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Midwest Historical and Genealogical Society has a scrapbook in their library that contains obituaries from Unionville and Putnum County, Missouri.. Here you will find alphabetical listings of the names appearing in that scrapbook. There are also a few clippings regarding family reunions of the area. If you need information about a name you find in the list send a SASE along with $5.00 (US Dollars only)for each name and we will abstract the information for you. Mail the name of the person on which you wish the information and the page number it appears on to: MHGS, P. O. Box 1121, Wichita, KS 67201-1121. Please include your e-mail address if you have one.


Unionville, Putnum Co., Missouri

Putnam County Missouri     SURNAME              GIVEN NAME              PAGEAbbott            Charles Emery                    4-33Acre              George Dayton                   61-83Adlesperger       Iris Izora                         55Albee             Bruce Kent                         33Alexander         William                            98Allen             Duard William                       5Ammerman          Ida Elnora                        126Anders            Lee Clifford                       25Anders            Marie Ozell                        47Anders            Thomas Franklin                    41Anderson          Bill                              142Applegate         Earl                               84Archer            George W.                          IArnold            Charles William                 75-80Arnold            Nellie M.                     138-139Ball              Robert Tobin                      136Banebright        Stella M.                          78Bankson           Thelma Irene                    88-90Banner            Finis                               8Banner            Rollie Ezekiel                    148Bartmess          Charles F.                          9Bartmess          Vearl William                      74Beal              Maurice Edward                     60Beary             Ivy Ferris                    3-39-92Bennett           Eva                                97Berry             Alfred                             99Bertschman        L. J.                             143Bidkin            Jim                                68Biggie            Stella Marie                       64Bishop            Ida May                            44Bishop            Pearl                              51Biswell           Dowie                             113Biswell           Oscar William                     125Blachman          Mark II                            92Blanchard         Charles                            33Blanchard         High                              129Blanchard         Richard                            19Bland             Mary V.                            62Bolar             Marion Phillip                     64Bonfoey           Beverly L.                        122Bowie             Alex                               56Bowman            Fern                              112Braden            Frederick Newton                   74Bramhall          John A.                            BBramhall          Lola Jane                          ABrasfield         Amelia                             43Brasfield         Edwin D.                           20Brooks            Mable Eliza                        58Brown             Cora Alice                         79Brown             John E.                            79Brown             Minnie                             56Brummitt          Mary Ellen                      42-43Brundage          Francies L.                      6-17Brundage          Katie L.                          7-8Buckallew         Crystal L.                         68Buckallew         Earl                              141Bunch             Ida Jane                           18Bunch             Walter H.                         140Bunyard           Henry Ralph                       111Burkland          Donald R.                       15-32Burns             Chester                            65Burns             Leonard A.                          1Burns             Prude Anghelia                     50Burns             Sarah Emily                     22-77Busbee            Berdella                           81Buster            James D.                           84Buster            Mrs. Tom                            5Butler            Dovie Marie                       102Butler            Journey H.                         57Byers             Edna Louise                        12Cain              Gay                               120Calif             Bertha Sell                        38Calliham          Cpl. Lyndel R.                    143Callison          Bert                              119Callison          Henry                              15Camp              Leota                         132-133Campbell          Pirl D.                            45Campbell          Verba Jane                         57Capps             Glen Davis                      41-46Carmack           Ellis Vern                    136-144Carman            Charles Earnest, Jr.               25Carnahan          Shirley Eugenia Medlin              3Carson            Zora                              118Carter            Andrew P.                          DCasady            Ledden                            114Cassady           Alva L.                           105Caster            Posten                            130Childers          Edgar Warren                       48Chinn             Ray E.                            109Chrisman          Bedorah J.                        130Christian         Truman F.                          41Clapper           Thersa L.                         138Clark             Charles                             5Clark             Clara Matila                       62Clark             Roy                              7-12Clay              Docie Ann                       73-86Clay              Thelma                            131Clayton           Earnest T.                         26Clear             Goldia                             66Clossin           John                              101Codbell           Grace                              43Cody              Cleo Jones                        130Coffrin           Roxie Belle                     54-56Collis            Walter                             46Colton            Clarence Wallter                   84Comstock          James                             134Conner            Stella Marie Wentworth              9Cook              Levi Monroe                        67Cooley            Mrs. Jalie                        106Cooper            Clara Edna                         76Cooper            Orfa May                           10Cornett           Earl                              132Corporon          Porteus V.                        130Couchman          Charles M.                        112Couchman          Claudette Sue                      63Cowan             Ercel                              90Cowan             Harrison Riley                    110Cowan             Sylvia Belle                    54-56Cowan             Victor Clyde                    49-56Cowell            Willis                            101Crawford          Lee Clifford                       76Crawford          Robin Dale                         32Crawford          William E.                        139Cuddleback        Carrie Jane                        78Culler            Neal                              127Culler            William Robert                     20Cullum            Harold                             96Cullum            Randy Joe                       30-66Current           letitia Jane                        7Custer            Edith                             144Daniels           Hattie F.                     107-108Danner            Walter H.                          80Davidson          Everett                            75Davis             Bobby Lee                          EDavis             Clarence Emery                     68Davis             Esther                             19Davis             Francis (Frank) Marion          70-92Davis             Golda                             131Davis             Howard                             50Davis             Lora C.                           141Davis             Mont V.                           137Davis             Susan Idad Raikes                   1Davis             William F.                        117Dennis            John S.                           124Dickson           Clyde S.                           91Dickson           James Clyde                        84Dickson           Mollie                             61Dolin             Aletha Hall                        89Donaldson         Thomas E.                          BDooley            Edward                            125Dorsey            Neva (Mrs. Orange)                 81Dotson            Clell L.                        47-54Drummond          Larry Denton                        2Drury             Cloe                              148Drury             Daniel                             78Duffey            John Logan                         HDunkin            Ruth Leeper                       145Durbin            Icah M.                            GDwyer             Clayton W.                         89Easton            Colene                            100Eckles            Harrison                            2Elam              William Lloyd                     142Elder             Bertha                            147Ellis             Lois Mary (Schnelle)               37English           Ira                                89Eutsler           Stewart                            99Evans             Lt. Comdr. John                   105Fanning           Bertha May                        143Fenton            Dorothy Alice                       7Fetters           Kenneth Ralph                     106Feurt             Marvin                            116Fields            George W.                       49-50Fields            Mary Ethel                         92Fileds            Dewey                              GFisher            James A.                      104-105Fitswater         Annis Belle                     88-89Fitswater         Frank Alfred                    30-32Forbes            Julie F.                           34Ford              "Baby"                             48Ford              Charley                           126Forkum            Jettie Ann                        108Fowler            Arvilla White                   69-70Fowler            Bernie Alonzo                      24Fowler            Daisy                             132Franklin          Limda Jones                        56Freeborn          Nancy M.                          120Frost             Cora I.                            93Fry               John Edgar                         88Funk              Dora M.                           109Furnish           Otto Lee                      112-116Garrett           Richard                            86Garrison          Dr. O.                             11Gartel            Beecher                          3-18George            Bessie A.                          16Gibson            Okla Oma                           75Gillispie         Ida Louella                        24Gillum            Charles F.                        146Gingerich         Simon                             112Gittings          Walter                            149Glaspie           Joseph F.                          82Gleason           Mrs. Ava                          103Godfrey           William A.                         AGolston           Lucy Jean                         104Goring            Redge                             117Gould             Mrs. Jean                         141Grabosch          Iva Edna                           66Grandstaff        Andrew                            119Grandstaff        Jesse                              50Gray              Chant                             114Gray              Raymond                            57Griffin           Loreen R.                         130Grimit            Larry Lee                         124Guffey            Marion Homer                       97Guffey            Peggy Denise                       47Guymon            Walter                             44Haigler           W. D.                             132Haines            Claud E.                           38Hale              Archie M.                          13Hamilton          Ben                               143Hamilton          Mrs. John J.                      143Hampton           Eleanor M.                        141Hansen            Harry                             103Harbert           Maggie A.                          FHarrington        Joseph H.                         105Hart              Dr. Pearl Vance                 10-11Hart              Paul Blaine                        26Hatfield          Ail                                24Hatfield          Benjamin                           56Hatfield          Rollie Dow                          9Hawk              Anna                              106Hayes             Charles Thomas                     19Hayes             William Benjamin                   29Haynes            Leota A.                           99Hayward           Mary Coffman                      121Hayward           Oden J.                            98Heaton            Loren                             137Hecker            Nick                              133Hecker            William T.                        114Heckethorn        John                               18Hendrix           James William                      81Hennon            Alva Bee                           79Henry             Nova Raymond                  137-143Henson            Francis (Frank) Marion             56Hickman           Earl                              112Higgins           Zola Vivian Cox                    39Hill              Bruce                             161Hill              Dave                              142Hill              Frank W.                           34Hill              Fred Fleetwood                    101Hill              John J.                         88-92Hill              Lillie                            129Hill              Myrtle                            138Hinerman          Freddie L.                      52-82Hinerman          Gertrude E.                        48Hinerman          Martha Ellen                        2Hines             Jackie Lee                        107Hodges            Anna Lavada                       120Hodges            Theodore                           73Hogg              Mahala Edna                       105Hogue             Artie B. Morrows                   52Hogue             Carl                               50Holliday          James E.                          133Holliday          Jim Wessley                     17-39Holman            Grace Stout                     25-31Holman            Jurney H.                          38Holmes            Wellington C.                55-86-92Hoover            Charles Jack                       47Howard            Charles A.                         86Howard            H. Lee                             HHoward            Herbert                           146Howard            Wilfred A.                        116Howry             William L. (Ike)                   JHowser            Pearl                              69Hudson            Fern                              115Huller            William Edd                        28Humphrey          Ross                            60-82Hunt              Fred                               16Hurley            Clay                              101Hurley            Mattison William                   48Hurley            Nancy Ethel                       100Hurley            Roy                                99Hurliman          Samuel Widner                      82Huston            Emit                              132Hutchinson        Roy                               137Ingersoll         Lelah                             142Jackson           Cecil                              18Jackson           Rose Meyers                       142Jacobs            Eugene                             66Jacobs            Kenneth C.                        140Jerrell           Dr. Hester Thomas Trigg            28Johnson           Charlene                           90Johnson           Charles Loran                 108-109Johnson           Dick M.                       113-116Johnson           Edna Maxine                        AJohnson           Effie Jane                         93Johnson           James Milton                       20Johnson           Martha Ann                         67Johnson           Maud                              125Johnson           Tempe Samantha                     14Johnson           Wade W.                           125Johnson           William                            42Jones             Alice                              10Jones             Harrison A.                     65-94Jones             Nellie (Mrs. Everett)             103Jones             Noel M.                            55Jones             Nora Marie Cotton               49-73Jones             O. L. "Lon"                        67Jump              Harold Grover                      18Kamphefner        Grace                              FKeeley            Minnie                             79Keller            Nelson Alva                        17Kelley            Mrs. Sam                           97Kelley            Ruth C.                            14Kennedy           Flora Pauline                     117Kent              Angeline                          119Kerrie            Carrie A. Cook                     91Klingsmith        Arnetta                             8Klingsmith        Cheryl                             66Klingsmith        Thomas R.                          27Knight            Martha Elsie                      113Kruger            Susie                             143Kuszmaul          Foster                             36Laffon            Howard                            120Lafoon            Anna                               59Lair              Edith                             151Landtiser         Anna Ruth                          31Lane              Finis                              27Lane              Georgia A.                        125Lapsley           Pearl                             124Lawrence          Bessie                            144Lawson            Henry H.                            4Lawson            Lois Crooks                       110Lawson            Lydia L.                          147Lawson            Mrs. Tom                           87Lawson            Nella Rovene                    38-40Leach             Glenn                             142Ledford           Charles Burton                  53-54Ledford           John                              109Ledford           L. Layton                         120Ledford           Olive                             142Lee               Arthur Franklin                 74-95Leeper            Earl Joseph                        33Leon              Charley O.                      71-73Lewis             Will                               38Liggert           Lola                               87Lightfoot         Minerva Jane                       DLinder            Janie                           49-50Lockwood          Nellie Cotton                      73Logston           Mary Ellen                         69Logston           Molly                              75Lord              Thomas                            120Lorence           Frank                              46Lorence           John                               68Lorrence          Frank                              61Lowcock           John Fred                          60Lowcock           Ralph H.                           50Lowry             Anna Tipton                  84-88-89Lowry             Frank                              43Lupton            Edith Emeline                      71Luse              Craig Ray                       60-83Lynn              Dorothy Bess Taylor             45-70Maize             John R.                           107Mannon            Lula May                           99Mannon            Mrs. Oscar                        141Marshall          Chauncy A.                         27Martin            Grace                              EMartin            Hugh Dennis                        10Martin            James Henry                       126Martz             Clara Elizabeth                    58Mathes            Charles Eliza                     119Mathes            Larry Wayne                     21-33Matthew           Commodore Basel                    82Matthew           Virgil L.                           6Maupin            Urcel Lee                         140May               Albert N.                         136May               Russell Lee                     66-67McBee             Erie                               92McCabe            Emma                               DMcCarty           Rosa Riley                         32McCloud           J. A.                             111McClure           Doyle Clayton                      52McClure           Ray                                33McCollum          Lucille E.                      34-36McFarland         Vera Irene                        148McHenry           Clarissa Ellen                     23McHenry           Mary Lou                        55-92McKee             Doyle                              98McKinley          Clark                        51-53-85McKinley          Finley                             35McLaughlin        Dan                             62-94McNabb            Geneva Amel                       118McNabb            Glen F.                            17McNeil            Georgiann                          12McQuary           Nell                               98Medlin            Ota Azella                         25Meek              Edgar Galen                     52-53Mendenhall        Hershel H.                         27Miller            Hiram Everett                      79Miller            Pebble Cleo                        GMiller            Zora                               65Milner            Charles Edward                    122Milsap            William T.                        137Minear            Dr. David A.                       86Minear            Stella Lane                     22-30Minick            Ruth Rose                         100Mitchell          Josie Helen                     42-74Mitchell          Lula Mae                           43Mitchell          William                            80Montgomery        Albert S.                           1Montgomery        Nellie M.                          46Montgomery        Noel                              111Moore             George T.                         110Moore             Glenn                              IMoore             Mary Louise                       134Moore             Wesley                            144More              Dixie                              24Morgan            Courtney Dean                      14Morgan            Giles I.                           47Morgan            Grace Myra                        125Morgan            James A.                           72Morgan            James Grover                   93-100Morgan            Joseph T. (Ted)                 61-94Morgan            Lula                               41Morlan            Harvey                            127Morris            Paul                               40Morris            Ralph                             115Morrow            Pearlie                            59Morrow            Sarah                             108Mowrer            Claude                             JMulanix           Una                                17Mullen            Pearl                              22Mullenix          Clarence E.                     61-69Mullenix          Gurney                            125Murphy            Arthur                            126Murphy            W. S. (Vess)                      104Musgrave          Raleigh H.                        141Myers             Jennie Agnes                      102Neagle            Jasper Earl                        98Neighbors         Charles H.                        149Newell            Harry Lee                          36Niccum            Martha Lutze                      123Nichols           Everett Illion                     86Nickell           Leon                              142Nickell           William T.                        137Noble             Alma Ola                      136-145Noel              Florence                           63Noland            Jennie Myrtle                      GOgle              Clell F.                          129Ogle              Myrtle                            151Olinger           Lulu R.                           138Ottwell           Harold                             34Owens             Carrie Olive                  115-134Owens             Earl                               15Parrish           Beulah Ernesta                     19Partin            Bertie                            137Patterson         Nellie Alice                      110Pauley            Ella L.                           113Pauley            Leonard A.                         47Pauley            Lloyd Ned                       87-95Pauley            Mary Ethel                         24Paxton            Stephen Arnold                     14Peardon           Aaron Wesley                       21Pearson           Dennis (Smokey)                  1-2Pearson           Kent                            44-45Pence             Guy                                19Peterson          Roger                             8-9Petterson         Michael Zane                  115-120Pickinpaugh       Nora                            43-72Plumlee           Basel                             123Porter            Clarence Roberts                   58Posey             Bertha Orpha                      141Posey             Clava Bell                        140Potter            Clara Edna                      77-91Potter            Hattie E.                     132-134Potter            Jasper                             51Powders           Frank                              89Probasco          Edward S.                         132Probasco          Herbert Elchard (Buck)            140Putnam            Emerson E.                        122Putnam            Julia                              63Putnam            Myrtle Noland                   37-40Putnam            Verona Ellen                       14Rachford          Bertha                            127Rachford          Pearl F.                           41Rardon            Marty                         137-142Ratliff           Nellie Baquet                      16Ream              Albert Lee (Ab)                    64Reaves            Pearl Lota Lane                    CReinhard          Otis                               85Reinking          William A.                          4Rennells          Kieth                              29Rennels           Rossie Elvina                25-30-31Rex               Charles Alford                    120Reynolds          Hazel                              CRhodes            William                           116Richmond          Roy Delbert                     49-56Rinker            Neal Halladay                      20Robare            Carmen Vivian                      41Robbins           Enos                               44Robbins           Noah                               18Robert            Kenneth                           151Roberts           Thomas H.                       50-61Robinson          Clara                             133Robinson          Earl "Yankee"                      51Robinson          Steve                              49Robley            Grace Hart                        115Rogers            Ida M.                            129Roof              Letha Elizabeth              15-21-33Rose              Marshall                           75Ross              Michael                         68-83Roth              George                             HRunyon            Lillie B.                          31Rushton           Edgar Everett                      36Ruth              Dow E.                             17Ruth              Mrs. George                        79Sample            Clarence                           GSanderfur         Clarence                       65-110Sanderfur         Lee Churchill                      39Sanders           Flossie Norris                     97Sandusky          Eunice                              1Sauer             Mildred                           140Sayre             Debra Sue                     136-144Sayre             Rosemary Lynn                 136-144Schmiedeke        Katie McKinley                    102Schnelle          Otis Vandolah                      ESchnelle          William B.                         96Schoonover        Ernie Oscar                        69Schoonover        John W.                         59-69Scifers           C. E.                           42-76Scott             Albert T.                          57Scott             Alva Fern                          22Scott             Austin                            145Scott             Fred A.                            15Scott             Martha                            100Scurlock          H. F.                              47Shadden           M. Sam                             IShaw              Sarah Jane                        144Shelton           Amanda Ellen                       35Shelton           Delafayette A.                    132Shepherd          Cecil                              63Shipley           Charles William                    89Shipley           Cleve                              81Shipley           Johnny Wilbur                       5Shirley           J. Murl                            77Short             Carol Sue                         119Shriver           Katie Belle                        FShryock           Lavelle                           109Shutty            Frank                             145Simmons           Lloyd A.                           38Simons            Jessie Marie                   96-103Simons            Martin                             96Simpson           Arthur Edward                      74Simpson           T. H. (Tick)                  137-145Singley           Riley E., Jr.                     141Sipes             Fred Almon                          7Sivetts           Finis Henry                        44Sivetts           James Cyrus                       106Sjipper           Leaphy D.                          51Smith             Crilla Catherine                42-43Smith             Dr. Robert D.                     141Smith             Edgar G.                          107Smith             Forrest                            HSmith             Gilliam Aitiser                     2Smith             Grandville                          7Smith             Ivy M.                            139Smith             Mrs. John                         132Smith             Sarah Jackson                   62-77Smith             Sherri Ann                        114Smith             Vera Hecker                        DSnedigar          Emma Bell                         123Snow              William Lee                       119Snyder            Florence                          139Snyder            Murl Cooley                   107-109Snyder            Nannie I.                         135Sparks            John E.                            10Springer          P. B. (Pop)                        60Staggs            Lottie Jane                        35Stalcup           Ogle D.                            CStanley           Sarah Marie                     81-92Stansberry        Lucinda                           125Starbuck          Merrell L.                         38Starns            Thomas William                  61-83Starr             Rebecca Ann                       111Steele            Keneth                             72Stewart           Edward S.                         132Stewart           William B.                         84Stirts            Elmer                              56Stout             Barett                            147Stubblefield      Alma Curby                         62Stuckey           Ira D.                          59-69Stufflebean       Connie Ray                         ESummers           Ethel Letta                        45Summers           Jeptha L.                       48-86Summers           Laura A.                           75Tade              John Emmett                        13Talbot            Marie (Mrs. P. L.)                 90Taylor            Fredrick                           43Taylor            Remus                             131Terry             Mrs. Hurbert                      143Terry             Roscoe Lynn                   136-145Thomas            Amanda May                        120Thomas            Judge Frank                       128Thomas            Mauade                             85Thomas            Maude Young                     46-52Thompson          Hugh Truston                       91Thompson          John Simeon                        IThompson          Joseph Conrad                   44-54Thompson          Susan A.                           13Tiestsort         Keith                             127Tietsort          Omer                               87Timmermier        Irene                              99Timmons           John                               26Timmons           Rollie                            108Timmons           Wess H.                         58-85Tipton            Andrew Newton                     124Tipton            Mrs. Elmer                        128Torrey            Mrs. D. W.                         80Tracey            Ivy Baugher                       122Trentor           William                            BTurner            Dora Frances                       74Tutt              Alice Thompson                    101Valentine         Jennifer M.                       114Valentine         Lloyd E.                          144Van Buskirk       Carl                               JVan Dyne          Carmie Earl                         6Van Dyne          Minnie Eldora                      73Van Sickle        Jesse G.                           23Van Velzer        George Warren (Irish)             149Vandel            Victor Emmett                      28Varner            Hollis                             29Vestal            Mrs. Levi                          EVorreiter         Laura J.                           81Wagler            Lester                            151Wagner            Roy Delbert                       151Walker            Ada                               143Walker            Lenora M.                       70-85Walker            Noah Robert               136-139-144Wallace           Grace Elson                       130Walt              Dulsie                            130Ward              Carl                               11Ward              Vencil Garrison                     4Warnick           Elizabeth Frances                  HWatts             John Ellsworth                    123Watts             Kenneth                            19Wellman           Fred                              130Wells             Ross                              108Wensel            David Allen                        16Wessell           E. J.                             135Whan              Mary Patricia                     135White             Wade (Sug)                         76Whitney           Anna                                8Wilcox            James Harley                       26Wiles             James Isaac                        87Williams          Clarence Keith                      3Williams          Ida                               118Williams          Mary                              118Williams          Paul                              106Williams          Richard                           112Williams          Wilbur                             53Williams          Willard                            79Willoughby        Nora Couchman                      63Wilson            Elizabeth                          13Wilson            Robert Gordon                     103Wilson            Robert Kenneth                     DWood              Nova                              132Woodard           Garold Leslie                      CWoodard           John Wesley                       106Wortz             James Clarence                     16Wright            Mary Ellen                         81Wright            Raymond                            86Yardley           Bessie                         39-140Yardley           Grover                            140Young             Anna T.                            37Young             Annie Hamilton                  45-46Young             Flossie May                     63-77Young             Jim                               111Young             William Alva                       61Young             William Alva                       80Young             William Ira                        37Zabel             Mary Biswell                       72
FAMILY REUNIONSAdkins                                              159Branscomb                                           155Bruce                                               166Cain                                                158Carter                                      154-162-165Chapell                                             166Clay                                                158Collins                                             163Corder                                              156Cowan                                           152-153Current                                             156Frost                                               153Furgason                                            161Gatlin                                              155Hand/Houston                                        161Hill                                            152-154Hodges/Collins                                      163Hoover                                              163Husted                                          152-161Knowles                                             159Lewis                                               156Mathes                                          156-165McDannald                                           157McFarland/ Vincent                                  153Michael                                             156Morris                                          154-167Mullins                                             158Partin                                              157Phillips                                            163Pollock                                             162Robb                                                163Scalf                                               155Shelton                                             154Shipley                                             154Shultz                                              153Skipper                                             153Stark                                               155Stout                                               152Valentine                                           157Vincent/McFarland                                   153Young                                               157


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