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Wichita, Kansas

Midwest Historical and Genealogical Society is pleased to present transcriptions of school year books.

Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas
North High School Tower 1936

Transcription by Curtis Brown

     Seniors			           Faculty	
Kenneth Adams				L. W. Mayberry		Superintendant
Ardes Maxine Ahlers		        L. W. Brooks 		Principal
Delpha Anita Allen			G. C. Dotzour		Vice-Principal
Lillie Mae Allred			Jessica Smith		Social Studies
Mildred Frances Almond			Esme Cellars		Social Studies
Joe Lorraine Alvis			Lotta Green		Social Studies
Genevieve Ruth Amberg			Pauline Hildinger	Social Studies
Merle Arnold				Mabel Kemp		Social Studies
Virginia Asher				DeForest Brown		Social Studies
John Austin				A. D. Catlin		Social Studies
James Eli Baker				C. G. Dotzour		Social Studies
Howard Baldwin				F. O. Moore		Social Studies
Owen W. Bale				M. Bird Weimar		Mathematics
Garland Ballard				Celia Canine		Mathematics
Anna Mae Barnes				Mary Rosa Frank		Mathematics
Jonetta Marie Barnhisel			Lucy E. Hall		Mathematics
Samuel Bartee				F. O. Moore		Mathematics
Harrol Carrol Barton			Eva Lyman		Physical Education
Howard Thomas Basham			Thora Ludvickson	Physical Education
Lewis Marshall Belden			Faith Powell		Physical Education
Melvin Bender				Marian Niehaus		Physical Education
Joe M. Bentson				Roy G. Groe		Physical Education
Ralph Bevan				John Hedrick		Physical Education
Ester Grace Bevis			Raymond Schlotterbeck	Physical Education
Merle Biggs				Clyde Priddle		Physical Education
Lewis Billinger				J. A. Glover		Science
Charles G. Blalack			Roy Metcalf		Science
Donald D. Blue				A. J. Venning		Science
Margaret Louise Blunk			P. Ben Way		Science
Helen Louise Bolt			Anna Belle Costin	Science
Jack Guy Braley				J. C. Woodin		Machine Shop
Alberta Brandenberger			R. J. Coile		Machine Shop
Betty Leona Brewer			Charles Yoe		Machine Shop
Virginia Ruth Brewer			Carroll Joachim		Machine Shop
Edith Elizabeth Britton			Ernest S. Newcombe	Machine Shop
Merle Brock				C. F. Pinder		Machine Shop
Bob Brooks				Isla Davis		Arts
Leonard William Brown			Ina K. Hyde		Arts
Margaret Elizabeth Brown		Duff Middleton		Arts
Lewis Brumley				Harold Clevenger	Arts
Earl Marvin Burch			Elizabeth Campbell	Staff
Helen Lee Burgwin			Pansie Baird		Staff
Ellen Jane Burnette			Erma DeWing		Staff
Lucy Lee Burrus				Pauline Willing		Staff
James Milton Butler			Madalyn Ellingson	Staff
Betty Calhoun				Jeanette Walter		Staff
Goldia Myrtle Calvert			Vera Simpson		Staff
Carroll Campbell			Ruth Camp		Staff
Jeanne Eleanor Campbell			Elizabeth Hodgson	Creative Writing
Aglaia Pat Carpenter			Evelyn Clark		Dramatics
Capitola Nelle Carpenter		Dorothy Hubbard		Social English
Lois Marceil Carr			Katie Lansdowne		Social English
Mary Martha Carson			Gertrude Martin		Journalsim
Mack Carter				Catharyne Mohler	Journalsim
Roy Ellis Caruthers			Mary Rhodes		Debate
Jack Conrad Castor			Dorothy Robb		Debate
Margaret Roberta Cavin			Ada Swisher		Debate
Lois Geraldine Chance			Bertha Tucker		Debate
Wayne Wiley Chastain			Maragret Goodyear	Home Economics
Glen Russell Chesebro			Ava Stephens		Home Economics
Marian Chisham				Grace Ulrich		Home Economics
James E. Christian			Ella Parli		Home Economics
Robert Vernon Christian			Louise Lawrence		Home Economics
Ernest D. Clark Jr.			Laura Smith		Foreign Language
Pauline Virgina Clark			Bessie Goodyear		Foreign Language
William Clink				Jennie Lynn		Foreign Language
Don J. Coate				Florence Davis		Foreign Language
Herbert Howard Cole			Nora Stosz		Commercial Dept
Kenneth Coleman				Kathryn Brown		Commercial Dept
Frances Lucille Corr			Nora Forrester		Commercial Dept
Zelma Claudean Colson			Mary Nelson		Commercial Dept
Leslie Lawrence Cotter			June McIntyre		Commercial Dept
Dorothy Jean Crandell			Laura Smith		Commercial Dept
Lois Cravens				R. D. Bounous		Commercial Dept
Clyde Clair Crosswhite			Fred Doepke		Commercial Dept
Roy Lee Custer				X. H. Wilkinson		Commercial Dept
Lillian Leona Cutforth			C. F. Pinder		Commercial Dept
Frances Davis		
Frederick Davis		
George William Davis
Lloyd Charles Davis
Morine Elaine Davis
Verlie Lavella Davis
Floyd A. Day
Lloyd E. Day
Eleanor Isabell Dehart
Rachel Mae DeHaven
Leora DeMaree
Frances Lois Dever
Bernice Emily Dills
Margaret M. Doniphant
Genevieve Dotson
Elenaor Doty
E. J. Drake
Mary Elizabeth Drake
Wilma Inez Dunkin
Iris Lenore Edgar
Kathryn Faye Elliott
Robert Clyde Elliott
Joe Lee Ellis
Charles Edwin Marshall
Charles H. Enoch
Charles Edward Enochs
Kathryn Ensign
Elaine Doris Erard
Marguerite Louise Evans
Marjorie Lucile Fado
Virginia Ruth Fair
Charles Fairbanks
Elizabeth Farha
Mary Elizabeth Farish
Francis Arthur Farmer
Ruth Louise Fell
Ernest Eugen Findeiss
Donald Herbert Fisher
David Thomas Fleming
Elsie Lorraine Fletcher
June Allaine Florence
Thomas Gerald Fobair
Elouise Irene Foster
Lois Foster
Jack Winn Frederickson
Giles Freeman
Leo Arthur Freeman
Harold Russell Friend
Marian Doris Frost
Merle Funk
Willie Cassie Gales
Shirley Gardiner
Mary Mabel Gardner
Clyde Woodrow Garrett
Vivian Irene Garrett
Mary Katherine Garthwaite
Helen Ruth Gates
Margaret Doris Gates
Kathryn Amelia Geisendorf
Paula Ernestine Geselle
Mahlon Giffin
Ruth Lorraine Gilbert
Pearl Pauline Gillmore
Edna Fern Gingerich
Tom Barclay Givens
Claudine Lucille Glidewell
Pauline Gordon
Leon Max Gould
Richard Loy Gray
James Roscoe Grier
Arthur L. Griswold
Harlan Linwood Graves
Wilma Groat
Harriett Frances Guthrie
Ralph Junior Haines
Carl Leroy Hall
Marjorie Elinora Hall
Roberta Mae Hamilton
Orlincoln Lynn Hamlett
Jerry Richard Hammond
Lawrence Hankins
George Sonny Hanlen
Joe Sanford Hannah
Leona Margaret Harbstreet
Harold Thomas Harp
Zelma L. Harris
Bob Harrison
Arthur Harrover
Arta Lillian Hart
Dolores Lucille Hartley
Forest Lowell Harvey
Charles Beryl Hatfield
Jo Ann Lindle Hays
Rebecca Heberling
Harold A. Heinze
Grace Evelyn Heldenbrand
Laura Jean Henderson
Patti Jane Hendrix
Patricia Jayne Hennessy
Leo Price Herndon
Lynn Boyd Herndon
Francis Heydt
Robert Lee Higgins
Phyllis Caroline Hildyard
Edwin Earl Hill
Lois Grace Hill
Marjorie Marie Hill
Ruth Hinton
Dorothea Lucille Hitt
Jack Z. Hollabaugh
David Leroy Holland
Maxine Myrtle Hooper
Marie Frances Horter
Jack Robert Hubbard
Irene Huffman
Waldron Hugg
Harold Hughes
Margaret Elizabeth Hull
Myron S. Hull
Donald Coleman Hunter
Francis Charles Immich
Evelyn Jarvis
Eva Laverne Johnson
Richard Marion Johnson
Ruth Elizabeth Johnson
Verna Evelyn Johnson
Gordon Wayne Jones
Jeanette Estelle Jones
Nadine Gladys Jones
Ruthelma Junod
Frances Kallail
Melissa Kelly
Jack Leonard Kidwell
Mildred Pauline Kint
Louise Dee Knofflock
Jean Louise Lambert
Maxine Ann Lancett
Richard B. Langenwalter
Sarah Longhover
Bob Lawrence
Ralph Lawson
Adelbert Leidy
Homer Lewis
Margaret Ruth Lewis
Hilda Lindal
Vernon James Linn
Betty Lint
Audrey Marie Little
Lavoy Little
Dixie Lee Loe
Harold Lloyd Low
Richard Sterling Lowe
Harry Lydick
Kathleen Marie Lynch
Martha Malinda Mabry
Richard Dyer MacCann
Susan Elizabeth Marcellus
Rubye Charlaine Maring
Charles Edwin Marshall
Jo Maxine Mason
Harvey Roy Mauk
Mary Esther Mayfield
Marcy James McCarty
Bill McConachie
Mary Evelyn McCormick
Raymond McGinley
Billy McKay
Jack McKay
Duff McIlvain
Gordon Elmer McKean
Harry Lee McKean
Howard McPherson
Vale Evelyn McPherson
Mary LaVerna McVey
Jane Melton
Bonnie Meyer
John Irl Michaels Jr.
Dorothy Winifred Miller
Edgar R. Miller
Elsie Miller
John Lewis Miller
Charles Lester Monson
Cleo Gwendolyn Moore
William Donald Moore
Elizabeth Theresa Morgan
Auldine Elizabeth Moss
Irene Elizabeth Mullen
Donald Bixby Murphy
Howard Murphy
Bonnie Earldine Murray
John Pratt Naramore
Patricia Esther Neal
Iris Verneil Nichols
Francis William Nivison
Betty Mae Norvell
Warren Edgar Nossaman
Emzy Farmer Oakes
Lois Eilien Ostheimer
Velma Lavene Page
Melvin Dale Parkinson
Eugene William Pearson
Clifford Eugene Penrose
Dorothy May Perry
Gladys Gwendolyn Peters
Homer Orson Peterson
Cardinal Bryon Phares
Anna Marie Phillips
Leroy Pierce
Iris Louise Pine
Kenneth LeRoy Pinkstaff
Marthann Pohlman
Belle Postlethwait
Johnnie Belle Potter
Donald Potts
Mary Frances Powell
Mary Elizabeth Preddy
Harold Dwight Priddle
Milford Leroy Pritchard
Lavina Prosser
Margaret Eleanor Ralstin
Dorothy Georgia Ray
Florence Virginia Reed
Clarence H. Reiz
Della Marie Renicker
Carole Resing
Winifred Virginia Reynolds
Jodie Faye Rice
Lorene Erma Rice
Donald Ralph Richmond
Jesse Glenn Ricketts
George Pershing Riffel
Lewis Riley
Berl Leroy Rinker
Norton Newton Rippee
Louise Elsie Ritchey
Mildred Myree Ricthey
Marcia Ducile Robison
Everett Junior Rogers
Charles Roman
Clarence B. Rose
Henrietta Rosezella Ross
Fairy June Rumsey
Alice Nadine Rundquist
Jack Eberle Ryan
Joyce Carrol Sahlberg
Merle Sanders
Elouise Sapp
Gus Edward Sauzek
Betty Jane Sawhill
Alberta Louise Schaaf
Oscar Schaff
Alfred Carl Schaar
Tredick Schaeffer
Grayce Magdalene Schindler
Gwendolyn Schopf
Ruth Evelyn Schriber
Harold Kenneth Schwartz
Helen Lee Scifres
Philda Gertrude Scott
Roberta Louise Scudder
Mary Jean Shaft
Marie elizabeth Shank
Charles Alfred Shannon
Louise Anne Sharpless
Loren Shaw
Lenor Shipley
Richard Elstan Shuler
Norman Walter Sickbert
Agnes Evelyne Sinclair
Junior Wilson Skolant
Vera Louise Slusser
Verlie Lois Slusser
Erma Jean Smith
Freda Smith
Louis Smith
Robert Lee Smith
Russell Smith
Val Verde Smith
Wilfred Smith
William Eugene Smith
James Maxwell Smylie
David Wilton Soderberg
Danae Daisy Spangler
Mary Florence Spencer
Kathryn Sproul
Fern Esther Starkey
Emery John Steele
Hubert Haldon Stephens
Mayme Eloise Stephenson
Lon Louis Stockton
Anna Belle Stroupe
Russell Eugene Stull
Jean Sturdevant
Amanda Avalon Suggs
Erna Mae Swink
Bette Talbott
Bessie Naomi Taylor
Dorothy Charlotte Taylor
Kenneth Taylor
Ruth Evelyn Taylor
Paul Charles Temple
Carl Chester Tharp
James Wesley Theleman
Betty Jane Thomas
George Wallace Thomas
Lee Thompson
Olive Clara Thornton
Alice Vivian Tomlinson
Lois Vivian Tuel
Frances Catherine Turner
Ted Junior Turner
Arthur Turton
Orell Valentine
Edith Fern Van Winkle
Helen Walker
Bob Walling
Mildred Margueritte Walters
Virginia Mae Ward
Ralph Roy Warne
Edythe J. Watson
Jeanne Marie Watson
Dorothy Lucille Weatherson
Helen Irene Weaver
Ralph Emery West
Nelson Wheeler
Peggy Wheeler
Catherine White
Kenneth E. White
Zelna White
Ruea Jane Wikoff
Orlie Wilber
Marion Wilkes
Bill Williams
Harriett Anne Williams
Dorothy Maurene Wilson
Elmo Dean Wilson
Kenneth Wilson
Mark Francis Wilson
Max Cornelius Windmiller
Louis Arthur Winegarner
Edna Winters
Melvin Wise
Lawrence Winton Wolf
Kenneth L. Wood
Price Woodward
Inez Marie Woodring
Bill Woolery
Eleanor Ruth Woolley
Doris Aileen Young
John Robert Yougman
Virginia Agnes Zehring
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