Midwest Historical
Genealogical Society

P. O. Box 1121

Wichita, KS 67201-1121


Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society has acquired purchase orders from Quiring Monument that includes orders for memorial stones from Wichita Monument, Marsh Monument, Quiring Monument, Creekmore & Son, Bruce Memorials (Klugman). These purchase orders cover the years 1919 through 1944, 1951 through 1973 and 1965 though 1991 and a great deal of information that could be helpful to the genealogist is found on some of these. We are pleased to offer copies of the following indexed files if you will include in the order the Year, Surname, Given Name(s) and Cemetery and a number 10 SASE along with your check, made payable to MHGS, covering $5 for each purchase order requested. Allow four weeks for delivery.

A Ba-Bog Boh-By C-Cl Co-Cy D E F G H-Hertl Hertz-Hy I J K L Mc
M-Me Mi-My N O P Q R S-Sherl Sherm-Sow Sp-Sy T U V W-Whit Who-Wy XYZ


Year Surname Given Name(s) Cemetery
1954 Ice Carrie B. Cheney, KS
1955 Ice Oren T. Cheney, KS
1939 Ickes and Locke Ella Ickes Locke, Frank Marion Ickes Elmwood, Augusta, KS
1981 Iddings   Mayfield, KS
1982 Iderger Mary Grace Harper, KS
1984 Ierubind Alexander, Emelia St. Mary's, Newton, KS
1940 Ikard Betty Pet Cemetery
1986 Ikeler Ivan Ray Old Mission, Wichita, KS
1968 Ikeler Ray P., Iva D. Old Mission, Wichita, KS
1941 Ikerd Nellie M.   Kiowa, KS
1937 Illingworth   Medicine Lodge, KS
1960 Imbler Kathleen Calvary, Wichita, KS
1942 Imboden Adam H., Keener M. Maple Grove, Wichita, KS
1920 Imboden Lois, Adam H. Maple Grove, Wichita, KS
1982 Imel BrendaSusan Greenwood, Belmont, KS
1984 Imel Clarence  Hoosier, Kingman, KS
1984 Imel Jane L.,  Hoosier, Kingman, KS
1924 Imhoof Abraham, Mary  Maple Grove, Wichita, KS
1966 Immaculate Conception Church Corner Stone Immaculate Conception Church
1964 Ingalls Herbert W.  
1973 Ingalls Infant Daughter Mulvane, KS
1929 Ingham Margaret K. Maple Grove, Wichita, KS
1927 Ingle Ralph W. Belle Plaine, KS
1977 Ingmire Mildred, Walden Kenneth, Doris, LaVonne White City, KS
1967 Ingraham Beal Milford, KS
1970 Ingraham Ivor White Chapel, Wichita, KS
1985 Ingram King N., Anna M. Maple Grove, Wichita, KS
1982 Ingram Malee Fairview Park, St. John, KS
1935 Ingram Martha Ann, John Henry White Chapel, Wichita, KS
1976 Ingram Pearl L. Old Mission, Wichita, KS
1986 Ingram Richard C. "Budd", Norma J. ElPaso, Derby, KS
1971 Ingram Spencer J. Resthaven, Wichita, KS
1981 Ingrim Allie E. Maple Grove, Wichita, KS
1973 Ingrim Charles N., Gladys J. Waco, Haysville, KS
1926 Ingrim Mattie Maple Grove, Wichita, KS
1968 Ingvaldson Lila F. Derby, KS
1967 Inman Andy A. Picked up by purchaser
1924 Inman David F. Maple Grove, Wichita, KS
1957 Inman Fred S. White Chapel, Wichita, KS
1941 Inman Josephine P. Maple Grove, Wichita, KS
1921 Inman William Wesley Benton, KS
1925 Inmboden Adam H. Maple Grove, Wichita, KS
1937 Innes William  Maple Grove, Wichita, KS
1957 Innis Robert L. Wichita Park, Wichita, KS
1924 Innis and Eliason Lena Innis Fowler, KS
1981 Insley Paul R., Matthew A., Marlene J. Highland, Junction City, KS
1983 Ioerger Helen G. Danville, KS
1942 Ireland Rev. Chas. E. White Chapel, Wichita, KS
1965 Irion Minnie, Fred Mt. Hope, Ellis, KS
1989 Irvin C. W. "Bill" Greenwood, Council Grove, KS
1943 Irvin Frances R., J. Howard Wichita Park, Wichita, KS
1981 Irvin Opal Bottorff, Andrew Gosett Harper, KS
1988 Irvine Paul Gaylord, Sr. Wreford, Junction City, KS
1930 Irvine Rev. W. r. Sterling, KS
1985 Irving Peggy Hope, George Dwight Elmwood, Augusta, KS
1967 Irwin Carol Diane Greenwood, Newton, KS
1986 Irwin Charles Edward Picked up by purchaser
1931 Irwin Charles M> Old Mission, Wichita, KS
1953 Irwin Charles W., Lillie M. Greenwood, Newton, KS
1978 Irwin Edward James, Annisa, Andy Highland, Junction City, KS
1942 Irwin Harold M. Anthony, KS
1930 Irwin Harry L., Lillian C. Anthony, KS
1978 Irwin Helen, Parker Mt. Hope, KS
1955 Irwin Ida M, John M. Picked up by purchaser
1941 Irwin Lucy O. Derby, KS
1976 Irwin Lue Ella Calvary, Wichita, KS
1943 Irwin Lutie E. Wichita Park, Wichita, KS
1971 Irwin Mary Evelyn Calvary, Wichita, KS
1987 Irwin Opal C., W. D. "Don" Greenwood, Newton, KS
1926 Irwin Virgil C. Old Mission, Wichita, KS
1943 Irwin Wm. Wichita Park, Wichita, KS
1986 Isbell Beda kurtze Highland, Wichita, KS
1975 Isbell Bessie Pearl Old Mission, Wichita, KS
1942 Isbell Frank Old Mission, Wichita, KS
1938 Isbell John Ward Old Mission, Wichita, KS
1971 Ische Mary Louise Greenwood, Newton, KS
1925 Isely C. H. Maple Grove, Wichita, KS
1943 Isely Elsie Dubach Maple Grove, Wichita, KS
1940 Isely and Duncan Shelby Patterson, Kunigunde Kuehn Duncan, David Duncan Isely Maple Grove, Wichita, KS
1967 Isenbart Frank J., Mabel F. Mulvane, KS
1978 Isenbart Mabel F. Mulvane, KS
1934 Isenhart Thomas Earl Wichita Park, Wichita, KS
1972 Isham Asa C. White Chapel, Wichita, KS
1966 Isham Minnie Lange White Chapel, Wichita, KS
1935 Ishmael Mamie, Roy H. Kiowa, KS
1931 Ishmael Samuel T. Kiowa, KS
1985 Islas Antonia G., Fernando O. Calvary, Wichita, KS
1971 Isom Perry C. Picked up by purchaser
1984 Israel Katherine Gail, Robert E., Jr. Wichita Park, Wichita, KS
1984 Israel Noveta L., Hurley R. ElPaso, Derby, KS
1925 Israel R. C. Maple Grove, Wichita, KS
1929 Isreal Isaac Highland, Wichita, KS
1979 Ives Ethel Fairview Park, St. John, KS
1978 Ives Lulu M. Mt. Hope, KS


A Ba-Bog Boh-By C-Cl Co-Cy D E F G H-Hertl Hertz-Hy I J K L Mc
M-Me Mi-My N O P Q R S-Sherl Sherm-Sow Sp-Sy T U V W-Whit Who-Wy XYZ


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