. M., with Bunnell & Morehouse, r 803 e Central

Durley, Lyle, stu city schools, r 802 e Central

Durtche, Miss Lizzie, laundry woman, r 337 s Main

Dustin, William, laborer, r 309 n Wichita, ws

Dutton, Miss Angia M., dau Joseph R. Dutton, r 1055 n Main

Dutton, Harry W., r 1055 n Main

Dutton, J. R., rlst rms 9 & 11 ab 142 n Main, r 1055 n Main

Duvall, Wyley C., cnr Riverside Elec Motor, r 420 w Elm

Dwyer, Daniel C. (Bloss & D) r College Green, ws

Dwyer, Daniel J., employee M A McKenzie, r 1205 e First

Dyal, Seward E., junk dealer, 114 Cleveland

Dyche, James E., stu Garfield, r Baker, Kan

Dye, John, clk 718 e Douglas, r Market and Twenty-third

Dyer, A. F., student S B College, r Winfield, Kan

Dyer, Arthur L., slsmn Lawrence’s drug store, rms 404 n Waco

Dyer, James L. (Campbell & Dyer) r 1017 n Emporia

Dyer, J. Walter, student Lewis Acad, r 1017 n Emporia

Dyer, John J., laborer, r 1126 Hendryx, ws

Dyer, Joseph L., grocer, r 1036 n Jackson

Dyer, Mancer, stone mason, r 1126 Hendryx, ws

Dyer, Charles A., salesman 129 n Main, bds 310 s Main



Eaddie, Miss Mary, domestic 1240 s Hydraulic

Eads Block, 412 and 414 e Douglas

Eagle Bakery, F Bissantz and K Shober, props, 1121 s Law

Eagle Block, 111 e Douglas

Eagle Book Bindery, M M Murdock & Bro., props, 111 e Doug

Eagle Canning Co., San Francisco, Cal, J O Chapman, agt, ab 211 n Main

Eagle Coal and Feed Co., J H Morrison, prop, 927 e Douglas

Eagle Cornice Works, Caswell & Buckley, props, 800 s Main

Eagle Daily and Weekly, M M Murdock, editor, 111 e Doug

Eagle Dairy, F Dewey, prop, West near Delano, ws

Eagle Lithographing and printing, 111 e Douglas, M M Murdock and Bro., props

Eagle Livery Barn, Wm W Atkins, prop, 246 n Topeka

Eagle Publishing House, R P Murdock, mgr, 111 e Douglas

Eakin & Bentley, J H Eakin and P M Bentley, groceries and feed, 1117 s Lawrence

Eakin, Joseph H. (Eakin & Bentley) r 1442 s Lawrence

Eakin, Miss Laura, dau Joseph Eakin, r 1442 s Lawrence

Eames, Fred B., clerk 815 n Main, r 1154 n Wichita

Eames, Mrs. Louise T., dressmaker, 1154 n Wichita

Earhart, Miss Jessie, wks Queen City Cigar Fac, r 914 s Laura

Earhart, Miss May M., wks Kan Mat Factory, r 914 s Laura

Earhart, Mrs. Rhoda, r 914 s Laura

Earl, Miss Florence, bds 133 n Wichita

Earl, Lincoln, coachman, 1157 n Topeka

Early, Oscar, stu S B College, r Eldorado, Kan

Easdall, Miss Jennie, stu S B College, r Gardner, Kan

East, Herbert A., printer ab 220 e Doug, rms 120 s Ida

East, H. A., student S B College

Easter, Daniel, carpenter, r 125 n Hydraulic

Easter, Miss Nellie, r 125 n Hydraulic

Eastman, Bert S., tailor, bds 411 e Douglas

Eastman, Chas, wks Dold Packing House, bds Kentucky H

Eastwood, Robert, teamster, bds ne cor Second and John

Eaton, Alexander, carp, r Fourth near Thirty-sixth

Eaton, Mrs. Alaice, dressmaker, r 1028 e Douglas

Eaton, Miss Amanda, student S B College

Eaton, James C., carp, n Fourth near Thirty-sixth

Eaton, Mrs. M. A., drssmkr, rm 13 above 220 n Main

Ebenhack, Edward, printer Daily Journal, r 910 s Lawrence

Ebenhack, E., student S B College

Ebenhack, Fred, wks Journal off, r 910 s Lawrence

Ebenhack, Mrs. Margaret, r 910 s Lawrence

Ebenhack, Will, pressman Daily Journal, r 910 s Lawrence

Eberle, Albert, wks Kan Furniture Co., bds 812 e Douglas

Eberly, Miss Emma, domestic, 613 n Waco

Ebersole, Christian, miller City Mills, r 244 s Mosley

Ebert, E. B., bds Carey Hotel

Ebert, J. D., real estate, bds Hotel Carey

Ebert, Louis, prop junk store 810 e Douglas, r same

Ebey, Miss Belle, daughter George Ebey, r cor Hillside & Harry

Ebey, Chas S., atty Zimmerly blk, r Hillside and Harry

Ebey, George, r se cor Hillside and Harry

Ebey, Harden, r se cor Hillside and Harry

Ebey, H. W., student Garfield

Ebey, Sumner, r se cor Hillside and Harry

Ebey, William, r se cor Hillside and Harry

Echey, John, hostler 328 w Douglas, r same

Echles, Miss Mattie, wks 114 s Lawrence, r 121 n Greene

Eck, Frank, transfer, bds 220 s Oak, ws

Eckard, F. M., salesman B Cohn Cigar Co., rms ab 124 w Doug

Eckert, Miss Ida, dressmaker Innes & Ross, bds 603 s Water

Eckert, Miss Ida, dining rm girl City Hotel

Eckert, Chas G., capitalist, rms ab 146 n Main

Eckert, Mrs. Nellie, r 1110 n Larimer

Eckert & Scott building 146 and 150 n Main

Eckert, N. F., student S B College, r Warsaw, Ill

Eckstein, O. G. (Martin & Eckstein) atty, r 408 w Central

Eckstein, William, stu Lewis Acad, r 408 w Central

Economy Coal Co., C H McKnight, prop, off 116 n Market, tel 301 and 311

Economy Stove Rep Co., F A Dixon & A J Sargent, 563 w Douglas, ws

Eddy, Egbert J., painter, bds 1140 Dayton

Edelhertz, Rev. Moses, Hebrew minister, r 813 e Douglas

Edgar, Mrs. Cappie, r 334 n Wabash

Edgar, Harry, plasterer, r St Francis Hospital

Edgar, Mrs. M., furnished rooms ab 224 n Main, r same

Edgewood, B. W., stu S B College, r Halstead, Kan

Edgeworth, Alfred J., rlest Getto blk, r 444 n Market

Edick, Fred O., tinner, r 425 e Lewis

Edison, Miss Mamie, r 1438 n Waco

Edlund, Peter, stone mason, r 241 n Fern, ws

Edmond, P., wks Crystal Ice Co., bds West Side Hotel

Edmondson, Frank, lab, Whittaker Pkg Co.

Edmondson, J. W., lab Whittaker Packing Co.

Edwards, Albert N., wks McComb Bros, r 232 n Waco

Edwards. Alfred H., gen fur & shoes, 106 n Main, r 1st & Moser

Edwards. Alfred J., engineer W Wire & Wire Cloth Co

Edwards. Miss Anna, seamstress, r 516 s Mosley

Edwards, C. W., student S B College, r Richfield

Edwards. Geo, r 519 s Topeka

Edwards. Geo, trav agt W Eagle, r 705 e Central

Edwards, James B., student, r 903 s Topeka

Edwards, James W., mngr Dunar’s undrtking house, rms same

Edwards, John A., notary pub, 410 e Doug, r 1003 s Hydraulic

Edwards, John A., stone mason, bds 231 s Water

Edwards, John W., clk Bee Hive Store, r 608 n Market

Edwards, J. W., stu S B College, r Frankfort, Ky.

Edwards Sparring school, C F Beal, mngr, ab 121 n Market

Edwards, Wm, instructor sparring school, r 43 n Topeka

Edwards, Wm G., r 236 w William

Edwards, W. I. D., carp, bds Valley House

Effting, Geo W., clk Cole & Jones, rms 343 n Emporia

Effting, G. W., capitalist, rms Hotel Carey

Egan & Co., Giles A E, Z J, Fairbanks, feed store, 320 n Main

Egan, Giles A. (Egan & Co) r 333 n Main

Egan, Patrick, wks Car Shops, r n Mead near Thirty-second

Egbert, Chas, student S B College, r Watseka, Ill

Egbert, Miss Louise, domestic 217 s Emporia

Egbert, Miss Mary, domestic 1020 n Lawrence

Eggleston, Gen. Beroth B., retired, r 115 e Pine

Egnew, John W., stone mason, r 600 w Douglas, ws

Egnew, William, laborer, r 600 w Douglas, ws

Ehrhardt, Andrew, carpenter, r 1318 s Main

Ehrhardt, Levi, carpenter, r 236 n Waco

Eichholtz, Bert, r sw cor Hillside and Harry

Eichholtz, Charles S., stock breeder, r sw cor Hillside and Harry

Eichholtz, Harry, r sw cor Hillside and Harry

Eichholtz, Miss Lettie, dau Charles S Eichholtz

Eichholtz, Levi B., driver Pac Exp Co., bds 231 s Water

Eide, S. T., student S B College, r Eureka, Kan

Einhaus, Henry F., salesman John Braitsch, r 637 n Wabash

Eklund, Miss Amanda, domestic 1135 n Topeka

Elder, Mrs. Ada, dressmaker, r 934 n Market

Elder, B. C., chief opr W Union Tel, bds and rms 237 n market

Elder, C. F., prop Sherman House e Doug, r 934 n Market

Elder, Chas (Gard & Edler)

Elder, Mrs. Ella M., tel opr 406 Sedg, rms 237 n Market

Elder, Samuel S., ab 120 e Doug, r 530 s Topeka

Eldred, John F., stu T F Boyd, rms ab 113 e Doug

Eldred, S., wks lunch counter, 227 n Main, rms 344 n Main

Eldridge building, 256 n Main

Eldridge, Chas E., train disp Mo Pac, R R Gen off

Eldridge, Geo C., r 356 n Washington

Eldridge, Herbert, stu Lewis Acad, r 356 Washington

Eldridge, J. W. (R W Eldridge & Co) r 203 n Emporia

Eldridge, Lloyd, stu pub school, r 356 n Washington

Eldridge, Mrs. M. L., housekeeper Occidental Hotel, r same

Eldridge Park, e of av H bet France and Levy

Eldridge, R W. (R W Eldridge & Co) r 438 n Emporia

Eldridge, R. W.& Co., R W E & J W E, live stock, Exch blk

Elite Studio, W S Rogers, prop, ab 330 n Main

Eller, Miss Della, bkpr For City Coal Co., r 1042 n Fourth

Eller, Miss Minnie, teacher, r 1042 n Fourth

Eller, Willie, student, r 1042 n Fourth

Elliott, Chas H., prop Elliott’s Plng Mill & Lum Yd cor Douglas and Walnut, ws, r 138 s Martinson, ws

Elliott, Miss Elda, teacher public schools, bds 516 s Topeka

Elliott, Elmer, turner, 1001 w Douglas, r 138 s Martinson, ws

Elliott, Mrs. Jane, r 248 s Mosley

Elliott, J. C., wks Wic Produce Co., r 1912 e Park av

Elliott, J. C., student S B College

Elliott, John E., mangr C H Elliott’s Mill, rms 138 s Martinson

Elliott, J. E., city salesman Wichita Produce Co., r e Walnut

Elliott, John T., blacksmith, r n Fifth near Thirtieth

Elliott, John W., teamster, 2027 n Jackson

Elliott, Joseph P., cattle dealer, r 1912 e Park av

Elliott, Joseph R., teamster, r 2027 n Jackson

Elliott, Miss Maggie, prop Indiana Bakery, rms 638 n Topeka

Elliott & McNees, Nixon E & W A McN, rlest 123 n Market

Elliott, Nixon (Elliott & McNees) r 1229 n Lawrence

Elliott, Oliver W., butcher 610 e Karl, r 3610 n Fourth

Elliott’s Planing Mill and Lum Yd, w Douglas and Walnut, ws

Elliott, Miss Sabra, rms 638 n Topeka

Elliott, T. C., student S B College, r Mount Hope, Kan

Elliott, Mrs. Uley, r 1912 e Park, av

Elliott, Willie E., stu, r 138 s Martinson, ws

Elliott, Wm H., eng Globe Iron Wks, r 1001 n Fifth

Ellis, Albert, supt Maple Grove com, r 1350 Fairmount

Ellis, Alfred S., huckster, r 1014 Dayton, ws

Ellis, D. T., phys, r 803 s Emporia

Ellis, Chas, bkpr Houck & Thomas, r 536 n Lawrence

Ellis, Chas, conductor W Suburban St Ry Co

Ellis, Edward H., Wichita World, r 909 w Central

Ellis, Miss Emma, wks Lindell Hotel

Ellis, Harry, gardener, r 803 s Emporia

Ellis, Hiram, painter & grainer, r 1131 Hendryx, ws

Ellis, Mrs. H. M., r 1012 s Lawrence

Ellis, Mrs. Jennie, wks W Shirt & Dye Wks, r 805 s Emporia

Ellis, Mrs. L., r 624 n Washington

Ellis, L. H., driver Furlong’s coal wag, r 815 Eagle

Ellis, Mrs. Mary, r 940 s Water

Ellis, Walter, editor, r 356 n Washington

Ellsworth, Chas W., wks Globe Iron Wks, r 518 e First

Ellsworth, Miss Ella, dau M. Ellsworth, r 726 n Water

Ellsworth, Mrs. Emily, r 515 s Sycamore, ws

Ellsworth, Fay, stu Garfield

Ellsworth, Geo L., butcher, r 314 n Market

Ellsworth, Guy J., clk St Louis Prog Co., r 726 n Water

Ellsworth, James M., carpenter, r 726 n Water

Ellsworth, Mrs. Sarah, rms 116 s Green

Ellsworth, Mrs. Susan, r 825 n Wichita

Ellsworth, Valentine, retired, r 825 n Wichita

Elmore, Miss Rosa, r 114 n Minnesota

Elsea, William J., r 703 n Fourth

Elwood, W. H., rms 230 n Market

Ely, Horace, farmer, r 244 s Laura

Ely, William H., r 244 s Laura

Embree, Grove, student Garfield

Embree, Mrs. Ada D., teacher Garfield University, r 334 s Main

Encyclopaedia Britannica, off 407 e Doug, Mrs. L S Carter, agt

Emde, William, dairyman, r cor Wheeler and Everett

Emery, Charles D., wks brick yard, r 1604 Campbell

Emery, Willie, horseman, r 1026 Rogers

Emil, Charles, hostler J L Cooper’s barn, bds 421 s Water

Emmet, W. L. R., supt W & Sub Motor Line, bds Exc Hotel

Emmett, Samuel, baggageman W O & C Co., r 316 s Topeka

Emminger, Mrs. Lydia, r 1005 n Market

Emmons, Chas, teamster, r 107 n Hydraulic

Emmons, Miss Viola, r 107 n Hydraulic

Emmons, William, teamster, r 107 n Hydraulic

Employment Agency ab 522 e Douglas, J R Kenworthy, prop

Emporia avenue Baptist church, cor Emporia and Tenth

Emporia Ave stables, Watkins & Murphy, props, 116 n Emp

Emporia Block, 145, 147, 149, `151, 153 and 155 n Emporia

Enegren, Miss Augusta, dom 415 s Seneca, ws

Engelke, Theodore G., wks Wichita Sash & Door Co., r 730 Lulu

England, Samuel, harn mkr 140 n Main, rms ab 156 n Main

Engleman, Joseph, second hand fur 610 e Doug, r same

English, Miss Berry, dressmkr, rms 802 s Martinson, ws

English, George A., r 433 s Topeka

English, Miss Kate, dau N A English, r 433 s Topeka

English, J Martin, speculator 321 w Doug, bds 302 n Market

English, Miss Lida, dau N A English, r 433 s Topeka

English, Miss Maud, dau N A English, r 433 s Topeka

English, N. A. (Crystal Ice Co) off 321 w Doug, r 433 s Topeka

English, William A., engineer, r 433 s Topeka

English, William L., tinner, 115 e Douglas, r 1921 e Central

Enis, William T., painter, r 832 s Emporia

Eno Building, 106 w Douglas

Eno, Mrs. E., student Garfield

Eno Furniture Establishment, 106 w Douglas, J W Eno prop

Eno, Harry, clk 106 w Douglas, rms 430 n River

Eno, James W., furniture 106 w Douglas, r Riverside

Eno, Miss Mary, student Lewis Academy

Enoch, E. E., attorney at law and chattel loans, rooms 1 and 2, se cor Main & First, r 401 n Water

Enos, Edwin W. (E W Enos & Co) r 2626 e Central

Enos, E. W. & Co., E W E & Rose A E props W Art Gallery ab 106 n Main

Enos, Rose A. (E W Enos & Co) r 2626 e Central

Enos, Mrs. Sylvia, r 2626 e Central

Enterprise Meat Market, J H Jackson prop, 521 e Oak

Enterprise Store, A Gluick prop, 152 n Main

Eperson, Elmer, wks 110 w Douglas, rms same

Epstein, Chas, installment business, r 231 s Ellis

Equitable Building & Loan Asso, R M McFarland pres, G S Cole sec, ab 220 n Main

E1uitable Trust & Investment Co., B W Perkins pres, E H Williams v-p, J F Shearman secy, M W Coulter treas, rms 504 and 506 Sedgwick

Ericson, Miss E., student Garfield

Erickson, Miss Hilda, r 321 n Market

Erler, Charles, farmer, bds 313 e Douglas

Ernstmann, Frank H., carpenter, r 842 n Ohio

Eslick, J. C. (E & Wilson) grocers 806 e Oak

Eslick & Wilson, J C Eslick and R Wilson, grocers, 806 e Oak

Espich, Charles W., clk Munson & McN, rms Mosley & Second

Estes, Miss Ida, wks 119 Pennsylvania av

Etter, Frank, ticket agent Union depot, r 711 n Fourth

Etter, Johnm, wks Dold Packing Co.

Eubanks, Miss Mattie, r 2012 n Lawrence

Eugene, Hubert, farmer, r 342 n Wichita

European Hotel, Mahan Bros, props, 416 e Douglas

European Hotel, Frank L Schmitt, prop, 403 e Twenty-first

Evans, A., student S B College

Evans, Benjamin F., paper hanger 119 n Market, r 511 s Water

Evans, Miss Bernice L., stenographer, r 1218 n Fourth

Evans, Charles, B., clk 601 e Oak, r 710 e Oak

Evans, Charlie E., student, r 511 s Water

Evans, Daniel V., carpenter, r 1361 n Fourth

Evans, David, student S B College, r Denver, Col.

Evans, Earl W., student, r 1218 n Fourth

Evans, Mrs. Ella, boarding house, r 302 n Market

Evans, Mrs. Emma W., r 1218 n Fourth

Evans, Mrs. Eva, bds 1024 n Mead

Evans, Ferd E., way bill clk Wells Far Ex Co., r 1218 n Fourth

Evans, Frank, r 1218 n Fourth

Evans, Harry F., r 1940 n Main

Evans, Howard, stu S B College, r Valley Center, Kan

Evans, Miss Luella, milliner Munson & McN, r 514 s Water

Evans, Miss Mary, r 205 s Fourth

Evans, Miss Sadie, domestic 607 n Lawrence

Evans, T. C., miller Hydraulic Mills, bds 345 New York

Evans, Thomas, blacksmith, r 3511 n Emporia

Evans, William, wks W Plaing Mill, r 416 n Mosley

Evans, William brickmoulder, r 1710 Arkansas

Evans, William, stu S B College, r Nickerson, Kan

Evans, Wily G., newsboy, r 431 n Water

Eveleigh, Miss Mamie E., stu S B College, r Junction City, Kan

Evening News-Beacon, John S Richardson editor, Frederick N Peck publisher, 117 w Douglas

Everest, Harvey W., chancellor Garfield, r 2022 Mentor, ws

Everest, Herbert H., stu Garfield, r 2022 w Mentor, ws

Everett, Miss Edna, r 125 Spruce

Everett, Edward M., laborer, r 1328 s Ida

Everett, Edward S., phys, off ab 224 e Doug, r 1039 s Emporia

Everett, Henry, gardener, r 1140 s Hydraulic

Everett, J. R., student S B College

Everett, John R., later, r 1140 s Hydraulic

Everett, Samuel D., hotel keeper Stock Yards, r 125 Spruce

Eversole, William V., carpenter, r 1940 n Fifth

Ewbank, Miss E. (Wilson & Ewbank) r ab 806 e Oak

Ewbank, Miss Sarah B., dressmaker, rms 638 n Market

Ewen, Louise T., bkpr Kan Nat Loan Co., r cor Third and Moser

Ewin, Elijah, wks packing house, r 1623 n Topeka

Exchange Billiard Parlor, H Chapman, prop, 18th & Emporia

Exchange Hotel, H B Rice, prop, cor Eighteenth & Emporia

Exchange Stables, W S Brown and W H Robinson, 325 e Doug

Exton building, 609 and 611 e Douglas

Exton, John, grain elevator, rms 405 s Lawrence

Eye and Ear Infirmary (H Brandom) ab 406 e Douglas



Fabrique, Andrew H., physician and surgeon ab 122 e Douglas, telephone 39, r 503 n Lawrence

Fabrique, Miss Mattie, stu Garfield, r 503 n Lawrence

Fagan, George, blacksmith, r 156 s Mosley

Fahey, Ed, student, r 707 Ida ave

Fahey, James, r 707 Ida ave

Fahey, John F., clk Hunter Grocery, r 707 s Ida

Fahey, Thomas, Jr., student, r 707 Ida ave

Fahey, Thomas, Sr., r 707 Ida ave

Fair, Elijah W., policeman, r n Fourth near Thirty-sixth

Fair, Miss Ida, milliner Boston Store, r n Fourth near 36th

Fair, Hyder, stu S B College, bds 408 s Emporia

Fairbanks, Joseph H., commission merchant, r 728 s Fourth

Fairbanks, Zelah J. (Egan & Co) r 1542 s Main

Fairman, Chas, driver Zephyr Mills, r 517 n Mosley

Fairman, S. A., laborer, r 517 n Mosley

Fairmount College, Hillside bet Seventeenth and Eighteenth

Fairmount Grocery, Stiles Bros props, cor Fifteenth & Vassar

Fairmount Water Works, Cor Fourteenth and Tyler

Fairview Hotel, 1012 w Douglas, ws, John P Howe prop

Faith Home, 115 Pennsylvania ave, Mrs. Julia Grant matron

Falkenstien, Mrs. Mary E., r 902 n Market

Falkner, Levi, r 2003 n Fifth

Falkner, R., stu S B College, r Leavenworth, Kan

Fallston, C. H., stu S B College, r Clifford, Kan

Famous Clothing House, S Goldstein & Co., 422 e Douglas

Fancher, Chas, laborer, bds 702 s Mean

Fancher, J. P., rm 413 Sedgwick, rms 253 n Main

Fanning, Miss Daisy, domestic 802 n Waco

Fanning, Miss Ida, dau L E Fanning, r Adeline w of bridge

Fanning, L. E., farmer, r Adeline w of bridge

Fanning, Mrs. Sarah, r 1240 Blaine

Fardy, Mrs. N. M., r 222 n Washington

Fares, John T., brick setter Trip Hammer Brick Co., r same

Fares, Miss Myrtle J., dau John T Fares

Faries, R. P., mach shop 124 s Washington, r 120 s Washing’n

Faries Machine Shops, 124 s Wash’n, Royal P Faries, mngr

Farley, Milton C., carp, r 1053 n Mead

Farmer, Alfred J., grocer 817 w Doug, ws, r 327 n Walnut, ws

Farmer, Mrs. Ann, r 226 s Walnut, ws

Farmer, Chas T., miller, r 216 n Wichita, ws

Farmer, Fred, student S B College

Farmer, Fred, stockdealer, r 226 s Walnut, ws

Farmer, Miss Hattie, teacher, r 226 s Walnut, ws

Farmer, John, wks St. Francis Hospital, r same

Farmer, John, real estate, r 437 s Hewitt, ws

Farmer, Thomas H., trav agt N Y Life Ins Co., bds Metropole

Farmer, W. C., student S B College, r Sharon, Kan

Farmers Grocery, William M. Sutton, prop, 825 e Oak

Farnsworth, George R., carp, r 711 n Market

Farnum, H. R. (Corner & Farnum) r 126 s Emporia

Farnum, James F., real estate, r 336 n Topeka

Farrar, Harry, stable 300 w Doug, bds Douglas Av House

Farrell, John C., foreman R I yds, r 1329 s Lawrence

Farrell, Miss Margaret, dau John C Farrell, r 1329 s Lawrence

Farrell, Miss Mattie, stu Lewis Acad, r 1329 s Lawrence

Farrell, Patrick, laborer 414 w Douglas, bds 316 w Douglas

Farrington, Miss Electa, stu S B College

Farris, Miss Fannie, seamstress, r 126 n Mosley

Farris, Walter, errand boy, 139 n Main

Farris, W. L., mason, r 126 n Mosley

Farrow, Wm M., carpenter, r Ohio near Thirty-seventh

Farver, Mrs. Helen H., coal and feed, 503 n Wichita

Fash, Roy D., clk Keller & Keller, bds rm 11 ab 215 s Main

Fash, Mrs. Sarah C., laundress, r 207 s Washington

Fashion, The, R T Rosenheim, prop, dry goods and ladies furnishings, 203 n Main

Fast, August, bkpr Davidson Invs’t Co., r 350 n Waco

Faster, Frank F., r cor Simmons and Walker, ws

Fate, Mrs. Anna, tailoress, r 300 s Main

Fate, Christopher, r 1518 n Market

Faucett, Earl E., com feed 517 n Main, r 1745 Jeanette

Faught, Miss Amanda, student Garfield, r Kingman, Kan

Faulconer, George H., stu Garfield, r Pleasant Ridge, Kan

Faulkner, Arthur, teller Citizens’ Bank, rms Metropole

Favorite Meat Market, William H Kelchner, prop, 452 n Main

Fawcett, Earl E., clk Boston Store, r 120 n Chautauqua

Fawcett, Kenneth, salesman White House, r 120 n Chautauqua

Fawcett, Mrs. Maria, r 120 n Chautauqua

Fawcett, Thomas A., tailor 131 n Main, r 852 e Third

Fazel, John H., stenog com pleas court, r 1057 Guy

Fazel & McLaughlin, J H Fazel & Wendell McLaughlin, rm 212 Sedgwick, stenographers

Fearon, Wm H., trav sales, r 1352 Estelle

Feast, Eli J., bill clk W W Grocer Co., r 1014 n Fifth

Fechheimer Block, Douglas and Market, ne cor

Fechheimer, Chas M., law stu, r 747 s Water

Fechheimer, M. M., capitalist, r 747 s Water

Fechheimer, Miss Nettie, r 747 s Water

Fedrick, Geo B., stu S B College, r 226 s Fourth

Fedrick, John P., stu S B College, r 226 s Fourth

Fees, Chas C., farmer, r 3805 e Kellogg

Feed Store, G A Stevens, 218 w Douglas

Fegtley, John J., director Lee Inv Co., r 943 s Main

Fehleisen, Harry W., stu 1st ward school, r 527 s Water

Fehleisen, Miss Meora, student S B College

Feidler, Gust, sausage dept Dold Packing Co.

Felix, Oscar, laborer, r 1120 n Fifth

Fellows, Miss Henrietta, teacher, r 412 e Central

Fellows, H & Co., H F & Robt M Piatt, rlest, rm 5 ab 130 n Main

Fellows, H. (H Fellows & Co) r 412 e Central

Fellows, John W., insurance, ab 130 n Main, r 412 e Central

Feltham, Frank, plasterer, r ab 350 n Main

Feltham, Octavius, plasterer, r 247 Mathewson

Fenn, Frank, switchman Santa Fe yards, r 728 s Ida

Fennel, Joseph, r blk 30 n Macon av

Fennel, Edmond D., laborer, r about 2800 n Mead

Fenner, Wm, laborer, r cor Tillman and Brindley, ws

Fenton, James, carpenter, bds Fairview Hotel

Fenton, Kipp, wks Peerless Laundry, r ab 127 n Market

Fenton, S. H., man’fr washing machines, r 926 s Emporia

Fenton, W. W. (Peerless Laundry) r ab 127 n Market

Ferchau, Charles, carpenter, r 1150 s Wichita

Ferchau, G. C., carpenter, r 1150 s Wichita

Ferchau, Miss Nannie, domestic B Cohn

Ferguson, C. V. (Ferguson & Arnold) bds Occidental

Ferguson & Arnold, C V F and H L A, attys, 222 n Main

Ferguson, Charles I., newsboy, r 110 w Lewis

Ferguson, Charles E., stu Garfield, r Thayer, Kan

Ferguson, David T., plasterer, r 1402 s Lawrence

Ferguson, E. Minor, telephone lineman, r 110 w Lewis

Ferguson, James J., real estate, r 110 w Lewis

Ferguson, Miss Jennie, dau Stephen R., r 1402 s Lawrence

Ferguson, Miss Josephine, dressmkr, r 1402 s Lawrence

Ferguson, J. D., trimmer W Gas Elec L & P Co.

Ferguson, John W., r 842 s Lawrence

Ferguson, Miss Mattie K., clk Boston Store, r 110 w Lewis

Ferguson, Stephen R., real estate, r 1402 s Lawrence

Ferguson, William T., wks Journal job off, r 110 w Lewis

Fernholtz, Emil, mngr Forest C D P Brick Co., r 737 Pattie

Ferrall, Emmett H., teamster, r 1716 Gold

Ferrell Block, 123 and 127 n Main

Ferrell, Henry C., plasterer, r 736 s Lulu

Ferrell, John J., lab, r 736 s Lulu

Ferrell, Lloyd B., capitalist 126 n Main, r 310 e Elm

Ferrell, Ottis O., laborer, r 736 s Lulu

Ferris, John R., stu Business College, bds 408 s Emporia

Ferris, Joseph, wks cor Moore and Emmett, ws, rms same

Fetheroff, W. F., carp, r 3419 n Emporia

Fettey, Frank, cook, Hotel Richland

Fettke, Otto, farmer, cor Chenango and Arthur

Fettke, Hugo, farmer, r cor Adeline and Delaware

Fettke, Reinhardt, farmer, r cor Adeline and Delaware

Fetzer, Mrs. Lizzie, r 1017 w Pine, ws

Fiddler, Patrick, wks Forest City Brick Co., rms same

Fiddler, Joseph, wks Forest City Brick Co., rms same

Fiedler, E. A. (Walker & Fiedler) civil eng, r 320 n Topeka

Field, Chas H., carp, r Exchange and Ontario

Field, Clayton A., lineman, rms 302 s Topeka

Field, Frank I., wks Henley Sign Studio, r 335 e Douglas

Field, Mrs. Helen C., r 219 Minnesota

Field, Ralph E., editor, W Com, rm 507 Sedg, r 335 w Doug

Field, Miss Sarah V., teacher, r sw cor Exchange and Ontario

Field, Savillion A., fruits, candies, etc., 335 w Douglas

Fieldhouse, Geo, flagman S Fe yds, bds 709 e Douglas

Fields, Carl, wks brick yd, r 1617 w Douglas, ws

Fields, Mrs. Martha, r 705 Grove

Fifer, B., painter, janitor 140 n Main, r 112 w Central

Fifer, Chas M., laborer, bds 455 n Fern, ws

Fifth Av Hotel, Edgar E Fox, prop, 916 n Fifth

Figg & Boaz, John T F & Spencer S B, undertkrs, 115 s Main

Figg, C., clk Peckham & Dresser, r 1603 Campbell

Figg, John T. (Figg & Boaz) r Franklin av, Riverside

Figley, Chas A., student, r 2420 e Park ave

Figley, David H., laborer, r 2420 e Park ave

Filkins, Fred J., barber Sedgwick Barber Sp, r 1203 n Bitting

Filkins, Miss Maud H., r 1203 n Bitting

Filkins, John P., brk mason Cremator Co, r 1203 n Bitting

Finch, Adrian, butcher, r 825 n Mead

Finch, Ezra, student S B College, r Galesburg, Kan

Finch, George, laborer, r 825 n Mead

Finch, Lyman M., real estate, r 736y e Thirteenth

Finch, Miss Zella, wks Kaufman & Koher’s, r 825 n Mead

Fincher, Mrs. Sarah I., r 222 w Morris

Findeiss, Henry C., r 1017 s Laura

Findley, Mrs. Ida, student Garfield University

Fink, George, plumber, rms 316 e William

Fink, Hubert, wks Forest City Brick Co., rms same

Finke Candy Factory, Finke prop, 220 n Water

Finke, Emil J., candy manfgr w First near p o, r 220 n Water

Finlay, Miss Hattie, domestic at 1133 n Lawrence

Finalayson, Miss Ella J., r Fifth near Thirty-sixth

Finley, John W., carpenter, r Ida s of Grand

Finn, H. W., student S B College, r Sedgwick, Kan

Finney, John A. (Finney The Tea Man) 246 n Main, r 305 e Oak

Finney,John C., transfer, r 236 n Ohio

Fintelman, Wm, wks Palace Stables, bds City Hotel

Fire Alarm Service, L E Hamburg mangr, under Citizens’ Bk

Firebaugh, Chester, capitalist, r 156 n Topeka

Firmin, Marshall J., cab mkr W A Arey & Co, r 305 n Market

Firguson, H. D., residence 841 n Market

First Arkansas Valley Bank Building, 143 n Main

First Arkansas Valley Bank, W S Woodman pres, U G Woodman cashier, 143 n Main

First Bapt Ch, ne cor Market & First, Rev I W Reid pastor

First M E Ch, n Lawrence bet 2d & 3d, Rev. R T Savin pastor

First Presbyterian Ch, 1st & Lawrence, Rev. David Winters p

First Ward School, ne cor Lawrence and Lewis

Fishback, Peter, clk 200 w Douglas

Fishbeck, Wm, laborer Whittaker Packing Co

Fish, Ben G., stone mason, r n Mosley near Thirty-first

Fisher, Miss Annie, waiter 414 w Central

Fisher, A. B., pres Fisher Lumber Co., r Ft. Scott, Kan

Fisher, Asa C., laborer, r 126 s Edward, ws

Fisher, B. E., stu S B College, r Valley Center, Kan

Fisher, Miss Carrie A., r 1353 n Wichita

Fisher, C. C., wks foundry, bds Lindell Hotel

Fisher, Ernest F., stu Garfield, r Burton, Kan

Fisher, Frank, barber, r 159 s Washington

Fisher, Frank, asst postmaster, r 1234 n Bitting

Fisher, Miss Elizabeth, Tremont House, 220 s Fourth

Fisher, Miss Jane, Tremont House, 220 s Fourth

Fisher, Miss Jessie, student, bds 234 s Mosley

Fisher, John, laborer, bds 116 n Water

Fisher, John T., farmer, r cor Thirty-third and Arkansas

Fisher, John (Heiserman & Fisher) r 1353 n Wichita

Fisher, Joseph S., phys, off 309 s Walnut, ws, r same

Fisher, Lane, stock dealer, r 1228 n Bitting

Fisher Lumber Co., A B Fisher pres, sw cor First and Mead

Fisher, Mrs. Mary, r 159 s Washington

Fisher, R. G., carp, r 333 s Martinson, ws

Fisher, Rosa, domestic 726 n Market

Fisher, Thomas F., gen frt & pass agt M P Ry, r 1203 n Main

Fishering, Mrs. Ida, r 1407 n Ohio

Fishering, Geo, wks car shops, bds 3517 n Fourth

Fisk, Mrs. Amanda, r 317 n Emporia

Fisk, Miss Bird, student high school, r 317 n Emporia

Fislar, Miss Jennie, dressmaker 139 n Main, r 218 s Lawrence

Fitch, Miss Alice, rms 325 s Lawrence

Fitch, Miss Clemma, teacher, r 120 William

Fitch, Mrs. Charlette, r 120 w William

Fitch, Thomas G., sec and tres Davidson Inv Co., r Riverside

Fitzgerald, Miss Anna, r 351 n Market

Fitzgerald, Miss Emma, laundress, r 121 Laura

Fitzgerald, Miss Lillie, domestic, r 121 Laura

Fitzgerald, Mrs. Martha, r 121 Laura

Fitzhugh, Isabel, r 322 n First

Fitzhugh, U. W., bds 535 n Market

Fitzler, Miss Emma, wks Kan Steam Laundry, r 1121 s Laura

Fitzer, Miss Lizzie, r 228 s Fourth

Fitzpatrick, Edward, wks Water Works Co., r 904 e First

Fitzpatrick, William, railway employee, r 904 e First

Fitzpatrick, John, wks Water Works Co., r 904 e First

Fitzzpatrick, John, laborer Whittaker Packing Co.

Fitzsimmons, James, clk Enterprise Market, bds 727 n Fourth

Flack, Geo W., carp, r 1145 Breckenridge

Flagg, A., prop Globe Iron Wks, r ab 704 e Second

Flagg, Andrew D., wks Globe Iron Wks, r 240 n Wabash

Flagler’s Feed Store, F J Flagler prop, 732 n Fourth

Flagler, Fletcher J., fd store 732 n Fourth, r 919 n Mead

Flake, Oscar, bootblack, r 703 n Market

Flanigan, Frank, printer Eagle off, bds 120 w William

Flannery, J., carriage trimmer 126 s Main, rms ab 501 n Main

Flasher, Gus, wks Dold Packing Co., bds Kentucky House

Flashman, Wm, butcher Busch & Grover, bds 343 n Main

Flatcher, Miss Rose, dom, r 207 s Fern, ws

Flathers, Miss May, with J H Lynch, r 235 s Pattie

Flathers, James B., carp and builder, r 235 s Pattie

Fleck, Miss May, dom 1147 n Market

Fleeman, Adam, Jr., salesman Dold Packing Co., r 2057 n Waco

Fleeman, Chas H. wks Dold Packing Co., r 2057 n Waco

Fleischer, Gust, wks Dold Packing Co.

Fleischman, Willibald, wks Busch & Grover, bds 345 n Main

Fleming, Geo, fireman hose No 2, r 606 s Lawrence

Fleming, Harvey, reporter Eagle, bds Hotel Metropole

Fleming, Jamie, stu Lewis Acad, r 1445 n Waco

Fleming, James, student, r 606 s Lawrence

Fleming, John, laborer, r 606 s Lawrence

Fleming, Leroy, stu Lewis Acad, r 1445 n Waco

Fleming, S. W., laborer, r 613 e Central

Fleming, William, student Garfield

Fletcher, Albert T., contractor, r 337 s Ellis

Fletcher, Armsted M., janitor, r 207 s Fern, ws

Fletcher, Bertie, cash boy Boston Store, r 417 s Orchard, ws

Fletcher Block, nw cor Main and Second

Fletcher, Miss Dollie, dau William Fletcher, r Fletcher blk

Fletcher, Elias, teamster, r 347 n Wichita, ws

Fletcher, Elizabeth, housekpr, r 347 n Wichita, ws

Fletcher, Miss Emma M., r 207 s Fern, ws

Fletcher, Miss Emma, r 347 n Wichita, ws

Fletcher, Miss Laura B., r 207 s Fern, ws

Fletcher, Joseph, teamster, r 347 n Wichita, ws

Fletcher, John S., painter, r 417 Orchard, ws

Fletcher, John W. H., r 207 s Fern, ws

Fletcher, Marshall (Forest City Broom Fac) r Fletcher block

Fletcher, Orland C., real estate, Fletcher block, r same

Fletcher, Miss Rosa E., domestic, r 207 s Fern, ws

Fletcher, Sherman, teamster, r 347 n Wichita av, ws

Fletcher, William, wks Mo Pac Ry, bds 220 w Park st

Fletcher, William, painter, r Locke near Second, ws

Fletcher, William, real estate, Fletcher building, r same

Flette, Miss Belle, stu Lewis Academy

Flint, Albert, laborer, rms 1524 Lorraine

Flint, G. L., carpenter Whittaker Packing Co.

Flock, Miss Abby,r Pearl st, ws

Flock, Albert, bootblack, r Pearl, ws

Flock, Mrs. Kizia, washerwoman, r Pearl, ws

Flora, Miss Tressa L., stu Garfield, r 307 w Third

Flower, J. E. & Co., J E Flower, W C Glenn, cement contr ab 205 n Main

Flower, J. E. (J E Flower & Co) bds 343 n Main

Floyd, C. W., porter 212 n Main, r 223 n Waco

Floyd, Mrs. Sarah, r 512 s Water

Flynn, George D., laborer, r 822 Ohio

Flynn, Wm, wks car wks, r blk 35 n Ohio

Fobey, John, miller, bds Douglas Av House

Fogg, Thomas B., city solicitor A T & S F Ry, r 355 Sherman

Fogg, Warren H., clk 122 n Main, r 355 n Sherman

Foley, Miss Anna, wks 117 n Emporia

Foley, Miss Nina, dining rm girl European Hotel

Follmer, Miss Lena, r 737 s Market

Fonda, Frank L., machinist G I W, r 127 n Mosley

Fonda, W. H., supt Globe Iron Wks, r 628 e Central

Follmer, Miss Katie, dom 329 n Market, r 737 s Market

Foot, Dr. J. S., bds Hotel Carey

Foote, D. C., engineer Whittaker Packing Co.

Forbes, Miss Bella, dresmkr, r 1908 n Wichita

Forbes, Chas A., stu, r 1908 n Wichita

Forbes, Erastus, gas fitter & Plumber, bds n Mosley near 33d

Forbes, James, student S B College, r Piedmont, Kan

Forbes, Joseph, student B College, rms 600 s Emporia

Forbs, Miss Mattie, dom 807 s Topeka

Forbs, William, plasterer, r 1908 n Wichita

Forby, Theo, prin. short-hand and tele S B College, r 608 s Emporia

Ford, A. & Son (Asahel Ford & Wm Ford) com mcht, 722 e Douglas

Ford, A. (Ford & Son) r 1726 e Douglas

Ford, Alfred, agt Udall Milling Co., r 116 n Hydraulic

Ford, Alfred A., salesman Udall Milling Co., r 1726 e Douglas

Ford, Mrs. A., r 116 n Hydraulic

Ford, Asahal, com mcht, r 116 n Hydraulic

Ford, Miss Alice, r 116 n Hydraulic

Ford, C. P., coal dealer, r 321 s Lawrence

Ford, C. H., clk Wichita Gas Elec Lgt & P Co., r 700 n Water

Ford, Clyde E., clk Hartford Inv Co., r 112 e Fourteenth

Ford, Miss Cora M., student S B College, r 515 Hewitt, ws

Ford, David W., str car driver, r 226 s Oak, ws

Ford, Mrs. D. A., washing, r ab 211 s Oak, ws

Ford, Ed E., abstractor Citizens Land Co., r 321 s Lawrence

Ford, Elijah P., real estate 528 Sedg bldg, r 709 n Waco

Ford, Ella, cook 426 w Third

Ford, Frank J., insurance room 528 Sedgwick, r 725 n Waco

Ford, Frederick W., com merchant, r 516 n Ohio

Ford, Henry B., cooper, r 721 n Waco

Ford, Mrs. H. P., dressmaking, r ab 219 e Oak

Ford, Hervey L., clk Reliable Grocery, r 1062 n Main

Ford, Homer J., wks J. T. Campbell, r 112 e Fourteenth

Ford, Horatio N., prop Reliable Grocery, r 1062 n Main

Ford, Miss Laura, dressmaker, bds 1127 n Topeka

Ford, Miss Lutie C., dau Winfield S Ford, r 700 n Water

Ford, Samuel W., carpenter, r 151 Hewitt, ws

Ford, Miss Susan A., r 709 n Waco

Ford, William, machinist, r 204 s Lawrence

Ford, William (Ford & Son) r 516 n Ohio

Ford, W. Scott, journalist, rms 700 n Water

Ford, William, wks trunk factory, bds 219 n Minnesota

Ford, W. H., student S B College

Fordham, Charles R., clk H M Jones grocer, r 522 s Lawrence

Fordham, John, carrier Daily Eagle, r 522 s Lawrence

Fordyce, J. H. (Fordyce & VanNuys) physicians, r 326 n Burr

Fordyce, Leonard, blacksmith, r 3453 n Fifth

Fordyce & VanNuys, J H Fordyce, J D VanNuys, physicians and surgeons, Getto block

Forman, Houston, sheep breeder, bds 2w53 n Market

Foresman, Mrs. Elizabeth B., r 1502 Campbell

Forest, Claude, with Baker W H & Co, rms n Fourth

Forest City B & L Asso, ab 130 n Main, Robt M Piatt, sec

Forest City Coal Co (H N S & I M H) 119 n Water

Forest City Hotel, H H Leonard prop, 630 n Main

Forest City Dry Pressed Brick Co., Wm Mathewson pres, C E Curtis sec & treas, F F Lewis agt 130 n Main

Forker, Asa S., trav salesman, r 1211 n Carlos

Forrester, Cassell G., stock dealer, 902 n Market

Forrester, Miss Clara A., r 1107 n Larimer

Forry, John M., prop City Meat Market, r 1121 n Market

Forter, Mrs. A. E., r 1640 s Emporia

Forter, Miss Maggie, r 1640 s Emporia

Fortman, Frank, tailor, F Harmening, r 317 n New York

Fortman, Frank J., Jr. (A Bellman & Co) rms same

Fortman, Miss Ida, r 317 New York

Fortman, John, butcher, r 621 Texas, ws

Fortman, Miss Lizzie, r 317 New York

Fortman, Otto, tailor, r 317 New York

Fortna, Geo E., contr, r 507 n Main

Fortner, Albert B., pressman News-Beacon, rms 151 Mathewson

Fortner, Hugh P., carpenter, r 151 Mathewson

Foster, Arthur A., music teacher, r 331 n Waco

Foster, C. S., stu Lewis Acad, r 1704 Holyoke av

Foster, C. S., stu Garfield, r Cheney, Kan

Foster, Charles A., retired farmer, 331 n Waco

Foster, Daniel A., music teacher r 331 n Waco

Foster, Edgar J., glass and queensware 219 e Douglas, r 638 n Lawrence

Foster, Eugene, laborer, r blk 31 n Mead

Foster, Festus, pastor Fourth Cong Church, r 2410 e Fifteenth

Foster, Miss Florence D., stu Lewis Acad, r 638 n Lawrence

Foster, Miss Frances A., stu Lewis Acad, r 638 n Lawrence

Foster, Frank, huckster, bds 322 n First

Foster, George V., wks Garrison & Wight Lumber Yard, r 301 s Osage, ws

Foster, George W., l’nade stand 537 w Doug, r 402 n Wal’t, ws

Foster, John, wks Wichita elevator, r 515 s Washington

Foster, John J., laborer, r 515 s Washington

Foster, Joseph H., prop Central Meat Mk’t, rms ab 220 n Main

Foster, Miss Lilla B., music teacher, rms and bds 535 n Market

Foster, O. O., carriage shop, 114 Ida

Foster, P. W., stone cutter, r 1031 n Mosley

Foster, Robert H., clk 400 e Douglas, rms same

Foster, Robert, plasterer, r 515 s Washington

Foster, Mrs. S. J., r 6y38 n Lawrence

Foster, Miss Sarah W., stu Lewis Acad, r 638 n Lawrence

Foster, Thomas C., retired, r 331 n Waco

Foster, Cap, U S Detective, r 515 s Washington

Foster, Wm T., rlest, r 500 s Seneca, ws

Fountain, Miss Selma, faith home, 115 Pennsylvania

Fourth Cong Ch, Festus Foster pastor, cor 15th and Tyler

Fourth Av Livery Stable, 116 s Fourth, S G Butler

Fourth Av Meat Market, 316 s Fourth, A S Kuuckel prop

Fourth National Bank, R T Bean pres, E R Powell v-pres, F W Waller, Jr. Cash, 200 e Douglas

Fourth Ave Pharmacy, T E Williford & Co., 601 e Douglas

Fourth Ave Pl Mill, Williams Bros props, 202 n Fourth

Foust, Miss Jennie, tel off, r 1024 s Topeka

Foust, Samuel, laborer, r 1024 s Topeka

Fouts, E. Pink, asst mngr Kan Refr Co., 121 w Doug, r s Sumner

Fouts, Thos, stu S B College, r Collyer, Kan

Fouts, Thomas D., farmer, r 115 s Lawrence

Follmer, Diebold, r 737 s Market

Follmer, Jacob, r 737 s Market

Fouts, Walter S., (Davis & Fouts) r College Hill

Fouts, W. B., clk Chicago Lum Co., r 538 n Emporia

Fowler, Mrs. Eliza, r 417 Orchard, ws

Fowler, Frank, real estate, bds 330 n Topeka

Fowler, Frank, employee M A McKenzie

Fowler, Fred, barber, bds 535 n Market

Fowler, William, employee M A McKenzie

Fox, Miss A. Belle, cashier T L Fox & Son, r 1130 n Lawrence

Fox, Miss Carrie, stu Garfield

Fox, Chas E., st car driver, r 1009 Pearl, ws

Fox, David D., laborer, r 901 s Water

Fox, David, stock dealer, r cor Water & Twenty-eighth

Fox, Edgar E., prop Fifth Av Hotel, 316 n Fifth, r same

Fox, Miss Ella, r 627 n Wabash

Fox, Isaac, farmer, bds 535 n Market

Fox, James B. (T L Fox & Son) r 1130 n Lawrence

Fox, Joseph, bricklayer, r Edward s of Maple, ws

Fox, Joseph, wks Forest City Brick Co.

Fox, Miss J. Leslie, stu High School, r 1130 n Lawrence

Fox, Miss Lulu, dau Thomas L Fox

Fox, Martin, carp Fourth Av Plg Mill, r 819 n Wichita

Fox, Thos L. (T L Fox & Son) r 1130 n Lawrence

Fox, T. L. & Son, Thos L Fox, J B Fox, dry goods 150 n Main

Foye, George A., liv and hack barn 313 w Doug, r 434 s Main

Foye Livery and hack barn, G A Foye, prop,313 w Douglas

Fraker, Frank, bkpr Kansas Sash & Door Co., r 1331 Holyoke

Frame, Miss Minnie E., with R. G. Dun & Co., r 1621 n Fairview

Francis, H., student S B College

Francis, Miss Hattie, student, r 326 s Dodge, ws

Francis, Herbert, printer, r 326 s Douglas, ws

Francis, James L., painter, r 1509 Division

Francis, James K., hrn mkr 527 s Douglas, r 326 s Dodge, ws

Francis, W. A., hack driver, bds 411 e Douglas

Francis, William A., carpenter, r 124 s Volutsia

Francis, Willis, student S B College

Francis, William A., driver W O & Co., r same

Francis, Willie, clk Enterprise, r 1509 e Division

Francisco, Charles, mason, r 149 n Charles, ws

Francisco, Miss Cora, teacher, r 149 n Charles, ws

Francisco, Mrs. Helen M., r 149 n Charles, ws

Francisco, Miss Helen, dressmkr, r 149 n Charles

Franck, H., merchant tailor, 119 e Douglas, r 1023 s Water

Frank, Miss Anna C., r 1150 s Topeka

Frank, C. A., carpet weaver, r 1150 s Topeka

Frank, Charles E., cashier Kan Nat Bank, r 940 s Lawrence

Frank, George, wks 317 e Douglas, bds 316 e William

Frank, Miss Minnie M., r 1150 s Topeka

Frank, Richard, clk Manhattan Clothing Co., r 1150 s Topeka

Franke, Herman, farmer, r 1703 s Emporia

Franke, Richard S., teamster, r 1110 s Wichita

Franke, Mrs. Sophia, r 1110 s Wichita

Franke, William F., wks Stewart, Coney & Co., r 1110 s Wichita

Franckenfield, laborer, r 1003 s Emporia

Franklin, Miss Cora, dau Dav F Franklin, r 1846 s Hydraulic

Franklin, David F., farmer, r 1846 s Hydraulic

Franklin, Miss Rena, domestic 1536 n Lawrence

Franklin School Building, cor Pine and s Martinson, ws

Franklin, Steven B., clk Frisco office, r 840 n Topeka

Frantz, Miss Josephine, shirt ironer Kan Stm Ldy, r 222 n Main

Franz, Fred F., wks Economy Coal Yard, r 3005 e Second

Franz, Mrs. Mary R., r 3005 e Second

Fraser, Geo, wks Steam Stone Wks, r 1149 n Wichita

Fraser, Wm R. (Garst, F & Grst) bds Hotel Carey

Frasier, Geo, stu Lewis Acad, bds Hotel Carey

Frasier, Seymour, cook Princess Res, rms ab 115 n Topeka

Frasier, Thos A., city herder, r 337 n Wichita

Frasier, Walter B., lab, r 337 n Wichita

Frazer, Joseph N., wks Forest C Brick yd, r 1941 Fannie

Frazier, Chelsea, driver Cash Star Grocery

Frazier, D. N., salesman B Cohn & Co., rms ab 124 w Douglas

Frazier, Thomas, farmer, r Elizabeth s of Harry

Frederick, Wm, carp, r 813 n Hydraulic

Fredrickson, Miss Selma, dom, r 457 n Market

Freed, Lemuel, barber Morgan’s bar shop, r 611 n Mead

Freedley, Jacob, clk Lee Hays, r 304 s Water

Freeman, Chas, r 451 s Sheridan, ws

Freeman, Chas K., sec W O & C Co., r 338 s Emporia

Freeman, Miss Ella, teacher public schools, bds 436 s Topeka

Freeman, Eugene L., plumber, r 451 s Sheridan, ws

Freeman, Geo L., buss con W O & C Co., r 612 s Seneca, ws

Freeman, Henry S., wks Ice Co., bds 1507 e First

Freeman, Major Y., retired farmer, r 451 Sheridan, ws

Freeman, Yantz, r Sheridan so of Maple, ws

French, H. H., student S B College, r Spearville, Mo

French, Miss May, dressmkr, r ab 309 n Main

French, Mrs. Nannie, r 411 n Mosley

French, R., student S B College, r Spearville, Mo

French, Shelton, salesman Bitting Bros, r 411 n Mosley

Freudenberg, Jacob, clk Boston Store, r 325 w Second

Frey, A. F., salesman Hyde & Humble, rms Keonig blk

Freyman, Miss Minnie, clk 110 n Market, r 120 w William

Frial, Anthony, wks Dold’s Pkg Co.

Friend Building, 605 and 607 e Douglas

Friend, Edward A., wks W W Grocer Co., r 346 n Wabash

Friend, David M., blacksmith 629 n Main, r 923 s Water

Friend, Miss Florence O., r 425 James

Friend, Howard F., speculator, r 320 Pennsylvania

Friend, J. A., rlest, r 1502 s Topeka

Friend, Jehu, contractor, r 426 James

Friend, John J., crrge trimr M A McKenize, bds 155 n Water

Friend, Joseph B., carpenter, r 425 James

Frisch, Julius, prop Union Bakery 701 e Oak, r same

Friend, Miss Lillie A., r 425 James

Friend, Miss Minnie M., r 425 James

Friends’ Bd Ed, Warren Johnson pres, room 10 Bitting blk

Friends’ Church, Cleveland bet First and Douglas

Frisco Supt’s Office, room 11 Oak building

Frisco Train Dispatcher’s Office, Oak building

Fritch, Edward H., prin. S B College, r 355 s Hydraulic

Fritz, Miss Ella, stu Southwestern Business College

Fritz, Miss Ellan, domestic 411 s Washington, r same

Frizell’s Candy Factory, C V Frizzell prop, 217 & 219 e Oak

Frizell, C V., confectioner 217 e Oak, r 700 n Fourth

Frizell, Charles, traveling man, rms 418 n Topeka

Frizell, Harry V., wks Rawlins 208 n Main, r 700 n Fourth

Frizell, J. Edward, salesman confec goods, r 700 n Fourth

Frizell, Mrs. Mary, r 304 e Third

Froman, George M., stone mason, bds 333 s Main

Frooman, Elam E., collector, r 1714 Fairview

Frost, Charles H., rm ab 253 n Main, room 16

Fruis, Peter, paperhanger Young Bros, r 1003 Jackson

Fruitt, Thomas E., atty (Hite Rlest Ex) rms 711 n Market

Fry, Wm M., baker Santa Fe bakery, rms 452 Riverview

Fry, Mrs. Anna, r 323 n Emporia

Fryer, Geo W., painter & paper hanger, r 123 s Main

Fryer, Willie B., newsboy and student, r 123 s Main

Fryman, Miss, wks Knight’s Inv off, bds 120 w William

Ft. Scott Depot, ws, n Osage, Wm T Oldfield, agt

Ft. Scott Depot, cor Second and Wichita

Ft. Scott Elevator, Pearl st, ws

Fulcomer, G. N., stu S B College, r Pleasant Ridge, Kan

Fuller, Chas I., grocer, 202 e Doug, r 203 n Lawrence

Fuller, Daniel, rlest, r 1007 s Fourth

Fuller, D. E. (Fuller & Jacobs) r 1007 s Fourth

Fuller, Miss Florence, stu public schools, r 1007 s Fourth

Fuller, Frank B., mechanic, r 1541 n Fifth

Fuller & Jacobs, D E  F & C V J, rlest & l’ns, rm 1 ab 114 n M’n

Fuller, Miss Mabel, stu Lewis Acad, r 1145 n Topeka

Fuller, Mrs. Selina, nurse, r 617 n Emporia

Fuller, T. W., r 304 e First

Fullerlove, Wm, gro clk, r 121 n Mosley

Fullmer, Dibold, retired, r 737 s Market

Fullmer, Miss Katie, r 737 s Market

Fullmer, Miss Leanie, r 837 s Market

Fulmer, James, prop Wichita Foundry, r 538 s Main

Fulton, B F & Co., B F F and G W Knorr, grocers, 830 e Doug

Fulton, B. F. (B F Fulton & Co) r 703 n Fourth

Fulton, George P., barber 436 n Main, r 315 s Pattie

Fulton, John B., barber 436 n Main, r 308 s Pattie

Fulton, Joseph, barber 625 e Oak, r se cor Pattie and Division

Fulton, Lloyd, r 402 n Washington

Fulton, Oliver P., blacksmith, r 308 s Pattie

Fulton, Miss Rosa, r 308 s Pattie

Fulton, Ruth, r 402 n Washington

Fulton, Sherman, laborer, r 308 s Pattie

Fulton, Wm H., temptel mkr car works, r n Ohio near 35th

Fulton, William, weaver, 402 n Washington

Fultz, Matthew, carpenter, r 1020 n Mead

Fultz, Mrs. Nellie, dressmaker, rms and bds Oklahoma House

Fultz, William, carpenter, rms Burton Hotel

Fultz, William A., carpenter, rms and bds Oklahoma House

Funk, Miss Carrie, dressmaker, bds Occidental

Funk, John W., r 1413 n Lawrence

Furguson, John, janitor, r 730 n Ohio

Furley Building, 327 to 331 e Douglas

Furley, C. C., phys & surg ab 331 e Douglas, r 1218 n Lawrence

Furlong, Mrs. C. T., r 1104 n Lawrence

Furlong, J. P., grain dlr 506 e Douglas, r 938 n Washington

Furlong, Martin, wks Trip Hammer Brick yard, r cor Skinner & Oakwood

Furnish, Joseph M., gardener, r 1661 Gold

Furtado & Co., cigars 930 n Fifth

Furtado, S. J., (Furtado & Co) r 930 n Fifth

Fye, James, painter, r 142 n Mead

Fyffe, J. D., r 256 n Ohio



Gackenbach, Miss Annie M., dau of Charles Gackenbach, r 425 s Water

Gackenbach, Charles W. (Gackenbach & Co), r 425 s Water

Gackenbach, Farley A. (Gackenbach & Co) r 2425 s Water

Gackenbach & Co., C W Gackenbach, F A Gackenbach, props Market St Grocery, 119 n Market

Gadeky, Mrs. Cora L., milliner 106 e Douglas, r 521 n Waco

Gaffney, James (G & King) r ab 127 w Douglas

Gaffney & King, James G and James T K, lunch counter and barber shop, 115 w Douglas

Gaffney, Mrs. Sarah A., dressmaker ab 127 w Douglas

Gage, George G., stone mason, r 326 Cleveland

Gage, William T., wks T K McLean, bds cor Tenth & Water

Gager, George, carpenter, r 2009 s Fourth

Gager, Harry C. (A Cannon & Co) r 424 n Topeka

Gagerman, Chas, stu S B college, r Staffored, Kan

Gain, Charles, carpenter, r 116 n Mosley

Gains, Julius J., wks Warren Chemical Co., r ab 237 s Market

Galeener, Mrs. Mary, r 631 n Water

Gallagher, Charles C., street car driver, r 122 w Tenth

Gallagher, Clarence O., student, r 122 w Tenth

Gallagher, David C., 1209 University, ws

Gallaher, Miss Emily W., r 1209 University, ws

Gallagher, Miss Frankie, r 1209 University, ws

Gallagher, Miss Helen, r 1209 University, ws

Gallagher, Mrs. Jane, r 1209 University, ws

Gallagher, Miss Kate, boarding house, 310 s Main

Gallagher, Miss Lilly, r 1209 University, ws

Gallagher, Manus A., traveling salesman, bds Valley House

Gallagher, Margaret, boarding house keeper 310 s Main

Gallagher, Marshal O., student, r 122 w Tenth

Gallagher, Michael J., traveling salesman, bds Valley House

Gallaher, Miss Kate, student S B College, r St. Louis, Mo

Gallant, E. G., mnf jeweler ab 240 n Main r 1005 n Wabash

Gallant, George, railroad employee, r 1005 n Wabash

Galliher, Clarence, wks D G Millison & Sons, rms and bds 932 s Topeka

Gallivan, Patrick, stone mason, rms 420 n Wichita

Galloway, Miss Alpha, music student, r 516 s Hydraulic

Galloway, Miss Bettie, r 240 New York

Galloway, L. E., hack driver W O & C Co., rms 314 s Emporia

Galloway, Mrs. Lucy J., r 515 s Hydraulic

Galloway, William L, trav salesman, r 132 n Topeka

Galtra, Frank, carpenter, bds n Mosley near Thirty-third

Galvin, Patrick, stone mason Whittaker Pking Co., bds Mrs. Williams

Gamber, Charles, blksmth street car barn, r 1015 n Wichita

Gamble, Samuel, lamp lighter Wichita Gas Co.

Gamble, William, wks W Gas E L & P Co., bds Riverside Hotel

Gamel, Frank, stu Lewis Academy

Gandolfo Building se cor First and Main

Ganer, William, r 1009 n Mead

Gans, Christ R., wks Dold Packing Co.

Gansz, August C. (Horn & G) r 1060 n Market

Gant, Miss Dora, Faith Home 115 Pennsylvania

Gant, Mrs. Julia, matron Faith Home, 115 Pennsylvania

G A R Building, se cor First and Water

Garber, Miss Claudia M., stu Garfield, r ab 569 w Douglas, ws

Garber, Simon S., hardware 569 w Douglas, ws, r ab same

Gard, Alexander, mechanic, bds n Wabash s of Fifteenth

Gard & Elder, Frank Gard and Chas Elder, props Sherman House, 709 e Douglas

Gard, Frank (Gard & Elder) r 709 e Douglas

Gardenhire, John L., r 454 n Water

Gardenhire, Richard, laborer, r 908 n Water

Gardiner, Miss Ida M., stu Garfield, r Cicero, Kan

Gardner, Charles, mangr Schweiter Motor, r 824 s Topeka

Gardner, E. R., carpenter, r 831 n Wabash

Gardner, George C., boots and shoes, bds Occidental

Gardner, George E., engineer, r ab 1213 e Douglas

Gardner, George W., rms 456 n Fourth

Gardner, Glen D., clk 312 e Douglas, rms 308 s Topeka

Gardner, Henry B., boots and shoes, bds Occidental

Gardner, Henry H., painter, r 907 n Water

Gardner, Henry P., wks W & Sub Ry, r 1545 n Washington

Gardner, Laura, r room 22 ab 1213 e Douglas

Gardner, Miss Lucy, r 907 n Water

Garfield Opera House, se cor Water and First

Garfield University, w end University, ws, W B Hendryx, pres

Garfield, University business office ab 143 n Market

Garner, Dairy, n Lawrence near Little river

Garnett Canning Co., ab 211 n Main, J O Chapman, agt

Garnett, Charles M., teamster, r 702 s Emporia

Garnett, Mrs. Eliza J., r 702 s Emporia

Garnett, Eugene, lumber dlr 1000 e Douglas, bds Carey Hotel

Garnett, Frederick F., teamster, r 702 s Emporia

Garnett, James L, teamster, r 702 s Emporia

Garnett, John H., teamster, r 702 s Emporia

Garnett, Miss Maud, stu S B College, r Marysville, Kan

Garnett, Wilbur T., bkpr 237 s Market, r 702 s Emporia

Garrett, Miss Alma, r 1244 Blaine

Garrett, C. A. (C A Garrett & Co) r 517 n Riverview

Garrett, C A & Co., C A Garrett & W Kincaid, dlrs wall paper 110 n Fourth

Garrett, Charley A., wks Horses Home, bds City Hotel

Garrett, Edward, cook, r 1244 Blaine

Garrett, Miss Jennie, r 502 Riverview

Garrett, John, r 1244 Blaine

Garrett, John J., mngr C A Garrett & Co., r 517 n Riverview

Garrett, Mrs. Sarah, r 502 Riverview

Garrett, W. E., driver street car

Garrett, Wm H., painter, r 121 n Green

Garrison, Miss Alta, dom 1409 e Division

Garrison, A. L., stu S B College, r Haverhill, Kan

Garrison, Arthur O., student Garfield, r St Louis, Mo

Garrison Building, 517-527 w Douglas, ws

Garrison, B. S., gardener, r 808 Cleveland

Garrison, Charlie, student, r 310 s Dodge, ws

Garrison, Chas M., dlr saddlery & harness 123 w Douglas, r 1112 s Main

Garrison, Daniel J., teamster, r 124 n Estelle

Garrison, James, retired, r 2702 e Douglas

Garrison, John S., (G & Wright) r 625 s Robert, ws

Garrison & Lawrence Building, 1008 and 1010 Maple, ws

Garrison, Simeon W., teamster, r 310 s Dodge, ws

Garrison & Wight, J S Garrison & W A Wight, lumber dlrs 901 w Douglas, ws

Garrison, Wilbert A., student Garfield, r Daretown, N J

Garrison, Wm F., teamster, r 201 n Exposition, ws

Garst, Fraser & Garst, Newton & T B Garst & W R Fraser, props Wichita Steam Laundry

Garst, Newton (G, Fraser & Garst) r ab 117 & 119 w First

Garst, Thos B. (G, Fraser & Garst) bds Hotel Crey

Gartell, Mrs. Mary E., boarding house, r 337 s Market

Garth, Miss Mary, r 627 n Wabash

Gartland, Joseph, carp, r room 13 ab 830 e Douglas

Garver, J. D., stu S B College, r Topeka, Kan

Garver, Martin L., mngr Wilson & Toms, r 1005 n Market

Garver, Miss Mary, stu Lewis Acad, r 1005 n Market

Garver, Will, stu S B College, r Polo, Ill

Garvey, Thos F., wks Riverside Ry, r cor Park Av & Riverside

Garwood, Wm S., driver Adams Ex Co., r 308 s Market

Garwood, Miss Maggie O., teacher, rms 917 s Topeka

Gary, Frank, house mover, r 337 n Indiana

Gary, Geo, house mover, r 337 n Indiana

Gascoigne, Edward A., contr, r 1159 n Wichita

Gascoigne, Mrs. Francis J., r 612 s Seneca, ws

Gases, W. D., stu S B College, r Nevada, Mo

Gaskill, Alburn, painter, r 2155 s Mosley

Gaskin, Wm F., carp, r 224 Indiana

Gasnell, Chas W., r 115 s Lawrence

Gaston, Ed, 2d cook Manhattan Hotel, bds same

Gaston, J. L., clk St L & S F R, 707 e Oak, r same

Gates, Carlton A., real estate, room 1 Zimmerly, r 933 s Topeka

Gates, Charles H. (Gates & Jackson) r 113 w Douglas

Gates, Clyde, student Lewis Academy

Gates & Jackson, Charles H Gates and Will T Jackson, butchers, 113 w Douglas

Gates, John H., teacher, bds City Hotel

Gates, Matt, carpenter, r 713 n Water

Gates, Sherman, inspector White House, rms 130 n Fourth

Gatewood, Miss Lucy, r 125 Spruce

Gatewood, Miss Nettie, r 125 Spruce

Gatewood, W. H., r 241 Spruce

Gatewood, William H., r 125 Spruce

Gatton, James, stone mason, bds 111 s Water

Gault, Murry M., traveling salesman J-L D G Co., bds Metropole

Gay, George, real estate, ab 222 n Main, r 1217 e Oak

Gaylord, W. S., student S B College, r Hanover, Ind.

Gazen, William H., blacksmith, r 1009 n Mead

Geason, T. O., printer Eagle, rms 310 s Main

Gedney, George, wks Dold Packing Co., r 1412 n Topeka

Geeslin, A. H. student Garfield, r South Haven, Kan

Gehlbach, George W., jeweler, West Wichita

Gehoeng, Miss Fredericka, r 839 s Topeka

Gehoeng, Goddard, pres Cracker Co., r 839 s Topeka

Geiger, Joseph, engineer Dold Packing Co., bds Union Hotel

Geiser, Wm, blacksmith Kansas Buggy Co.

Gem Grocery, W S Livingston prop, 709 e Oak

Gentner, F. M., butcher, rms ab 815 n Main

Gentner, J. H., rms ab 815 n Main

Gentner, Miss Minnie, dau M M Gentner, rms ab 815 n Main

Gentner, M. M., butcher, rms ab 815 n Main

Gentner, W. S., rms ab 815 n Main

Gentry, Mrs. Lear P., r 1601 s Mosley

Gentry, Thos J., farmer, r 1601 s Mosley

Gentry, W. S., student S B College

George, Frank, laborer, r ab 802 e Oak

George, Hiram, r 423 n Washington

George, Hiram S., clerk, r 423 n Washington

George, Miss Tillie, student public schools, r 423 n Washingt’n

George, Nelson H., rlest, rm 2 ab 114 n Main, r 1713 w University, ws

George, Miss Pearl, student pub schools, r 423 n Washington

George, Tony, fruit stand cor Main & First, r 343 n Water

George, Wm, laborer, r ab 800 e Oak

George, Wm, stu S B College, r Marion Center, Kan

George, William R., clk, r 423 n Washington

Gerald, Lester, r 330 n Mead

Gerald, Miss Ollie, dau W L Gerald, r 330 n Mead

Gerald, W. L., inventor, r 330 n Mead

Gerber, Mrs. Ell, stu S B College, r Hutchinson, Kan

Gerber. Wm, stu S B college, r Fremont, Mich.

Gerding, Arthur, errand boy Munson & McN, r 317 Mathewson

Gerding, John G., prospector, r 317 Mathewson

Gerding, Miss Marie, stu public school, r 317 Mathewson

German Catholic Church, cor Second & Ohio

German Church, cor Emporia & Indianapolis

German Florists, F A & A Kuechenmeister props, 1602 Lulu

German Ins Co., Steinbuchel & Bro. agts, ab 113 n Main

German M E Ch, Emporia & First, Rev. C. Herrmann pastor

Germania House, John Kindseder prop, 200 w Douglas

Germania Ins Co. of N Y, N F Neiderlander & Co. agts ab W Nat Bank

Germer, Fred, student S B Colelge, r Bremen, Kan

Gerteis, Miss Emma, dau Joseph Gerteis, r 335 s Topeka

Gerteis, Joseph, (Hartmann & Gerteis) r 335 s Topeka

Gerteis, Louis, clk New York Store, r 335 s Topeka

Gertz, John H. (G & Lucas) r 175 s Phillip, ws

Gertz & Lucas, J H Gertz and J A Lucas, painters 717 w Douglas, ws

Getto Building, sw cor Main and Second

Getto, Miss Josie, stu Lewis Academy, r 255 n Water

Getto-McClung, Boot and Shoe Co., Peter Getto & S A and J E McClung, 137 n Market

Getto, Peter (Getto-McC Boot & Shoe Co) r 255 n Water

Getto, Miss Sophia, stu Lewis Academy, r 255 n Water

Gewalt, R. C., music teacher, rm 59 Zimmerly blk

Gibbens, William W., bkpr Kan Refrigerator Co., r 142 Laura

Gibbons, D. F., ag’t Davis & Rankin, Chicago, bds Occidental

Gibbons, Pat, wks Santa Fe R R, bds 137 Laura

Gibbons, W. F., prop Sweet Home hotel 726 e Douglas

Gibbs, Miss Allie, r ab 126 s Fourth

Gibbs, Charlie, buggymaker, r 114 s Market

Gibbs, Charley, laundry 819 e Douglas, r same

Gibbs, Charles M., wks Bon Ton Bakery, r same

Gibbs, Frank, lab, r 929 s Emporia

Gibbs, J. W., bdgh, r ab 126 s Fourth

Gibbs, Miss Laura, r ab 126 s Fourth

Gibbs, Miss Lulu, r ab 126 s Fourth

Gibbs, Walter, laborer, r 251 n Market

Gibony, Mansfield, r 1042 s Emporia

Gibony, W. B., rlest, r 1042 s Emporia

Gibson, Alfred, house cleaner, r 628 n Wichita

Gibson, Arch C., lather, r 721 Ohio

Gibson, Frank, farmer, r 612 w Pine, ws

Gibson, Garrett M., carpenter, r 727 Allen

Gibson, Mrs. Ida, r 816 n Lawrence

Gibson, Mrs. Jennie, r 426 Sherman

Gibson, Lewis, wks sewer system, bds 328 n Mosley

Gibson, Miss Maggie, dom 322 n Fourth

Gibson, Miss Nellie, drssmaker, r 721 Ohio

Gibson, Miss Onee, stu S B College, r Bronson, Kan

Gibson, Miss Phoebe, tailoress, r 213 n Hydraulic

Gibson, Miss Sallie, domestic, cor Gilman & Riverside

Gibson, Thos, carp, r 721 Ohio

Gibson, Thos J., umbrella repairer, rm 7 507 e Douglas

Gielley, R., r 304 e Third

Gies, H. M., roadman W St Ry Co

Giffen, Isaac (Morton & Griffen) r 313 n Cleveland

Giffen, Miss Mary B., teacher, bds 145 n Ohio

Giffensteine, Charles J., student, r 1043 n Jefferson

Gifford, Miss. Loretta, r 807 e Oak

Gilbert, Miss Emma, stu S B College, r 934 n Topeka

Gilbert, Frederick S., engineer City Mills, r 131 s Mosley

Gilbert, Henry W., plasterer, r 526y n Wichita

Gilbert, Isaac R. (Gilbert Plow Co.) r 1656 Holyoke

Gilbert, Miss Iva R., student, r 1656 Holyoke

Gilbert, Miss Kittie, bds 133 n Wichita

Gilbert, Miss May, teacher, r 217 s Chautauqua

Gilbert Plow Works, cor Cleveland and Twenty-fifth, Isaac R Gilbert, manager

Gilbert, William, laborer, r 131 s Mosley

Gilbert, Willis, laborer, r 432 n Water

Gilberson, Susan, r 2230 w First, ws

Gilder, James, stone cutter, bds 313 s Mosley

Gile, Dallas M., wks Eagle Cornice Works, r 1131 n Pierce

Gile, Jacob M. (Gile & Olston) r 1131 n Pierce

Gile, John A., student, r 1131 n Pierce

Gile & Olston, J M Gile and N A Olston, architects, rooms 13 and 15 ab 125 n Market

Gile, Wm, coachman, 1043 n Jefferson

Gile, Wm H., laborer, r 1131 n Pierce

Giles, Miss Delia, r 124 n Mead

Gilges, S. C., trav salesman, bds European Hotel

Gilham, Miss Stella, stu Lewis Acad, r 433 n Fourth

Gill, Chas, teamster Wichita Suburban St Ry Co

Gill, Chas, wks Moreland Dairy, rms same

Gill, Chas V., teamster, r 719 Pearl

Gill, Miss Eva, student Garfield

Gill, Geo, servant 3405 e Second

Gill, Isaac W., wks co treas, r s hall Garfield

Gill, Mrs. Mary, housekpr, r ab 1018 w Douglas, ws

Gillam, C., driver street car

Gilleis, Morton W., merch tailor, 114 s Lawrence rms City H

Gillespie, Geo W., trav salesman, r 1200 Fannie

Gillespie, Henry Clay, pilor, r Derby flat No 7 w Third

Gillespie, James W., trav salesman, r Av A w of Waco

Gillespie, John, student S B College

Gillespie, John D., collar mkr, r Derby flat No 7 Third

Gillespie, F. K., newspaper man, bds Manhattan

Gillespie, Van S., retired, r Av A w of Waco

Gillfillan, J. C., plasterer, r n Fifth n Thirty-third

Gillham, Clark, st car driver, r 355 n Market

Gillham, Miss Stella, stu Garfield

Gillham, Wm A., com trav W Y Teetzell & Co., r 355 n Market

Gillis, Thomas R., sign writer 114 n Main, r 1417 s Fifth

Gillogly & Casad, James G & Thos M C, props Paper Box Fact, ws, 209 s Oak, ws

Gillogly, Miss Emma J., stu, r 1321 Fairmount

Gillogly, Miss Hattie B., stu, r 1321 Fairmount

Gillogly, James (G & Casad) r 1321 Fairmount

Gillogly, John C., with Gillogly & Casad, r 1321 Fairmount

Gilman, Wm D., traveling salesman, 1158 n Wichita

Gilmore, James, stu S B College

Gilmore, Miss Jennie, dress maker, r 1045 n Fifth

Gilmore, Wm, stu S B College

Girard Ins of Philadelphia, Caldwell & Fellows agts

Gish, Pike K., farmer, r Lawrence s of River

Givans, A. W., carpenter, r 246 n Waco

Givans, Mrs. Rebecca H., tent maker ab 116 w Douglas, r 246 n Waco

Givens, Geo H., shoemaker 1019 w Douglas, ws, r 241 n Mill wood, ws

Giwowsky, S., with Overall Factory, r 713 e Douglas

Glaeser, Mrs. Catherine, r 1156 Tarlton

Glass, Alexander, wks W Model & Pattern Wks, r 1506 Hunter

Glass, William A., st car driver, bds 1063 n Wichita

Glasier, B. F., stu S B College, r 253 n Market

Glasier, John, laborer, r 626 n Waco

Glaze, Miss Annie, 818 s Martinson, ws

Glaze, Ben A., salesman Zephyr Mills, r 1155 n Emporia

Glaze & Churchward, G P Glaze & B T Churchward, props, Zephyr Mills

Glaze, George P. (G & Churchward) r 1155 n Emporia

Glaze, G Percy, Col. Zephyr Mills, r 1155 n Emporia

Glaze, Miss Katie, r 818 s Martinson, ws

Glaze, Miss Miza, r 818 s Martinson, ws

Glaze, Thomas P., laborer, r 818 s Martinson, ws

Glazue, John, laborer, r 626 w Pine

Gleason, wks W S Stone Works

Glecker, Charles E., student S B College, r Coronado, Kan

Gleeson, Stephen, restaurant, rms ab 120 w Douglas

Glendale Inves Co., D M Kirkbride, pres, J Allison, secy, rms 1 and 3 ab 205 n Main

Glenn, Miss Carrie, student, r 1115 Dayton, ws

Glenn, Archibald A., pension agt ab 205 n Main, r 802 n Market

Glenn, Miss Cora L., teacher, r 1115 Dayton, ws

Glenn, Henry A., printer Eagle, r 617 Hewitt, ws

Glenn, John M., carpenter, r 1115 Dayton, ws

Glenn, Joseph W., farmer, Arkansas, bet Thirty & Thirty-first

Glenn, Robt N., postal clerk R I R R, r 236 Mathewson

Glenn, William A., carpenter, r 236 Mathewson

Glenn, William C. (J E Flower & Co) r 750 Dayton, ws

Globe Dry Goods House, M B Cohn, prop 418 e Douglas

Globe Iron Works, cor Second and Fifth, A Flagg, prop

Glosser, T. B. (Swab & Glosser) r 413 e Central

Glover, Thomas, policeman, r 704 n Market

Gluick, Adolph, prop The Enterprise, r 623 s Main

Gluick, Mrs. Rosa, r 623 s Main

Glunt, Miss Millie, dau Phillip Glunt, r 441 av C

Glunt, Phillip, speculator, r 441 av C

Goble, Johnm, rms ab 118 e Third

Goezlewski, Julius, merchant tailor 243 n Main, r 313 n Riv’vw

Godeard, Paul, surveyor, rms 431 s Lawrence

Godfrey, Mrs. Cyntha A., sewing, r cor Millwood & Grand, ws

Godfrey, C. E., agent Northwestern Life Ins Co., bds Manhattan

Godfrey, John W., student, r cor Millwood and Grand, ws

Godley, Miss Ellen, dressmaker, r ab 153 n Emporia

Goggin, Miss Jennie, student S B College, r Anthony, Kan

Goldbach, Joseph, dealer in leather, etc., r 1112 n Carlos

Goldberg, Mrs. Carrie, r 519 s Main

Goldberg, Edward, mngr Vapor Light Co., r 1214 n Market

Goldbronson, Bernard, stu S B College, bds 608 s Emporia

Golden Eagle Clothing House, 228 e Douglas

Golden Rule Grocery, Chas H Lee prop, 117 e Oak

Goldsborough, H., student S B College, r Quincy, Ill

Goldstandt, A. M. (Goldstandt Bros & Co) r 533 s Market

Goldstandt Bros & Co., hatters and gents furnishers, 204 e Doug

Goldstein, S & Co., Samuel & Saul G, props, Fam Cloth House

Goldstein, Saul (S Goldstein & Co) r 208 s Lawrence

Goldstein, Samuel (S Goldstein & Co) r 539 n Emporia

Goldsworthy, Wilson S., clk W & W Ry & off, rms Gandolfo

Gollehur, James R., painter, r 1403 Strong

Good Templars Hall, ab 1008 w Maple, ws

Goodall, Benn, teamster W Sash & Door Co., r 737 s Mead

Goodall, James B., teamster, r 737 s Mead

Goode, Harry F., mngr S W Cooper, r 942 North

Goodin, Alf C., pressman Eagle, r 1857 s Topeka

Goodin, Mrs. Caroline J., r 911 w Central

Goodin, Chas R., wks Bryan Fruit Co., r 911 w Central

Goodin, Edgar A., engineer Eagle off, r 1857 s Topeka

Goodin, Frank C., eng Dold Packing House, r 1927 n Mead

Goodin, William O., druggist 705 e Oak

Goodnight, Mrs. E. S., sec detective agcy. ab 146 n Main, r 305 s Sycamore, ws

Goodnight, Rev. Stephen W., retired, r 305 s Sycamore, ws

Goodnight, Thomas C., detective rooms 2, 4 and 6 ab 146 n Main, r 305 Sycamore, ws

Goodrich, C. Ed, salesman T L Fox & Son, r room 20 Gandolfo

Goodrow, Harvey L.., with Smithson & Co., bds 237 n Market

Goodwin, George W., real estate 406 e Douglas, r 517 n Main

Goodyear Block, 107 and 109 s Emporia

Goodyear & Co., John Goodyear, druggist, 429 e Douglas

Goodyear, C. A., druggist 429 e Douglas, r 425 e Douglas

Goodyear House, John Chamberlin, prop, 107 s Emporia

Goodyear, James, jeweler 429 e Douglas, r 316 w Third

Goodyear, John (Goodyear & Co) r Hotel Goodyear

Gordan, George M., confectioner, r 1013 e First

Gordan, Gussie, clerk, r 1013 e First

Gordan, Lee, clerk, r 1013 e First

Gordan, Miss Lizzie, r 1013 e First

Gorden, Frank C., wks Dold Packing Co.

Gordon, Dean, atty 107 s Main, rms Gandolfo building

Gordon, Emmett, son J S P Gordon, r 523 n Main

Gordon, George, real estate, rms 113 e Williams

Gordon, Geo L., painter & paper hanger, 730 n Hydraulic

Gordon, Harry L., atty, Fechheimer, rms 1551 Park Pl Av

Gordon, Miss Ida, dau J S P Gordon, r 523 n Main

Gordon, James M., contr, r 833 n Lawrence

Gordon, James W., son J S P Gordon, r 523 n Main

Gordon, John E., stone mason, r 545 n Spruce

Gordon, J S P, capitalist, r 523 n Main

Gordon, Perry A, son J S P Gordon, r 523 n Main

Gore, Addison R., lemonade stand, 219 n Main, r 447 n Main

Gore, Miss Mary, 447 n Main

Gorman, Patrick, stone cutter, r 330 n Topeka

Gors, Carl, carp, r 1704 Mentor, ws

Gors, Gustavus, clk, r 1704 Mentor, ws

Gosh Bros, L & C Gosh, soap mnfrs 243 s Rock Island

Gosh, Christian (Gosh Bros) r Hacker & Jackson

Gosh,, Lloyd (Gosh Bros) rms Hacker & Jackson

Gosney, Samuel A., carp, r 1541 Goethe

Gossett, Geo, laborer, r 921 n Wichita

Gossett, Robert L., wks David Ross, r 921 n Wichita

Gossett, Wm P., carp, r 330 s Lulu

Gould, Edward L., clk 406 e Douglas, r 1202 Laura

Gould, Miss Ella, dau William Gould, r 1202 Laura

Gould, E. Q., student S B College

Gould, James, r 1202 Laura

Gould, John, farmer, r cor Harry & Shober

Gould, John R., r 214 n Seneca, ws

Gould, Miss Maggie, r 1202 Laura

Gould, Patrick, r 1202 Laura

Gould, William, farmer, r 1202 Laura

Gove, Mrs. E. H., teacher, rms ab 120 w Douglas

Gowdy, Charles E., trv salesman, r 312 e Elm

Goyett, David, real estate, r 701 s Wichita

Grable, Andy, second cook Valley House

Grable, Mrs. Catherine, r 607 e Kellogg

Grace, James F., shoemaker, 235½ n Main

Grady, Miss Berdie, domestic 205 s Water

Grady, John, grocer, n Main

Grady, John, student Garfield

Graff, Miss Bertha, waiter Hotel Delmonico, r 120 s Topeka

Grafton, Harvey M., r 802 n Lawrence

Graham, B., laborer, r 830 Cherry

Graham, Calvin W., real estate rooms 9 & 11 ab 142 n Main, r 810 n Ohio

Graham, Charles, wks Wood’s Brick Yard, rms same

Graham, Geo, stu S B College, r Andover, Kan

Graham, Miss Jessie, telegraph operator, bds 412 n Market

Graham, Jonas P. (G & Shockey) r 914 s Topeka

Graham, Mrs. Julia, r 131 n Washington

Graham, Julius C., painter, r Ohio near Thirty-sixth

Graham, Miss Kate, stu Lewis Acad, r 1044 n Lawrence

Graham, O. P., med stu (Oldham & G) r 237 n Market

Graham, Miss Lillian, stu Southwestern Business College

Graham, Samuel S., farmer, r cor Thirteenth & Minnie

Graham & Shockey, Jonas P Graham and J R Shockey, meat  market 916 s Topeka

Graham, Miss Syrena, music teacher Lewis Acad, r 304 e 3d

Graham, T. A. (Oldham & Graham) r 237 n Market

Graham, William, farmer, r cor Minnie & Thirteenth

Graham, Wm C., painter, r n Ohio near Thirty-sixth

Graham, Wm E., laborer, r ne cor Lincoln & Av C

Graham, Wilson, farmer, r cor Thirteenth & Minnie

Grainier, Charles T., stone cutter, r 2024 n Mosley

Grainger, Miss Lulu, teacher music, r 431 n Fourth

Grainger, Mrs. M. M., r 431 n Fourth

Grainger, Wm A., r 431 n Fourth

Graley, Miss Mary, r 343 n Short

Graley, Michael V., timer Kearney & Parsons, r 343 Short

Granan, Richard, bds 535 n Market

Grand View House, Geo McDaniel prop, 544 & 546 n Water

Granger, J. H., rlest, r 938 n Washington

Grant, Aubry R., stu Garfield, r Augusta, Kan

Grant, Benjamin, cowboy, bds 535 n Market

Grant, Miss Cora, reporter Mirror, rm 15 ab 150 n Main

Grant, E. G., student S B College, r Augusta, Kan

Grant, Edward W., stu Garfield, r Pratt, Kan

Grant, Girard E., stu Garfield, r Augusta, Kan

Grant, James, moulder, 120 n Wichita, r 119 s Emporia

Grant, Miss Jessie, r 312 n First

Grant, John R., rlest, r 312 n First

Grant, Joseph, rlest, r 312 n First

Grant & Luckel, W S Grant, L C Luckel, rlest, ab 144 n Main

Grant, Mrs. Ora, housekeeping, r 625 n Main

Grant, Miss C. R., canvasser, r 933 n Washington

Grant, William H., laborer, r 111 n Mosley

Grant, William S. (Grant & Luckel) r 1224 n Bitting

Grantham, J. W., harness shop, r 1303 e First

Graves, Abram, agent Sedgwick blk, room 201, r 1807 n Crown

Graves, Benjamin O., capitalist, bds St. Lawrence

Graves, Charles C., student Lewis Acad, r 1807 n Crown

Graves, Frank, cooper Dold Packing Co., bds cor 13th & Emp

Gray, Carl R., com agt Frisco Ry, 122 n Main, r 641 n Waco

Gray, Claude, student Garfield

Gray, David M., driver L C Jackson, r 322 s Mosley

Gray, Miss Etta, student, 1202 n Main

Gray, Miss Fannie, student Garfield

Gray, Miss Florence, student, 1202 n Main

Gray, George, wks Wichita Trip Hammer Brick Works

Gray, George J., travels with Wild West Show

Gray, Hugh M., r 135 n Lawrence

Gray, Miss Julia E., dressmaker Arcade, r 1502 Campbell, ws

Gray, Dr. J. H., physician, office ab 412 e Douglas, r same

Gray, J. Will, title examiner Lombard Mtg Co., rms 230 s Mk’t

Gray, Lewis R., real estate, r 915 w Pine, ws

Gray, Miss Louise, music teacher, rms 214 n Lawrence

Gray, S. R., real estate, r 1202 n Main

Grayson, Thomas O., printer Eagle, bds City Hotel

Greamba, George B., employee Coleman & Co., r 120 s Water

Greaves, Frank V., real estate, r 1149 Laura

Greaves, George F., real estate, r 1149 Laura

Greef, A. H., cashier W & W Ry Co., bds Hotel Metropole

Green, Miss Annie, r 1146 n Emporia

Green, Benjamin, r 516 s Emporia

Green, Benjamin G., policeman, r 530 s Emporia

Green Building 123 and 125 w Douglas

Green, G. Grant, policeman, r 530 s Emporia

Green, Charles H., Midland Ex Messenger, r 1057 n Fifth

Green, David L., real estate county bldg, r 1015 Cooledge

Green, Ed, hack driver, r 6331 n Market

Green, Mrs. Eliza J., housekpr, r 631 n Market

Green, Emery, wks R I dining hall, r same

Green, Mrs. F., r 327 n Emporia

Green, Mrs. Fannie, housekpr, r 412 n Market

Green, Miss Fannie, dress maker, r Richmond, ws

Green, Miss Florence, stu, r 246 Pennsylvania

Green, George, servant 255 n Water

Green, George L., hack driver, r 631 n Market

Green, G. M., r 715 s Fourth

Green, Gideon R., wks Cracker facty, r cor Ida & Division

Green, Horace M., clk 1102 e Doug, r 246 Pennsylvania

Green, Mrs. Jane, dressmaker, r 607 n Market

Green, John J., brick maker, r 1146 n Emporia

Green, John T., wks McComb Bros, bds 302 n Market

Green, Joseph W., wks City Plumbing Co., r 315 s Emporia

Green, Miss Katie, r 1146 n Emporia

Green, Miss Mamie, r 1146 n Emporia

Green, Miss Mary, dau Aaron B G, r Richmond s of McCormick, ws

Green, Orlando H., hack driver, r 6y06 n Market

Green, Robt E., clk St L Prog Fancy Grocery Co., r Smith-Skinner block

Green, Miss Stella May, stu Garfield, r 1015 Cooledge

Green, Victor, laborer, r 631 n Market

Green, William C., brick maker, r 1146 n Emporia

Green, Wm F., city assr’s off under cnty bld, r 1047 n Lawrence

Greenamyer, Guy, A D T boy, r 630 s Campbell, ws

Greenamyer, John R., shoe mkr, 117 s Main, r 630 Campbell, ws

Greene, Harry E., cutter S Bruggeman, r 526 w Third

Greene, Leonidas B., r 221 e Gilbert

Greeiner, Frank, stone mason, r 2024 n Mosley

Greenleaf, J. H., speculator, r 828 n Meridian, ws

Greenwood, Wm I., gardener, r Delaware bet Huron & Geneva

Greer, Aaron, laborer, bds 246 n Washington

Greer, Jack, wks tin shop, bds Burton Hotel

Gregg, Jerry, cook, r 524 n Water

Gregg, Miss Mary, dom, r 524 n Water

Gregg, Oscar L., eng Valley Center Motor Ry, bds 122 w 10th

Greggers, Peter D., bkpr Kan Nat Bank, rms 508 s Main

Gregory, Miss Annie, dom 1320 n Fourth

Gregory, Geo W., lab, r 823 Eagle

Gregory, John T., wks street ry, r 360 n First

Gregory, Miss Julia, stu, r ab 1213 e Douglas

Gregory, Willard, r 360 n First

Gregory, Wm, r ab 1213 e Douglas

Gregory, Wm, cigar mkr, r 332 n Mosley

Griffenstein, Chas, student S B College

Griffenstein, Miss Osie M., student, r 1043 n Jefferson

Griffenstein, William, capitalist, r 1043 n Jefferson

Greimer, Charles T., stone cutter, r 2024 n Mosley

Greiner, Mrs. Elizabeth J., r 1047 n Wichita

Grenslade, Wm, street car driver, bds Fairview Hotel

Gresham, Osie, student S B College. r Burton, Kan

Gribi, Miss Anna, dau S G Gribi, r 435 s Water

Gribi, Miss Emma, dau S G Gribi, r 435 s Water

Gribi, John F., student Lewis Academy, r 435 s Water

Gribi, Miss Lena, student Lewis Acad, r 435 s Water

Gribi, Samuel (Gribi & Stillhamer) r 435 s Water

Gribi & Stillhamer, S G Gribi and C Stillhamer, carpenters contractors, 201 n Water

Gries, Herman, carpenter, r 865 s Hydraulic

Gries, Mrs. Mene, r 865 s Hydraulic

Grieves, Harry, wks W Steam Stone Workds

Griff, James (Griff & Schenebricker) r 1130 n Main

Griff & Schenebricker, James Griff and Henry Schenebricker blacksmiths, 455 n Main

Griffin, Miss Bertha, student, r 205 s Exposition, ws

Griffin, Charles H., real estate, r 825 Litchfield

Griffin, Mrs. Ellen, r 205 s Exposition, ws

Griffin, Miss Flora T., student Lewis Academy, r Litchfield

Griffin, James P., carpenter, r block 35 n Wabash

Griffin, John, switchman Santa Fe yards, bds Rock Island Hotel

Griffin, John H., carpenter, r Wabash av near Thirty-fifth

Griffin, J. M., clk Lynch’s Shoe Store, bds 120 s Topeka

Griffin, Prof. John S., mod languages Garfield, bds n Hall, ws

Griffin, John S., retired, r n Wabash near Thirty-fifth

Griffin, Mrs. Maggie A., dressmaker 935 n Water

Griffin, Michael T., salesman 206 e Doug, bds Delmonico Hotel

Griffin, Miss M. T., milliner, bds Oklahoma House

Griffin, Mrs. S. J., student Garfield

Griffith, Elmer, r West s of Wheeler

Griffith, I. D., driver street car

Griffith, James,  driver Santa Fe Bakery, r 1015 w Texas, ws

Griffith, Joseph, street car driver, r 933 n Mead

Griffith, Leander, farmer, r West s of Wheeler, ws

Griffith, Miss Namcy, dau Leander, r West s of Wheeler, ws

Griffith, Thomas H. (C & Griffith) r 113 n Carlos

Grigsby, Frank, laborer, bds 627 n Wabash

Grim, Walter, hod carrier, r 830 Cherry

Grimes, Abraham L., barber, 117 n Market, r 320 s Topeka

Grimes, Charles A., tin roofer, bds 302 n Market

Grimes, Geo M., wks Busch & Grover, r 620 s Topeka

Grindle, George W., driver C E Rogers, r 832 n Market

Grindle, John, broommaker, r 838 n Market

Grindle, William R., laborer, r 838 n Market

Grindstone, John, farmer, bds 535 n Market

Grinslade, William, driver street car

Grisier, D. M., student s B College

Grisier, Wm C., clk 256 n Main, r 312 Pennsylvania

Grisier, Lemuel E., rms 319 n Emporia

Grisier, Louis J., prop Bee Hive store, r 312 n Pennsylvania

Groppel Henry, clk City Hotel, rms same

Grosh, Henry, shoemaker, r 218 s Topeka

Grosh, Mrs. Henry, bdgh keeper 218 s Topeka

Grosh, Miss Inez, dau H Grosh, r 218 s Topeka

Grosh, Miss Ola, stu, dau H Grosh, r 218 s Topeka

Gross, Miss Ellen, student, r 402 n Walnut, ws

Gross, Amon E., wks Beacon Office, r 402 n Walnut, ws

Gross, I. & Co., props, the Golden Eagle Clothing House 228 e Douglas

Gross, Isidore (I Gross & Co., r 312 s Lawrence

Gross, Albert, clk I Gross & Co., r 312 s Lawrence

Gross, Miss Laura, student, r 402 n Walnut, ws

Gross, Mrs. W. F., Christian Science healer, r 125 e Second

Gross, Willis F., Christian Science healer, r 125 e Second

Grouel, Miss Lizzie, dom S Dunkin 421 s Water

Grounds, J. L., contractor sewer work, r ab 119 s Washington

Grove, Edwin S., student, rms Stancer s Levy

Grove, Mrs. J. Louise, vestmaker, r 307 w Third

Grove, Will M. (Beacon Job Printing Co) r 307 w Third

Grover, Louis (Busch & Grover) r 320 n Market

Grover, Wm, stu S B College, r Shreveport, La

Groves, Miss Ella, r 421 s Emporia

Groves, Miss Ella, r 1027 s Ellis

Groves, Miss Emma, domestic 1057 n Emporia

Groves, E. S., stu S B College, r Melvern, Kan

Groves, Eli S., broom maker, r 707 s Hydraulic

Groves, Miss Fannie, student High School, r 421 s Emporia

Groves, Frank, plasterer, r 1313 s Fifth

Groves, John, wks Dold Packing Co., bds Union Hotel

Groves, Joseph A., broom maker, r 1027 s Ellis

Groves, Samuel, broom maker, r 421 s Emporia

Grubbs, Miss Kizzie, domestic, rms 908 n Water

Gruber, John, carpenter, r 1214 n Main

Gruber, W. J., foreman carp, Whittaker Packing Co., bds 2501 n Lawrence

Guenther, Frank, stone cutter, bds Forest City Hotel

Guest, Bertie, farmer, r 1342 s Emporia

Guest, Norman, laborer, r 1342 s Emporia

Guest, R., stu S B College, r Valley Center, Kan

Guest, Wm W., wks M A McKenzie, r 1342 s Emporia

Guinnup, James, r nw cor Hydraulic and Harry

Gulich, Miss Grace M., bkpr W S Stone Wks, bds 1029 n Water

Gullege, Lee, fireman Mo Pac Ry, bds 317 n Wichita

Gullette, Mrs. M. J., r 826 n Ohio

Gullette, R. D., r 826 n Ohio

Gunn, Charles, printer Journal, bds 120 w William

Gunn, Miss Lotta, wks W Tel Ex, r 209 s Emporia

Gunsenhouser, F. M., bricklayer, r 123 Mathewson

Gunter, James W. H., farmer, bds 535 n Market

Gurney, Geo, stu S B College, r Bernard, Kan

Gurney, Marion, stu S B College, r Bernard, Kan

Gurnsey, Mrs. Emma J., wks shirt fctory, r 151 Ida

Gusky, Johnm, wks Stewart, Coney & Co., r 713 e Douglas

Guthrie, Miss Ada, student, r 404 n Waco

Guthrie, Miss Blanche, stu Lewis Acad, r 430 n Waco

Guthrie Block 240 n Main

Guthrie, Fred L., student, r 404 n Waco

Guthrie, George O., carpenter, bds 1246 n Emporia

Guthrie, Miss Maggie, student, r 404 n Waco

Guthrie, Robert E., Sr., retired, r 404 n Waco

Guthrie, Robert E., Jr., capitalist, r 403 n Waco

Guthrie, Miss Sadie F., r 404 n Waco

Guy, Harrison, grocer, r 127 Pattie

Guy, Harry, barn man W O & C Co., r same

Guy, Mrs. Mary, r 1056 n Fifth

Guyer, Chas F., prop Baldwin restaurant, r 301 n Wichita

Guyer, Geo F., waiter 112 w Douglas, rms same

Guyer, Miss Jennie, r 301 n Wichita, ws

Guyer, John, carpenter, r 1147 n Ohio

Gwyn, Jesse, car repairer Frisco, r 813 Cherry

Gypsum, F.C., stu S B College, r Fort Bascom, N Mex.


Haas, William, baker city Bakery, r 900 s Water

Haas, Wm A., sign painter, r 606 n Washington

Halbrooks, J. M., student Garfield, r Mound Ridge, Kan

Hacker, Miss Ella, r 1055 n Lawrence

Hacker & Jackson Block, 601-611 e Douglas

Hacker & Jackson, coal office 133 n Main, Major & Casey, agts

Hacker, W. G., pres W Overall & S Mfg. Co., r 1055 n Lawrence

Hackett, Mrs. Abigail, r 809 s Water

Hackett, Miss C. P., clk W U T Co., r 809 s Water

Hackett, Geo H., mngr W U T Co., r 809 s Water

Hackett, Mrs Hattie, W U T Co., r 809 s Water

Hackett, Miss Nellie, bkpr W U T Co., r 809 s Water

Hackman, Albert, cigar maker, r 931 s Main

Hackman, Charles E., cigar manufacturer, ab 120 n Market, r 931 s Main

Hackman, Emil, cigar maker, r 931 s Main

Hackman, Herman, cigar maker, ab 120 n Market, r 931 s Main

Hackman, Otto, cigar maker, r 931 s Main

Hackman, Wm, cigar maker, r 931 s Main

Hackney, I. M., (Forest City Coal Co) rms 412 w Central

Hackney, John J., real estate, Sedgwick bldg, r 1034 n Market

Haddock, John, wks cor Delaware and Roxbury, rms same

Hadley, Henry C., claim agent Ft. S, W & W Ry, r 1142 n Jefferson

Hadlock, Sewall E., cutter shoe fac, r 3229 e Twelfth

Hagar, George T., paper hanger, r 413 Riverview

Hagerman, John, prop Oak St. Hotel 627 e Oak

Hagerty, Frank, laborer, r 423 s Washington

Hagerty, Horace B., laborer, r 837 s Mead

Hagerty, Wm A., teamster, r 1140 s Hydraulic

Haggerty, Joseph S., ranchman, bds City Hotel

Hagin, Norman B., merchant, r 1709 Humboldt

Hagney, H. J., chief clk A T & S F Fght & Pas off, bds Hotel Metropole

Hahn, Charles, Stu S B Colelge, r Livingston, Ky.

Hahn, Henry, wks Dold Pkg Co

Hahn, James, carp, r 730 s Main

Hahn, Jerome, wks Dold Pkg Co

Haines, Miss Cora, r 1810 n Lawrence

Haines, Edward, r 1810 n Lawrence

Haines, Harry W., r 1810 n Lawrence

Haines, James Henry, waiter Hotel Metropole

Haines, J., wks Wood’s Brick Yard, rms same

Haines, Wm W., contractor, r 1810 n Lawrence

Haish, Albert E., painter 323 e William, r 116 s Green

Halbrook, James N., stu Garfield, bds 1826 w Maple, ws

Halbrook, John W., teamster, r Cowper n Frisco

Halbrook, Miss Nora, student, r Cowper n Frisco

Haleyon Block, 338 and 340 n Main

Hale, Miss Elizabeth, r 1113 n Topeka

Hale, Miss Ida M., wks Box Factory 311 s Sycamore, ws

Hale, Mrs. S. M., r 1113 n Topeka

Haley, Frank, stenog Adams, Jones & A, rms 222 n Main

Haley, Frank, student S B College, r Quincy, Ill

Hall, Albert M., switchman S Fe yds, bds Valley House

Hall, Miss Amelia A., r 110 n Mosley

Hall, Mrs. Annie, r 333 s Fourth

Hall, Miss Anna F., domestic 537 s Main

Hall, Barton W., farmer, r 303 s Oak, ws

Hall, Chas, steam fitter Whittaker Packing Co., bds Union H

Hall, Chas E., wks W S Stone Wks, r 1135 n Lewellen

Hall, E. Lee, mngr R G Dunn & Co., r sw cor 15th and Waco

Hall, Miss Elsie, student S B College

Hall, Mrs. Elsie J., r 428 n Market

Hall, Geo, wks Wis. Elec Con Co., bds 308 n Topeka

Hall, Henry W., bds Women’s Exchange

Hall, James E., foreman Palace Stables, bds 157 n Topeka

Hall, Jefferson D., foreman Eagle composing room, rms ab 230 n Main

Hall, Miss Jennie L., r 1135 n Lewellen

Hall, John, carpenter, r 1211 n Fourth

Hall, John J., wks Shoe Factory, bds 1521 Goethe

Hall, Mortin M., driver Wichita Steam Ldry, r 514 w Central

Hall, Miss Mary E., dau R Allen Hall, r 1545 Goethe

Hall, M. H., railroad clerk, bds Union Hotel

Hall, Milton, blacksmith, r 829 Eagle

Hall, Parker Lee, bkpr W Bottling Wks, r cor 15th & Waco

Hall, Miss Pearl, student, r 1135 n Lewellen

Hall, R. Allen, jeweler, cor Main and Doug, r cor 15th & Goethe

Hall, Richard R., physician, ab 222 n Main, r 1142 n Waco

Hall, Miss Samantha W., r 126 s Lulu

Hall, Samuel L., upholsterer Arey Furn Co., rms 236 n Fourth

Hall, Thomas S., laborer, r 110 n Mosley

Hall, Thomas, carpenter, r 110 n Mosley

Hall, Thomas H., student, r ab 126 n Main

Hall, W. Fred, student, r 303 s Oak, ws

Hall, Wm, phys & surgeon ab 126 n Main, r same

Hall, Wm N., asst clk dist court off, r 602 s Water

Hall, Wm P., drayman, r 126 s Lulu

Halladay, Mrs. Janette, r 1027 s Hydraulic

Haller, Geo, blacksmith, wks McClelland, ws, r 153 s Wash’n

Hallifax, Chas, grocer, r 508 s Topeka

Hallifax, Miss Edith, saleslady N Y Store, r 508 s Topeka

Hallifax, Edward, harn mkr 115 n Fourth, r 508 s Topeka

Hallifax, John, butcher 504 e Douglas, r 508 s Topeka

Hallock, E. L., trav man, bds St. Lawrence

Hallowell & Hume, J R Hallowell, J E Hume, attys, rms 503, 505 and 507 Sedgwick

Hallowell, James R. (H & Hume) r 1557 n Fairview

Hallowell, Montgomery, stu L Acad, r 1557 n Fairview

Hallowellm, S. D., deputy sheriff, r 403 s Volutsia

Halsey, Miss Amelia L., teacher W C T U kindergarten, r same

Hamblin, Miss Lillian, teacher vocal music Zimmerly bldg

Hamblin, Wm E., mailing clk p o, rms 251 n Topeka

Hambrick, Sanford, farmer, r 1754 Strong

Hambrick, Lewis E., mngr W T & M Co., r 425 s Water

Hamilton, Miss Annie, r 534 s Market

Hamilton, Alex, abs N F Neiderlander & Co., rms 340 n Topeka

Hamilton, Charles R., stu Lewis Acad, r 1043 s Emporia

Hamilton, Ed, prop Sedgwick barber shop, r ab 115 n Topeka

Hamilton, Earnest E., oculist and aurist ab 127 n Market

Hamilton, Everett, stu Garfield, r Derby, Kan

Hamilton, Frank, hack driver W O & O Co., r 411 e Douglas

Hamilton, Fred A., stu Lewis Acad, r 1043 s Emporia

Hamilton, Harry F., student, r 1068 n Market

Hamilton, Peter, carpenter, r 1706 n Topeka

Hamilton, R. A., supt Whittaker Packing House, bds Carey

Hamilton, Rev. Samuel L., r 1043 s Emporia

Hamlin, Geo C., carpenter, r 1130 Dayton, ws

Hamlin, Walter N, clk Nelson’s Barg Store, r 203 n Emporia

Hamlin, William, postal clerk, rms 251 n Topeka

Hamm, Milton I., wks Stewart, Coney & Co., r 829 Eagle

Hammack, Charles L., real estate, r 1703 s Lulu

Hammann, Geo E., bkpr and asst mngr Eagle, bds Hotel Metropole

Hammers, F. K., stu Garfield, r Clearwater, Kan

Hammers, J. M., stu Garfield, r Clearwater, Kan

Hammers, J. L., stu S B College, r Anthony, Kan

Hammers, Wm, student S B College, r Greenwich, Kan

Hammock, Chas, with W W Chales & Co., r Mosley s Harry

Hammon, Miss Ida L., r 726 n Wichita

Hammond, Harry G., asst mngr Vap Light Co., bds 1214 n Market

Hammond, Miss Myrtle H., stu Lewis Acad

Hammond, W. O., justice of peace ab 211 n Main, r 910 n Ohio

Hampton, Geo W., r cor n Fourth & e Athens, ws

Hampton, Miss Ruth A., r 302 n Topeka

Hamrick, Wm G., carpenter, bds 205 s Laura

Hamson, Mrs. Sarah E., nurse, r 116 s Water

Hamson, Wm O., r 116 s Water

Hanchett, Geo B., roof painter, r 125 n Grove

Hancock, Wm, wks Mulinix auc house, r 217 n Fifth

Handley, Clyde C., clk, r 510 s Seneca, ws

Handley, Fred H., bkpr ws Nat Bank, r 510 s Seneca, ws

Handley, Francis M., groc 115 s Seneca, r 510 s Seneca, ws

Handley, James, laborer, r 314 n Walnut, ws

Handley, John, eng W Gas, E L & P Co., bds Riverside Hotel

Handley, John M., rlest, r 320 n Walnut, ws

Handley, Mrs. Mary, r 314 n Walnut, ws

Handrock, Frank, wks cigar factory, r 1111 n Jackson

Hanes, Alexander J., plasterer, r 1642 s Mead

Hanes, Miss Lida, r 1642 s Mead

Haniford, Chessley W., grocer, r 1121 e Douglas

Hanika, Christian, foreman Stewart, C & Co., r 221 n Wabash

Hanika, Miss Laura, r 221 n Wabash

Hanley, James, carpenter, bds European Hotel

Hanley, James, section hand Mo Pac, r 314 n Walnut, ws

Hanley, Morton, r 240 n Mosley

Hanley, Wm, laborer, r n Mead near Douglas

Hann, B. B., stenographer Mo Pac office, r Third and Waco

Hanna, Samuel M., stu S B College, r Eldorado, Kan

Hannah, Geo A., barber 615 e Karl, bds Burton House

Hannibal, Bernard H., r 716 n Emporia

Hannibal, George (Mercer & Hannibal) livery, r 716 n Emporia

Hannibal, Miss Mamie C., r 716 n Emporia

Hanning, James T., prop Kansas Steam Ldry, r 522 w Central

Hannington, George, engineer, r cor Brown and Harris

Hannon, Jerry T., wks M A McKenzie, bds 226 n Water

Hanover, Miss Julia, cash Boston Store, r 321 n Market

Hanshaw, W., laborer, rms cor McPherson and Lawrence

Hansing, Richard, farmer, r cor Lawrence and Twenty-eighth

Hansing, Bert, lab, r flat 3, 239 s Market

Hanson, G. B., laborer, r 426 s Emporia

Hanson, G. F., lithographer, rms & bds Occidental

Hanson, Martin, wks Dold Packing House, bds Kentucky H

Hanthorn, Miss May, laundress, r 348 n Water

Harbert, Manuel, lab, r Cleveland near Plow Wks

Harbin, Edward V., laborer, r 11258 Av E

Harburg, Samuel A., asso ed Journal, r 1640 s Emporia

Harden, Alden W., prop H Photo Gallery, r 1061 n Emporia

Harden, Benjamin, wks brick yard, bds cor 19tyh & Hydraulic

Harden, Mrs. Florence J., Ma S Med & Surg San, r ab 254 n Main

Harden’s Photo Gall, A W Harden, prop, ab 204 e Douglas

Hardesty Bros, L B H & C M H, restaurant 109 w Douglas

Hardesty, Chas M (H Bros) r 109 w Douglas

Hardesty, Leonard B (H Bros) r 109 w Douglas

Hardesty, John W., huckster, r 330 s Water

Harding, Henry J., civil eng, r 615 n Lawrence

Harding, Russell, Mo P Ry, r 1136 n Market

Hardy, Miss Annie E., domestic 1947 n Main

Hardy, Howard, wks Dold Packing Co

Hardy, John H., wks Dold Packing Co., r n Mosley near 32nd

Harkey, John S., carpenter, r 301 s Dodge, ws

Harkness, Amon, painter, r 1439 s Lawrence

Harley, Thomas, wks Dold Packing Co.

Harman, Daniel A., carpenter, r Market bet 25th and 26th

Harman, Henry, cook Exchange Hotel, r 113 w Waterman

Harmening, C. F., merchant tailor 111 e First, r 438 w 14th

Harmer, Charles B., carpenter, r 608 n Wabash

Harmer, Jonathan B., carpenter, r 1218 n Main

Harmon, Geo W., teamster Star Oil Co., r 321 Pattie

Harmon, Jacob N., policeman, r 443 w Ninth

Harmon, Joseph A., clerk, r 443 w Ninth

Harmon, Rev. N. E., agent Mass Mut Life Ins Co., r 614 n Topeka

Harney, Albert, stu Business College, bds 608 s Emporia

Harp, Thomas C., hostler 338 n Lawrence, bds 348 n Lawrence

Harper, Fred H., teacher, r 1225 n Waco

Harper, Rev. Joel (Shapter & Co) r Twentieth and Holyoke

Harper, Joel, Jr., r cor Twentieth and Holyoke

Harper, John C., laborer, r 915 n Wichita

Harper, Lewis, porter 111 n Main, r 256 n Mead

Harper, Robert A., carp, r 3745 n Emporia

Harper, Seton, plasterer, r 1555 s Market

Harper, S. P., laborer Whittaker Packing Co.

Harper, Mrs. Susan, r 1225 n Waco

Harper, Thadeus S., lab, bds n Fourth near Thirty-seventh

Harrah, Chester H., student, r 3300 e Frisco

Harrah, Wm H., carp, r 3300 e Frisco

Harris, Amos (H, H & Vermillion) r 605 s Main

Harris, A. Z., student S B College, r Rome, Kan

Harris, Cecil H., packer W W Grocer Co., r 333 n Riverview

Harris, Chas H., wks Dold Packing co., bds 1430 n Fourth

Harris, Miss Coral U., stu Lewis Acad, r 803 n Emporia

Harris, Earnest E., speculator, r 333 Riverview

Harris, Edward C., carpenter, r 524 n Mosley

Harris, Miss Ellen, stu Lewis Acad, r 520 e Third

Harris, Mrs. E. T., r 1042 n Topeka

Harris, J. Frank (N F Neiderlander & Co) r 520 e Third

Harris, Geo E., pres W Wire & W Cloth Co, r 333 n Riverview

Harris, Harris & Vermillion, Amos H, Kos H, Reason R V, attys, ab 109 and 111 s Main

Harris, John L., barber, bds Hotel Metropole

Harris, Joseph, stu High school, r 520 e Third

Harris, Joseph F., insurance, r 520 e Third

Harris, Kos (Harris, H & Vermillion) r 803 n Emporia

Harris, Mrs. L., pastry cook Occidental

Harris, Miss Mamie, stu S B College

Harris, Miss Nellie, stu S B College

Harris, Miss Nettie, stu Lewis Acad, r 601 e Douglas

Harris, Samuel L., carpenter, r 524 n Mosley

Harris, Miss Susie, trimmer 153 n Main, bds 1009 n Main

Harris, Thomas J., rlest and lns 114 s Market, r ab 601 e Doug

Harris, Mrs. Thomas J., landlady, r ab 601 e Douglas

Harris, Thomas P., r 422 Stephen

Harris, Thomas T., stu Garfield, r ab 601 e Douglas

Harris, Vermillion, stu Lewis Acad, r 803 n Emporia

Harris, William, stu High school, r 520 e Third

Harris, William E., carpenter, r 524 n Mosley

Harrison, Albert, janitor 629 n Main, r 623 n Main

Harrison, Albert M., wks 120 s Lawrence, rms same

Harrison, David L., painter and paper hang, r 421 e Central

Harrison, John, stair bldr 229 w Doug, r 340 n Seneca, ws

Harrison, Tom, laundryman Occidental Hotel

Harrod, Miss Minnie, dau M S Harrod, r 841 e Oak

Harrod, M. S., laborer, r 841 e Oak

Harrod, Miss Oda, dau M S Harrod, r 841 e Oak

Harrod, Otto O., laborer, r 841 e Oak

Harroun, Alvin, r 320 n Topeka

Harroun, George H., r 320 n Topeka

Harroun, W. H., r 320 n Topeka

Harrup, William, wks A T & S F Ry, bds 237 s Fourth

Harsha, Howard H., com traveler, r 1109 University, ws

Harson, Levi F., abs J J Parks, r 312 Ohio

Hart, Fred, wks Frisco Ry office, r 409 n Main

Hart, George W., carp, r 1031 s Wichita

Hart, T. F., r 432 n Washington

Hart, Wm A., bkpr W Plg Mill, r 1154 Av C

Hart, William B., sales, C F Harmening, r 438 w Fourteenth

Harte, Ed W., Frisco line repairer, bds 1003 n Fifth

Harter, David, cooper, con Tank Line Co., r 623 n Emporia

Harter, Fred, bds 417 n Main

Hartford Investment Co., E G Robertson pres, F H Robertson sec, Coleman Rogers treas, rooms 400, 402 and 404 Sedgwick

Hartle, Earl H., stu Lewis Academy, r 1403 n Lawrence

Hartle, Noah, con brick work, r 1403 n Lawrence

Hartley, Miss Florence, dist court sten, r 1211 n Lawrence

Hartley, Miss Gergie B., sten Harris’ office 1211 n Lawrence

Hartley & Mendenhall, T C H and I P M, props N Main st Livery Stable

Hartley, O. C., laborer, r 219 n Mead

Hartley, Richard, student Garfield, r 1211 n Lawrence

Hartley, Thomas C. (Hartley & Mendenhall) r 439 av C

Hartman, Anton, wks M A McKenzie, r 816 s Water

Hartman, Charles, jeweler Mosbacher’s store, r 230 s Market

Hartman, Miss Clara, r 217 s Osage, ws

Hartman, Rev. F. J., pastor St. Josephs, rms Sheridan s of Doug

Hartman & Gerties, V H and J G, West Side Soda Water Wks 706 w Douglas, ws

Hartman, George E., wks M A McKenzie, r 416 e First

Hartman, John, wks Stewart, Coney & Co., bds 313 n Wabash

Hartman, John, machinist, bds Sweet Home Hotel

Hartman, Miss Lena, student S B College

Hartman, Wm E., merchant, r 217 s Osage, ws

Hartman, Miss Lena, wks Cracker Factory, r 217 s Osage, ws

Hartman, Vincent (H & Gerties), r 217 s Osage, ws

Hartnell, Mrs. Saloma, r ab 153 n Emporia

Hartough, Benj, rms 121 n Lawrence

Hartsell, Aaron, messenger W T & M Service, r 843 Ohio

Hartsell, Howard, W U T messenger, r 843 Ohio

Hartsell, Mrs. Louisa, seamstress, r 843 n Ohio

Hartsell, Miss Luna, r 843 Ohio

Hartwig Building, 522, 524, 526 and 528 e Douglas

Hartzell, Elijah C., prop Doug Ave Planing Mill, r 1643 s 4th

Hartzell, Geo, eng Doug Av Planing Mill, r 1643 s Fourth

Hartzell, H. Frank, sec W Cracker co., r 513 s Main

Harver, H. G., student S B College, r Newton, Kan

Harvey, Mrs. Addie K., r 933 n Waco

Harvey, Mrs. Catherine, r 806 n Market

Harvey, Miss Clemmie F., student, r 933 n Waco

Harvey, Miss Cora D., bkpr 201 n Main, rms 156 n Topeka

Harvey, C. W., student S B College, r Dighton, Kan

Harvey, Edward E., student Garfield, r Dighton, Kan

Harvey, Eli H., brickmaker, 108 e 2d, r 933 n Waco

Harvey, Miss Lillian E., stu Lewis Acad, r 933 n Waco

Harvey, Mrs. Lucinda, r 1150 University, ws

Harvey, Oscar D., clk Munson & McN, bds Hotel Richland

Harvey, Robert L., r 1150 University, ws

Harvey, Wm, fruit peddler, r 321 s Volutsia

Harwell, John S., coachman F G Smyth, Jr.

Harwood, Miss Johanna, stu S B college, r Lawrence, Kan

Harwood, Miss Mary, stu S B College, r Mulvane, Kan

Haselden, Richard, butcher,  838 s Water

Haskell, Isaac, hostler D M Kirkbride

Haskin, Chas E., rms Valley House

Haskins, C., stableman W St Ry Co.

Haskins, S. M., driver street car

Hasks, Chas E., plasterer, bds Valley House

Haslett, Anthony F., teamster, r 837 n Wabash

Haslett, Mrs. Amanda, r 837 n Wabash

Hasselwander, John, wks W Bottling Wks, r 831 e Oak

Hassig, Edward, hotel keeper, r 512 s Water

Hassig, Edward LeRoy, student, r 512 s Water

Hassig, Miss Lillie May, student, r 512 s Water

Haste, Richard A., atty rms 35 & 36 Zimmerly, r 424 w Elm

Hatcher, Ben, barber 111 n Main, rms ab 155 n Main

Hatcher & Carter, Wm H & Geo Carter, barbers, 111 n Main

Hatcher, Wm (Hatcher & Carter) rms ab 155 n Main

Hatfield, Alford, r 1623 s Mead

Hatfield, Christopher C., art business, r 606 s Lawrence

Hatfield, Grant A., sec Sedg Loan & Inv Co., r 1306 Jackson

Hatfield, Harry, carpenter, r 1623 s Mead

Hatfield, Henry C., feed and coal 507 e Doug, r 254 n Topeka

Hatfield, Oliver, teamster, r 206 s Exposition, ws

Hatfield, Rensselaer R., insp. Sedg Loan & I Co., r 1623 s Mead

Hatfield, Rodolph, pres Sedg L & Inv Co., r 430 s Seneca, ws

Hatfield, William, butcher 921 e Second, r 228 n Mosley

Hatfield, William H., butcher, r 607 Plum

Hatfield Feed store 507 e Douglas, H C Hatfield, prop

Hathaway, Mrs. O. A., bds 325 w Second

Hathorn, Miss Mattie, cook 1924 Arkansas

Hatton, Charles (Hatton & Ruggles) r 321 n Waco

Hatton & Ruggles, Chas Hatton and H G Ruggles, attorneys, Fletcher block

Hauber, Joseph, tailor Swab & Glosser, rms 223 n Market

Hauck, Fred, farmer, bds 1156 Tarleton

Haucke, F. L. & Co., house and sign painter, 217 s Oak, ws

Haucke, Frank D. (Haucke & Co) r 219 s Oak, ws

Haucke, Walter, painter 217 s Oak, ws, r 219 s Oak, ws

Haunstein, Miss Fannie, dom 1025 n Market

Hauselbarnger, John, laborer, r 831 e Oak

Hauser, Ed, laborer, bds City Hotel

Hauson, Miss Lizzie, silver washer, Occidental

Hauswirth, Miss Carrie, domestic 233 n Topeka

Hauxhurst, Jacob, carpenter, r 3515 n Topeka

Havener, William M., carpenter, r 1206 s Market

Havens, B. F., retired, r 344 n Fourth

Haviland, Miss Bell, bds 133 n Wichita

Hawel, Mrs. Lucy, residence 703 Hinton

Hawk, E. W., carpenter, r 1255 Fannie

Hawk, H. A., stu S B College, r Effingham, Kan

Hawk, John, M residence 1255 Fannie

Hawkins, Earl C., carp, r cor Twenty-eighth and Fifth

Hawkins, Hardin C., rlest, bds 1604 Fairmount

Hawkins, John J., carp, r cor Twenty-eighth and Fifth

Hawkins, Miss Josie, r cor Twenty-eighth and Fifth

Hawley, Miss Belle, rms 438 s Hiram, ws

Hawley, Samuel T., prop Metropole cigar stand, r 322 s Main

Hawley, Mrs. E. S., r 322 s Main

Hawn, J. W. & Co., J W Hawn prop, W Elevator

Hawn, J. W. (J W Hawn & Co) r 305 s Volutsia

Hawn, Lon C. (H J W & Co) r 305 s Volutsia

Hawn, L. C., stu S B College, r Stafford, Kan

Haws, Allen, laborer, r 364 n First

Hay, Ernest, carp Kansas Sash & Door Co., r s Mosley

Hay, James M., painter, r 1324 n Wichita

Hay, Miss Nettie E., r 1324 n Wichita

Haycraft, Felix G., carpenter, r 434 s Ida

Haycraft, Isaac V., retired, r 434 s Ida

Haycroft, Verni I., student, r 434 Ida

Hayden, Wm P., barber 316 n Main, r 414 n Main

Hayes, Clarence R., painter, rms 302 n Market

Hayes, Frank R., blksth rear Kan Laun, r rm 47 Fletcher

Hayes, Miss Gertie, student, r 204 s Water

Hayes, H. Earnest, Ry employee, r 928 n Washington

Hayes, P. C., postal clerk, rms 538 n Topeka

Hayfer, Lee, trader, bds 703 s Fourth

Hayford, John A., dlr queensware, 723 & 725 e Oak, r 723 e Oak

Haymaker, J. N., atty, r 347 n Wabash

Haynes, Casper, cas Munson & McN, rms 123 n Main

Haynes, Henry L., atty, r 1346 s Ida

Haynes, Seldon, stu Lewis Acad, r 1346 s Ida

Haynes, Mrs. Mary B., dressmkr 607 n Water

Haynes, Victor A., deputy sheriff, r 1118 e Douglas

Hays, Mrs. Abbie, student Garfield

Hays, Albert J., wks Eagle Cornice Wks, r 427 s Main

Hays, Miss Alice, dau Dr. J S Hays, r 1843 s Hydraulic

Hays, Miss Amanda, wks 119 Pennsylvania

Hays, Mrs. Amanda, r 727 n Fourth

Hays, Miss Amy A., dau W W Hays, r 535 n Market

Hays, Miss Annie, dau W W Hays, r 535 n Market

Hays, Benj F., farmer, r 1405 McCormick, ws

Hays, Miss Birdie, stu, r 720 w Central

Hays Building, 127 w Douglas

Hays, David, com mcht, cor English & Market, r 704 s Water

Hays, Eugene, farmer, r 1405 McCormick, ws

Hays, George W., bkpr J H Jackson, r 727 n Fourth

Hays, Miss Gertie, student Garfield

Hays, Harry D., printer Eagle, bds Richland Hotel

Hays, Miss Hattie, dau Dr. J L Hays, r 1843 s Hydraulic

Hays, Miss Jennie, dau Dr. J L Hays, r 1343 s Hydraulic

Hays, Dr. J. L., physician, r 1843 s Hydraulic

Hays, Lee, dealer in leather and findings 127 w Douglas, r 204 s Water

Hays, Miss Millie, student Garfield

Hays, Park C., clk post-office, rms se cor Elm and Topeka

Hays, Miss Pearl, dau B F Hays

Hays, Richard, student Lewis Academy, r 511 n Market

Hays, Roy E., student, r 704 s Water

Hays, Walter W., r 704 s Water

Hays, William, stu Lewis Acad, r 535 n Market

Hays, William W., Sheriff Sedg Co., r 535 n Market

Hays, Willie W., clk 219 e Douglas, r 1843 s Hydraulic

Hayward, Albert W. (Dumont & Hayward) r 155 n Spruce

Hayward, Mrs. Elizabeth, r 334 n Wabash

Hayward, Miss Laura, domestic, r 354 Indiana

Hazen, Miss Anna, bds 247 n Emporia

Hazen, A. B., billiards and cigars Occidental, r 508 e Central

Hazen, C. W., student S B College

Hazen, Miss Emma, r 508 e Central

Hazen, F. A., stu S B College

Hazen, W. L., lumberman, r 222 n Washington

Heacock, Miss Cora A., printer Eagle, bds 120 w William

Heacock, Edward E., carpenter, r 1467 s Water

Heacock, Enos E., carpenter, r 1467 s Water

Heacock, George, r 1467 s Water

Head, William E., rlest, lns and ins 408 e Doug, r 1842 Lulu

Headley, George B., carpenter, r 226 s Fourth

Headley, Isaac, engineer, r 226 s Fourth

Heady, Marcus O., wks 517 n Main, rms ab same

Heafer, Charles E., brick mason, r 316 n Topeka

Healy Block 422 e Douglas

Healy & Dewey, P V Healy and H H Dewey, ins ab 422 e Douglas

Healy, Edward J., livery and bdg stable, r 640 n Emporia

Healy, Patrick V. (H & Dewey) ins & rlest, r 725 s Emporia

Heaney, Adelbert S. (W short-hand schl) bds 114 s Osage, ws

Heath Carl, painter Stewart, Coney & Co., r 710 s Ida

Heath, William,  wks 1029 n Market, r same

Heath, William H., carpenter, r 710 s Ida

Hedger, Ed T., policeman, r 401 Sherman

Heffron, Lucius G., contractor, r 1506 s Topeka

Heich, Miss Florence J., dau John B Heich, r 1904 n Water

Heich, John B., retired, r 1904 n Water

Heidersheit, Nick, wks Dold Packing Co.

Heimbach, Frank, compos Journal, bds European Hotel

Heimerman, Miss Annie, domestic 737 n Water

Heimerman, Miss Katie, domestic 1126 n Lawrence

Heimerman, Miss Nettie, domestic 346 n Topeka

Heimple, Fred, stonemason, r 952 s Water

Heind, A., wks Monarch Drug Store, r 235 s Ellis

Heinen, Henry, driver Indiana bakery, r 1214 n Main

Heinsworth, John E., wks W Steam Laundry, r 523 n Fourth

Heinz, Joseph, section hand, r 154 s Mosley

Heiple, Fred W., carpenter, r 309 s Fannie

Heiple, Miss Lillie, clk Enterprise, r 309 s Fannie

Heisch, J. B., stu Lewis Acad, r 1256 n Lawrence

Heisel Bros, W F Heisel & E C Heisel, coal & feed, 613 e Oak

Heisel, Edward C. (Heisel Bros) coal and feed, r 1061 n Ohio

Heisel, Jacob, wks Stewart, Coney & Co., r 419 s Water

Heisel, William F. (Heisel Bros) coal and feed, r 1061 n Ohio

Heiserman & Fisher, H D H and J F, rlest & loans, ab 211 n Main

Heiserman, Henry D. (H & Fisher) r Riverside and Carter

Heiserman & Myers Building, 209-211 n Main

Heitman, Edgar H., wks 115 s Lawrence, r 713 n Market

Heitman, Frederick W., retired, r 713 n Market

Heitzelberger, William, carpenter, bds 236 n Fourth

Held, Mrs. Blanch, r ab 116 w Third

Held, Miss C A T, stu S B College, r Kingman, Kan

Held, Henry, butcher Dold’s Packing House, r ab 116 w Third

Helena, L. W., student S B College, r Greenwich, Kan

Helena, W. O., student S B College, r Greenwich, Kan

Helena, W. O., student S B College, r Centralia, Ill

Hellar Block, 228-230 n Main

Hellar, C. D., wks Dold Packing Co.

Hellar, Clinton, rec clerk Dold Pkg House, r 245 n Topeka

Hellar, Miss Ella, r 245 n Topeka

Hellar, Fred, student high school, r 245 n Topeka

Hellar, Joseph, laborer, r 1125 n Jackson

Hellar, Martin, dlr mineral lands & Min’g, r 245 n Topeka

Hellar, Mrs. Martin, pres Benev Home, r 245 n Topeka

Hellar, Miss Mary, r 245 n Topeka

Heller, Adolph, wks Busch & Grover, r 604 n Market

Heller, Henry O., prop meat mkt 227 n Main, r 600 n Market

Helelr, William, butcher, r 151 n Wichita

Helm, Alonzo E. (H & Weller) r 1555 Tyler

Helm, H. N., postal clerk, r 1116 s Market

Helm & Weller, A E Helm & O W Weller, attys rm 6 Fletcher

Helton, H. F., stu S B College

Helton, L. C., stu S B College, r Furley, Kan

Helton, W., stu S B College, r Frisco, Kan

Helumn, George, laborer, r 124 n Mead

Helvey, Miss Nannie, dom 437 s Campbell, ws

Hembree, Joel M., farmer, r 1626 e Douglas

Hemington, George, wks Trip Hammer Brick Works

Hemphill, P. F., stu S B College, r Pretty Prairie, Kan

Hemsworth, John E., wks W Steam Laun, r 523 n Fourth

Hendershot, Henry H., Asst City Engineer, r 1806 Ellis

Henderson, Alfred, waiter Metropole, r 511 e English

Henderson, Cash, prop New York Store, r cor Market and English

Henderson, Clarence, stu S B college, r Newton, Kan

Henderson, Miss Edith, wks Spurgin’s Buf, r ab 406 e Doug

Henderson, Mrs. Louisa, r 418 n Topeka

Henderson, Miss Mary, domestic 1017 n Topeka

Hendricks, Miss Clara, stu Southwestern Business College

Hendricks, John E., barber Mon Barber Shop, r 240 Indiana

Hendrickson, Miss Dora C., r 422 n Market

Hendrickson, J. M., trave salesman, r  with J W Hawn

Hendrickson, Mrs. Stophia T., music teacher, r 422 n Market

Hendry, Ed, carpenter, bds 411 n Main

Hendryx, Aylmer, student Garfield, r 438 s Hiram, ws

Hendryx, Cliffe, student Garfield

Hendryx, Miss Lucile, student Garfield

Hendryx, Warren B., pres & mangr Grfield, r 438 Hiram, ws

Henley, A. Jos (Henley Sign Studio) r ab 116 e Second

Henley, Joseph E. (Henley & Myatt) bds 602 s Water THREE

Henley & Myatt, Jos E H & A J M, atty rms 12, 14 ab 2 3 n Main

Henley Sign Studio, A Jos Henley, V A LaFayon, 116 e 2d

Henn, Wm, carp, bds cor Fifteenth and Beacon

Hennessy, Rev. J. J., bishop of Wichita, r 407 n Washington

Hennings, Peter, wks McComb Bros, r 1216 s Fourth

Hennison, Nelson, laborer, r 922 n Wichita

Henrien, A. W., student S B College

Henry, Chas, farmer, r cor Elizabeth and Harry

Henry, Dennis, lab r 429 n Emporia

Henry, E. L., lab, r 114 w Elm

Henry, Ezra D., r 201 s Washington

Henry, Geo, phys, 523 w Third, r same

Henry, Geo A., barber 421 e Doug, r 500 n Wichita

Henry, G. C., grocer, 1335 s Fifth, r same

Henry, Gottleib, farmer, r cor Elizabeth and Harry

Henry, Houston, rag picker, r 721 n Edgar

Henry, Miss Ida M., r 201 s Washington

Henry, Joseph, wks Kan Sash & Door Co., r 201 s Washing’n

Henry, Mrs. Mattie, r 429 n Emporia

Henry, Press D., salesman 328 w Douglas, r 417 n Osage, ws

Henry, William, farmer, r 201 s Washington

Hensler, Herman, wks Riverside Ry, bds 325 w Second

Henton, Alexander M., real estate, r 528 s Water

Henthorn, Allen B., auctioneer, r 1021 e Douglas

Henton, A. M., hack driver W O & C Co.

Henton, Miss Connie F., clerk, r 528 s Water

Henton, Miss Lennie J., student, r 528 s Water

Henton, Miss Mary B., student, r 528 s Water

Henze, Henry, stu S B College, r Hanover, Kan

Hepler, David W., civil engineer, r 538 n Riverview

Hepler, Henry C., student, r 538 n Riverview

Hepler, Roland L., sten Parks & Dill, r 229 Ida

Herberger, John, student S B College

Hereford, A. P., plumber 115 s Lawrence, rms Gandolfo

Hereford, John W., traveling salesman, r 342 n Wichita, ws

Hereford, Lee, r 342 n Wichita, ws

Hereford, Thomas, r 342 n Wichita, ws

Hereford, William, wks The Alameda, r 427 n Wichita, ws

Hereford, Willis, r 342 n Wichita, ws

Herhn, Henry, wks Dold Packing Co., r 708 e Sixteenth

Herman & Crouch, D L H & J S C, restaurant 604 e Douglas

Herman, David B. (Herman & Hess) r 521 s Market

Herman, Daniel L. (H & Crouch) r 216 s Fourth

Herman, Edward, clk Hyde & Humble, r 513 e First

Herman, Ernest, student, r 235 s Ellis

Herman, Haine, druggist, r 235 s Ellis

Herman, Miss Hernia, student S B College, r Marshall, Mo

Herman & Hess, D B H & S W H, Manhattan Cloth H, 326 e Douglas

Herman, Julius, clk Munson & McN, r 235 Ellis

Herman, Julius, candymkr Cracker Co., bds 232 n Market

Herman, Louis, trav sales W Cracker Co., r 236 s Poplar

Herman, Miss May, student S B College

Herman, Solomon, prop Monarch Drug Store, r 235 s Ellis

Herman, Thomas, eng, r 706 s Ida

Horner, Wm, student S B College, r Pierce City, Kan

Hermes, Bernhart, prop Star Bill H & brck mkr, r 131 Pattie

Hermes, C. R., student S B College, r Holton, Kan

Hermes, Nicholas, wks brick yd, r 131 Pattie

Hermes, N, stu S B College

Hermes, Miss Rosa, r 131 Pattie

Herndon, Baker B., 414 e Douglas, r 325 n Wabash

Herndon, Mrs. E. A., r 325 n Wabash

Herndon, Solomon, laborer bds Grandview House

Herr, B. Frank, bkpr Wichita Mer Co., r 230 s Market

Herrick, Miss Clara, stu Garfield, r Newton, Kan

Herriford, Chessley W. (Bartlett & Co.) r 1121 e Douglas

Herrig, John, cigar factory 426 e Douglas, r 123 s Ida

Herring, Miss Angie, r 2160 s Fifth

Herring, Mrs. Ann M., r 2160 s Fifth

Herring, Charles, cook Clair Dining Hall, r 8212 w Central

Herring, Jerome C. (Bear & Herring) r 2159 s Mead

Herring, Miss Lettie, r 2160 s Fifth

Herring, Miss Mary, r 812 w Central

Herring, Miss Nannie, r 812 w Central

Herring, Miss Sybbell, teacher, r 2160 s Fifth

Herrington, George H., inventor, r 405 s Lawrence

Herrington, Patrick, laborer, rms e Douglas

Herrling, Herman, farmer, r cor Goethe and Sixteenth

Herrling, Mrs. Minnie, r cor Goethe and Sixteenth

Herrmann, Rev. Christian, Ger. M E Church, r 513 e First

Herrod, Albert, sausage dept Dold Packing Co.

Herrold, I. K., Ry employee, bds 828 n Washington

Herron, D W A, carp, r Henry bet Douglas and First

Herron, Mrs. Elizabeth, r 726 s Emporia

Herron, Patrick, grocer 528 e Douglas, r 726 s Emporia

Herron, Orvin C., vet surgeon, rms 316 e Willia

Hersey, D. S., owner Union Hotel, r same

Herwick, Alexander, wks car shops, bds 3456 n Emporia

Herz, Mark W., peddler, r 331 n Winona

Herzsch, Miss Regine, bakery 739 n Main, r same

Hess, Adam, teamster, r 344 n Fourth

Hess, Albert (W Wholesale Grocer Co.) r 303 s Lawrence

Hess, Harry H., rlest with Lee Inves Co., r 1115 Carlos

Hess, Mrs. Sarah, r 319 n Water

Hess, Sam W. (Herman & Hess) r 521 s Market

Hess, William E., painter, r 837 n Ohio

Hess, Wm, traveling salesman, r 449 Ida

Hesse, Stephen, marble cutter 1557 s Ida, r same

Hettinger Bros, Howard Hettinger and Isaac H Hettinger, druggists, 216 e Douglas

Hettinger, Howard H. (Hettinger Bros) rms 216 e Douglas

Hettinger, Isaac H., (Hettinger Bros) 216 e Douglas

Hews, John, carpenter, r 516 s Topeka

Hewey Bros, Samuel and W R Hewey, livery, 114, 116 & 118 n Lawrence

Hewey, Samuel (Hewey Bros) livery, r 431 n Waco

Hewey, William R. (Hewey Bros) livery, r 431 n Waco

Hewlett, Robert V., loans, room 303 Sedg, rms 514 n Topeka

Heydon, Mrs. Anna J., r 619 n Main

Heymann, Ferdinand, clk A Katz, r 336 s Water

Hiatt, J., carpenter, bds 3527 n Emporia

Hiatt, Andrew J., brick mason, r 718 n Water

Hiatt, Archie, carpenter, r 1836 Burns

Hiatt, Edward, carpenter, r 1836 Burns

Hiatt, Elwood, student, r 1836 Burns

Hiatt, Homer, carpenter, 1836 Burns

Hibarger, Calvin, carpenter S, Coney & Co., r 1067 n Wichita

Hibarger, Carl R., capitalist, r 1067 n Wichita

Hibarger, Ernest L., speculator, r 1331 n Wichita

Hibarger, Frank A., clk car shops, r 3522 n Fourth

Hibarger, Miss Grace E., clk Fashion, r 1067 n Wichita

Hibarger, Miss Sarah C., housekpr, r 3522 n Fourth

Hibbard, Daniel, teamster, r 813 s Water

Hibbard, Samuel M., street grader, rms 813 s Water

Hibbard, Samuel, carp, r 1034 n Waco

Hibbits, Eugene, Star Bill Hall, r 1315 s Market

Hichenberger, Wm., carp, bds 236 n Fourth

Hickcox, Willis F., wks 608 e Douglas, rms same

Hickcox, Mrs. Ella, seamstress, r ab 211 s Oak, ws

Hickerson, Christopher C., boot black, bds 405 s Fifth

Hickerson, Sydney, cook Hotel Carey, r 405 s Fifth

Hickey, Benjamin, lab, bds 1255 e Blaine

Hickman, L. D., wks T H Peck, r 610 Mona

Hickman, L. C., wks T H Peck, r 610 Mona

Hickok, Geo B., pressman Eagle, r 1355 s Main

Hickok, Miss Lillian, wks Eagle bindery

Hicks, Miss Sarah, r rm 22 ab 1213 e Douglas

Hien, Miss Mary, domestic, r 435 n Emporia

Hilpp, Louis, wks Dold Packing Co.

Higbee, Allen, stu S B College, r Piedmont, Kan

Higby, Harvey J., lamplighter, r 3102 Arkansas

Higbee, Mrs. Mary E., housekeeper 1135 n Fourth

Higby, William, farmer, r Harry e of Shober

Higgins, Frank J., bkpr, bds 713 n fourth

Higgins, George L., wks Davids stable, bds 234 n Water

Higgins, J. J., W & W brakeman, bds 713 n Fourth

Higgins, Silas C., rlest ab 123 w Douglas, bds 316 e William

High, James W., grocer, r 223 s Lulu

High, Fred A., grocer, r 227 s Lulu

High School building, Emporia bet Second and Third

Higham, Charlie, janitor Lombard M Co., r 107 s Main

Highbarger, Miss Bertha, r 1525 n Hydraulic

Highbarger, Miss Flora, stu High School, rms 826 e Central

Highbarger, Miss Katie, r 1525 n Hydraulic

Highbarger, N., farmer, r 1525 n Hydraulic

Highland Cemetery, cor Frisco and Hillside

Highland Park Dairy, Kellogg and Oliver, J N Jurgens prop

Highsmith, Martin C., laborer, r 1308 s Fifth

Hilbert, Albert, jan Mon Bil Par, r 567 n Wichita

Hilbert, Miss Caddy, r 507 n Wichita

Hilbert, Robert, laborer, r 507 n Wichita

Hilbert, Thomas, laborer, r 507 n Wichita

Hilbish, Will O., clk Bitting Bros, r 813 Buffum

Hilderbrand, Ed, hack driver Root Bros, r 220 w Waterman

Hill, Miss Anna C., clk 220 e Douglas, r 413 n Wichita, ws

Hill, Miss Emma, student, r 322 Riverview

Hill, Frank, laborer, r 704 n Washington

Hill, Fred B., student Lewis Acad, r cor Third and Lawrence

Hill, George L., laborer, r 413 n Wichita, ws

Hill, Gordon W., nurseryman, r 232 s Water

Hill, Miss Grace A., cashier Hyde & Humble, r 135 s Fannie

Hill, Harry L., mngr Wild West Show, r 1312 Hillside

Hill, Herbert A., second hand store 567 w Douglas, r same

Hill, James F., railroad contractor, r 139 n Water

Hill, Mrs. J. L., r 412 n Lawrence

Hill, J. T., student S B College

Hill, Mrs. Lilly E., cook Hotel Richland, r 411 e Douglas

Hill, Max G., gas fitter 309 n Main, r 1007 n Lawrence

Hill, Peter J., meat market, r 1329 Pattie

Hill, Putnam, hostler 1157 n Lawrence

Hill, Robert, laborer, r 806 s Emporia

Hill, Samuel S., teamster, r 1242 n Emporia

Hill, Thomas G., st car driver, r 413 n Wichita, ws

Hilliard, Bartlett E., carp, r 834 s Water

Hilliard, John S., teacher penmanship, bds 216 n Topeka

Hilliard, Mrs. Oakford, r 834 s Water

Hillis, Lafayette, loans ab 110 n Main, r 427 s Lawrence

Hills, D. Oscar (Hills E H & Sons) r 430 n Mosley

Hills, Edwin H. (Hills E H & Sons) r 609 n Topeka

Hills, Edwin L. (Hills E H & Sons) r 1457 s Palisade

Hills, E. H. & Sons, E H Hills, E L Hills & D A Hills, commission merchants, 145 n Emporia

Hills, H. J., r 321 n Topeka

Hills, Mrs. W. D., r 321 n Topeka

Hillyard, Mrs. Elizabeth M., boarding house, r 120 s Mosley

Hilpp, Lewis, wks Dold Packing House, r 1718 n Mosley

Hilton, John W., student, r 930 n Water

Hilton, Joseph S., plasterer, r 930 n Water

Hilton, Miss Nina M., bkpr Davidson Inv Co., r 432 n Emporia

Himmelwright, Miss Annie C., r 1405 Academy

Himmelwright, Miss Emily R., dressmaker, r 1405 Academy

Himmelwright, John, gardener, r 1405 Academy

Himstedt, Frederick, shoemaker, 245 n Main, r 603 n Mosley

Himstedt, Fred C., wks W L English, r 603 n Mosley

Himstedt, Miss Tillie, stu high school, r 603 n Mosley

Hine, Dudley B. (McKnight & Hine) r 414 w Third

Hine, Miss Katie, domestic 414 n Topeka

Hiner, H. S., driver oil & gasoline wagon, r 843 Eagle

Hines, John, brickmaker, bds Twenty-first and Willis

Hines, Miss Nettie, domestic 135 s Fannie

Hines, Wm T., teamster D & Case lum yd, r 532 s Mosley

Hinkle, Joseph, waiter St. Lawrence, bds same

Hinkle, Joseph, clk W U T Co., r 319 w Second

Hinkle, Mrs. Lizzie, r 319 w Second

Hinkle, Miss Lucy G., student, r 319w Second

Hinkley, Ed, servant 1065 n Waco

Hinkey, Miss Lizzie, r 220 n Fourth

Hinman, Miss Emma A., student, r 135 New York

Hinman, Miss Katie B., student, r 135 New York

Hinman, Moses S., Warren Chemical Co., r 135 New York

Hinman, Wm S., com salesman, r 412 Riverview

Hinsdale, Frank L., physician, room 214 Sedgwick, telephone 330, r 1436 n Waco

Hinsdale, L. A., stu S B College, bds 408 s Emporia

Hinton, James W., bds 711 e Central

Hirsch, Morris, driver Wichita Bottling Works

Hirsh, Abe, clk 420 e Douglas, r 225 s Topeka

Hirsh, Miss Belle, clk J A Hirsh, r 225 s Topeka

Hirsh, Harry, clk 420 e Douglas, r 225 s Topeka

Hirsh, Joseph A., grocer 420 e Douglas, r 225 s Topeka

Hirsh, Maurice, clk 420 e Douglas, r 225 s Topeka

Hitchcock, Chas I., lather, rms ab 126 n Market

Hite, Benjamin R. (Hite Real Estate Ex) r 635 n Market

Hite, D. E., stu S B College, r Augusta, Kan

Hite, D. L., carpenter, bds Sedgwick House

Hite, Emmer D., barber 205 e Douglas, r 1349 s Washington

Hite, George W., Cherokee doctor, r 2228 e Douglas

Hite, Homer J., bookkeeper, r 635 n Market

Hite, R. Est Ex, B R Hite, T E Fruitt, ab 246 n Main

Hite, Shelby, stu Lewis Acad, r 635 n Market

Hite, Thomas, painter, r 146 n Mead

Hitzleberg, W. H., carpenter, rms ab 253 n Main

Hixson, Miss Dela C., r 350 n Waco

Hixson, Jacob S. (Yazel & Hixson) r 350 n Waco

Hizer, Wm, tanker Crystal Ice Co., r 121 n Seneca, ws

Hoagland, Elmer C., stone cutter, r 409 s Market

Hoagland, Elmer C., stone cutter, r 450 n Market

Hoare, Miss Annie, r 1003 s Emporia

Hoare, John, soap maker, r 1003 s Emporia

Hoath, Christen, bds Cottage House

Hoath, Mrs. Mary, wks Cottage House

Hobbs, Mrs. Fannie M., r 251 n Topeka

Hobbs, James H., clk Boston Store, r 251 n Topeka

Hobbs, Miss Octavia, bkpr Journal, r room 11 Zimmerly

Hobbs, Row, fireman W Gas, E L and P Co., bds Riv’side Hot’l

Hobbs, Smith M., r 324 n Topeka

Hobbs, Miss Vesta, student Garfield, r Denver, Col.

Hobson, Eli T., printer, r 335 Bernice

Hobson, Jeremiah, r 916 e Decatur

Hobson, Marcus F., mngr W P Co., r 335 n Bernice

Hobson, William, gardener, r 335 Bernice

Hockham, F., student Lewis Academy

Hockham, Miss Laura, stu Lewis Academy

Hodge, James H., bdgh 605 and 607 n Main

Hodge, Joseph L., dry goods 522 e Doug, r 201 s Fourth

Hodges, Geo W., barber 111 n Main, r 540 n Water

Hodges, John, student, r 540 n Water

Hodges, M. A., bdgh 605 and 607 n Main

Hoding, Gale, printer ab 216 e Doug, r 716 n Hydraulic

Hoding, Lon, editor Arrow, u 716 n Hydraulic

Hodgson, Bert, student, r 300 s Ellis

Hodgson, George, teamster, r 300 s Ellis

Hodgson, John, barber rm 5 ab 220 n Main, r 933 n Main

Hodgson, Percy, clk 202 e Douglas, rms Richland blk

Hodnelt, J. H., opr St. L & S F Ry 707 e Oak, r same

Hodson, Cris, teamster Kansas Sash & Door Co.

Hodson, Edward, laborer, bds Richmond near Walker, ws

Hodson, Mrs. Elizabeth, r 1027 University, ws

Hodson, Ira A., r 1743 n Fairview

Hodson, James R., speculator, r 1743 n Fairview

Hodson, Miss Maudie, student, r 1743 n Fairview

Hodson, Miss Myrtle, r 512 e Central

Hodson, Miss Nettie M., student, r 1743 n Fairview

Hoehle, William, upholsterer 129 n Main, r 1236 s Topeka

Hoelzle, Leon, residence 714 s Fannie

Hoernlein, Mrs. Annie, r cor Twenty-first and Water

Hoenscheidt, John, mngr ed Journal, r 910 s Lawrence

Hoenscheidt, S., printer Journal, r 910 s Lawrence

Hoenscheidt, William, stu Lewis Acad, r 910 s Lawrence

Hofmann, Miss Annie, dau L Hofmann, r 716 n Main

Hofmann, Ludwig, tailor 310 n Main, r 716 n Main

Hoff, Chas, ice dealer, r and off 1507 e First

Hoffman, E. Z., drugs and medicines 138 n Main, r same, bds 522 n Topeka

Hoffman, Mrs. Emma R., laundress, r 641 n Wichita

Hoffman, Gerald T., pressman Beacon office, r 239 s Market

Hoffman, Jacob B., bridge and build insp. Mo Pac Ry, r 1150 n Water

Hoffman, Jacob Z., phys. Off 138 n Main, bds 522 n Topeka

Hoffman, Thomas, baggageman W O & C Co., r 222 n Water

Hoffman, Will G., collector W Nat Bank, rms 138 n Main

Hoffmaster, George H., wks W & W R R, rms 310 s Lawrence

Hoffmaster, Ira W., carpenter, r 120 n Hydraulic

Hogan, Allen J., carpenter, r 1614 e Boston

Hogan, Edward, shoemaker 142 n Market, r same

Hogan, Miss Ella, dining-room girl, r 412 n Market

Hogan, John, laborer, r 411 n Main

Hoge, Ab, blacksmith, bds Burton Hotel

Hogeland, John H., painter, r 1017 n Jackson

Hogeland, Napoleon, pastor Unitarian Chu, rms 59 Zimmerly

Hogue, John H., carpenter, bds Riverside Hotel

Hohn, Jerome, painter, r 518 e English

Hohn, Earldy, plumber, r 518 e English

Hoiels, Emanuel, r ab 153 n Emporia

Hoke, Miss Lucy A., dressmaker, r ab 155 n Emporia

Holbrook, E. D., real estate, bds Manhattan

Holbrook, W. J. (Taylor, Blackwelder & Co) bds Carey Hotel

Holbrook, W. L., real estate and insurance, bds Hotel Carey

Holcomb, Charles, carpenter W H Sternberg

Holcomb, Charles H., engineer, r 1124 n Fifth

Holcomb, George A., carpenter, r 1027 n Fourth

Holcomb, Mrs. S. E., r 1124 n Fifth

Holcomb, Wiley C., sprinkler, bds 505 Orchard, ws

Holderman, Benjamin F., farmer, r 717 w Central

Hollanberger, Miss Sally, domestic 611 s Market

Holland Bros & Lea, J P H, W M H & J B L, grocers, 122 w Douglas

Holland, C. H., student S B College

Holland, Frank T., with Holland Bros

Holland, James P. (Holland Bros & Lea) r 528 s Main

Holland, Mrs. Nellie, r 528 s Main

Holland, Walden M. (Holland Bros & Lea) rms 528 s Main

Holland, W. R., student S B College

Holleicke, Frank, r 120 Indiana

Holleicke, Miss Mary, r 120 Indiana

Holleicke, Thomas, junk business, r 120 Indiana

Hollenbeck, Louis F., clk Innes & Ross, r 1144 n Lewellen

Hollenberger, John A., dentist ab 113 e Doug, bds 225 s Oak, ws

Holliger, John, barber, 111 s Seneca, r w Doug & Vine, ws

Hollingr, Jacob A., asst tick agt M P Ry, r 425 n Topeka

Hollinger, Jacob G., carp, r 1426 e Gilbert

Hollingsworth, Miss Flora, wks W Laun, bds 220 Fannie

Holliday, J. R., Wichita Grocery 221 e Douglas, r 1002 s Topeka

Hollingsworth, Miss Francis, stu L Acad, r ab 141 n Market

Hollingsworth, G. Y., trav sales, r ab 141 n Market

Hollingsworth, James a., cook, bds 814 n Market

Hollingsworth, Joel B., servant 901 n Waco

Hollingsworth, Joseph, farmer, r 220 s Fannie

Hollingsworth, Miss Josie, wks Wichita Steam Laun, bds 220 Fannie

Hollingsworth, John, barber 307 e Doug, r 814 n Market

Hollingsworth, Miss Katie, wks Lindell Hotel

Hollingsworth, Miss Sallie, student, r 814 n Market

Hollingsworth, W. L., bkpr W Cracker Co., r 917 n Emporia

Hollister, Edward (Seal & Hollister) r 616 n Emporia

Hollister, Miss Emily, r 616 n Emporia

Hollister, E. M., stu S B College, r Elmdale, Kan

Holloway, Ed W., bkpr Citizens Bank, r 2418 e Second

Holloway, William C., clk F G Smyth & Sons, r 335 n Fourth

Hollowell & Co., M W H & J W Thomas, livery 116 n Topeka

Hollowell, Earnest, carrier Daily Eagle

Hollowell, Joseph E., r 125 Laura

Hollowell, M. W. (Hollowell & Co.) r 259 n Emporia

Hollowell, Robert E., bkpr Burton Car Wks, r 125 Laura

Hollowell, Silas D., dept sheriff, r 403 s Volutsia

Holly, Mrs. Cora A.., dressmkr Mad Chambers, r 920 n Market

Holly, Robert D., harnessmkr 801 n Main, r 930 n Market

Holm, Geo M., laborer, bds ab 452 n Main

Holman, Miss Flora, student S B College

Holman, Miss Flora, domestic 237 n Market

Holmes, Mrs. Adaline, seamstress, r 211 s Mosley

Holmes, Alfred, carpenter, r 1033 n Fifth

Holmes, Mrs. Belle C., dressmaker, r 314 s Fourth

Holmes, Miss Debby, dau Henry Holmes, r Meridian s of Doug

Holmes, Henry, laborer, r Meridian s of Douglas, ws

Holmes & Holt, R L H and H W H, attys, rooms 6 and 7 ab 130 n Main

Holmes, James, dish washer, bds St. Lawrence

Holmes, J F, undertaker 115 and 117 s Main, r w Lewis

Holmes, Miss Myra, r 1033 n Fifth

Holmes, Robert L, (Holmes & Holt) r 1217 University, ws

Holmes, Mrs. Sarah B., r 314 s Fourth

Holmes, Thomas J., r 902 s Lawrence

Holsman, Miss Anna, dom Monarch Lch Room, r 215 n Main

Holt, John D., paper hanger Pattee & Martin, r 855 e Oak

Holt, Henry W. (H & H) ab 130 n Main, bds Women’s Ex

Holt, Joseph, paper hanger, r Oak near Midland Ry

Holtke, Louis, hostler 1059 n Topeka

Holtz, David, police, r 332 s Fourth

Holtz, Franz, retired, r 402 n Hydraulic

Holzbach, Charles, wks Forest City Brick Co., rms same

Home Insurance Co. of New York at 130 n Main

Homer, George W., wks Neff & Young, bds 1303 e Douglas

Hon, Miss Florence, r 1225 n Washington

Hon, J. N., mason, r 817 Cherry

Hon, Noah H., plasterer, r 1146 Av E

Hood, Hiram Q., whls salt 120 s Lawrence, r 1028 n Lawrence

Hood, Dr. H. C., phys, rm 9 ab 826 e Douglas, r same

Hood, Oliver Perry, life ins and rlest, r 155 n Spruce

Hooker, Charlie, laborer, r 713 Grove

Hooker, Charles E., clk 1101 w Douglas, ws, r 335 s Oak, ws

Hooker, C. W., stu S B college

Hooker, George, bricklayer r 335 s Oak, ws

Hooker, Joseph, laborer, r 713 Grove

Hooker, Joseph T., barber, r 502 n Water

Hooker, Leroy C., student, r 335 s Oak, ws

Hooker, Miss Mary, r 331 s Fifth

Hooker, Samuel, teamster, r 713 Grove

Hooker, William, student, r 502 n Water

Hooper, Mrs. C. A., dressmaker, r 243 n Market

Hooper, Mrs. Mary A., wks Kaufman & Koher, rms 126 w First

Hoopes, Israel, blacksmith, r 421 n Short

Hoover, Miss Blanche, wks W St’m Laun, bds 1753 s Mosley

Hoover, Miss Edith B., stu, r 1313 Fairmount

Hoover, Elzy, baker, r 822 s Martinson, ws

Hoover, Fred, r 1753 s Mosley

Hoover, Geo, stu S B College, r Prescott, Kan

Hoover, J. D., stu S B College, r Prescott, Kan

Hoover, John, farmer, r 1150 Getto

Hoover, John J., farmer, r 1824 Ellis

Hoover, John q., bricklayer, r 1148 n Washington

Hoover, Miss Lola, wks W Steam Laundry, r 1753 s Mosley

Hoover, Miss Mamie E., stu, r 1313 Fairmount

Hoover, Martin, plasterer, r 1758 s Mosley

Hoover, Martin, carp and painter 1753 s Mosley

Hoover, Martin B., contractor, r 1313 Fairmount

Hoover, Samuel H., rl3st, r 307 n Mosley

Hoover, Wm, stu S B College

Hopewell, W. G., stu S B college, r Mexico, Mo

Hopkins, Albert, hack driver, bds 348 n Lawrence

Hopkins, Miss Augusta, dressmkr Munson & McN, r 302 e Oak

Hopkins, F. E., prop College Hill Grocery, r 3024 e First

Hopkins, Miss Henrietta, seamstress, rms Lawrence and Oak

Hop Loo laundry 113 e Second

Hopper, Freeman, brickmason, bds 348 n Water

Hopson, Joseph T., electrician D Pkg Co., r 1410 n Emporia

Hopwood, Eli, laborer, r 1245 s Market

Horbach, Fred, brickmason, r 1716 n Waco

Horchheimer, William H., carp, bds cor Fifteenth and Beacon

Horley, Thomas, wks Dold Packing Co., bds 1827 n Fifth

Horn, Albert K., confect & fruit 533 w Douglas, r same

Horn, Charles, confectionery store 533 w Douglas, r same

Horn, F. S., stu S B College, r Dodge City, Kan

Horn & Gansz, James Horn & August C G, coal & feed, 113 w Eleventh

Horn, James (H & Gansz) r 309 n Market

Horn, James W., stu S B College, r 309 n Market

Horn, Taylor, wood workman, rms ab 205 s Oak, ws

Horn, Taylor, wood workman 544, 546 w Douglas, ws

Horn, —, telephone lineman, bds Lemon Place

Hornaday, Charles, wks Wichita Produce Co., bds 236 n 4th

Horne, J. C., stu Business College, rms 600 s Emporia

Horne, Miss Julia, tailoress Swab & Glosser, r 229 Lawrence

Horner, A. M., stu S B College, r Pierce City, Kan

Horner, Miss Belle, r 1403 n Lawrence

Horner, Charles F., tinner Houck Bros, r 424 n Water

Horner, Miss Ida, domestic, r 1034 n Market

Horner, Miss Mary C., domestic 523 n Lawrence

Horrigan, B. S., mangr Wichita Soap Mfg. Co., r 603 n Topeka

Horrigan, S. H., wks Wich Soap Mfg. Co., r 126 s Fourth

Horses Home, Ratcliffe & Ratliffe, props, 124 w First

Horton, Benjamin, servant 327 Park av, College Hill

Horton, Elijah, laborer, r 145 n Washington

Horton, Mrs. F. G., teacher, rms ab 3054 e Douglas

Horton, John, carpenter, r 213 New York

Hose House No. 1, 230 n Market

Hose House No. 2, 234 s Topeka

Hosick, H. H. & Co., C W Southward, mngr, hides, etc., 307 w Douglas

Hoskins, J. M., physician, office ab 400 e Douglas, r same

Hoss, Miss Ella, dau Thomas O Hoss, r cor All Hallows and Emma, ws

Hoss, J. H., safe mover, r 220 Indiana

Hoss, John, stu S B College, r Valley Center, Kan

Hoss, John, wks W Wholesale Grocer Co., r 236 n Washington

Hoss & Lowe, Thomas O Hoss, Wm B Lowe, rlest 133 n Main

Hoss, Thomas O. (Hoss & Lowe) r College Green add

Hossfeld, Charles C., clk, W Trunk Factory, r 1128 s Water

Hossfeld, Henry (Wichita Trunk Fac) r 213 n Ash

Hossfeld & Hossfeld, Henry H & George V H, props Wichita Trunk Factory 125 w Douglas

Hest, Frank, laborer, bds 236 n Washington

Hostmann, Charles, wks Wood’s Brick yd, rms same

Hostmann, J. C., wks Wood’s Brick yd, rms same

Hotchkin, F. S., agt Bandera Stone Co., rms 2021 Jackson

Hotchkin, F. S., stu S B College

Hotchkins & McCoy, Wright S H & C W McC rlest 201 e Douglas

Hotchkins, Wright S. (Hotchkins & McCoy) r 925 s Lawrence

Hotel Carey, C L Stough prop, cor Fourth and Douglas

Hotel Delmonico, Homer J Martine prop, 120 s Topeka

Hotel Goodyear, John Chamberlain, 109 s Emporia

Hotel Metropole, M Stewart & D J Dean, props, 224 s Main

Hotel Richland, W M Miller prop, 411 e Douglas

Houchins, W. B., rip sawyer, 2634 n Emporia

Houck, Amos L. (Houck Bros) r 829 n Topeka

Houck Bros, Samuel & Amos L., hardware & stoves, 116 e Douglas

Houck, Samuel (Houck Bros), hardware, r 306 e Central

Houck & Thomas, Amos L H, W A T, rlest 202 Sedgwick

Houck, Thomas & Co., A L H & W A T Lime & Sand Co., 202 Sedgwick

Hough, Miss Florence, stu S B College, r Berbeck, Kan

Houghton, Mrs. Mary Bricker, r 601 n Water

Hougland, U. S. (Smith & Hougland), rms Manhattan Hotel

House, John J. (Lora & H) rms West Side Hotel

House, Richard, carp, r 3721 n Fourth

Houser, Ebehardt, laborer, rms city Hotel

Houseworth, Mrs. Jane A., r 333 n Waco

Houston, A. P., rlest Smith-Skinner building, r 1205 n Fourth

Houston, Jeff, r 1213 n Pierce

Houston, J. D., atty, room 210 Sedgwick, r 1213 Pierce

Houston, Nat C., live stock broker, r Exchange Hotel

Hovey, Edward P. (Wichita Roofing Co), r 305 n Riverview

Hovey, Miss Mattie, stamping and embroidering, rms 313 e Douglas

Hoveys Restaurant, Mrs. S F H prop, 313 e Douglas

Hovey, Mrs. S. F., prop Hoveys Restaurant, r same

Howard, A. C., stenographer Ft. Scott Ry, bds 414 w Central

Howard, Miss Annie, chambermaid Oak Street Hotel

Howard, Mrs. Belle, teacher, r ab 1018 w Douglas, ws

Howard, Dennis, porter 226 e Douglas, r 725 n Market

Howard, Miss Emma M., r 333 Riverview

Howard, Miss Flora M., r 3420 e Third

Howard, Forris, retired, rms 1632 s Fourth

Howard, Horace M., student, r 3420 e Third

Howard, Miss Ida M., dressmaker, r 1421 Campbell

Howard, James, brick contractor, r 812 Eagle

Howard, James, supt city work, bds 118 s Emporia

Howard, James, constable ab 211 n Main, r 3420 e Howard

Howard, Rev. Jasper M., minister, r 605 s Everett, ws

Howard, Mrs. Kate G., nurse, r 1148 n Wabash

Howard, Miss Laura, domestic 202 e Central

Howard, Miss Ollie, milliner The Fashion, r 1421 Campbell

Howard, P. H., newspaper correspondent, rms 336 n Topeka

Howard, Rudolph d., carpenter, r 1451 s Pattie

Howard, Mrs. Sarah A., r 329 n Emporia

Howard, Samuel P., carpenter, r room 28 ab 123 w Douglas

Howard, William, laborer, r 1307 s Washington

Howard, Wm, stu S B College

Howe, A. L., huckster, bds 368 n First

Howe, Miss Bertha, rms ab 228 n Main

Howe, J. P., student S B college

Howe, John P., prop Fairview hotel 1012 w Douglas, ws

Howe & Mastin, Samuel J H, George C M, attys, room 304 Sedgwick

Howe, Samuel J. (Howe & Mastin) r 225 n Minnesota

Howe, S. S., stu S B College, r Liberty, Mo

Howe, Mrs. Victoria, rms ab 228 n Main

Howel, Miss Carrie, trimmer 145 n Main, r 1108 n Topeka

Howell, Benjamin F., r 612 n Waco

Howenstein, Mrs. A., stu S B College

Howey, George, hod carrier, r 428 s Emporia

Howland, Miss Maud, stu Lewis Acad, r 224 n Topeka

Howland, W. P., Gen Agt Penn Mut Life, Ins rm 301 Sedg, bds Carey

Hoxie, Mrs. A. L., r 219 Minnesota

Hoyt, Rev. E A, M E minister, r 1249 n Market

Hoyt, Miss Franc, dau Rev. E A, r 1249 n Market

Hoyt, Miss Gussie L., teacher, r 1249 n Market

Hoyt, Miss Laura E., stu Lewis Acad, r 1249 n Market

Hubbard, Miss Dana, r near Wabash and Twenty-fifth

Hubbard, Delbert, teamster, r 1202 Pattie

Hubbard, Ed S., painter, near cor Wabash and Twenty-fifth

Hubbard, Mrs. Elizabeth, r 1202 Pattie

Hubbard, Frank W., wks Rock Island Coal Co., r 1413 Ellis

Hubbard, Hiram D., laborer, r 1202 s Pattie

Hubbard, Samuel E. (Baldridge & Hubbard) r 126 w First

Hubbs, John, rms ab 211 s Oak, ws

Hubbs, William H., prop dairy, r Hillside s of Franklin

Huckins, George W., machinist Burton Car Wks, r 821 Eagle

Hudson, George, student Garfield, r LaFontaine, Kan

Hudson, Henry C., real estate, ab 142 n Main, r 1654 s Law’ce

Hudson, James W., dry goods and notions 1022 w Douglas, ws r ab same

Hudson, Mrs. M. J., dressmaker ab 1022 w Douglas, ws

Huddlestor, Mrs. M. F., r cor Ontario and Exchange

Huey, John, wks Street Railway, bds 411 n Main

Huff, George Robert, laborer, r 710 n Waco

Huff, Joseph, laborer, bds 1003 s Emporia

Huffman, I. & Sons, Law’bg Ky. Distill’s, local off ab 211 n Main

Huffman, John F., carpenter, rms 1202 s Washington

Huffman, Thornton, driver W O & C Co., r 222 n Water

Huffmaster, Ira W., carpenter, r 120 n Hydraulic

Huggins, F., clk N Y Store, r 426 s Water

Huggins, John, Ry laborer, r 1402 s Wichita

Huggins, Miss Sarah, student, r 1402 s Wichita

Hughes, Miss Ada, domestic 1058 n Lawrence

Hughes, Emery W., book agt, r 129 Mathewson

Hughes, Henry, fireman W & W Ry, r 601 e Douglas

Hughes, Jesse, drayman, rms 120 w Oak

Hughes, John, butcher Dold Packing Co., r Mead and 19th

Hughes, John J., r 413 s Main

Hughes, Miss Kate, drssmkr 216 n Topeka, bd. 608 s Emporia

Hughes, Marion, dyer, wks 331 w Douglas, r 134 n Market

Hughes, Riley, wks Woods brick yd, rms same

Hughes, Walter, st car driver, bds 1064 n Wichita

Hughes, W. F., student S B College, r McFarland, Kan

Hughson, A. C., r 232 s Fourth

Hugo, Harry W., baker, r 951 n Mead

Hull, Bion B., clk Cole & Jones, rms 427 Av A

Hull, C., stu S B College, r Belmont, Kan

Hull, Clarence M., shirt mnfr 111 e First, r 227 w Third

Hull, W. B., salsmn Star Clothing House, r 427 Av A n

Hulsman, Chas, cigarmkr 426 e Douglas, bds City Hotel

Hulme, John, carpenter, r 1005 Cleveland

Hulse, Miss Winnie, overall factory, bds 218 s Topeka

Humble, Rev. Christopher, Pres S S wker, r Maple & Highland

Humble, Miss Bessie, stu Lewis Acad, r College Hill

Humble, Roy M., stu Lewis Acad, r College Hill

Humble, T. I. (Hyde & Humble Sta Co) r 135 s Fannie

Hume, C. R., student S B College

Hume, John E. (Hallowell & Hume) r 413 n Waco

Hummel, Miss Mary, stu L D C & D school, r Campbell near Walker, ws

Hummelke, Miss Clara H., clk Bee Hive Store, r 514 w Central

Hummelke, Miss Flora A., student, r 514 w Central

Hummelke, Mrs. Margreth, r 514 w Central

Humphrey, Alfred E., wks car shops, r n Ohio near 37th

Humphrey & Allen, J M H & Noah A, attys ab 139 n Main

Humphrey, Burt, r 247 n Elizabeth, ws

Humphrey, Chancy B., r 247 n Elizabeth, ws

Humphrey, Miss Dora, saleslady T L Fox, r 1624 e Central

Humphrey, J. E., Jr. (J E H & Son) atty, r 1510 s Emporia

Humphrey, James E., Sr. (J E H & Son) r 1510 s Emporia

Humphrey, James F. (H & Warne) r 247 n Elizabeth, ws

Humphrey, J. M. (H & Allen) bds Manhattan

Humphrey, J. W., atty, rms 304 n Lawrence

Humphrey, Robert, gardener, r 1624 e Central

Humphrey, J E & Son, J E H sr. & J E H jr., rlest, ab 109 e Douglas

Humphrey & Warne, James F H & M S W, hrdware, 1020 w Douglas, ws

Humphreys, Ben, stu S B College, r Cristfield, Kan

Humphreys, F. I., stu S B College, r Cristfield, Kan

Humphreys, S. O., stu S B Colelge, r Cristfield, Kan

Hungate, Wilson G., clk p o, rms 313 n Hydraulic

Hunike, H. F., stu S B College, r Walnut, Kan

Hunistein, Miss Ella, dom 1226 n Waco

Hunley, Abraham, wks 307 e Douglas, r s Emporia

Hunsberger, Wm., boarding house 1936 s Main, r same

Hunt, Miss Ada, dom, r 202 s Martinson, ws

Hunt, Mrs. Caoline, r 439 Riverview

Hunt, Miss Cora, dom, r 155 n Poplar

Hunt, Miss Cora, dom, r 202 s Martinson, ws

Hunt, George, wks Mo Pac Ry, r 338 n Wichita

Hunt, J. H., carpenter, r 823 n Wabash

Hunt, James E., horseshoer Henry Cole

Hunt, Robert J., bkpr, r rm 8 ab 219 s Main

Hunt, Thomas W., machinist, r 202 s Martinson, ws

Hunter, Nelson G., r 141 n Ash

Hunter, Miss Annie, r 141n Ash

Hunter, Alva C., butcher, J L Moore & Son, r 915 w Pine, ws

Hunter, Chas A., butcher, r 915 w Pine, ws

Hunter Grocery, Chas H Hunter prop, 311 e Douglas

Hunter, Dr. J. J., with A Cannon & Co., bds 514 n Topeka

Hunter, Miss Sarah, r 141 n Ash

Hunter, Thaddeus W., r 141 n Ash

Hunter, Thomas B., laborer, r 141 n Ash

Hunter, Velosco J., teamster, r 915 w Pine, ws

Hunting, G. J., stu S B College, r Appleton, Kan

Huntsbarger, Mrs. Jane, r cor Lincoln and C

Hunstbarger, Miss Louise, clk, 356 n Main, r Lincoln and C

Huntsbarger, Wm, engineer W & W R R, Hydraulic & ave C

Hupp, Howard, farmer, r 1112 n Washington

Hupp, James, farmer, r 1112 n Washington

Hupp, John, grocer, r 1112 n Washington

Hupp, John N., grocer, 601 n Main, r 717 n Main

Hupp, Miner B., scavenger, r 1112 n Washington

Hupp, Samuel, phys, r 1245 n Market

Hupp, Thomas, farmer, r 1112 n Washington

Hupp, Wm W., wks Zephyr Mills, r 1112 n Washington

Hurd, Martin V., carp, r 1145 Dayton, ws

Hurd, Wm, student, r 1145 Dayton, ws

Hurford, Alexander P., rms ab 158 n Main

Hurland, C. F., student S B College, r Mills, Kan

Hurl, Albert, wks Woods brick yd, rms same

Hurlbut, Fred W., painter, r 1218 n Waco

Hurlbut, Mrs. Mary C., r 1218 n Waco

Hurley, Edward W., marble cutter, bds & rms For City Hotel

Hurn, John H., gardener, r 1756 s Mead

Hurst, James F., clk Innes & Ross, r 733 n Emporia

Hurst, Thomas E., clk J P Allen, r 731 n Wichita

Hurst, Frank, clk boot store, r 409 n Main

Hurt, Fred G., clk Frisco off 122 n Main, r 409 n Main

Hurt, Harry, laborer, r 409 n Main

Hurt, William, r 409 n Main

Huse, E. A., retired merchant, r 415 n Market

Husey, Adolph C., real estate, r 112 e Morris

Hussan, L. M., stu S B College, r Marshall, Ark

Hussan, W. H., stu S B College, r Marshall, Ark

Hussan, V. R., stu S B College, r Marshall, Ark

Husselman, Calvin H., carpenter, r 527 s Seneca, ws

Huston, Clyde S., laborer, r 720 n Washington

Huston, George, wks 114 n Topeka, bds Ritchie Hotel

Huston, James, laborer, r 720 n Washington

Huston, Roy F., laborer, r 720 n Washington

Hutchings, Gabrie (Hutchings & Co) r 1526 Park Place av

Hutchings, John D (N F Neiderlander & Co) r 3413 e Maple

Hutchings, John G. (Hutchings & Co) r 1059 n Waco

Hutchings & Co., G Hutchings, J G Hutchings, wholesale cigars, 113 e First

Hutchins, Lewis B., switchman St. L & S F RR, r 707 e Oak

Hutchins, Wm J., pat atty, room 514 Sedgwick, r 1337 s Emp

Hutchinson, Aaron P., r 211 s Fourth

Hutchinson, Alexander, laborer, bds 415 n Water

Hutchinson, George, wks E Kirkpatrick, rms Gates, ws

Hutchinson, Harry M., wks packing house, r n Mosley

Hutchinson, Joseph M., wks packing house, r n Mosley

Hutchison, Downing, clk J A Wallace, bds 1021 n Lawrence

Hutchison, Mrs. Ella T., dressmaker, r 242 n Lawrence

Hutchison, Ezra P., speculator, r 2005 n Lawrence

Hutchison, George S., live stock commis, r 2013 n Lawrence

Hutchison, H. M., lab Whittaker Packing Co., r Car Works

Hutchison, J. M., lab Whittaker Packing Co., r Car Works

Hutchison, Robert, retired, r 2005 n Lawrence

Hutchison, Robert B., carp, r 1804 n Lawrence

Hutchison, William B., printer News-Beacon, r 1022 s Topeka

Hutchison, W. E., capitalist, r 430 w Fourteenth

Hutson, James W., wks Kansas News Co., r 231 s Main

Hutton, Miss Louisa, r 228 s Fourth

Hutton, Samuel, carpenter, bds 112 n Osage, ws

Hyatt, E., farmer, r 556 Mona

Hyatt, J., laborer, r 436 n Washington

Hyde, A. A. (Hyde & Humble Sta Co) r 3726 e Second

Hyde, Albert, student Lewis Acad, r 3726 e Second

Hyde, Edward K., stu Lewis Acad, r College Hill

Hyatt, Harry, carpenter, r cor Eighteenth and Woodland

Hyde & Humble Stationery Co., A A Hyde, pres, T I Humble, treas and V P, A T Kenyon, secy, 114 n Main

Hyde, Miss Mary R., r 3726 e Second

Hyde, Philip, laborer, r 437 s Fourth

Hydraulic Mills, Hydr’lic Mlng Co, prop 200 n Hydraulic

Hydraulic Milling Co., H W Lewis, pres, B Deffenbaugh mgr, prop Hydraulic Mills of 200 n Hydraulic

Hygh, Nicholas F., farmer, r 2008 s Fourth



Ickes, Edward J., grocer 201 s Seneca, ws, r ab same

Idlewild restaurant, Cotter Bros props, 236 n Main

Illinois Glass Co., Alton, Ill, J O Chapman agt 211 n Main

Illinois Stove Rep Shops, Wm Doran prop 451 n Main

Imboden, A. H., City Mills, r 341 n Fourth

Imboden, Hiram (Oliver & Imboden Co), r 215 n Emporia

Imboden, Edward, wks Favorite meat mkt, rms 319 w Second

Imboded, Edward, wks Favorite meat mkt, rms 319 w Second

Imer, Charles C., wks 114 s Main, bds 421 s Water

Imholz, Jacob, wagon maker, bds 200 w Douglas

Imperial Ins Co. of London, N F Neiderlander & Co., agts

Independent Printing Co., H W Sawyer, ab 220 e Douglas

Indiana Bakery, M Elliott proprietress, 254 n Main

Ingalls, Elmer L., telegraph editor Eagle, r 1002 s Lawrence

Ingalls, George W., farmer with Willis Metcalf, r w 21st

Ingles, David F., physician, office 605 e Karl, rms n Fourth

Inglish, Miss Nora, student Garfield

Ingram, Albert, wks Dold Packing Co.

Ingram, A. B., waiter Hotel Carey, r 124 Laura

Ingram, Arthur, student, r 702 s Pattie

Ingram, James, bds 1353 n Wichita

Ingram, Lewell, insurance, r 702 s Pattie

Ingram, William, railroader, r 702 s Pattie

Inman, Walter, traveler Kansas City News, bds 2225 n Market

Innes & Ross, William Innes and David Ross, dry goods and carpets, 116, 118 and 120 n Main

Innes & Ross, White House, 116, 118 and 120 n Main

Innes, William (Innes & Ross) r 327 n Topeka

I & N Building, 224 n Main

I O U School, Hillside s of Levy

Ireland, Miss Clara L., r ab 143 n Market, rms same

Ireland, E. L., McMahans Patrol, r ab 143 n Market, rms same

Ireland, Mrs. J. P., furnished rooms, ab 143 n Market

Ireland, Miss Josie, wks City Bakery, r Walter-Snively bldg

Ireland, Miss Pearl, student, r Walter Snively bldg

Ireland, S. C., McMahan’s patrol, rm 32, r ab 143 n Market

Irving, Fred A., laborer, r 1213 e Douglas

Irving, L., roadman W St. Ry Co.

Irving School Building, n Lawrence ab Fifteenth

Irwin, Chas M., atty, rm 10 Fechheimer r 407 s Topeka

Irwin, Harrison, mortar mixer, r 225 n Fifth

Irwin, Harry V., rms 121 n Lawrence

Irvin, Lee, laborer, r 118 n Mead

Irwin, Thos J., stu Lewis Academy

Isbell, Mrs. J. G., r 514 n Topeka

Isbell, Miss Lena M., dressmaker, r 238 s Water

Iseminger, Miss Emma, r 438 n Millwood, ws

Iseminger, Geo, farmer, r 438 n Millwood, ws

Israel & Bro., E F I & H J I, gents furnishers, 616 e Douglas

Israel Bros, F W & R C Israel, rlest & loans, ab 125 n Market

Israel, Elijah W., landlord, r 727 n Wichita

Israel, F. W. (Israel Bros) r 227 Lawrence

Israel, Geo W., with Baldwin & Sons, r 727 n Wichita

Israel, Miss Mable C., student, r 727 n Wichita

Israel & Myers, block 125, 127 n Market

Israel, Reuben C. (Israel Bros) rlest, r Occidental Hotel

Israel, Samuel C. (Israel Bros) r 727 n Wichita

Itten, Foreain T., barber, wks 115 w Douglas, rms same

Ives, W Bruce, student, r 301 s Martinson, ws

Ives, Claude D., teacher, r 301 s Martinson, ws

Ives, Norman H., rlest 306 Sedgwick, r 301 Martinson, ws

IXL Dairy, Richard McCormick prop, Second s of Delano, ws



Jaax, Miss Barbara, domestic 1007 n Lawrence

Jack, Daniel f., architect, r 229 s Emporia

Jack, Robert M., contractor and builder, r 229 s Emporia

Jack, Tony, laborer

Jackman, Allen H., with City Eng, r Columbia and Geneva

Jackman & Billingsley ( H H J & S S B) bldrs up, off 144 n Main

Jackman, H. H., City Eng, off Getto Block, r 414 w Elm

Jackman, R. C., rlest, r 1016 n Topeka

Jackman, Sanford J., farmer, r 417 w Elm

Jacks, Montague, Star Clothing House, r 519 s Main

Jacks, Robert, prop Star Clothing House, r 1117 n Topeka

Jacks, Miss Tressie, dom cor Carter and Riverside

Jackson, Mrs. Lena, r 409 s Fifth

Jackson, A. B., sec Anchor B & L Co., 158 n Main, r 1039 s Emporia

Jackson, Andrew, stone mason, r 121 n Dodge, ws

Jackson, Arthur H., foreman Cit Elec Co., r 503 n Riverview

Jackson, Mrs. Cevilla, 413 e Central

Jackson, C. Elias, carp, 821 n Wichita, r s Washington

Jackson, Miss Clara M., dom 520 w Third, r 429 Stephen

Jackson, Clarence F., wks Gran Roof Co., r rm 6 ab 127 w Doug

Jackson, Miss Clemmie, stu S B College, r New Albany, Kan

Jackson, Chas E., carp, r 630 n Washington

Jackson, C. W., trav Corle Cracker Co., r Av A w of Waco

Jackson, David, farmer, r Stancer s of Levy

Jackson, Miss Delia, dom 1157 n Lawrence

Jackson, Mrs. Dora, r ab 127 w Douglas

Jackson, Edward J., painter, bds 1124 n Lewellen

Jackson, Mrs. Ella, r 121 s Mead

Jackson, Miss Ella, dom 345 n Market

Jackson, Miss Fannie, stu Lewis academy, r 307 n Lawrence

Jackson, Francis O., Citizens Elec Co., bds Occidental

Jackson, F. Siegel, butcher 113 w Douglas, r 213 e Morris

Jackson, Miss Gertie A., stu Lewis academy, r 461 w Ninth

Jackson, Hezekiah L., civil engineer, r 461 w Ninth

Jackson, Mrs. Ida, r 255 n Lawrence

Jackson, Miss Inez C., stu Park school, r 461 w Ninth

Jackson, James E., painter, r 1124 Lewellen

Jackson, J. H., prop Enterprise Meat Market, r 727 n Fourth

Jackson, John H., r 413 s Washington

Jackson, Miss Julia, laundress, r 405 s Fifth

Jackson, L. C., coal, 112 s Fourth, r 307 n Lawrence

Jackson, Lewis, waiter Clair Dining Hall, r 141 n Market

Jackson, Mrs. L. L., r 307 n Lawrence

Jackson, Miss Lillie, r 3523 n Emporia

Jackson, L. F. (Lieurance & Jackson) r 1039 s Emporia

Jackson, Monclove, blacksmith, r 3523 n Emporia

Jackson, N. P., speculator ab 135 n Market, r 255 n Lawrence

Jackson, Mrs. Nancy J., r 601 n Wichita

Jackson, Oliver, barber 108 n Market, r 601 n Wichita

Jackson, Miss Ora, r 601 n Wichita

Jackson, Richard M., laborer, r 429 Stephen

Jackson, Robert, porter, r 1343 n Fifth

Jackson, Samuel D., drummer, r 305 Riverview

Jackson, Samuel B., roofer, bds 932 n Fifth

Jackson, Mrs. Sarah, servant, r 1603 s Topeka

Jackson, Miss Susie, r 720 n Main

Jackson, Miss Susie, dom 731 n Topeka

Jackson, Thomas, plasterer, bds Grandview House

Jackson, Wm E., mach Suburban Ry, r s Stancer

Jackson, Will T. (Gates & J) r 527 s Water

Jackson, Wm, laborer, r 114 n Mosley

Jackson, W. S., rlest ab 616 e Douglas, rms ab 616 e Douglas

Jacobs, C. V. (Fuller & Jacobs) r 532 n Topeka

Jacobs, John L., miner, r 522 n Topeka

Jacobs, Miss Mamie, wks W Steam Laundry, bds 532 n Topeka

Jacobs, Miss Mary E., r 532 n Topeka

Jacobs, Mrs. Nellie E., r 1044 s Emporia

Jacobs, Mrs. Nellie E., r 552 n Topeka

Jacobs, Norman, laborer 629 n Main, bds 402 e Central

Jacobs, Norman F., blacksmith, r 923 s Water

Jacobs, Robert F., dog and poultry fancier, r 1840 s Lawrence

Jacobs, William, carpenter, r 522 s Mosley

Jacobson, Miss Emma, dom B H Campbell

Jacoby, Nathaniel B., r 355 n Main

Jaffars, Wm, watchman Mo Pac Ry, r 233 n Water

Jakubowski, Wm, carp Kan Sash & Door Co., r 522 s Mosley

James, Alfred B., carp, r 1007 w Pine, ws

James, Bert, wks livery, bds European Hotel

James, Charles, carpenter, r 1007 w Pine, ws

James, D. R., bds European Hotel

James, Mrs. Eucill, r 625 n Washington

James, J. D., barber 607 e Oak, bds 651 e Oak

James, J. D., clk 900 e Douglas, r 625 n Washington

James, J. R., groceries and feed 110 s Lawrence, r 316 n Main

James, Henry W., janitor and clk W Nat Bk, r 703 n Market

James, Miss Maggie, sls ldy White House, rms 1355 n Main

James, Miss Mary C., r 1420 Riddell

James, Miss Melisa E., stu, r 1420 Riddell

James, Moses, carp, r 1420 Riddell

James, Peter, carpenter, r cor Sixteenth and Mosley

James, Miss Rosie A., r 1420 Riddell

Jamison, F. M., confectioner 1028 e Douglas, r same

Jamison, Miss Jessie, domestic 638 n Lawrence

Jamison, Miss Lizzie, stu, S B College, r Clearwater, Kan

Janes, Mrs. B. F., r 139 n Hydraulic

Janes, Miss Maggie, r 139 n Hydraulic

Jansen, Miss Lulu, dressmaker, r ab 149 n Emporia

Janney, Chas O, wks Benbow Bros, rms 1308 Hunter

Jaques, William, painter, bds 1253 n Fourth

Jques, William P, painter, r 1208 n Lawrence

Jarman, Andrew J, wks Crystal Ice Co, r 203 n Walnut, ws

Jarvis, Miss Annie, dressmaker, r 323 s Seneca, ws

Jarvis, Ira, student S B College

Jaus, Charles F (Wich Steam Stone Wks) bds 1029 n Water

Jee, John, laborer, r 137 s Mosley

Jeffrey, Charles H, bds 535 n Mosley

Jeffries Miss Alma, teacher, bds 307 s Seneca, ws

Jeffries & Jordan, Wm T Jeffries and S S Jordan, R I Coal and Coke Co, 126 n Main

Jefferies, Wm T (Rock Island Coal Co) r 337 s Seneca, ws

Jefferies, Willie, student Garfield

Jekyll, Miss Emily, art teacher Garfield University

Jekyll, Miss Hattie, stu S B college, r Washington, D C

Jelta, Miss Alberda, domestic r 417 n Fifth

Jelts, Miss Rachel, r 417 n Fifth

Jelts, William, laborer, r 417 n Fifth

Jenison, H. L., street car driver, bds 1064 n Wichita

Jenkins, Asa B., policeman, r 605 s Topeka

Jenkins, Edgar, r 605 s Topeka

Jenkins, Miss Fannie, r 605 s Topeka

Jenkins, George W., traveling salesman, r 518 e Central

Jenkins, Harvey E., prop N Y Chop House 203 e Douglas

Jenkins, Mrs. S C, r n Fourth blk 3200

Jennings, Andrew, gardener, r cor Twenty-ninth and Norton

Jennings, Chas A., stu Lewis acad, r 333 n Waco

Jennings, Edward W., carpenter, r 1549 n Fifth

Jennings, Frank D student, r 436 s Water

Jennings, Hugh H., conductor Midland Ry, r 1061 n Fifth

Jennings, James S., prop and ed The New Republic, rms Richland

Jennings, J. C., com agt Mo Pac Ry 408 Sedg, r 333 n Waco

Jennings, Miss Jennie R., student, r 436 s Water

Jennings, John, r 225 s Ellis

Jennings, L. L., r rm 1 ab 209 n Fourth

Jennings, Mrs. Margaret W., r 436 s Water

Jennings, Roscoe P., printer ab 216 e Douglas, rms Richland

Jennings, Miss Sarah E., milliner, r 436 s Water

Jerome, Lee, rm 1 Zimmerly, r 611 s Market

Jeserich Adloph R., dry gds. merch, r 1702 s Lawrence

Jeserich, Adolph R., Jr., dry gds. merch, r 1702 s Lawrence

Jeserich, Miss Clara, dau A R Jeserich, r 1702 s Lawrence

Jesseph, Elmer, teamster, r 843 s Wichita

Jeter, Mrs. Carrie, r 637 n Ohio

Jeter, Elbert, plasterer, r 639 n Ohio

Jetty E, clk, bds European Hotel

Jewell, Chas, wks Dold Packing Co

Jewell, Thos, bldg supt, r rm 1 ab 223 s Main

Jewell, Mrs. Thos, r rm 1 ab 223 s Main

Jewett, E. B., (Jewett & Langworthy) atty, r 419 n Emporia

Jewett, John A., grocer, r 1024 s Topeka

Jewett, John J., agt Plymouth R Pants Co., r 428 n Market

Jewett & Langworthy, E B J & J B L, attys, ab 203 n Main

Jewett, William T., stock feeder, r 413 n Emporia

Jimmison, James, wks car wks, r 3517 n Emporia

Jinkens, Green, hod carrier, r 125 s Emporia

Jirls, John, laborer, r Central w of bridge

Jobes, Andrew C., vice pres Kan Natl’l Bank, r 1112 n Market

Jocelyn, Miss Geneva, r 346 n Topeka

Jocelyn’s Real Estate Ex, S E Jocelyn prop, 126 n Main

Jocelyn, Stephen E., prop Jocelyn’s rlest ex, r 346 n Topeka

Jodon, Wm, mngr lumber yds, bds Burton House

Joe the Hatter and Haberdasher 147 n Main

Johantgen, John F., gen agt N Y L Ins Co., r 212 n Lawrence

John Bright University, office rm 10 Bitting block

Johnessee, K., harnmhr 123 w Douglas, r 838 w Central

Johns, E. J., carp, r 111 s Fourth

Johns, J. T., farmer and dairy, r Meridian n Adeline

Johns, Mrs. Katie, dom Hotel Richland

Johnson, Allen G., drugs 1101 w Doug, ws, bds W S Hotel

Johnson, Aleck, section hand R I Ry, r 827 n Fourth

Johnson, Allison J., Frisco restaurant 651 e Oak, r 653 e Oak

Johnson, A. Lincoln, wks W Steam Stone Wks, bds 122 w 10th

Johnson, Miss Amanda, tailoress, rms 313 e William

Johnson, Amos, wks Dold Packing Co.

Johnson, Mrs. Anna, laundress, r 618 e English

Johnson, Miss Annie, r 234 n Mosley

Johnson, Arthur, student, r 907 s Lawrence

Johnson, Azrow N., carpenter, r 203 s Walnut, ws

Johnson, Miss Belle, domestic 1902 s Wichita, rms same

Johnson, Carl P., student, r 437 s Fern, ws

Johnson, Charles S., r 1030 s Lawrence

Johnson, Charles, engineer Santa Fe yards, r 149 n Fourth

Johnson & Co., M E Johnson and M L Johnson, second-hand store, 826 e Douglas

Johnson, Dave, cook 626 e Douglas, r same

Johnson, D. D., trav salesman Thos Shaw, r 1455 Vassar

Johnson, Miss Dessa, music teacher, r 437 s Fern, ws

Johnson, Dudley, laborer, bds Grand View House

Johnson, E. B., laborer, rms 316 e William

Johnson, Edgar R., student, r 1804 Mentor, ws

Johnson, E. L., stu S B College, r Melvern, Kan

Johnson, Miss Ella, music teacher, r 145 n Ohio

Johnson, Eshley, farmer, r cor Seneca and Delano, ws

Johnson, Frank, r 907 s Lawrence

Johnson, Fred L., phys, mngr U S Signal off, rm 523 Sedg

Johnson, George W., wks O B Stocker & Co., bds 139 n Water

Johnson, Gus, contractor, r 130 s Charles, ws

Johnson, Mrs. Hannah, wks Dold Packing Co.

Johnson, Mrs. Harriett, r 812 w Central

Johnson, Miss Harriett, r 812 w Central

Johnson, Harvey, r 1031 s Topeka

Johnson, Harry, night man telephone off, rm 20 ab 146 n Main

Johnson, Henry, laborer, bds 917 e First

Johnson, Henry, laborer, r 617 e Waterman

Johnson, Hugh (Johnson & Wachob) r 307 s Emporia

Johnson, Ira E., student Garfield

Johnson, James, coachman W G Hacker, r 1055 n Lawrence

Johnson, Jay C., commission merchant, r 1653 s Topeka

Johnson, John, bds 535 n Market

Johnson, J. B., watchmaker, rm Tremont House

Johnson, J. C., mngr Oliver & Co., r 1650 s Topeka

Johnson, J. E., elest 112 e Douglas, r 217 n Topeka

Johnson, J. L. (Wichita Produce co) 125 n Market

Johnson, John P., rlest, r 430 n Wichita

Johnson, J. R., r 345 n Fourth

Johnson, John W., wks W Trip Hammer Brick W, rms same

Johnson, Joseph (Wichita Produce Co), bds 346 n Fourth

Johnson, Miss Julia, laundress Douglas Av House

Johnson, Mrs. Laura A., r 1804 w Mentor, ws

Johnson, Leroy, cook, r 1343 n Fifth

Johnson, Miss Louisa C., dau Thomas B J, r 1444 s Mead

Johnson, Louis J., laborer, r 626 n Fourth

Johnson, Mrs. Lidia, bds Grandview House

Johnson, Mrs. Margaret, r 827 e Central

Johnson, M. E. (Johnson & Co) r 342 New York

Johnson, Mrs. M. J., r 406 n Main

Johnson, M. L. (Johnson & Co.) r 214 Pennsylvania

Johnson, Nelse H., yardmaster Mo Pac Ry, r 335 n Wichita

Johnson, Palmer B., carpenter, r 321 s Washington

Johnson, Parry, chimneysweep, r 109 e Williams

Johnson, Peter, lab Kansas Sash & Door Co., bds 320 s Ida

Johnson, Mrs. Rena T., r 717 n Market

Johnson, R. H. (Snively, Johnson & Co.) r 437 s Fern, ws

Johnson, R., student S B College

Johnson, Robert, r 1406 n Emporia

Johnson, Samuel, blacksmith, 1012 e Douglas, r 145 n Ohio

Johnson, Samuel L., postal clerk, r 907 s Seneca, ws

Johnson, Samuel, trav s’man Getto & McClung, r 202 s Topeka

Johnson, S. E., real estate, bds 343 n Main

Johnson, Miss S. Lee, sten Little & Kimball, r 217 n Lawrence

Johnson, S. L., student Garfield

Johnson, Stillman A., r 1031 s Topeka

Johnson, S. T., real estate, room 1 Smith-Skinner building, r 340 s Ellis

Johnson, T. H., clk 216 n Main, r Second and Market

Johnson, Thomas B., retired, r 1444 s Mead

Johnson, Truman, errand boy Munson & McNamara

Johnson & Wachob, Hugh Johnson and G C Wachob, blacksmiths, 117 n Mead

Johnson, Walter, wks Dold Packing Co.

Johnson, Wardon, r 1031 s Topeka

Johnson, Rev. Warren, s Hydraulic near Judson University

Johnson, William, wks Kansas Natl Bank, r 506 n Water

Johnson, Wm, printer Ward & Vorphal, rms 532 n Wabash

Johnson, Wm, druggist, Carey Hotel, r 126 Mathewson

Johnson, Wm B., switchman A T S Fe Ry, 406 n Main

Johnson, W. C., driver C E Rogers, r 407 Stephen

Johnson, W. E., laborer, r 243 n Mosley

Johnson, W. L. (J H Black & Co.) druggists, r 126 Mathewson

Johnson, Wm M., laborer, 538 n Water

Johnson, Zachariah M., r 907 s Lawrence

Johnston, Miss Claudie, stu S B College

Johnston, Chas L., trav sales Johnston & L D G C, r 622 e 13th

Johnston, David E., 2d hand store, r 214 Pennsylvania

Johnston, Emmett V., bkpr N Y Store, r 342 New York

Johnston, F. W., student S B College

Johnston, Geo, with O B Stocker, bds 139 n Water

Johnston, Miss Grace J., student Lewis Acad, r 1725 e Douglas

Johnston, Miss Harriet I., r 622 e Thirteenth

Johnston, Ike, solicitor stock yds, r 1028 n Jackson

Johnston, True G., clk Munson & McN, r 214 Pennsylvania

Johnston, John,  shoemkr Smith & Stover, rms 142 n Market

Johnston, John H., 2d hand store, r 342 New York

Johnston, Lillian, r 622 e Thirteenth

Johns, Edward J., carpenter, r 111 s Fourth

Johnston-Larimer, Dry Goods Co., W W J, Sr., G W L, W W Johnston, Jr., who dry goods, notions & furnishings 119-123 n Topeka

Johnston, Orlo, cash boy Boston Store, r 342 New York

Johnston, Wm R., stock dealer, r 1018 n Jackson

Johnston, Wm W., Jr. (J & Larimer D G Co) r 1226 n Waco

Johnston, Wm W., Sr. (J & Larimer D G Co) r 622 e 13th

Jones, Albert, bds 535 n Market

Jones, Alfred A., teas and coffees 1004 w Douglas, ws

Jones, Mrs. Amanda, r 600 n Wichita

Jones, Mrs. Anna, r 356 Riverview

Jones, Mrs. Annie L., r 316 n Emporia

Jones, Anson C., carpenter, r 1015 n Water

Jones, Arthur V., carpenter, bds 315 s Martinson, ws

Jones, B. E., wks 327 e Douglas, bds Delmonico

Jones, Ben, stone mason, r 207 s Pattie

Jones, Bertrand, atty at law, r 113 Cleveland

Jones, Miss Caroline, r 225 n Fifth

Jones, Charles, wks Dold Packing Co.

Jones, Charles, bds 535 n Market

Jones, Charles, cook 604 e Doug, rms 216 s Fourth

Jones, Charles E. (Allen & Jones) r 817 n Lawrence

Jones, Charles H., wks Gas, Elec L & P Co., r 1221 Chicago, ws

Jones, Charles S., wks Dold Pkg Co., bds 1403 Strong

Jones, Charles M., (Cole & Jones) r 303 s Topeka

Jones, C. N. (Law & Jones) r 305 s Sycamore, ws

Jones, Daniel, farmer, r West n of Twenty-first

Jones, Daniel N., house cleaner, r 600 n Wichita

Jones, David W., sewing machine agt, r 205 s Oak, ws

Jones, Miss Edna E., student, r 1006 w Douglas, ws

Jones, Edward C., carpenter, r 152 n Emporia

Jones, Charles A., stu High School, r 817 n Lawrence

Jones, Edward J., clk 567 w Doug, ws, rms same

Jones, Mrs. Ella, r 3006 e Douglas

Jones, Miss Ella K., wks Eagle off, r 1006 w Douglas, ws

Jones, E. L. W., train dis St L & S F R R 707 e Oak, r same

Jones, Miss Elnora E., stu High School, r 1015 n Water

Jones, Ervie L., painter, r 315 n Emporia

Jones, F. H., stu S B College, r New Albany, Ind.

Jones, Frank H., bkpr S L Davison Mtg Co., r 817 n Lawrence

Jones, George, laborer, r 720 n Main

Jones, George, porter Mo P general offices

Jones, George, laborer, r 541 n Water

Jones, George B., clerk 519 e Douglas, r 305 s Sycamore, ws

Jones, George W., r 234 n Ohio

Jones, George W. C. (Adams, Jones & Adams) r 904 Litchfield

Jones, Grant, clk Robinson & Champion, r 356 n Riverview

Jones, Harry, stu S B College, r Winterset, Iowa

Jones, Harry, grocery clerk 707 n Fourth, r 847 Eagle

Jones, Harry S., wks C H Hunter, r ab 331 e Douglas

Jones, H. B., carpenter, r 1344 s Fifth

Jones, H. M., grocer 222 e Douglas, r 257 n Topeka

Jones, Herbert C., r 243 Indiana

Jones, Isaac V., real estate, r 443 n Water

Jones, James Chapin, r 3006 e Douglas

Jones, Mrs. Jennie, r 1855 n Market

Jones, Jesse R., bricklayer, r 705 Laura

Jones, John H., student Garfield, r Hume, Mo

Jones, John M., cook Princess restaurant, rms ab 115 n Topeka

Jones, John N., contr, 301 s Seneca, bds 315 s Martinson, ws

Jones, Joseph E., farmer, r 3621 n Emporia

Jones, Josiah, r 402 s Market

Jones, Mrs. Lavina C., dom J O Davison

Jones, Lewellen B., clk R I frt depot, r 600 s Emporia

Jones, Lewis G., student, r 356 Riverview

Jones, Miss Mabel, student, r 600 n Wichita

Jones, Miss Mary, wks 123 s Topeka, r 225 n Fifth

Jones, Miss Mary, r 356 Riverview

Jones, Mrs. Mary L., laundry woman, r 413 n Wichita

Jones, Mathew, cook Hotel Carey, r 541 n Water

Jones, Miss Minnie, r 218 w Walnut

Jones, Mrs. M. J., furnished rms, ab 220 & 222 n Main, r same

Jones, Miss Mollie J., r 1015 n Water

Jones, Moses, plasterer, cor Seventeenth and Cleveland

Jones, Nathan, stonemason, r 225 n Fifth

Jones, Miss Nellie, student, r 3006 e Douglas

Jones, Miss Nettie, r 600 n Wichita

Jones, Newton C., 2d hand dealer, 519 e Doug, r 438 n Market

Jones, O. F., student S B Colelge

Jones, Paul E. (Paul Jones & Co) r 310 n Market

Jones, Paul & Co., Paul J and F M Bisbee, drugs, 118 e Doug

Jones, Paul, W U T messenger, r 443 n Water

Jones, Peter, stone mason, bds Fairview Hotel 1012 w Doug, ws

Jones, Pete, wks 227½ n Main, rms 246 n Main

Jones, Miss Phebe, r 3006 e Douglas

Jones, L. B., laborer, r 1102 s Topeka

Jones, Richard L., with Law & Jones, r 438 n Market

Jones, Robert, laborer Stewart, C & Co., bds Oklahoma House

Jones, Samuel W., printer, r 600 n Wichita

Jones, Thomas, laborer, r 811 s Mead

Jones, Thomas D., laborer, r 811 s Mead

Jones, Thomas D., laborer, r 828 n Wichita

Jones, Walter R., r 1128 n Main

Jones, Walter W., cook 109 w Douglas, rms room 13 Stem blk

Jones, Walter W., salesman Trimble Bros & T., bds St. Lawrence

Jones, W. B., speculator, r cor Hillside and Grand

Jones, Wm, painter, r 210 n Seneca, ws

Jones, William, laborer, r n Lawrence

Jones, William, retired, r 916 Litchfield

Jones, William G., journalist, bds Manhattan

Jones, Wm H., porter Aldrich & Brown, r Lindlewood

Jones, Wm H. H., carp, r 1015 n Water

Jones, Wm S., stone mason, r 847 Eagle

Jones, Wm T., carp, r 243 Indiana

Jones, Willie, lab, r 541 n Water

Jones, Zarah L., solicitor Journal, r 409 n Wichita, ws

Jordan, Miss Addie, dom 517 Riverview

Jordan, Geo M., traveler L M Cox, r 1013 e First

Jordan, Miss Gussie, clk Munson & McN, r 1013 e First

Jordan, Lee, deliv P Herron, r 1013 e First

Jordan, Sylvester S. (R I C & C Co.) r 316 s Lawrence

Jordan, Wm A., phys & sur, rm 3 Bitting, r 1018 n Market

Joseph, Miss Celia, r 1021 n Water

Joseph, Charlie, corspndt clk R G Dun & Co, r 1021 n Water

Joseph, Chas, wks Dun’s Com Agcy, r 1021 n Water

Joseph, Hyman, flour dlr 124 s Lawrence, r 1021 n Water

Joseph, Miss Ida, student, r 1021 n Water

Joseph, Miss Lena, r 1021 n Water

Joseph, Miss Minnie, student, r 132 w Tenth

Joseph, Miss Minnie, clk 124 s Lawrence, r 1021 n Water

Journal Pub Co., Otto Zimmerman, pres, John Hoenscheidt, sec and mngr, pub Daily Journal, 125 s Main

Juchter, Miss Margaret, domestic 305 n Emporia

Judah, H., wks city street railway, r 221 n Vine, ws

Judah, John W., laborer, r 221 n Vine, ws

Judd, Carl K., attorney, rooms 9 and 11 ab 142 n Main, bds 236 w Morris

Judson University, cor Hydraulic and Franklin

Julian, Edwin, student S B College, r Kiowa, Kan

Julian, J. O., student S B College, r Cave Springs, Mo

Junkermann, Mrs. Julius, r 115 e Pine

Junkermann, Miss Katie, dau Mrs. Julius J., r 115 e Pine

Junkermann, Miss Katie, stu Lewis Acad, r cor 16th & Fair’vw

Jurgens, John N., prop Highland Park Dairy, r nw Kellogg and Oliver

Justice of Peace S L Barrett, ab 140 n Main

Justice of Peace B L Keenan, ab 103 w Douglas

Justice of Peace W P Mosley, ab 137 n Main

Justice of Peace W O Hammond, ab 211 n Main



Kaeser, Wm M., atty, r 585 Maple, ws

Kaesewieter, August W., wks W Stm Sto Wks, r 1010 n Waco

Kahoe, Miss Dollie, stu pub schools, r 411 s Water

Kahoe, John, wks cor Wheeler & West, ws, rms same

Kaidle, Fred W., sign writer, r n Fifth near Twenty-sixth

Kaidle, Mrs. Sophy, r n Fifth near Twenty-sixth

Kaidle, Thos, billiards, r n Fifth near Twenty-sixth

Kail, Wm, wks Woods brick yd, rms same

Kaiser, Geo K., painter and paper hanger, r 132 n Lawrence

Kaiser, Gustav, cement work, r cor Irving and Mabel

Kaiser, Henry, cement contr, r 1118 Munnel, ws

Kallenberger, Henry J., stone mason, r 925 n Wichita

Kamm, Jacob, wks W Steam Stone Wks, r 1005 n Wichita

Kammerer, Miss Albertina, dom 234 n Osage, ws

Kammerer, Adolph, laborer, r 234 n Osage, ws

Kammerer, August, carp, r 234 n Osage, ws

Kanaird, Robert, clk off W & W Ry, r 1040 n Emporia

Kanatzer, John, stu S B College, r Smithfield, Mo

Kancofe, Arthur, clk 312 e Douglas, r 308 s Topeka

Kansas Abstract Agency, J P Wheeler mngr, P A Rohrbaugh atty, rms 1, 3 & 5 Smith & Skinner bldg

Kansas Buggy Co., H K Tuller & J N Washburn props, 114 and 116 n Fourth

Kansas City House, M J Koehler prop, 2049 n Topeka

Kansas Detect Bureau, O Refsland supt, J F Crabtree chief of detect, ab 129 n Main

Kansas Fruit Co., W H Kenworthy prop, 127 n Market

Kansas Furniture Co., S W Pearce pres, L E Pearce sec, Douglas and Fourth

Kansas Globe Pub Co., 221 w Central

Kansas Loan & Invest Co., N F Niederlander pres, J C Rutan sec, ab Wichita National Bank

Kansas Meat Market, Busch & Grover props, 322 n Main

Kansas Midland Depot, cor Pine and Wabash

Kansas National Bank, H W Lewis pres, A C Jobes vice pres, Chas E Frank cashier, 134 n Main

Kansas National Loan Co., H W Lewis pres, Geo F Lewis vice pres, I F West sec, 134 n Main

Kansas News Co., Dillon & McTaggart props, 108 n Main

Kansas Paint Mfg. Co., 701 e Third, E Steinhauser & A G Ritz proprietors

Kansas Pump Co., Geo P Glaze pres, A T Buckeridge mngr, off 208 n Fourth

Kansas Refrigerator Co., Lee Hays mngr, L T Ewen sec, 121 w Douglas

Kansas Sash & Door Co., A S Parks pres, J A Van Denberg sec, 238, 240 and 242 s Mosley

Kansas Spring Bed co., se cor Mead & Second, Billow & Doup proprietors

Kansas Staats Anzeiger, John Hoenscheidt prop and ed, 125 s Main

Kansas Steam Laun, J T Hanning prop, 240 n Water

Kant, Miss Adelaide, r 1413 University, ws

Karnay, Sam, r s Mosley

Karr, Day, student Garfield

Karr, Eldridge M. (K & Robinson) bds Occidental

Karr, Ortie, student Garfield

Karr & Robinson, E M Karr & D B C Robinson, rlest rm 18 Fletcher

Karr, William H., rlest rm 18 Fletcher, rms same

Kassel, William, jeweler 217 e Douglas, r 226 s Main

Kasewieter, August, wks S Stone Wks, r 1010 n Waco

Kates, Arthur, wks Young Bros, r cor Third and Topeka

Kates, Willie, wks Clair dining hall, r 141 n Market

Katheman, Miss Anna, stu S B College, bds 608 s Emporia

Kauffman, F Kirby, bds St. Lawrence

Katz, Aaron, dry goods and clothing, 129 e Douglas, r 420 s Main

Kauffman, Wm H., prop St. Lawrence, r 243 n Lawrence

Kauffman, W. Russell, bds St. Lawrence

Kauffman, Miss Zelma, bds St. Lawrence

Kaufman, Miss Anna (Kaufman & Koher) r 228 n Emporia

Kaufman, Miss Clara, student S B College, r 228 n Emporia

Kaufman, Henry, (J. G. Miltner & Co.) r 228 n Emporia

Kaufman, Israel, mngr W Tailoring & Renovating Emporium

Kaufman, John, farmer, r 1156 Tarlton

Kaufman & Koher, Miss Anna Kaufman and Mrs. Eva Koher, millinery, 204 n Main

Kay, Allen, wks Wichita Cornice Wks, bds Sedgwick House

Kay, Miss Anna H., r 1609 s Washington

Kay, Horace A. (Ranson & Kay) r 1609 s Washington

Kay, Mrs. Mary A., r 1609 s Washington

Kay, William, painter Gus A Miller & Co., r 115 n Hydraulic

Kayser, George, r 213 s Lawrence

Kazie, Joseph, wks Forest City Brick Co., rms same

Keach, O., wks Wichita Trip Ham Brick Wks, rms same

Keach, O. A., atty, room 320 Sedgwick, rms ab 254 n Main

Keach, Orin A., student, rms ne cor Hillside and Franklin

Kearney, Frank L. (Kearney & Parsons) r 839 Maple, ws

Kearney & Parsons, Frank L Kearney and Charles A Parsons, hardware and stoves, 223 e Douglas

Kearns, Charles H., wks Coleman & Co., r 118 s Water

Kearns, Wm L., lumber, r 216 Mathewson

Keck, Leonidas, coal oil dealer, r 2101 s Fifth

Keefer & Co., J B Springgate and H C Keefer, props North End Grocery, Emporia bet 18th and 19th

Keefer, Henry C. M., (Keefer & Co.) r 2120 n Water

Keefer, Willie, r 1857 s Wichita

Keel, John, tailor 313 e Douglas, r cor Lincoln and Browne

Keeley, Miss Mary, nurse girl, 1031 n Lawrence

Kean, John E., teamster, r 1010 w Texas, ws

Keenan Bruce L., Justice of Peace off ab 103 e Douglas, rms 250 n Emporia

Keenan, Leonidas H., atty ab 103 e Douglas, rms 250 n Emporia

Keenum, Chas, carp, r ne cor Lincoln and Av C

Keeran, Miss Bertha, r 957 n Mead

Keeran, Miss Della, r 957 Mead

Keeran, Mrs. D. C., r 957 n Mead

Keeran, Grant, employee R I Ry, r 852 Stover

Keffer, John, mngr Brunswick Stone Co., r 805 s Main

Kehler, Timothy, stone mason, r 1915 n Wabash