Midwest Historical &

Genealogical Society

Wichita, Kansas

1892 City Directory

Wichita, Kansas

TRANSCRIBED BY: Nancy Lou Welshimer Fincham

A thru D

E thru I

J thru Q

R thru U


VAIL EDWARD, (Edward Vail & Co) residence 927 north Topeka
Vail Edward & Co, jewelers 106 e Douglas, E Vail mgr
Valentine J T, grocer 151 n Main, tel 258, r 537 s Water
Valentine Miss May, dressmkr, rms ab 154 n Market
Valentine O M, mgr grocery 151 n Main, r 537 s Water
Vales Mrs E, r 410 s Fourth
Valley John, laborer, r 704 s Washington
Vance W L, hay dealer, r 1019 e Douglas
Van Mrs Sallie, r 1026 n Worth
Vanarsdale C P, r 224 n Fourth
Vanarsdale C J, clk 104 n Main, rms ab 142 n Main
VanDenberg J A, vice pres U Sash and Door Co, r 826 e
VanDeventer Freeman, bell boy Carey hotel
VanDeventer Richard, speculator, r 1419 s Market
VanEaton F H, clk 156 n Main, r 456 Sherman
VanGundy E, retired, r 1126 n Getto
VanLandingham L J, minister, r 230 Moser
VanNess Miss Alice, r 1211 n Lawrence
VANNESS C A, County commissioner and sec board of Police commissioners, office City bldg, r 1211 n Lawrence
VanNess Louis, clk 113 e First, r 1211 n Lawrence
VanNover W J, farmer, r cor Shelton and Twentysecond
VanNuys J D, (Fordyce & VanNuys) physician 225 n Main, tel 288, r 322 Wynona, r tel 350
NanTrees Frank, laborer, r 1012 s Washington
VanValkenberg Henry, r 910 w Texas
VanValkenburg John, laborer, r 1123 Munnell ws
VANWERDEN GEO W, druggist 328 n Main, tel 18, r 426 w Elm
Vanarsdale C P, messenger Wells-Fargo W W Ry, r 224 n Fourth
Vanatta R M, drives transfer wagon, r 813 s Hydraulic
Vandiver & Grimes, (J S V & G G) live stock com merchants stock yards
Vandiver J S, (Vandiver & Grimes) r 1930 n Market
Vandiver Wm, r 1930 n Market
Vandine Miss Gertie, student, r 616 n Washington
Vandine John, wks Hossick & Co, r 616 n Washington
Vandine R E, baker, r 616 n Washington
Vandine Wm, wks Hossick & Co, r 616 n Washington
Vanlandingham, John A, painter, r 517 Orchard ws
Varner Ancil, printer 121 n Markert, r 225 s Exposition ws
Varner Miss Nellie, r 225 s Exposition ws
Varner Miss Ora, r 225 s Exposition ws
VARNER W H, rlest and chattel loans ab 217 e Douglas, r 225 s Exposition ws
Varney I F, rlest, r 727 s Main
Vaughn Miss Maggie, domestic, r 220 n Lawrence
Vayle Mrs Jennie, r 331 Walnut ws
Venable Mrs Lucy, hskpr, r 634 n Emporia
Venable W R, harnmkr, r 634 n Emporia
Vennard Miss Josie, student High School, r 607 n Lawrence
Vennard Miss K E, stenog N Y Life Ins Co, r 607 n Lawrence
Vennard Miss Lulu, clk N Y store 130 n Main, r 607 n Lawrence
Vennard Mrs M B, r 607 n Lawrence
Vennum T J, horse trainer, r 312 w Oak
Ventle James, laborer, r 1847 s Mead
Vermilion R R, (Harris & Vermilion) atty, 111 s Main, r 1204 n Topeka
Vetter A H, glazier, U Sash and Door Co, r 1549 s Lawrence
Viele A, insurance rm 1 Bitting blk, r 1233 n Lawrence
Viele Jos M, clk Eno Furniture Co 106 w Douglas, r 1217 Bitting
Viele Mrs Kate, r 1217 n Bitting
Viele M C, merchant tailor 111 e First, r 1014 n Lawrence
Viets Bros, ( C L & C A Viets) clothing 416 e Douglas
Viets C A, (Viets Bros) r 445 n Emporia
Viets C L, (Viets Bros) r Augusta, Kansas
Vincent Miss Anna, stu Waterbury School, r 312 n Cleveland
Vincent James R, wks Eagle, r 312 n Cleveland
Vincent Robert P, mechanic, r 312 n Cleveland
Vincent Miss Roberta, student, r 312 n Cleveland
Vincent Walter A, lithographer Eagle, r 312 n Cleveland
Viney Chas R, painter 114-116 w Second, r 302 n Water
Voegely Joseph L, clk Boston store, r 318 Cleveland
Volk Gerald, mgr A N Kellogg Newspaper Co Fletcher blk, bds Hotel Carey
Vollmer H, carpenter shop 229 w Douglas, r same
Voris A, wks 300 e Douglas, r 315 n Fourth
Voss Thomas M, dept constable ab 209 n Main, r 251 n Main
Vreeland Tunis jr, clk Robt Jacks, r ab 125 n Market
Vreeland Tunis sr, restaurant, r ab 215 n Market
Vreeland Cornelius, r 228 s Topeka
Vroman Harry, bds City Hotel


WACHOB C D, blacksmith 120 north Lawrence, residence 567 west Douglas
Wachob George C, farmer 439 Percy ws
Waddle John R, huckster, r 1323 Lulu
Waddle Wm, lab, r 1323 Lulu
Waddell A J, carpenter shop 140 n Market, r 803 Eagle
Wadley J W, (Hardesty & Wadley) 243 n Main, r 414 n Main
Wadley Scott, driver oil wagon, r 736 Pattie
Wadley Wm Short, lab, r 414 n Main
Wadlow Arthur, laborer, r n Mead
Wadsworih Mrs S B, r 708 e Central
Waggoner Geo, operator W U T Co 114 e First, r 345 Riverview
Waggoner Miss Louis, bkpr W U T Co, 114 e First, r 345 Riverview
Waggoner Miss Mary, hskpr, r 345 n Riverview
Waggoner W F, retired carpenter, r 345 n Riverview
Wagner Charles, bell boy Metropole, r 303 s Main
Wagner Miss Annie, saleslady 129 e Douglas, r 303 s Main
Wagner Mrs Mary, furnished rooms, r 303 s Main
Wagner M C, switchman, r 219 n Mead
Wagstaff Geo, farmer, r 815 n Allen
Wainscott William, express agt, r 410 n Wichita ws
Wainwright Miss Meva, r 1211 Carlos
Wait Hiram, r 408 s Water
Waldecker Mrs J, hskpr, r 426 n Waco
Walden A G, fire marshall, r 347 n Topeka
Walden E B, letter carrier No 9, r 931 s Lawrence
Walden Mrs Malvina, teacher voice culture Garfield University, r 347 n Topeka
Walden Jeff, night watch Santa Fe yds, r 924 n Fifth
Waldorf Chas D, wks Daniels Bros, r 408 s Emporia
Walk W H, fireman at city mills, r 1022 n Emporia
Walker A, mechanic, r 355 n Fifth
Walker Mrs Agnes, laundress 240 n Water, r ab 255 n Main
Walker Miss Belle, teacher city schools, r 209 Mathewson
Walker Chas A, cashier W Nat'l Bank, r 401 n Emporia
Walker C P, shipping dept Boston Store, r 2021 Jackson
Walker D V, dry goods, (Chapman & Walker) 147 n Main, r 1537 n Topeka
Walker Miss Elvie, r 401 n Emporia
Walker Mrs Evergreen, washwoman, r 623 n Market
Walker Mrs F E, r 2021 Jackson
Walker Geo T, bkpr L C Jackson, r 149 Ohio
Walker Miss Grace, school teacher, r 3557 n Fifth
Walker Miss Harriet A, student Waterbury, r 209 Mathewson
Walker Harry J, clk Chapman & W 147 n Main, r 1537 n Topeka
Walker John, r 623 n Market
Walker Jerry, laborer, r 621 n Wichita
Walker J Mont, counsellor at law, r 1028 Hendryx ws
Walker Mrs Lovey, r 603 s Lawrence
Walker Mrs Mary, music student, r 209 Mathewson
Walker Mrs M C, r ab 255 n Main
Walker Wm F, atty ab 144 n Main, r 603 s Lawrence
Wall C A, laborer, r 216 s Fourth
Wall & Davidson, (M H Wall & J Davidson) cigars 220 e Douglas tel 222
Wall G J, laborer, r 1104 e Harry
Wall Henry, carpet salesman N Y store, r 118 w Douglas
Wall Martin P, student, r 622 n Fourth
Wall M H, (W & Davidson), r Fletcher blk
Wall T B, (Dale & Wall) atty 501-3-5 Sedgwick blk, r 622 n Fourth
Wallace C H, teamster, r 611 n Ohio
WALLACE CHAS L, prop Commercial Hotel 614 e Douglas, r same
Wallace D J, bkpr Whittaker & Sons, r 1400 Park Place
Wallace Mrs F J, houskeeper, r 324 n Market
Wallace Joseph, clk 340 n Main, r 312 n Water
Wallace John A, printer, r 2626 e Central
Wallace, J A Jr, clk 308-310 e Douglas, rms Packer Hotel
WALLACE J A, farm implements 308-310 e Douglas, r 1021 n Lawrence
Wallace J A, asst county clk, r 2626 e Central
Wallace Mrs Mary, cook, r 118 s Lawrence
Wallace Mrs Marie, bkpr 256 n Main, r 312 n Water
Wallace Mrs Polly, r 1351 n Fifth
WALLACE R B, druggist 331 e Douglas, tel 85, r ab 331 e Douglas
Wallenstein & Cohn, (H W & C G C) props Boston Store, 101-109 e Douglas, tel 36
Wallenstein H, (W & Cohn) Boston Store, r 832 n Topeka
Waller F W, grain buyer, r 426 n Emporia
Waller F W Jr, banker, r 426 n Emporia
Waller John A, student High School, r 426 n Emporia
Waller W M, clk 159 n Market, r 1015 s Topeka
Walls Miss Etta, cigar maker 139 n Topeka, r 317 s Pattie
Walls Mrs M J, r 317 s Pattie
Walsh M G, boiler maker, r 344 n Fourth
Walter J C, retired, r 304 n Lawrence
Walter Harry, student Waterbury School, rms 251 n Topeka
WALTERS JOHN W, loans r 3-4 Fechheimer, r same
Walters Mrs Kate, r 3404 e Second
Walters Wm, r 1829 n Fifth
Walters Charles, supt Linwood Park, r 1200 Fannie
Walters Philip, night watchman W W Grocer Co.
Walters S E, grocery 712 n Market, r 2055 n Lawrence
Walton A J, traveling salesman, r ab 409 e Douglas
Walton R M, laborer, r 342 n New York
Wammock J, 201 n Main, r 833 n Market
Wampler Miss Della, dressmaker, r 726 n Market
Wampler Wm, paper hanger 236 n Main, r 512 Riverview
Warble Oscar, clk 121 n Main, r 146 n Main
Ward Mrs Anna, r 705 s Main
Ward A H, atty ab 142 n Main, r 513 s Main
Ward Miss Cena, fancy sewing, r 705 s Main
Ward Charles H, laborer, r cor Caroline
Ward Elmer, carpenter wks W Plan Mills, r 607 n Water
Ward Etta S, r 820 n Wichita
Ward H O, street stand, r 345 Ellis
Ward Jno, r 820 n Wichita
Ward Lewis, pressman Eagle, r 705 s Main
Ward N J, carpenter, r 1604 n Strong
Ward Richard, cook Manhattan
Wardell Miss Chloe, bkpr 213 s Market, r 237 s Market
Ware H M, painter, r 1113 e Oak
Ware Rolland, janitor Opera House, rms 331 s Dodge ws
Warnecke Fred, stonemason, r 1245 s Market
Warner H C, farmer, r 529 n Fourth
Warner D D, carpenter, r 1005 n Cleveland
Warner Wm, r 910 Fannie
Waren Chas, laborer, r 1321 n Fifth
Warren A B, (Warren Chemical Co), r 905 s Lawrence
Warren Benny, wks WARREN CHEMICAL CO 237 s Market, r 905 s Lawrence
Warren Burt, night yardmaster S Fe, bds 724 e Douglas
Warren A B, prop WARREN CHEMICAL CO 237 s Market, r 905 s Lawrence
WARREN CHEMICAL CO, a B Warren prop, 237-239 s Market tel 114
Warren Mrs Frances M, r 232 n Main
Warren Mrs Mary, housekeeper, r 411 n Main
Warren Mel W, costumer masks and shoes, 232 n Main
Warren Mrs Mel W, milliner 233 n Main, r ab same
Warrimer Mrs J A J, r 204 n Emporia
Washburn Miss Florence E, r 507 e Central
Washburn J N, Kans Buggy Co, 114-116 n Fourth, r 507 e Central
Washing Machine Factory 140 n Mosley, P T Benbow prop
Washington Public School, cor Cleveland and Third
Watch Factory bldg w Douglas ws, C H Smith mgr
Waterbury N J, prin Waterbury School of Shorthand and Typewriting, r 1502 s Topeka
Waterbury School of Shorthand and Typewriting, Y M C a bldg, N J Waterbury prin
Waterman W S, flagman R I Ry, r 130 s Ida
Waters Mrs Elizabeth, r 428 s Osage ws
Waters H J, student Waterbury School, 251 n Topeka
Waters Wm, laborer Whittaker P Co
Watkin Geo, laborer, r 437 s Fifth
Watkin Jno E, notion store 356 n Main, r 840 n Topeka
Watkins Mrs Martha, washerwoman, r 437 s Fifth
Watkins T A, (Kenagy & W) 517 e Oak, r 1336 n Lawrence
Watkins Thomas, cabinet maker 106 w Douglas, r 219 w English
Watkins Wm L, driver 106 w Douglas, r 219 W English
Watts Bert, printer 154 n Market, r 250 n Main
Watts E E, printer 154 n Market, r ab 250 n Main
Watts F M, Farmer's Ex grocery 127 w First, r 310 s Main
Watts Hiram, teamster, 320 n Seneca ws
Watts J R, retired, r 334 n Lawrence
Watts Wm M, barber, r 332 n Seneca ws
Watts Wm, paper cleaner, r 414 n Washington
Watrous E M, grocer 933 s Emporia, r 1240 Ida
Watson Mrs Addison, r 1011 n Market
Watson B F, minister and evangelist, r 741 Avenue A
Watson Miss Capitola, sten, r 741 Avenue A
Watson Miss Ella, dressmkr, bds 308 s Water
Watson Guy, clk Park grocery, r 3524 n Fourth
Watson J, laborer Whittaker P Co, r 1626 n Topeka
Watson Mrs M E, r 3523 n Fourth
Watson Miss Mollie, tailoress 145 n Main, r 313 n Market
Watson Richard, laborer Whittaker P Co, r 2029 n Mead
Watson Stephen, farmer, r 1626 n Topeka
Watson W, (Israel & W) 603 e Douglas, rms 267 n Fourth
Way A, restaurant 116 w Douglas, r 307 n Wichita
Way Chas L, clk 322 e Douglas, r 206 s Washington
Way D H, city salesman 125 n Market, r 820 s Topeka
Way Mrs E M, hskpr, r 820 s Topeka
Way J W, carpenter, r 407 n Main
Way S C, restaurant kpr, r 307 n Wichita
Way Mrs S C, wks 715 e Douglas, r 307 n Wichita
Way T E, clk 125 n Market, r 820 s Topeka
Way W C, wks 331 s Washington, r 820 s Topeka
Waynick H J, retired, r 120 w Williams
Waynick J Belle, teacher city schools, r 120 w Williams
Waynick Miss Kate M, artist, r 120 w Williams
Waynick W W, retired, r 120 w Williams
W C T U library and reading rooms, Mrs Olive Reade libr'n, 205 s Market
Weakly Frank, laborer Whittaker P Co
Weallans Joseph, agt Roth bldg, rms ab 327 e Douglas
Wear Walter S, wood worker, r 517 Chicago ws
Weaver Bert, student High School, r 515 e Central
Weaver Miss Carrie, r 515 e Central
Weaver, F V, clk Payne & Andrews, r ab 223 s Main
Weaver J E, harnmakr 121 e Douglas, r 527 s Seneca ws
Weaver Miss Katie, wks Hotel Petzold
Weaver Miss May, student High School, r 515 e Central
Weaver Miss Sue M, teacher, r 515 c Central
Weaver T C, mgr Lombard Mtg Co, rms 238 s Market
Weaver T J, janitor Y M C A bldg, r 515 e Central
Weaver Wm, bds 231 s Water
Webb A H, Div Supt Mo Pac, r 1066 n Water
Webb Lee, clk 202 e Douglas, r 207 n Lawrence
Webb M D, carpenter, r 623 n Main
Webb Mrs Sarah E, dressmaker 623 n Main
Webber Mrs Sarah, r 605 e Kellogg
Webster C D, student, r 1255 s Market
Webster C H, (Puckett & Webster) 119 w Douglas, r 838 w Maple ws
Webster G M, bkpr Kansas Commoner, r 1255 s Market
Webster Public School cor Emporia and Third, H S McMichael prin
Webster M M, cook Packer's Hotel
Webster W C, adv solicitor Kans Commoner, r 1255 s Market
Webster A M, cook, r 313 n Mead
Weed Miss Ella, domestic 254 n Main
WEGER JOHN, prop Oak Street Bakery 619 e Oak, r ab same
Wegman John, baker, r 306 n Mosley
Weidman Wm, tinner wks 117 n Main, r 913 Fannie
Weil Chas, bkpr W Produce Co 125 n Market, r 600 s Topeka
Weimer Geo, commercial traveler, r 2019 Shirley
Weinecke Frank, yard master Mo Pac, bds 303 n Wichita
Weingana Chas H, harnmkr 105 w Douglas, r 212 n Waco
Weinschenk A M, clk at 246 n Main, r 620 s Market
Weiple Mrs M, peddler, r 916 e English
Weir City & Western Coal Co 119 n Water, tel 66, I M Hackney mgr
Weiss George, engineer Vinegar Works, r 122 Pennsylvania
Weiss Joseph, gardner, r 2051 s Hydraulic
Weiss Otto, wholesale flour 253 n Main, tel 105, r 1130 Jackson
Weissenfluh John, landlord 216 n Market
Weist Miss May E, r 849 e Oak
Weitzel Col Lewis, commercial traveler, r 734 n Emporia
Welch Harry, rms ab 327 e Douglas
Welch John E, clk 123-127 n Main, r 448 n Waco
Welch J M, physician, r 231 Cleveland
Wells Miss Belle, teacher, r 627 s Bond ws
Wells Charles, traveling salesman C E Potts, r Metropole
Wells Miss Effie, r 224 n Lawrence
Wells Fargo & Adams Express Co Union Depot, tel 96
WELLS FARGO & CO'S EXPRESS 103 w Douglas, tel 91, A T Payne agt
Wells G T, agent, r 627 s Bond ws
Wells Gus V, commercial traveler, bds Metropole
Wells Harry, student, r 224 n Lawrence
Wells Miss Hattie, student Lewis Academy, r 224 n Lawrence
Wells J R, lumber merchant, r 224 n Lawrence
Welch & Co, mnfr horse collars 1018 w Maple ws
Welch John, bds Emporia Avenue Hotel
Welter Miss May M, printer ab 201 n Main, r 1131 Coolidge
Welz Julius, carpenter wks Burton Car Works
Wencl Sebastian, laborer, r 209 s Washington
Wendel A H, (Wendel & Neuman) physician ab 235 n Main, r 1704 s Market
Wendel & Neuman, (A H Wendel & P Neman) German physicians ab 235 n Main
Wentworth Miss Stella, teacher typewriting S B College, r 315 n Topeka
Wenzel John, 115 s Water
Werden Mrs E A, clk Boston Store, r 211 s Topeka
Werner Emil, prop W Hardware Co, r ab 223 e Douglas
Werner Frank, carpenter, r 1744 Jeanette
Wern Miss Lizzie, r 1745 Jeanette
West C H, jobber, r 1904 w Maple ws
West C H, with Isreal Bros, r 1932 w Maple ws
West Miss Cora, teacher, r 1904 w Maple ws
West Isaac B, wks 4th Avenue Barn, bds 113 s Fourth
West I F, secy Int Loan & Loan Trust Co, r 1421 Park Place
West Russell, clk 416 e Douglas, r 445 n Emporia
West Mrs S, nurse, 116 Green
West Simon B, clk Hettinger Bros, r 419 Riverview
West W C, contractor, r 250 n Emporia
West Side Lodge I O O F 3rd floor ab 1100 Martinson ws
WEST SIDE BANK 1000 w Douglas, tel 210, J A Davison prop and cash
West Side Presbyterian Church cor Texas and s Dodge ws
Western Collection Bureau ab 147 n Main, tel 373, Rohrbaugh & Rauch prop
Western Methodist, rms 11-12 Fletcher blk, W M Starr editor and prop
Western Pacific Tea Co, 322 e Douglas, John McGeown mgr
WESTERN PLANING MILL CO, F A Williams pres, W A Hart sec and treas, phone 169
Western School of Elocution and Oratory Y M G A bldg, Dr Geo W Hoss prin
WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO, 114 e First, phone 23, G H Hackney mgr
W U Telegraph College 4th floor Zimmerly, Miss I B Martin manager
Western Union Telegraph Co, branch office stock yards
Westfall Chas, painter, r 1005 n Allen
Westfall Miss Ora, r 1005 n Allen
Westfall Thos F, carpenter, r 1005 n Allen
Westgate Geo, r 609 n Emporia
Westgate L D, com trav, r 609 n Emporia
Westgate Miss Rose, clk 147 n Main, r 609 n Emporia
Weston Mrs Sarah, r 915 Decatur
Wetmore F W, book exchange 245 n Market, r 835 s Robert
Weyant F T, clk 111 s Main, rms 158 n Main
Weyeneth Mis Edith, teacher
Weygandt Hymeneus, laborer, r 209 Walnut ws
Whalen Miss Maggie, domestic 723 n Emporia
Whaley Ella R, r 746 s Lulu
Whaley J, laborer, r 1420 e Douglas
Wheatly John, laborer Whittaker & Sons
Wheatley Miss Mollie, r 433 s Topeka
Wheeler C L, bkpr Singer Mfg Co 237 n Main, r 1029 s Water
Wheeler D, secy and mgr Yucca Co, r 1213 e Douglas
Wheeler F H, painter for Mellinger, r 838 w Central
Wheeler Fred H, farmer, r 838 w Central
Wheeler James M, wood workman, r 1200 Chicago ws
Wheeler Jno C, r 1421 Park Place
Wheeler Miss Maggie, r 838 w Central
Whitaker W E, (Alexander & W) lumber, r 1229 n Lawrence
White Burt, clk C E Potts 235 s Main, r 205 s Emporia
White B S, (White & Jones) second hand store 354 n Main
White Eden, r 421 Short
White Mrs E S, r 356 n Mead
White Miss Grace, student, r 423 w Fourth
White House Dry Goods Co, Wm Innes prest, David Ross secy and treas, 116 n Main
White Miss Jennie, music teacher, r 207 Ohio
White & Jones (B S W & R L J) second hand dealers 354 n Main
White J W, laborer Whittaker & Sons
White L H, laborer, r 519 n Mosley
White Mrs Mary, r 421 Short
White Melvin, wks 223 s Market, r 421 Short
White M C, lawyer, r 423 w Fourteenth
White Tom, waiter Hotel Carey
White W S, laborer, r 372 n First
White Mrs W S, r 1136 w Thirteenth
Whitehead D G, bridge builder, r 427 e Central
Whiteker Amelia E, r 600 Chicago ws
Whiteker Bros, (J S W & J W W) blacksmiths 600 Chicago ws
Whiteker D G, teamster Newton M & E Co, r 600 w Douglas ws
Whiteker J S, blacksmeth, r 1122 s Wichita
Whiteker John W, (Whiteker Bros), r 141 s Fern ws
Whiteker Nehemira C, lab, r 600 Chicago ws
Whiteker Newton, drayman, r 612 Chicago ws
Whiteker T J, carrier No 2 P O, r 727 w Central
Whiteside John, job printer Eagle job off, r 1808 s Fifth
Whitlock Albert, physician 119 s Main, bds Metropole
Whitlock Block 235-237 s Main
Whitlock B L, meat market 213 e Douglas, r 325 s Lawrence
WHITLOCK E A, physician 119 s Main, tel 143, r 121 s Water, r tel 146
Whitlock E E, wks 213 e Douglas, r 1024 n Fourth
Whitlock Miss Emma, r 121 s Water
Whitlock F W, physician, rms 1 and 2 Whitlock blk
Whitlock Geo F, wks Eagle office, r 1132 s Main
Whitlock Mrs Kate, bds 604 s Water
Whitmore A, carpenter, r 1024 n Fourth
Whitmore Mrs Jane, r 224 n Mead
Whitney E, lab at Whittakers & Sons
Whitney Geo M, bkpr State Nat Bk, r 1551 Park Place
WHITTAKER FRANCIS & SONS, beef and pork packers n Topeka, phone 397
Whitsitt L E, agt St Louis Republic, bds Hotel Caroy
Whitted Miss Jennie, student, r 233 w Central
Whitted Wm E, laborer, r 333 w Central
Whitted Mrs Polly, washerwoman, r 500 n Wichita
Whitted Miss Maggie, domestic, r 1017 n Topeka
Whittier L G, city circulator Eagle, r 1249 n Water
Wholer Frank, laborer Whittaker & Sons
Whooper W, wks U S Express, r 702 Buffum
Wibking Belle L, student, r 235 s Poplar ws
Wibking Curran H, student, r 235 s Poplar ws
Wibking F W, supt buildings and grounds city schools, r 235 s Poplar ws
Wibking Miss L B, student, r 235 s Poplar ws
Wibking & Leeds ( O R Wibking & W S Leeds) dentists ab 114 n Main
Wibking O R, (W & Leeds) 115 n Main, r 235 s Poplar ws
Wichita Bicycle Co, 115 s Main, A Glass mgr
Wichita Board of Education, City Building, J D Van Nuys pres, T J Irwin sec
WICHITA BOOK CO, 118 e Douglas, tel 235, M W Levy pres, W Oliver vice pres, W H H Troupe sec
WICHITA BOTTLING WORKS, cor First and Waco, Otto Zimmerman prop
Wichita Box Factory, third floor ab 125 n Market, T M Casad prop
Wichita Broom Factory, 420 n Main, M A Fletcher prop
Wichita Cemetery, offi ab 123 e Douglas, S L Smith mgr
Wichita Children's Home, cor Margaret and First, Mrs H W Craig matron
Wichita City Directory, ab 222 n Main
Wichita City Ry Office, Citizens Bank, T G Fitch mgr
Witchita Coal Co, 813 e Douglas, F Coen prop, tel 93
Wichita & Colorado Depot, cor Wichita and First
Wihita Commercial Co, ab 104 w Douglas, P P Aherne mgr
Wichita Cornice Works, 133 n Lawrence, Rife Kay & Co
Wichita Dining Hall, ab 125 n Market, T Vreeland prop
Wichita Eagle Daily and Weekly, 111 e Douglas, M M Murdock & Bro prop
Wichita Floral Depot, 404 n Water, C A Rose mgr, tel 338
Wichita Foundry and Machine Shops, 118 n Wichita, McFarland & Co, props
WICHITA GAS E L & P CO, 116 n Market, tel 186, C E Sharpe sec, Works Waco bet Douglas and First, tel 47
Wichita Grocery, 221 e Douglas, J R Holliday prop, tel 295
Wichita Hardware Co, 223 e Douglas, Emil Werner, prop
Wichita High School, Emporia bet second and Third, U P Shull prin
Wichita Hospital, 1021 s Fourth, tel 273, Mrs M E Craig, mgr, Mrs M M Woodcock pres, tel 201
Wichita Ice Co, Mathewson and First, Chas Hoff prop, tel 161
Wichita Implement Co, 120 w Douglas, Jno T Kelly mgr
Wichita Loan & Trust Co, ab 103 e Douglas, W C Little pres
Wichita Medical & Surgical Institute, 135 n Market
WICHITA MATTRESS CO, 722 e Douglas, J F Follmer prop
Wichita Marble Works, 244 n Main, W E Marsh prop
WICHITA MILL CO, formerly Hydraulic Mills, First and Hydraulic, Thos F McEnnis mgr, tel 45
WICHITA NATIONAL BANK, s e cor Main and Douglas, tel 75, M W Levy pres, C A Walker cashier
Wichita New Republic, 106 s Lawrence, J S Jennings editor
Wichita Novelty Works, 154 n Market, I N Stage prop
WICHITA OPINION, 115 s Lawrence, J W Ozias editor
Wichita Overall & Shirt Mfg Co, 139 n Topeka, W H Hasker pres, tel 210
Wichita Paper Box Factory, ab 125 n Market, T M Casad prop
Wichita Pluming & Pump Co, 119 n Market, tel 115, A T Buckridge mgr
Wichita Produce Co, 125 n Market, tel 91
Wichita Publishing Co, ab 128 e Douglas, H C McClung mgr
Wichita Repair Co, 110 n Fourth, J W Deutz prop
WICHITA SHIRT FACTORY & DYE WORKS, 134 n Market, A Knowles prop
Wichita Soap Co, 605-607 s Fifth, tel 159, W C Petri mgr
Wichita & South Western Kennels, 1927 s Wichita
Wichita Steam Dyeing Co, 132 n Market, C Muchler prop
Wichita Steam Dyeing Co, factory 331 w Douglas, D Bronson prop
WICHITA STEAM LAUNDRY, 117-121 w First, tel 55, Garst Fraser & Garst props
Wichita St Ry Electric Plant, 1050 n Wichita
Wichita Suit & Overall Factory, 715 e Douglas, S Giwowsky prop
Wichita Tailoring Co, 309 n Main, I Kaufman mgr
Wichita Telegraph & Messngr Co, 114 e First tel 149
WICHITA TENT AND AWNING CO, ab 116 west Douglas, E Cunningham mgr
Wichita Trunk Factory, 125 w Douglas, Henry Hossfeld prop
Wichita Union stock Yards Co, The, J O Davidson pres, A C Runyon secty, W R Dulaney supt and tres, n of Twentyfirst, e of Pkg House
WICHITA UNION STOCK YARDS, n of Twentyfirst and e of Pkg Houses, tels office 400, yds 394, W R Dulaney supt
Wichita Vinegar Works Co, The, cor First and Hydraulic, tel 303, W T Russell pres, H Benscheidt mgr
WICHITA WATER CO, offi 122 e First, tel 226, W A Bixby supt, Fred Aley cashier
Water Works Pump House, w Central on Island, tel 6
Wichita Wholesale Gro Co, 2130223 s Market, tel 44
Wichman E A, bricklayer, r 306 n Mosley
Wichman L F, carpenter, r 306 s Mosley
Wichman Robt, student, r 306 s Mosley
Wichman Miss Susan, r 306 s Mosley
Wichman Wm, grain buyer, r 306 s Mosley
Wickham John V, farmer, r 308 s Oak ws
Widdoes M B, laborer, r 1144 n Ohio
Wiegand Miss Amelia, r 321 s Topeka
Wiegand Mrs Anna, teacher Lewis Academy, r 321 s Topeka
Wiegand Miss Anna, r 321 s Topeka
Wiell Fred, laborer Whittaker & Sons, r 1936 n Main
Wiemann John C, cigar mkr 317 e Douglas, rms 120 s Topeka
Wies Wm, stand mkr, bds 316 w Douglas
Wifley Miss Sarah, domestic, r 817 s Water
Wiggins E W, map pub ab 114 n Main, r 1330 Fairmount
Wiggins Miss May E, r 1330 Fairmount
Wiggs Miss Kate, trimmer Boston Store, r 213 s Wichita
Wight A, carpenter, 3331 e Twelfth
Wight Miss Almeda E, r 613 n Main
Wight J A, notions and confectionery 613 n Main, r same
Wightman F H, farmer, r 519 n Ohio
Wiglesworth Ed, wks Dolds Pkg House, r 1112 s Main
Wilbur Frank, grocer clk 405 e Douglas, r 1328 Ida
Wilbur Fred, grocer clk 405 e Douglas, r 1328 Ida
Wilbur I L, grocer Stock Yards, r 1116 n Market
Wilbur Lou, stenog 110 n Market, bds Metropole
Wilbur Samuel, grocer 405 e Douglas, r Waco Tp
Wilbur W J, commercial traveler, bds Metropole Hotel
Wilcox E, bds Packer's Hotel
WILCOX J P, mgr Wichita Music and Jewelry Co 126 n Main
Wilcox John, clk 205 n Water, r 1149 n Market
Wilcoxson Miss M E, r 1229 n Lawrence
Wilde Jacob, wks 155 n Main, r 1036 Allen
Wilde Otto, wks 302 e Oak, r 1036 Allen
Wilder Mrs H R, laundress, r 326 n Mosley
Wilder O T, r 1623 s Mead
Wilder O T jr, wks Stewart Bros 331 s Washington, r 1623 s Mead
Wiley J A, teamster, r 916 n Cleveland
Wiley Smith, travels for Solliday Bros, r 553 Mona
Wiley Wilson, shoemaker 434 n Main, r same
Wilhite E W, rlest ab 228 e Douglas, r 519 s Glenn ws
Wilhite Geo W, wks M Dermody, r 944 n Fifth
Wilhoit E M, commercial traveler, r rm 2 ab 538 n Emporia
Wilke F, baker ab 424 e Douglas, r 1125 s Water
Wilkerson M M, engineer Whittakers, r 2225 n Market
Wilkie B F, tinner 826 e Douglas, r 730 s Topeka
Wilkie Chas, wks M Dermody, r 730 s Topeka
Wilkie Geo W, tinner 826 e Douglas, r 730 s Topeka
Wilkie John, student Lewis Academy, r 1145 n Topeka
Wilkie Miss S L, teacher, r 730 s Topeka
Wilkin Mrs Mary J, r 611 Mona
Wilkins Chas, barber 605 e Oak, r 1106 e Oak
Wilkins Miss Dasie, r 711 n Topeka
Wilkins Ernest, laborer Dold Pkg House, r 1106 e Oak
Wilkins Frank S, laborer, r 518 n Wichita
Wilkins J F, barber 605 e Oak, r ab 607 e Oak
Wilkins L, landscape gardner Court House, r 1106 e Oak
Wilkins Sam, carpenter, 518 n Wichita
Wilkins Sam I jr, laborer, r 518 n Wichita
Wilkinson M M, laborer Whittaker & Sons
Wilkison Mrs Jennie, dressmaker, r 237 n Mosley
Wilkison Miss Lena, dressmaker, r 237 n Mosley
Wilkison Miss Ola, dressmaker, r 237 n Mosley
Willard J A, laborer, r 1251 s Main
Willday John T, fruit packer wks 239 n Main, r 435 n Wichita
Willday Miss Nellie, printer ab 222 n Main, r 435 n Wichita
Willer J S, laborer Dolds Pkg House
Willey G C, (H A Hill & G C Willey) hardware 1020 w Douglas, r 1816 University ws
Willey Isaac W, farmer, r 218 s Lawrence
Willey Wm A, switchman A T & S F Ry, r 218 s Lawrence
Willey _____, laborer, rms ab 144 n Main
Williams Albert H, clk Boston Store, r 341 Ellis
Williams Amos, lab stock yards, r 1913 n Topeka
Williams Miss Anna, clk ab 153 n Main, r 345 n Fern ws
Williams Mrs Betsey, laundress, r 338 n Wichita
Williams C H, wks plaining mill, r ab 141 n Market
Williams Mrs C H, r ab 141 n Market
Williams Chas, clk 815 n Main, r 439 w Finth
Williams C L, student, r 1307 Grand ws
Williams C L, waiter Hotel Carey, r e Third
Williams Mrs Clara, wks 119 w Nirft, r 303 n Wichita
Williams D A, r 341 Ellis
Williams Miss Della, r 820 n Washington
Williams D O, trav salesman, r 1307 Grand ws
Williams E, wks C Mosbacher, r 717 n Market
Williams F A, with Western Planing Mill Co, r 217 Mathewson
Williams Fate, laborer, r 411 n Mosley
Williams Frank, wks 220 e Douglas, r 338 n Wichita
Williams Gustavus, feed store 812 e Douglas, r 408 n Mosley
Williams Miss Ida, bkpr Shaws 129 n Main, r 219 s Main
Williams Mrs Iva, r 429 w Ninth
Williams James, student S W Bus Col, bds 515 e Williams
Williams J A, clk Santa Fe freight office, r 224 Indiana
Williams J B, pastor Olivet Congregational church, r 814 s Emporia
Williams Jas C, under sheriff, r 353 n Fern ws
Williams J G, painter, r 1219 e First
Williams J G, real estate 200 n Main, r 455 n Waco
Williams J J, r 1001 n Mead
Williams J R, confectioner, r 213 s Washington
Williams John, (Billings, Williams & co) live stock com mer stock yards, r 1710 n Lawrence
Williams John B, laborer, r 345 n Fern ws
Williams John, stock com'r, bds Emporia Avenue Hotel
Williams Lige, cook, r 330 n Washington
Williams Miss Lillie, clk Arcade 139 n Main, r 316 n Market
Williams Lon, jeweler Mosbacher, r 1817 University ws
Williams Miss Minnie, wks 121 w First, r 303 n Wichita
Williams M T, cattleman, r 2806 e Maple ws
Williams Robert, mdse broker ab 154 n Market, phone 43, r 704 n Fourth
Williams R W, eng Hotel Carey, r 526 s Topeka
Williams S E, janitor P O, r 731 n Wichita
Williams Miss Susie, r 411 w Mosley
Williams S W, lab H O Munger & Co, r 411 n Mosley
Williams T J, blacksmith at Car Works, r 3519 n Fourth
Williams W C, gun store 119 e Douglas, r 107 n Hydraulic
Williams W W, prop meat market 330 n Main, 712 n Topeka
Williams Wm H, farmer, r 336 n Fern ws
Williams Z L, restaurant 326 n Main, r 333 n Wichita
Williamson F M, engineer, r 419 s Market
Williamson Geo, lab Wittaker & Sons
Williamson J A, wks water wks, r 613 Riverview
Williamson John A, wks water company, r 543 n River
Williamson J M, student S B College, bds 132 n Topeka
Williamson Miss Lucy, student, r 3412 n Fourth
Williamson M A, carpenter, r 3411 n Fourth
Williford T E, druggist, r 531 s Market
Willigan M, roadmaster Frisco R R, r 605 n Ohio
Willis Austin S, teamster, r 1505 n Goethe
Willis Fred, teamster Chas Rogers, bds 631 n Market
Willis Miss Hattie, laundress, r 1505 Goethe
Willis Miss Katie, wks 240 n Water, r 1505 Goethe
Willis & Kopplin, (Luke Willis & Otto Kopplin) restaurant 112 w Douglas
Willis Luke, (Willis & Kopplin) 112 w Douglas, r same
Willis Sam, teamster, r 1505 Goethe
Willoughby W H, fireman A T & S F R R., r 612 s Emporia
Wills Mrs Mary, hskpr, r 1507 s Lawrence
Wilson W A jr, bkpr W Deering & Co, rm 57 Zimmerly
Wilson Miss Anna, r 431 n Waco
Wilson Angeline, r 513 Orchard ws
Wilson A W, farmer, cor Tillman and Percy ws
Wilson B B, real estate, r 230 s Lawrence
Wilson Benjamin, teamster, r 1406 e Gilbert
Wilson Mrs Bessie, r 1005 n Wabash
Wilson Chas, porter 109 n Main, r 817 n Mead
Wilson Chas, wks 157 n Water, r 513 s Orchard ws
Wilson Chas W, second miller City Roller Mills, bds 141 Lulu
Wilson Mrs Chiney, cook, r 518 n Water
Wilson Clarence, railroader, r 213 n Lawrence
Wilson Edith, student, r cor Fairview and Twenty-first
Wilson Edward, laborer, r 200 w Douglas
Wilson Miss Ella, washerwoman, r 603 n Wichita
Wilson Elmer, laborer Whittaker P co
Wilson E S, railroader, r 213 n Lawrence
Wilson Ed, farmer, r cor Mead and Twenty-eighth
Wilson F R, bkpr Arcade 139 n Main, r 431 Waco
Wilson Geo H, laborer, r 723 n Fifth
Wilson Geo S, atty ab 142 n Main, r 439 n Emporia
Wilson Harry H, cook 724 e Douglas, r 608 e Lewis
Wilson Harry, head miller City Roller Mills, r 141 Lulu
Wilson J A, laborer Whittaker P Co, r 1104 e Thirteenth
Wilson J C, dentist ab 118 e Douglas, r 536 s Topeka
Wilson J H, farmer, r 1621 Palisade
Wilson J P, laborer Whittaker P Co
Wilson J R, barn master Whittaker P Co, r cor Fairview and Twenty-first
Wilson J T, meat market 712 e Douglas, r Hartwic blk
Wilson James C, laborer, r 251 n Market
Wilson Jasper, farmer, r 3349 n Emporia
Wilson Lizzie, domestic, r 438 Hiram
Wilson Miss Mary, student High School, r 439 n Emporia
Wilson Miss Nellie, r 1104 e Thirteenth
Wilson Miss Roxy, stenog Kan Natnl bank, r 319 w Second
Wilson Miss Susie, r 345 n Main
Wilson S W, laborer Whittaker P Co, r n Fifth
Wilson Thomas C, lawyer ab 253 n Main, r 1448 Fairview
Wilson W A jr, clk Wm Deering Co, rms Zimmerly bldg
Wilson W J, dry goods 139 n Main, r 431 n Waco
Wilson W T, butcher, rms ab 524 e Douglas
Wilson Wm, r 2057 Waco
Wilson Zan, laborer Whittaker P co
Wilt Andrew, laborer, r ab 143 n Main
Winants Miss Carrie B, r 917 n Market
Winants F C, trav salesman, r 917 n Market
Winch S G, book store 122 n Main, r 312 w Third
Winch W C, clk Fourth Avenue Grocery, r 1306 s Fourth
Winchel Miss Abbie J, sten Int Loan & Trust Co Sedgwick blk, rms 414 w Central
Winders E U, retired farmer, r 1045 s Topeka
Winders Geo E, grain buyer, r 829 s Emporia
Windle J L, laborer, r 135 s Washington
Windle Mrs J L, dressmkr 117 n Topeka, r 135 s Washington
Windsor Mrs Helen C, artist, r 348 n First
Windsor John A, cattle business, bds Occidental
Wineberger Mrs Florence, dressmaker, r 519 s Market
Wingard Miss Emma, student, r 349 n Water
Wingard J W, contractor and builder, r 349 n Water
Wingate James F, engineer 240 n Water, r 157 n Emporia
Wingate Miss Sadie, r 157 n Emporia
Wingert J C, bkpr 213 s Market, r 233 n Topeka
Winget James G, clk 129 e Douglas, bds 228 ½ n Main
Winkelman Henry, huckster, r 125 Spruce
Winkelman Miss Katie, r 125 Spruce
Winn Miss Ida, dressmkr, r cor Pine and Water
Winn Thomas, driver 117 n Market, r 928 s Topeka
Winn Wm, 217 n Hydraulic
Winn W B, physician, 1715 University ws
Winpigler G W, contractor and builder, r 331 Sycamore ws
Winter S W, painter and paper hanger, r 530 n Waco
Winterlich Miss Lena, wks ab 524 e Douglas
Winters David, pastor First Pres church, r 1145 n Topeka
Winters Geo, clk 133 n Main, r 224 Main
Wire Novelty works, 422 n Main, W S Hotchkins prop
Wise J S, com trav Wm Deering & Co, r 1217 Univesity ws
Wise Mrs Lavina, r 236 Ida
Wisel Samuel, r 824 s Water
Wisdom W T, printer Mirror, r 320 Mathewson
Wiseman E, clk 830 e Douglas, r 934 n Market
Wisehart W H, pass agt R I Ry, r 524 s Seneca ws
Wishendorff John B, spec agt Mass Mutual Life Ins Co 3rd floor Sedgwick blk, bds Hotel Plazza
Wiske William, tailor 111 e First, r 933 s Main
Wisner Miss Helen E, abstracter Court House, r 1344 s Main
Wite Abram, peddler, r 161 s Washington
Wite Miss Dora, r 161 s Washington
Wite Miss Sarah, r 161 s Washington
Witt J C, 216 New York
Witte John, wks 125 w Douglas, rms 158 n Main
Witwer B F, atty with Stanley & Hume, bds 414 w Central
Woffender Wm, custodian county building, r 507 n Main
Wohler Leonard, laborer, r 3339 n Fifth
Wolf Gotleib, trunk maker 125 w Douglas, rms ab 146 n Main
Wolf Wm, broom maker, r 228 ½ n Main
Wolf Wm, laborer, r 227 Spruce
Wolfberg L, peddler, r 115 s Mosley
Wolfberg James, peddler, r 151 s Ida
Wolfe Miss Estella, wks 146 n Emporia
Wolfe Josiah, wks 117 w Douglas, r 1750 s Gold
Wolfe P W, travels Oliver & Imboden Co, r 1624 Gold
Wolff Fred, clk 242 n Main, r cor Second and Riverview
Wolsh John, with M A McKenzie Mfg Co, r 155 n Water
Wolty Chas W, carpenter, r 117 Fannie
Woltz Jas, carpenter, 1830 w McCormick
Woltz James, dentist, r 1830 w McCormick
Woman's Exchange and Dining Hall, 112 e First
Wommack J M, bkpr 201 n Main, r 823 n Market
Wonderly Miss Birdie, student, r 237 s Lawrence
Wonderly W H, tinner 123 e Douglas, r 237 s Lawrence
Wood A A, clk, Arcade 139 n Main, r 112 w Lewis
Wood Bedford, policeman, 232 n Washington
Wood C W, transferman W T & C Co, r 508 s Topeka
Wood Miss Emma, seamstress ab 137 n Main, r 224 w Harry
Wood Miss Eva C, r 222 n Mead
Wood Frank C, mgr Steele & Walker, r 1125 n Emporia
Wood Ferdman S, r 1056 n Emporia
Wood Buy, feed and sale stables, r ab 519 Chicago ws
Wood Jasper, wks Baughman & Howard, r 149 n Emporia
Wood J O, physician, r 1454 n Waco
Wood J V, contractor and builder, r 902 s Emporia
Wood J W, cigarmaker 139 n Topeka, r 315 Pattie
Wood Ralph, farmer, r 508 s Topeka
Wood W, speculator, r 1132 Larimer
Wood W R, railroader, r 1056 n Emporia
Wood Wm L, farmer, r 205 Lulu
Woodcock Chas, student r 453 n Lawrence
Woodcock Ed, student, r 453 n Lawrence
Woodcock E L, messgr W-F & Co's Ex, bds 419 s Lawrence
Woodcock L N, city weigher, r 453 n Lawrence
Woodford C A, furniture packer, r 312 n First
Woodford F D, spec agt N Y Life Ins Co, r 614 s Water
Woodman Clarence S, clk, r 901 n Waco
Woodman Miss A Rea, student Garfield, r 901 n Waco
Woodman Miss L C, student Lewis Academy, r 901 n Waco
Woodman T B, r 802 n Waco
Woodman Mrs W C, r 901 n Waco
Woodman W S, r 802 n Waco
Woods Miss Alice, domestic, 715 n Lawrence
Woods Arthur, waiter Carey, r 720 n Waco
Woods Clarence, fisherman, r 815 n Allen
Woods David, waiter Carey Hotel, r 429 n Emporia
Woods Eiss Dora, r 741 n Emporia
Woods Ed, clk 222 n Main, r 428 n Water
Woods Miss Julia, r 741 n Emporia
Woods N S, civil engineer, r 520 n Riverview
Woods R H, laborer, r 1808 n Fifth
Woods S R, brakeman on W & W Ry, r 803 e Central
Woodward W, laborer, r 1145 Lewellen
Woody E, contractor, r 1055 n Topeka
Woody Miss Maggie, r 1055 n Topeka
Woody Miss Nora, teacher, r 404 n Market
Woody Miss Ruth, teacher, r 404 n Market
Woodring Jesse, deliveryman Munson & McNamara 123-127 n Main
Woodring Roy F, harnessmkr at Schad's, r 738 s Emporia
Woodring U, hostler, r 738 s Emporia
Woodard Mrs Lucy, r 613 n Washington
Woolard S F, treas S L Davidson Mtge Co, r 607 n Washington
Woolard Miss Minnie, student, r 613 n Washington
Worton T P, r cor Fifth and Harry
Worden Mrs E A, saleslady Boston store, bds 211 s Topeka
Worrall I S, r 129 n Fourth
Worthington G S, printer Eagle, r 1427 s Lawrence
Worthington Mrs P, domestic 939 Wichita
Wrenchey C with Eagle livery, r 315 n Topeka
Wrenchey H, liveryman 244 n Topeka, r 315 n Topeka
Wrenchey J S, with Eagle livery, r 315 n Topeka
Wright A B (Allen & Wright) r 1152 n Lawrence
Wright Albert, lab Whittaker's r 733 e Sixteenth
Wright C A (W & Miller), r 1453 n Lawrence
Wright Miss Carrie, r 1152 n Lawrence
Wright Chas, laborer at Whittaker & Sons
Wright Chas G, laborer, r 1154 Dayton ws
Wright Miss Fannie, r 839 Maple ws
Wright Frank W, R R conductor, r 153 Ohio
Wright Miss Jennie, student Waterbury school, r 1453 n Lawrence
Wright J C, stonemason, r 717 Roberts ws
Wright J H, letter carrier No 6, r 142 n Emporia
Wright J J, clk Cone's grocery 517 n Main, r 114 w Elm
Wright Jas, coachman 407 n Lawrence
Wright Jos N, farmer, r 717 Roberts ws
Wright Miss Mae, r 1152 n Lawrence
Wright Mrs M E, r 1010 s Wichita
WRIGHT & MILLER, ( C A Wright & G S Miller) real estate and rental agents 133 n Market, phone 220
Wright Mission Pres Church, cor Eighteenth and Topeka
Wright Thos, laborer, r 727 n Fourth
Wright W S, fireman, bds Commercial
Wyckoff S, r 1822 Fannie
Wylie D W, laborer, r 1221 Jefferson
Wylie E T, painter, r 1221 Jefferson
Wylie J R, plasterer, r 1221 Jefferson
Wylie J W, clk 253 n Main, r 1221 Jefferson
Wylie W N, com traveler, r 343 n Emporia


YAZEL CHAS S, Fruits and Candies 318 North Main, Residence 403 Sherman
Yazel James, wks 328 w Douglas, r 403 Sherman
Yazel W H, prop sale and exchange stables 328 w Douglas, r 403 Sherman
Yeagers Mrs Catherine, r 950 s Market
Yerks Wm, railroader, r 208 n Waco
Yocum L G, capitalist, rms in Sedg Blk
Yoder Miss Edith, capt Salvation Army, r 417 s Topeka
York Alford, farmer, r 335 n Millwood ws
York Mrs Belle S, r 1116 Dayton ws
York E, steam bakery e Douglas, r 124 n Mosley
York Edward A, elevator conductor Govt Bld, r 116 Dayton ws
York E R, bakery 812 e Douglas, r 124 n Mosley
York John, with Keith & Perry Coal Co, r 340 n Topeka
York J B, lumberman, r 631 n Waco
York Mrs Mary, cook 228 ½ n Main, r 854 s Martinson
York Mrs Mary, r 340 n Topeka
York Miss Mary, r 631 n Waco
York Miss Minnie, r 631 n Waco
York Miss Sadie, r 340 n Topeka
Yost Miss Wreathie, rms 1020 Hendryx ws
Young Mrs Annie, dressmaker, r 227 s Market
Young Miss Blanch, r 228 w Morris
YOUNG BROS, wall paper and paints 236 n Main, Jno B Young mgr
Young D Bruce, transfer man, r 602 Orchard ws
Young Miss Edna, r 228 w Morris
Young Emanuel, wks Water wks, r 141 Laura
Young Emmett, r 3335 n Fifth
Young E O, machinist, r 602 Orchard ws
Young Fred, driver 117 n Market, r 733 s Market
Young G A, lodge organizer, r 236 n Washington
Young G C, laborer Car Wks, r 3631 n Fourth
Young G H, cook Metropole Hotel, r 526 n Water
Young Geo L, bkpr 236 n Main, r 1256 n Lawrence
Young J W, laborer Car Wks, r 3335 n Fifth
Young Jno B Sr, (Young Bros) 236 n Main, r 737 n Water
Young Jno B Jr, salesman 236 n Main, r 737 n Water
Young Joseph, wks Kans Spring Bed Fractory, r 843 Maple ws
Young Joseph, laborer Dolds Pkg Co, r cor Sixteenth and Fifth
Young Mrs Loretta, boarding house, r 228 w Morris
Young Miss Madge, r 3335 n Fifth
Young Miss Mary, r 737 n Water
Young Mens Christian Association, r cor First and Topeka A Baird gen sec
Young Mrs Polly, capitalist, rms 408 w Central
Young P W, laborer, r cor Cleveland and First
Young Mrs Rebecca, r 341 Bernice
Young Robert R, laborer, r 153 n Charles ws
Young Thomas, laborer, r 725 n Wichita
Young J F, switchman Santa Fe, r 416 n Emporia
Young Walter, wks Commercial, r First and Cleveland
Young Will, bell boy Metropole Hotel
Young W S, painter, r 332 Pennsylvania
Younger J W, brickmaker, r 1755 Arkansas
Younger Walter, brickmaker, r 1755 Arkansas
Younger Wm, brickmaker, r 1755 Arkansas
Youngs W W, carpenter, r 1441 n Schiller
Yount F A, baggageman Mo Pac, r 523 w Third
Yount Miss Kate, r 523 w Third
Yount Mist Lillie, r 516 s Water
Yount L T, carriage dealer 123 w Douglas, r 516 s Water
Younkin T A, laborer, r 710 n Hydraulic
Yowell T A, prin Washington School, rms 318 s Lawrence
Yundt Jacob, carpenter, r 1652 s Market
Yungmeyer Bros, (J A & J F Y) blacksmith 122 n Fourth
Yungmeyer G A, student, 1219 s Fifth
Yungmeyer J A, (Y Bros) r 1219 s Fifth
Yungmeyer J F, (Y Bros) r 1021 n Fourth


ZARTMAN B E, traveling salesman Wichita Wholesale Grocer Company, residence 641north Waco
Zartman Fred S, wks Pac Express Co, r 212 Cleveland
Zartman J W, wks Pac Express Co, r 212 Cleveland
Zeininger Miss Annie, r 1063 n Market
Zeininger Chas, (Peters & Z), r 1063 n Market
Zeininger Ernest, wks Miltner's elevator, bds Commercial
Zellar C, running a thresher, r 3423 n Fourth
Zellar H T, lab car works, r 3521 n Fourth
Zerhusen Henry, cigarmkr ab 420 e Douglas, r 335 n Fourth
Zetzsche H C, photographer over 330 n Main, r same
Zigler J D, r 1146 Dayton ws
Zimmerly Miss Nellie, bds Packer's Hotel
Zimmerman C S, farmer, r 1734 n Topeka
Zimmermann Julius, butcher, r 614 n Water
Zimmermann J F, signs ab 114 n Main, r 3254 n Mead
Zimmermann Miss Louisa T, dressmkr, r 614 n Water
Zimmermann Otto, mgr Wichita Bottling Wks, r 315 s Water
Zimmermann Otto H, messinger, r 614 n Water
Zin Chas, farmer, r cor Forrest and Eleventh
Zorn Miss Theresa, r 943 s Main
Zugs Miss Nora, wks City Hotel


A thru D

E thru I

J thru Q

R thru U

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