Midwest Historical and Genealogical Society is pleased to present transcriptions of school year books.
Pratt High School, Pratt, Pratt County, Kansas
The Mirror 1916
Senior Class Junior Class Sophomore Class Axline, Laura Arnold, Gloyd Allphin, Daisy Bates, Chester A. Bailey, Elsie Allphin, Evelyn Bloxom, Carlisle - Pres. Bailey, Glen Armistead, Nellie Bloxom, Ralph W. Bandy, Carl Ashcraft, Jeanette Brandt, Mable Beck, William Bales, Harold Brewster, Mary Jane Beem, Frances Ball, Gladys Bright, Azalia Bergner, Minnie Baney, Harold Chitwood, Noma Blackwelder, Rose Barbee, Blanche Clark, Erma Bloxom, Lynn Barker, Ilene Dupont, Aline Bloxom, Wod Barrett, Mary Ellis, Dorothy Jane Calceck, Orvileen Barton, Gertrude Fager, Bernice Chitwood, Lorin Bates, Pearl Fisher, Alta May Cuming, Eulalia Baxter, Anna Fitzsimmons, Harry - Sec.-TrCushman, Clyde Bradley, Eva Fitzsimmons, Robert Dikeman, May Bryant, Emma French, Jesse Dean Elliot, Delphine Bryant, William Fulerton, Faye Erwin, Forest Cassingham, Roy Fulton, William D. Eubank, Robert Chapman, Florence Gray, Cora French, Kittie Clark, Opal Hall, Harold Garrison, Harry Cochran, Phill Hayes, Madeline Gibbons, Clarence Comer, Burt Helsel, Dewey L. Graves, Harry Cook, Geraldine Holland, Katie Hardesty, Ferne Cordray, Milo Hoover, Katheryn Harkrader, Laura Crick, Inez Humphrey, Jewel Heaton, Irmah Dyerly, Donald Jackson, Virgil Marie Hickle, Gerald Earlywine, Ray Jett, Paul F. Jones, Ruth Enoch, Victor Lucas, Merle Lee, Annie Eubank, Crillon McDaniel, Tora Mabry, Cora Everson, Eugene McKibbon, Fern Agatha McKown, Ray Farmer, Jennie Novotny, Ernest - V. P. Moore, Lorin Fletcher, Mary Petrie, Sylvia Mueller, Maude Fox, Neva Ratliffe, Winifred Newhouse, Helen French, Robert Reed, Jeanette Northrop, Bernice French, Susie Regnier, Cleo Mae Roll, Helen Gardner, Hazel Regnier, Florence Scott, Gladys Gaston, Harold - V. P. Rieniets, Earl Shepard, Laura Gobin, Leona Scott, Ava Frances Shrack, Wantha Graves, Mattie Scott, Joy Smith, Bessie - Pres. Graves, Myrtle Scott, Minnie Spivey, Warren - V. P. Gregory, Harry Shirk, Florence Stoops, Ethyl Hayward, Blanche - Sec.-Treas. Snedigar, John Swisher, Nell Heaton, Bertha Taylor, Asa Swisher, Ruth Herrin, Jack Wittmer, Katherine Talley, Winnie Hitchcock, Carl Wolfe, Faye E. Turner, Thelma Hodges, Vera Vandeventer, Edith Hoffman, Faye Williams, Leona Hughes, Nell Withers, Orville - Sec.-Treas. Keene, Forest Kelly, Gussie Kincaid, Gracie Freshman Class Sub-Freshman Class Lambert, Lloyd Anderson, Margaret Baxter, Agnes Lunt, Blanche Atherton, Orin Cook, Valeda Mady, Lenora Axline, George - V. P. Edison, Ella Pres. Martin, Roy Bailey, Edgar Garrett, Minnie McIntyre, Ralph - Pres. Bailey, Orace Garrison, Clifford Miller, Burdette Bell, Mildred Leeper, Jessie Miller, Lillian Biddinger, Peral Magruder, Helen - V. P. Mills, Laura Bradley, Carrie Mawdsley, Alar Patterson, Carmen Bright, Whitfield McMichael, Ralph Peak, Edward Brown, Clifford Norby, Beulah Peck, Verline Bucklin, Lynn Rohr, Edna Pendleton, Cappie Burbach, Christina Stimits, Gertrude - Sec.-Treas. Phillips, Eugene Burback, Joe Stotts, Elinor Phillips, Marie Cook, Oliver Wilson, Orville Rambo, Blanche Costello, Burnetta Reed, Perry Crickc, Irene - Sec.-Treas. Faculty Robinson, Hazel Dietz, Sterling Barbel, U. J. - Commercial Scantlin, Galdys Dikeman, Amanda Clymer, Edna M. - Mathematics Schoonover, Milo Elder, Kenneth Crawford, June - Music Scontlin, Otis Elliot, Irene Emmett, Rachel Evelyn - English Sellon, Muriel Fletcher, Burl Hazen, Isabel - Latin Shirk, Mabel Frazer, Allen Holmes, E. M. - Mathematics, Athletics Smith, Golda Gossett, Ora Horsley, Clara A. - Normal Training Smith, Woodford Goyen, Ormond Norris, J. H. - Principal Snyder, Virgil Graven, Gladys Powell, Mary V. - Domestic Science & ArtStoops, Elmer Griffith, Eugene Ratliff, Mary - German Stoops, May Harkrader, Caroline Reynolds, F. L. - Manual Training Templeman, Hovey Heaton, Juele Reynolds, J. F. - Supt. Ward, Jeanette Helsel, Rueben Schuchart, Mary A. - Natural Science White, Emma Hess, Maysel Stevick, Edith L. - English Williams, Juanita Huff, Laura Hurley, Winnie Board of Education Jewett, Icia McMichael, Mrs. C. C. - Pres. Keaton, Anna Milne, Frank - V. P. Kemp, Lucile Barrett, A. P. Klose, William Barrett, William Lee, Martha Mawdsley, C. R. Lehring, Lenora Smith, J. L. Lunt, Donald Lunt, Tracey Martin, Ruby McCorkle, Alice McDaniels, Willa McDowell, Katheryn McIntyre, Marie Mensinger, Eva Mills, Sophia Moore, Happy Mourer, Gentry Nelson, Nellie Peak, Joe Randle, Lloyd Rieniets, Paul Riffey, Ivan Rutherford, Lula Sanders, John Sellon, Donald Smith, Florence Smith, Lela May Smith, Mayme Stockwell, Grayce Swisher, Ernest Tregallas, Ina Troxel, Ethel Turner, Maxine Walters, Catherine - Pres. Walton, Vera Williams, Ernest Yarberry, Daisy Yarberry, Ethel
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