Midwest Historical &

Genealogical Society

Wichita, Kansas

1892 City Directory

Wichita, Kansas

TRANSCRIBED BY: Nancy Lou Welshimer Fincham

A thru D

E thru I

J thru Q

V thru Z


RACE A C, bookkeeper, residence 1947 north Main
Raffety & Co, carriage repository 121 w First, E G Raffety m'r
Rafferty E G, ( R & Co) carriage repository 124 w First, r 1616 s Lawrence
Raffety Miss Grace, r 1616 s Lawrence
Ragan James, farmer, r 2030 Menton ws
Ragsdale Miss May, domestic, r 354 Indiana
Ralstin Henry F, broomkr 1018 Chicago, r 1014 Chicago ws
Rambeck Earnest, transfer agt W Cty E Ry, r 1035 n Water
Ramsel John, capitalist, r 1640 s Emporia
Ramsey Miss Frone, r 354 n Main
Ramsome G M, r 1107 n Allen
Ramsome W, butcher Dold P co, r 1107 n Allen
Randall D H, plasterer, r 621 s Glenn ws
Randall Miss Happie, r 621 s Glenn ws
Randall Mrs Jessie, washerwoman, r 704 e Kellogg
Randall John, blacksmith 120 n Lawrence, bds 200 w Douglas
Randall Tom, laborer
Randall T H, County Commissioner, r Mt Hope
Randall W A, wks 111 w Douglas, r 303 w Third
Rankin Mrs Adeline, r cor Fifth and Harry
Randkin J V, stock dealer, r cor n Fourth and Twentyfifth
Rankins Milton M, student S W Business college, bds 515 e Williams
Ranney B D, prop Princess restaurant 220 e Douglas, rms ab 131 n Market
Ransom M B, rlest 135 n Market, r 1202 Pattie
Ransome Joseph W, weighmaster at stock yards, r 1912 n Lawrence
Ranson W H, rlest ab 110 n Main, r Kechi township
Rapp Lee, baker 146 n Main, rms 151 n Lawrence
Rathbone Miss Edith, student, r 1020 s Fourth
Rathbone I S, car repairer A T & S F, r 1020 s Fourth
Rathbun Ed, physician, r 1253 n Market
Rathmon J, laborer Dold P Co
Ratliff & Cone, (J A R & R Cone) rlest and loans rear Fourth National Bank
Ratliff John A, ( R & Cone) r 611 s Market
Ratliff C T, grain dealer, r 311 Indiana
Rathmann John, laborer Dold P Co, r 1412 n Emporia
Ratner David, clk 112 e Douglas, r 805 s Emporia
Ratner Miss Hanna, clk 150 n Main, r 805 s Emporia
Ratner Moses, clothing 626 e Douglas, r 805 s Emporia
Ratzell Alfred, plasterer, r 939 s Fourth
Ratzell Frank, lather, r 1311 s Market
Rauch A L, salesman spices, r 418 s Lawrence
Rauch W H, ( Rohrbaugh & Rauch) lawyer ab 147 n Main, r Carey hotel
Ray M Armenie, wks Emporia Avenue hotel
Ray Arthur, clk 414 e Douglas, r 137 Cleveland
Ray A, city weigher, r 151 s Hydraulic
Ray Ed, (Remspear & Ray), hotel 724 e Douglas
Ray E M, r 137 Cleveland
Ray J A, r 802 s Water
Ray William, wks Keith & Perry Coal Co, r 137 Cleveland
Raye Miss Annie, domestic, r 1825 n Water
Rea F M, Ry Postal clk, r 631 s Millwood ws
Rea Miss Villa, r 1705 Mentor ws
Reade Miss Lena, sten, r 339 s Lawrence
Reade Mrs Olive 339 s Lawrence
Reamer Mrs Flora, r 736 s Topeka
Reams Arthur P, salesman 129 n Main, r 902 s Lawrence
Reams A J, electrician 108 e Second, r 1103 n Wichita
Reams W D, postal tel operator, r 1103 n Wichita
Reaves E F, eng Thompson & H E L Co, r 418 n Wichita
Rebstein M, mgr Aultman Miller & Co, tel 51, rms 158 n Main
Recklebe, Chas, gardener, r cor Nineth and Hydraulic
Recklebe Henry, gardener, r cor Ninth and Hydraulic
Recklebe Herman, gardener, r cor Ninth and Hydraulic
Reckmeyer C H, (Reckmeyer & Giles) r 209 s Emporia
Reckmeyer & Giles, ( C H Reckmeyer & J T Giles) harness and saddles, 121 e Douglas
Redd,H S, photographer 330 n Main, r 1305 e Oak
Redd Mrs Margaret, r 1305 e Oak
Rendington Thos, r 1318 Fairmount
Reddish Ben, butcher H B DuPlan, rms ab 601 e Douglas
Redfield Miss Belle, student, r 604 s Water
Redfield Frank, bkpr C E Potts Drug Co, r 602 s Water
REDFIELD J C, Justice of Peace ab 130 n Main, tel 46, r 604 s Water
Redman W, r 1340 s Main
Redman W T, stockbuyer for Whittaker, bds Metropole Hotel
Redwine W H, minister Christian Church, r 3229 e Twelfth
Reed A H, rlest ab 144 n Main, r cor Guthrie and Twenty-third
Reed B M, switchman Santa Fe, r 249 n Fourth
Reed C, Judge of District Court, r 1313 n Lawrence
Reed F A, secy W Loan & Trust Co, r 311 w Third
Reed H P, grain buyer, r 628 e Central
Reed John, switchman Santa Fe yards, r 421 Ida
Reed Theodore, janitor City Building, r 708 n Water
Reed W A, r 1829 n Market
Reed W H, blacksmith s Mead, r 1017 s Hydraulic
Rees D O, wks 213 w Douglas, bds Hotel Petzold
Reese Miss Bertha, student High School, 223 n Emporia
REESE & CORN (J F R & H E C), rlest and collections, ab 216 e Douglas
Reese Elmer, clk W W Grocer Co, r 223 n Emporia
Reese Miss Ida M, teacher, r 221 n Lawrence
Reese J F, (Reese & Corn) 216 e Douglas, r 223 n Emporia
Reese Mrs M B, r 221 n Lawrence
Reese Miss Nellie, student High School, r 221 n Lawrence
Reeside A A, bill clerk Mo Pac, r 242 n Waco
Reeves A B, ab 116 n Market, r 1409 e Division
Reeves A B, student, r 1409 e Division
Reeves R W, farmer, r 1623 s Topeka
REEVES WILL E, billiards and cigars 326 e Douglas and 205 n Main, r 1235 n Waco
Reger J E, wks Root Bros, rms 224 w Waterman
Reibenspies John, laborer, r cor Clayton and Lewis
Reiche E C, W Bottling Works, r 1129 n Lewellen
Reiche Fred, r 1120 n Lewellen
Reid R J, grain buyer, r 217 Indiana
Reiff John, machinist, r 219 s Washington
Reilly Wm, plumber wks 119 n Market, r 117 Mathewson
Reise Henry, carpenter, r 1004 n Lewellen
Reisner John, miller, r 1033 Laura
Reisners H J, solicitor for insurance, Getto blk
Reitz Chris, tailor wks 126 e First, rms 221 s Main
Reitz F, bds City Hotel
Reitz F J, tinner, r 602 Hewitt ws
Reitz Stewart, wks 306 w Douglas, r 602 s Hewitt ws
Reiz Chas, driver Oak Street Bakery 619 e Oak, r 516 n Emporia
Remsen C F, teacher S B College 400 e Douglas, r 315 n Wabash
Remspear J A, (Remspear & Ray) hotel 724 e Douglas, r same
REMSPEAR & RAY, (J A Remspear & Ed Ray) hotel keeprs, 724 e Douglas
Rentz E B, physician ab 110 e Douglas, tel 42, r 733 n Emporia
Rentz Miss Maud, r 733 n Emporia
Rentz Ray, r 733 n Emporia
Resseguie C F, supt Santa Fe, r 1348 n Topeka
Reveley A M, travels Monarch Tobacco Co, r 305 Ohio
Reynolds Al W, wks Union Sash and Door Co, 1514 e Hunter
Reynold B W, patrolman City Police, r 323 Wabash
Reynolds C F, teacher, r 727 n Fifth
Reynolds Clarence, shipping clk W W Grocer Co, r 446 Ida
Reynolds E F, insurance agent, r 1212 s Fourth
Reynolds Frank W, wks 223 s Market, r 448 Ida
Reynolds Guy B, clk W F & Co's Express, rms 103 w Douglas
Reynolds H A, chief clk Supt's offi S Fe, r 1436 n Waco
Reynolds H T, teamster, 239 n Fourth
Reynolds H T, furniture, r 1216 s Fifth
Reynolds H W, farmer, 1151 s Fourth
Reynolds Miss Ida, 1216 s Fifth
Reynolds J C, wks 223 s Market, r 446 Ida
Reynolds J H, bkpr City Roller Mills, r 150 Ida
Reynolds Miss Jessie C, stenog Hartford Inv Co Sedg Blk, r 1216 s Fifth
Reynolds John, r 330 n Lincoln
Reynolds John H, bkpr City Mills, r 150 Fannie
Reynolds John L, horse shoer wks 120 n Lawrence, bds 200 w Douglas
Reynolds N H, surveyor A T & S F R R, r 312 Indiana
Reynolds Roy, Eagle Bakery, r 1216 s Fifth
Reynolds, W H, prop Feed Store 725 e Oak, r 727 n Fifth
Reynolds William, clk 701 e Douglas, r 448 Ida
Reynolds Wm, wks telephone office, r 448 Ida
Reynolds Mrs W W, r 323 Wabash
Reynolds S H, dealer in produce, r 1216 s Fifth
Reynolds Tom, motoneer, r 1359 n Fourth
Rhames Robert, Episcopal Minister, r 551 Alice
Rhinehart Theodore, farmer, r 1414 n Minnie
Rhinehart U G, r 374 n Emporia
Rhoads Miss Claudia, r 826 w Central
Rhoads Fred, baker, r 826 w Central
Rhoads Miss Hallie, r 826 w Central
Rhoads H M, carpenter, r 826 w Central
Rhoades D T, laborer, r 614 s Market
Rhodenbaugh Lydia, domestic A S Munson's 409 n Waco
Rhodes Ed, wks W St Car Co, r 532 n Wichita
Rhodes Chas, laborer, r 617 Texas ws
Rhodes H A, wks 111 w Douglas, r 114 n Market
Rhodes J H, shoemaker 565 Chicago ws, r cor Oak and Texas ws
Rhone Miss Florence, student Lewis Academy, r 322 n Riverview
Rice, Miss Altha, dressmaker, r 146 n Topeka
Rice Elmer J, clk 330 n Main, r 712 n Topeka
Rice F G, painter 157 n Water, r 1303 s Market
Rice H M, speculator, r 1303 s Market
Rice Miss Minerva, dressmaker, r 146 n Topeka
Rice W S, salesman Deering Harvester Co, r 1303 s Market
Rich Miss Beatrice, student, r 403 n Riverview
Rich David, brick molder, r 2030 Mentor ws
Rich Jos, (Rich Merchantile Co) 131 n Market, r 403 Riverview
Rich Jessie, r 2030 Mentor ws
Rich Merchantile Co, 131 n Market, Jos Rich mngr
Rich Thomas, huckster, r 521 s Everett es
Richard Charlie, cabinet maker, r 715 e Gilbert
Richards G F, harnessmaker 121 e Douglas, rms same
Richards Geo F, job printer ab 317 e Douglas, tel 95, r 627 s Emporia
Richards H H, rlest rm 7 Fechhimer Blk r 1135 n Topeka
Richards Mrs J H, dressmaker, r 1014 n Water
Richards Miss Lena, r 1135 n Topeka
Richards Miss May, dressmaker, r 339 s Lawrence
Richards Mrs Olive, rms on fourth floor of Sedg Blk
Richards Miss Susie G, clk at 123 n Main, r Sedg Blk
Richards Wm Cooper, salesman for J T Campbell, r 1215 n Fifth
Richardson Alice, domestic John E Hume 413 n Waco
Richardson Addie, r 1648 Ida
Richardson Miss Daisy, student, r 1125 n Emporia
Richardson J J, plasterer, r 1604 e Oak
Richardson J N, teller Fourth Nat'l Bank, r 821 n Topeka
Richardson J S, (Smith & R), r 917 n Market
Richardson Mrs M L, r 1021 n Emporia
Richardson Dr Wm, supt of city schools
Richey Miss Bertha, r 316 s Water
Richey C, janitor at Court House, r 355 n Market
Richey E A, eng and electrician, r 730 Pattie
Richey Mrs E C, r 730 Pattie
Richey Miss Etta M, r 1107 n Waco
Richey J C, rlest under Citizens' Bank, r 1107 n Waco
Richey Samuel, retired, r 1107 n Waco
Richie Joseph, cook, r 531 n Water
Richland Block 409-411 e Douglas
Richmond A J, druggist, r 317 n Market
Richmond Mrs A J, hskpr 322 s Water
Richmond Alexander, grocer, r cor Fourth and Twenty-seventh
Richmond F M, florist 322 s Water
Richmond G A, carp 572 w Douglas, r 825 s Simmons
Richmond Guy, hostler 220 w Lewis, r 215 w Lewis
Richmond J E, carriagemkr 114-116 n Fourth, r 1218 s Fifth
Richmond S W, magnetic physician, off and r 322 s Water
Richt Miss Anna, r 454 n Waco
Richt Miss Florence, student, r 454 n Waco
RICHT FRED L, druggist 206 e Douglas, r Manhattan
Richt Leonard, bakery 352 n Main, r 454 n Waco
Richt Miss Mary, 454 n Waco
Richt Miss Minnie, r 454 n Waco
Richter Miss Florence, r 448 n Riverview
Richter Fred L, com trav, r 448 n Riverview
Richter Miss Ida, r 448 n Riverview
Richter Sprigg, r 448 n Riverview
Rickards Ella, student, r 1215 n Fifth
Rickards W C, trav salesman J T Campbell & Co 143 n Market, r 1215 n Fifth
Ridel Martin, wks Dolds Pkg Co, r 1627 n Humboldt
Rider Henry, lab, r 724 e Douglas
Riddell Mrs Kitty A, r 1955 Jackson
Riddell W O, agt Equit Life Assurance, r 1955 Jackson
Ridgway E T, wks Mo Pac depot, r 1015 n Wichita
Riege Ernest, lab, r 317 s Oak ws
Riely Patrick, gardener, r 117 Mathewson
Riely Wm, plumber, r 117 Mathewson
Riesbeck Frank, clk 609 e Oak, r 832 Eagle
Riesbeck Mark, painter 807 e Oak, r 826 e Oak
Rife A A, clk Kernan's grocery, r 421 Laura
Rife C C, (Rife, Kay & Co), r 3309 e Twelfth, Fairmount
Rife J E, tinner, r 3309 e Twelfth
Rife J W, ( R Kay & Co), r 421 Laura
Rife Kay & Co, ( C C Rife, Allen Kay & J W Rife), cornicemakers 133 n Lawrence
Riffe J R, wks Zephyr Mills, r 1303 e First
Rigler J J, wks S F Ry, bds Commercial
Riggs J, blacksmith 140 n Water, r 907 w Pine ws
Riggs John, blksmith, wks 140 n Water, r 907 w Pine ws
Riggs M L, farmer, r 1305 Vassar
Riley D F, harnessmkr, wks 105 w Douglas, r 738 s Emporia
Riley J B, Lamp lighter W Gas Co
Riley John, wks 118 n Wichita, r 300 s Water
Riley Miss Katie, servant girl 313 n Market
Rinckel Oscar, commercial trav, rm 6 third floor Whitlock blk
Rio Grande Coal & Lumber Co, ab 205 n Main, tel 290, G M Dickson mgr
Ripperton Miss Cora B, r ab 255 n Main
Ripperton Harry, student, r ab 255 n Main
Ripperton Dr J C, r ab 255 n Main
Rison H C, hay dealer, r 1905 Crown
Rison Noah, student, r 1905 Crown
Rison W H, live stock commissioner Stockyards, r 1905 Crown
Ritter C F, transfer business, r 225 Sycamore ws
Ritter Wm, wks 701 e Douglas, r cor Sycamore and Pine ws
Ritz A G, commercial traveler, r 819 n Hydraulic
Rix Mrs Ella M, clk 123-127 n Main, r 1130 n Lawrence
Roach Edward, laborer, r 1013 n Lewellen
Roach Georgie, student, r 1013 n Lewellen
Roach J N, merchant dry goods, r 419 n Waco
Roach Mrs Margaret, r 419 n Waco
Robbins Frank M, meat market 117 w Doug, r 1063 n Wichita
Roberson Mrs Annie, washwoman, r 325 s Fifth
Roberson D L, printer, r 605 n Main
Roberson Ed, wks Carey Hotel, r 628 n Wabash
Roberts Mrs Anna, washwoman, r 603 n Wichita
Roberts Mrs Hannah, housekeeper, r 721 w Central
Roberts James, laborer, r 534 Rock Island
Roberts John, driver Chas Davis, rms 120 s Water
Roberts J M, prop Riverside Hotel 316 w Douglas
Roberts L C, real estate, r 224 Grove
Roberts Logan, farmer, r 721 w Central
Roberts L T, traveling man, r 521 s Market
Roberts Robt, miller, r 247 Mathewson
Roberts Treat, r r man, r 721 w Central
Roberts W F, salesman 308 e Douglas, r 517 n Wabash
Robertson Miss Carrie, rms 221 s Main
Robertson E G, pres Hartford Inv Co off rms 400-402 Sedg blk, r 1218 Waco
Robertson F H, secy Hartford Inv Co, r 1435 Waco
Robertson Taylor, minister, r 1002 n Cooledge
Robertson T A, traveling salesman, r ab 251 n Main
Robins E H, teacher S B College, r 214 n Emporia
Robinson A C, fruit grower, r 2700 e Second
Robinson B, capitalist, r 424 n Lawrence
Robinson Mrs C L, chambermaid, r 518 n Wichita
Robinson C S, architect and builder, r 2700 e Second
Robinson E, laborer, r 534 s Mosley
Robinson Edward, wks Hotel Carey
Robinson J G, wks Divers Stables, r 147 n Waco
Robinson J T, r 227 Lulu
Robinson Mrs Josephine, dressmaker, rms Fletcher blk
Robinson J W, engineer, r 1010 s Wichita
Robinson Mrs Liza, r 455 n Water
Robinson Mrs L W, r 1024 s Lawrence
Robinson Mary E, washwoman, r 215 s Washington
Robinson Miss Sarah, r 2700 e Second
Robinson T T, laborer, r 321 Pattie
Robinson Wm, laborer, r 1600 Pattie
Robinson I, laborer, r 822 n Ohio
Robinson John, section hand, r 908 s Fourth
Rochelle H L, telegraph operator, r 211 s Millwood
Rochelle M S, cancer doctor, r 331 s Dodge ws
ROCK ISLAND BOOK EXCHANGE 422 e Douglas, Ora McKinney Mgr
Rock Island Freight Depot, near Douglas on Mead, W H Herbig mngr, tel 131
ROCK ISLAND LUMBER CO, E H Anawalt mngr, 301 w Douglas, tel 177
Rock Island Grocery, 718 e Douglas, O H Tewmy mngr
Rock Island Passenger Depot, Mead and Douglas, W H Wishart agt, tel 190
Rock Island Ticket Office, cor Main and Douglas, W H Wishart agt, tel 199
Rockwell J M, wks P T Benbow, r 1102 e Central
Rode J, r 536 s Water
Rode J G, boot and shoe dealer, r 602 s Water
Rode Miss Martha F, student, r 602 s Water
Rodenbaugh Miss Laura, servant girl ab 222 n Main
Rodgers John, wks foundry, bds Emporia Avenue Hotel
Rodgers William, wks foundry, bds Emporia Avenue Hotel
Rodkey J C, retired merchant, r 1106 e Douglas
Rodney Chas L, foreman Charles Bros, r 301 Ellis
Rodolf Chas G, r 1054 n Topeka
Rodolf R O, bkpr W P & P Co, r 1054 n Topeka
Rodolf Miss Ida, r 1054 n Topeka
Roff Miss Anna, cook Emporia Avenue Hotel
Rogers Burt, student, r 256 n water
Rogers Carl, farmer, r 321 Indiana
Rogers C E, Wichita Transfer Co w Second, tel 111, r 256 n Water
Rogers Elmer R, wholesale lumber, rm 8 Bitting Blk, tel 63, r 726 s Emporia
Rogers Mrs E M, rms 410 Sedgwick Blk
Rogers E T, laborer, r 381 n First
Rogers H T, solicitor City Mills, r 321 Indiana
Rogers J M, com traveler, r 728 n Topeka
Rogers Mrs M A, s 321 Indiana
Rogers Mrs M V, r 341 s Oak ws
Rogers O, r 1150 n Market
Rogers Miss Pearl, rms 410 Sedg Blk
Rogers Richard, contractor, r 726 s Emporia
Rogers Robert I, wks bank, r 341 s Oak ws
Rogers T J, (T J Rogers & Co) insurance, rms 152 n Market, Firebaugh Blk
ROGERS T J & CO, (T J Rogers mngr) fire and cyclone insurance 115 e First
Rogers Wm, laborer, r 381 n First
Rohades Fred, laborer Whittaker & Sons
Rohrbaugh Mrs M A, r 229 n Market
Rohrbaugh P A, ( Rohrbaugh & Rauch) attorney 147 n Main, r 229 n Market
ROHRBAUGH & RAUCH, (P A Rohrbaugh & W H Rauch) attorneys ab 147 n Main
Rohrer H H, trav sales Shaw 129 n Main, r Occidental Hotel
Roland J C, shoe mkr 142 n Market, r Buffum Riverside
Roller Max, bkpr W Bottling Wks, r ab 158 n Waco
Rolph Miss Daisy, domestic, r 1027 n Water
Rolstin Robert, W, broom maker, r 114 Osage ws
Rombold David, engineer, r 610 e Central
Rombold J Gottlieb, candy maker 254 n Main, r 229 n Fourth
ROMIG A F, druggist 601 e Oak, r ab same, tel 280
Romine A B, farmer, r 327 Wynona
Roomer A C, check clk for railroads Dolds Pkg House, r 436 w Fourteenth
Root Bennie F, student, r 408 n Main
ROOT BROS, ( C W Root & E Root Jr) hack and baggage line 334-338 s Emporia, tel 162
Root Corydon W, (Root Bros) r 336 s Water
Root E Jr, (Root Bros) r 411 s Water
Root Frank R, student, r 1138 Larimer
Root Mrs Mary M, r 422 e Douglas
Root, S carpenter and contractor, r 1138 Larimer
Root Mrs V H, milliner 408 n Main, r same
Rose C A, stenog 210 n Water, rms ab 222 n Main
ROSE C A, florist 404 n Water, r same, tel 338
Rose Miss Della, wks Manhattan
Rose Mrs Jennie, dressmaker, r 419 Orchard ws
Rose H G, Ry postal clk, r 314 n Lawrence
Rose O H P, merchant, r 907 e Third
Rosenbloom H, notion store 428 e Douglas, r 115 s Mosley
Rosentien A R, engineer, r 839 n Market
Rosler Mrs Anna, r 226 n Mead
Ross Alfred, (Ross Bros) r 334 s Lawrence
Ross Alfred B, clk L M Cox candy factory, r 334 s Lawrence
Ross Mrs Anna, cook 153 n Emporia
Ross Miss Belle, r 3427 e Thirteenth
Ross Benj, runner Manhattan
Ross Bros, (J M & Alfred Ross) seed, feed and commission 319 e Douglas, tel 233
Ross Chas, laborer Whittaker P Co
Ross David, sec and treas White House Dry Goods Co 116 n Main, r 723 n Emporia
Ross E R, carpenter, r 3427 e Thirteenth
ROSS FINLEY, furniture and carpet dealer 119-121 n Main r 821 n Waco
Ross Geo, retired, r 804 n Topeka
Ross Geo W, student S W Business college, r 804 n Topeka
Ross Henry, laborer Dold P Co
Ross Mrs J, r 332 n Topeka
Ross J D, student business college, r 1921 e Central
Ross Jas M, (Ross Bros) r 334 s Lawrence
Ross J P, wks P T Benbow, r 120 n Mosley
Ross Miss Julia, r 804 n Topeka
Ross Miss Margaret, r 332 n Topeka
Ross Miss Renetta, r 804 n Topeka
Rossler Chas, feed store 116 w Third, r 425 n Waco
Rossler Henry L, r 425 n Waco
Rossler Miss Lena, r 425 n Waco
Roth Bldg 327 e Douglas
Roth Chas E, wks 143 n Market, r 446 n Washington
Rothwell S M, farmer, r 424 Hewitt
Ronderbush Mrs S A, r 1417 n Mosley
Roundtree Mrs Laura, hskpr, r 631 n Wichita
Rouse Geo L jr, (Rouse & Harper) r Manhattan
Rouse Geo L sr, capitalist, r Manhattan
Rouse & Harper, (Geo L Rouse jr & J C Harper) rlest and loans 2nd floor Sedgwick bldg
Rouse S, r 1807 Crown
Rouse Mrs S E, domestic, r 1135 n Fourth
Rowe David L, laborer, r 2841 n Fifth
Rowe Mrs E H, r 438 n Topeka
Rowe Miss Emma J, teacher, r 438 n Topeka
Rowe Miss Louise M, training teacher city Normal, r 438 n Topeka
Rowe Miss Mary E, principal city Normal school, r 438 n Topeka
ROWLEE B E, hardware, tinware etc 823 n Main, r ab same
Rowles Chas, janitor, r 519 n Wichita
Rowles Miss Ella, domestic, r 519 n Wichita
Rowles John jr, porter, r 519 n Wichita
Rowles John Sr, laborer, r 519 n Wichita
Rowley N H, student business college, r 1240 Ida
Rowley P, runs stand e Douglas, r 1240 Ida
Rowley T G, cigar stand 517 e Douglas, r 1240 Ida
Rowsey C S, driver Hose House No 2, r 819 s Market
Rowsey Miss Ella, domestic, r 239 n Fourth
Rowsey L, laborer, r 819 s Market
Royal John T, wks cemetery, r 2420e Nineth
Royal Miss Ruby, cook, r 133 n Wichita
Royal Spice Mills, 112-114 s Emporia, Corner & Farnum props
Roys R H, atty, r 1127 n Lawrence
Royse B R, night watch court house, r 503 s Osage ws
Royster J W, barber 205 e Douglas, r Sherman
RUBY J W, mgr W School Bookkeeping Y M C A bldg, bds Packer hotel
Ruckle Ike, farmer, r cor Twenty-third and Fifth
Ruckley Sylvanus, farmer, r 1915 n Wabash
Ruddell Mrs Eva, r 2057 n Waco
Ruddell Mart, lab Dold Pkg Co, r 2057 n Waco
Rudolph ________, buther, r 1150 s Wichita
Rudolph M H, clk S F freight depot, r 809 Laura
Rudy William L, miller Hydraulic Mills, r 126 Laura
Rugan Chas, iron moulder, r 145 Ohio
Ruggles H G, atty 507-511 Sedgwick blk, r 356 n Topeka
Ruggles Mrs H M, r 356 n Mead
Ruggles N, cigar stand in Court House, r 317 Mathewson
Rule H W, cashier Int Loan and Trust Co, Sedg blk, r 316 w Third
Rule Jas M, student Lewis Acad, r 316 w Third
Rummell Jas A, com trav, r 116 e Lewis
Rummell L, wks 223 s Market, r 1043 s Lawrence
Rumsey Ed S, city police Kan & Texas Coal Co, r 1045 n Emporia
Rumsey Mrs M D, r 1045 n Emporia
Runnel Wm, lab Whittaker & Sons
Runyon A C, secy Wichita Union Stock Yds Co, r 1240 n Topeka
Rush Mrs Amy, r 800 s Emporia
Rush Eli, motoneer, r 528 Sherman
Rush Fred, grocer 340 n Main tel 142
Rush J F, wks Santa Fe freight depot, r 313 n Fourth
Rush Miss Luette, bkpr 340 n Main, r 706 n Lawrence
Rusk Scott, lumber dlr rm 24 Zimmerly tel 101, rms ab 143 n Water
Russell Abram J, bkpr Kan Natl Bk, r 907 s Topeka
Russell Miss C A, stenog Davidson Mtg Co, r 203 s Emporia
Russell Mrs Catherine, teacher of music, r 203 s Emporia
Russell Erastus, stonemason, r 225 s Topeka
Russell Frank, musician, r 120 n Mosley
Russell Frank A, bkpr Citizens' Bank, r 156 n Topeka
Russell Geo, r 203 s Emporia
Russell G F, farmer, r 811 Levy
Russell Henry, musician, r 322 s Main
Russell James E, trav salesman, r 313 n Fern ws
Russell John, carpenter, r 202 n Mead
Russell Mrs J F, bds 517 s Market
Russell Miss Jose, domestic 201 s Fourth
Russell Miss Margaret, domestic, r 1218 n Waco
Russell Mrs M A, r 156 n Topeka
Russell Miss Persis, r 203 s Emporia
Russell W D, r 203 s Emporia
Russell W T, pres W Vinegar Wks Co, r 226 Mathewson
Russo Frank, musician, rms 120 n Mosley
Rutan J C, with Kan Loan and Inv Co, r 3326 e Douglas
Rutan Miss Mary E, r 3326 e Douglas
Ruth Miss Laura, domestic, r 630 n Mead
Rutherford H E, railroader, r 527 n Main
Rutherford W D, bricklayer, r 927 n Cleveland
Rutledge Mrs C D, r 303 s Market
Rutledge Miss Ella, r 303 s Market
Rutledge Miss Fannie, clk 123 n Main, r 303 s Market
Rutledge Miss Jennie, dressmaker 123 n Main, r 303 s Market
Rutledge Miss Laura, r 303 s Market
Rutter F E, laborer, r 1731 n Strong
Rutter G H, gardener, r 1731 n Strong
Rutter Wort, farmer, r 1915 n Wabash
Ryder Miss Bessie, supt penmanship city schools, r 622 n Topeka
Ryder Mrs R H M, hskpr 622 n Topeka
Ryerson Geo, wks A Hess, r 637 n Emporia


SABIN NATHAN, carpenter, Residence 115 Laura
Saddle L E, student, r 410 s Washington
Safe A, shoemaker 144 n Main, r 1839 n Jackson
Sage Thos, section hand, r 736 s Fourth
Sailsbury H L, wks Dr J C Wilson 118 e Douglas, r s Hillside
Salander E N, clk 223 s Market, r 1034 s Lawrence
Sales Asa A, r 606 n Fourth
Sales Mrs Nellie E, housekeeper, r 606 n Fourth
Salisbury Miss Belle, r 1424 s Topeka
Salisbury Isaac, farmer, r 1424 s Topeka
Salmon Oscar, type writer Santa Fe off, bds 118 s Emporia
Salsbury Silas, hack driver B & Howards, r 425 s Emporia
Salvation Army Hall 908 e Douglas, Miss Edith Yoder capt
Sample C D, student r 1112 n Market
Sampson Mrs A A, r 1837 Burns
Sampson J D, sidewalk builder, r 424 Hewitt ws
Sampson J W, brickmason, r 1837 Burns
Sampson Miss Kate I, stenog rm 18 Zimmerly blk, r 242 s Hewitt ws
Sampson Mrs Liza, laundress, r 150 n Mosley
Sanders Chas, driver Union Sash & Door Co, r 302 s Mosley
Sanders Chas, laborer, r 403 s Washington
Sanders John M, carpenter, r 117 n Osage ws
Sandford Harry, porter St Louis & S F r r, r 334 s Fourth
Sanford & Co, (P A Sanford & M Donovan) cigar parlors 311 e Douglas
Sanford Jefferson, porter 123-127 n Main, r 741 n Waco
Sanford P A, (Sanford & Co) r 302 n Riverview
Sanford Leroy, carpenter, r 234 Lulu
Sanford W W, music teacher rm 12 Zimmerly, r 430 n Waco
SANKEY & CAMPBELL, ( R A Sankey & I P Campbell) attys ab 127-129 e Douglas
Sankey R A (Sankey & Campbell) atty, r 322 n Riverview
Santa Fe Bakery 146 n Main, F M Scott prop
SANTA FE AND SAN FRANCISCO TICKET OFFICE, 158 n Main, tel 184, W D Murdock agt
Santa Fe Passenger Depot cor Douglas and Fifth, tel 139, Frank Etter agt
Sargent A J, motoneer, r 128 w Tenth
Sargent Geo, night watch Power House on Tenth, r 1067 n Wichita
Sargent Jacob B, r 146 Rock Island
Sargent Miss Dollie, student, r 1067 n Wichita
Sargent Miss Kate G, bkpr 255-257 n Main, r 1067 n Wichita
Sargent L H City Weight Master cor Fourth and Douglas, r 1067 n Wichita
Sargent Miss Maud, student, r 1067 n Wichita
Sargent Mart, wks Crystal Ice Co, r 1067 n Wichita
Sargent Thorton W, lawyer off rm 403 Sedg blk, rms 920 n Topeka
Sater G W, carpenter, r 1136 n Mosley
Saunders A B, dry goods, r 1230 Waco
Saunders Chas, teamster Union Sash & Door Co, r 304 s Mosley
Saunders Dennis, carpenter, r 409 n Water
Saunders E M, furniture, r 440 w Fourteenth
Saunders Miss Lillian, r 1230 n Waco
Saunders Miss Olive, r 1230 n Waco
Saunders Ralph, student, r 1230 n Waco
Sauer Enass, laborer cor Walnut and Pearl
Saur A J, druggist, r 204 s Topeka
SAUR GUS, druggist opposite Hotel Carey 524 e Douglas, r 204 s Topeka
Saur G C, drug clk 524 e Douglas, r 1406 s Main
Saur Mrs Melvina, r 533 s Mosley
Sawyer Chas, bridge builder, r 1129 s Topeka
Sawyer C E, photographer 112 e Douglas, r 400 s Main
Sawyer J K, bridge contr and builder, r 1129 s Topeka
Saxe Mrs Elizabeth, r 303 s Hydraulic
Saxe Will H, clk Cash Henderson, r 303 s Hydraulic
Saxe Miss Sallie, teacher, r 303 s Hydraulic
Sayden Tom, laborer Dolds Packing House
Sayler C L, retired farmer, r ab 146 n Main
Sayre B F, carpenter, r 2909 n Fifth
Sayre Geo, laborer, r 2909 n Fifth
Sayre Miss Lillie, r 2909 n Fifth
Sayre Wm, carpenter, r 2909 n Firth
Scaggs Mrs A E, r 820 n Fifth
Scaggs Miss Annie, student, r 820 n Fifth
Scaggs Miss Martha, r 820 n Fifth
Scales Robert, elevator boy Zimmerly blk, r 906 n Wichita
Schaaf Miss Emma, clk 123-127 n Main, r 125 Laura
Schad Miss Adella, student, r 1952 n Main
Schad Geo, cashier Dold's Pkg Co, r 1952 n Main
Schad Henry, harness and saddles 105 w Douglas, r 1952 n Main
Schaefer A G, clk 143 n Market, r 1016 s Washington
Schafer Frank B, cabinet maker, r 231 n Hydraulic
Schallers Theodore, painter, r 710 n Cleveland
Schartte John, contractor, r 212 Mathewson
SCHATTNER FRED, city clerk, office City Building, r 231 n Meridian
Schauner W A, fireman Hose House No 1, 444 n Market
Schell W F, nursery Ft Scott, r 1526 Park Place
Schenaman Frank, lab Whittaker & Sons, r 711 e Sixteenth
Schenebricker H, blacksmith 455 n Main, r 1027 n Fourth
Schindler Mrs Maggie, r 936 s Wichita
Schlesinger Chas S, bkpr, r 308 n Topeka
Schlesinger Henry, trav salesman, r 308 n Topeka
Schlesinger Miss Rosa, r 308 n Topeka
Schlesinger Sol, jewelry and clothing 402 e Douglas, r 308 n Topeka
Schmid John, mason, r 1803 s Water
Schmidt R G, collector, r 709 s Market
Schmihausen H A, teacher, r 116 n Hydraulic
Schnitzler Carl F, meat market 322 n Main, r 249 n Lawrence
Schnitzler Chas A, capitalist, r 304 s Main
Schnitzler Miss Dollie, r 456 n Riverview
Schnitzler Fritz, retired, r 456 n Riverview
SCHNITZLER HENRY, wholesale liquor dealer 117 n Market, tel 84, r Gilbert and Lawrence
Schnitzler William, clk 117 n Market, r 456 n Riverview
Schnug Ed, bricklayer, r 730 n Hydraulic
Schober Joe, wks L M Cox, r Riverside
Schober John, wks L M Cox, r Riverside
Schoenfeld H, tailor, wks 145 n Main, r 843 s Water
Scholer Arthur, printer Eagle, rms 254 n Main
Schollenberger Miss Alice, student Waterbury school, r 228 ½ n Main
SCHOLLENBERGER J D, prop Keystone Hotel 228 ½ n Main
Schoneman Frank, lab Whittaker & Sons
Schoonover & Coates, lawers, (J T Schoonover & J W Coates) ab 143 n Main
Schoonover John T, lawyer (Schoonover & Coates), r 1028 n Lawrence
Schopf Abram, laborer, r 450 n Market
Schopf Mrs A E, hskppr 450 n Market
Schofp Miss Mattie, stenog Lehman & Higginson, r 450 n Market
Schorn Miss Kate, dom 638 n Fourth
Schott Henry, lab, r 159 n Mosely
Schott John, retired, r 1231 s Water
Schott William, wks 222 e Douglas, r 1235 s Water
Schott William, lab, r 159 n Mosley
Schrier A, retired merchant, r 338 Wynona
Schrier Miss Emma V, wks box factory n Market, r 338 Wynona
Schrier J P wks Viele 111 e First, rms 356 n Topeka
Schrier J P, tailor, r 338 Wynona
Schrier John, tailor at Harmenings, r 313 n Market
Schrier Mrs Lizzie, washwoman, r 616 n Fourth
Schrier Miss Vick, wks W P Box Factory, r 348 Wynona
Schroede Howard, electrician 250 n Main, r 324 n Waco
Schulte Miss Elise, student Waterbury, r 345 n Market
Schulte Mrs R, r 345 n Market
Schulte S, railroader, r 719 Hinton
Schultie Miss Eugena, wks Central tel office, r 345 n Market
Schnultie Miss Rosa, wks Central tel office, r 345 n Market
Schultz Chas, wks Kans & Texas Coal Co, r 916 s Lawrence
Schultz Miss Lena, r 916 s Lawrence
Schultz Mrs Mary, r 916 s Lawrence
Schumacher Mis Amelia, r 738 Laura
Schumacker Miss Carrie, student, r 738 Laura
Schumacher Chas, student, r 738 Laura
Schumacker C Robt, hardware 820 e Douglas, r 738 Laura
Schumacher Miss Emily, r 738 Laura
Schumacher J G, merchant tailor 215 e Douglas, r 409 s Hillside
Schumacher R C, hardware 820 e Douglas, r 738 Laura
Schunke O, tailor, wks 126 e First, r 344 Riverview
Schuster Ed, Hose House No 2, r 232 s Topeka
Schuts L G, loans and rlest Bitting blk, rms Bitting blk
Schwartz Mrs Jennie, r 310 s Topeka
SCHWARTZ BROS, (F J, E J & C A Schwartz) wholesale lumber and coal 541 w Douglas, tel 192
Schwartz Mrs Catherine, r 408 s Lawrence
Schwartz C A, (Schwartz Bros) 541 w Douglas, r 408 s Lawrence
Schwartz Miss Emma, r 408 s Lawrence
Schwartz E J, (Schwartz Bros) r 521 s Water
Schwartz J F (Schwartz Bros) mgr Badger Lumber Co, r 456 n Market
Schwartz Miss Katie, student Waterbury school, r 408 s Lawrence
Schweisberger Geo, laborer, r 905 s Everett
Schweiter Henry, farmer, r 1240 s Hydraulic
Schwendinger Chas A, machinist Whittaker P Co, r 434 w Fourteenth
Scoggin Miss Alice M, artist, r 226 Ida
Scoggin C W, machinist, r 218 s Market
Scoggin Mrs E V, r 226 Ida
Scoggin Miss Sarah M, teacher city schools, r 226 Ida
Scoles J M, laborer r 402 Sherwood
Scott Mrs Alice, dressmaker, r 138 Ida
Scott Miss Allie, r 923 n Market
Scott Frank M, prop Santa Fe, bakery, r 452 Riverview
Scott J A, printer, r 1229 s Washington
Scott J S, laborer Dold P Co
Scott Miss Lizzie, domestic, r 1017 n Topeka
Scott L L, trav salesman, r 610 s Water
Scott Thomas, fireman Hose House No 2, r 443 Riverview
Scott Thomas, carpenter, r 923 n Market
Scott W E, farmer, r 801 s Hydraulic
Scott W H, gardener, r 1229 s Washington
Scott W W, laborer, r 1229 s Washington
Scully John, wks Whittaker P Co, r ab 533 n Main
Seaforth Mis Ola, rms 257 n Topeka
Seager Miss Emma, dressmaker, r 313 n Market
Seal James S, huckster, r 306 Exposition ws
Seal John H, restaurant 402 n Main, r 406 n Main
Seaman Guy G, sten ab 216 n Main, r 428 s Osage ws
Seaman R D, speculator, r 428 Osage
Seamore Henry, Tailor wks 155 n Main, rms 257 n Topeka
SECOND HAND Rock Island Book Exchange, 422 e Douglas
SEDGWICK COUNTY BANK, 143 n Main tel 205
Seed John J, laborer Dold P Co, r 1545 n Fourth
Seeger Mrs N B, dressmaker, r Lawrence ave
Seeman Augustus, cigar maker, r 1030 n Mead
Segbers John, shoemaker 914 e Douglas, r same
Seibert Dave, farmer, r 116 Grove
Selover Eddy, wks Peerless laundry, 837 n Market
Selover James H, prop Peerless Laundry 123 n Market, r 837 n Market
Selover Mrs Jessie, r 837 n Market
Selvey H A, laborer, r 139 Laura
Selvey Miss Mattie, dressmaker, r 139 Laura
Semans J M, clk 322 e Douglas, r 515 Locust
Sendelback George, clk 204 e Douglas, r 318 Cleveland
Sendelback Joseph, carpenter, r 318 Cleveland
Sendelbach Joe G, clk A Katz 129 e Douglas, r 337 s Market
Sendelbach Mike H, clk Boston Store, r 318 Cleveland
Sendelbach Willie, clk 204 e Douglas, r 318 Cleveland
Sensoe L E, life ins agt, r 313 n Emporia
Serviss Miss Edna, student, r 146 n Emporia
Serviss James L, conductor W & W, r 146 n Emporia
Severance Chas M, minister of Congregational Church, r 1521 Fairmont
Sestrunck Geo, porter Hotel Carey, r 202 s Fourth
Seward Miss Alice L, r 1242 n Emporia
Seward Chas E, r 1242 n Emporia
Seward G L, motoneer, r 1242 n Emporia
Sewart Miss Mary, r w Thirteenth across Little river
Sewell Geo A, salesman Shaws' 129 n Main, r 301 s Oak ws
Sexton Bros, (W L Sexton & T K Sexton) grocers 124 w Douglas
Sexton J T, magnetic healer, r 628 n Market
Sexton Miss Maggie, r 1028 s Emporia
Sexton Otis L, carpenter, 1028 s Emporia
Sexton S R, cigarmaker, wks 206 n Main, r 628 n Market
Sexton T K, (Sexton Bros) grocer 124 w Douglas r same
Sexton W L, (Sexton Bros) grocer, 124 w Douglas, r same
Seymore J R, fireman Hose House No 1, r 351 n Market
Shaffer. A G, clk Campbells' n Market, r 1016 s Washington
Shaffer Harry, com trav, rms 412 e Central
SHAFFER H W, physician, 153 n Main, r same
Shane L H, pastor West Side Presbyterian Church, r 1002 Ellen
Shank A, tailor, wks 125 n Main, r 1557 s Water
Shank Edward H, harnessmaker, wks 105 w Douglas, r 1557 s Water
Shank Julius, retired, r 1557 s Water
Shanks Mrs Sarah A, r 133 n Hydraulic
Shannon Charlie, laborer, r 523 Mona
Shannon J T, wks Hydraulic Mills, r 614 e Douglas
Shannon S A, carpenter, r 523 Mona
Sharon Miss Mary, teacher, r 1039 s Emporia
Sharp L C, wks Stock Yards, r 2004 n Main
Sharp Miss Sallie S, teacher
Sharp Todd, galley boy Beacon, bds Wichita Dining Hall
Sharpe Chas E, sec'y Gas Electric L & P Co, bds Manhattan
Shattuck S W, atty ab 116 n Market, rm same
Shaughnessey Maggie, domestic, r 337 s Seneca ws
Shaughter Frank, third cook Hotel Carey
Shaw Miss Annie V, dressmaker, r 201 s Hydraulic
Shaw Miss Bertha L, r 811 s Topeka
Shaw Miss Cora, r 1956 Ellis
Shaw Edgar, elk Santa Fe, r 425 n Lawrence
Shaw Miss Gertie, milliner The Globe, r 1956 Ellis
Shaw H E, baggageman, r 1956 Ellis
Shaw Mary E, student, r 201 s Hydraulic
Shaw Miss Minnie V, r 201 s Hydraulic
Shaw Nelson, farmer, r 1956 Ellis
Shaw S D, (Cerf & Shaw) barber 149 n Main, r 221 n Ohio
SHAW THOMAS, "The Music Man" 129 n Main, tel 375, r 811 s Topeka tel 189
Shaw Wm F, painter, r 201 s Hydraulic
Shea Mrs Anna, r ab 416 e Douglas
Shea B, bds 118 s Emporia
Shea Byron, laborer, r 905 e Third
Shea Byron B, stenog Thos H Griffith, r 905 e Third
Shea Mrs Mary, r 905 e Third
Shea Paddy, r ab 416 e Douglas
Shearer E T, carpenter, r 1745 n Riddell
Shearer J A, carpenter, r 1745 n Riddell
Shearer M, carpenter, r 1745 n Riddell
Shearer Miss Minnie, F r 1755 n Riddell
Shearer Rose, r ab 1022 w Douglas
Shearman J F, clk U S Civil and District Court, r 1438 n Waco
Sheckler J J, shipping clk W W Grocer Co, r 2027 e Douglas
Shellaberger A J, poultry business, r 805 n Cleveland
Sheldon Edwin, farmer, r 1501 n Vassar
Sheldon E E, laborer, r 1127 s Main
Sheldon Franklin, farmer, r 1501 Vassar
Sheldon H O, r 1723 s Mead
Sheldon Wm, porter Occidental
Shell Miss Hattie, bds 118 s Emporia
Shepard Henry V, lawyer, off fourth floor Sedg blk, r 214 s Emporia
Shepard J J, grocer 917 w Chicago, r 414 n Seneca ws
Shepard John J, Baptist minister, r 414 n Seneca ws
Shepard Paul, grocer 917 Chicago ws, r 414 n Seneca ws
Shepherd A, (Shepherd & Co) 309 e Oak, r 1112 Carlos
Shepherd Ada E, r 1112 Carlos
Shepherd & Co 309 e Oak, custom and feed mill
Shepherd Henry B, rms ab 145 n Emporia
Sheppard H A, salesman Shaw's music store 129 n Main, r 1125 n Market
Sheppard J S, with Thos Shaw, r 418 e Central
Sheppard Miss Lulu, r 418 e Central
Sheppard S L, r 418 e Central
Sheppard T J, minister M P Church, r 815 e Oak
Sheriff's Office, new County Building, tel 37
Sherman F J, (Armstrong & Co) mnfr patent swinging harness
Sherman H T, farmer, r 751 s Market
Sherman Jacob, barber Hotel Carey, r 316 n Topeka
Sherman Miss Jessie, wks Manhattan
Sherman Samuel, chief clk freight depot C R I & P Ry, r 1237 s Lawrence
Sheron O H, retired, r 205 s Park
Sheron W J, wks Dolds Packing House, r 205 s Park
Sherrill Coleman, wks Hotel Carey
Sherrill Henry, laborer, r 727 n Wichita
Sherrill Henry jr, laborer, r 727 n Wichita
Sherwin I R, ticket agt Mo Pac, rms 403 n Waco
Sherwood Danl, gardner, r 1405 Fairview
Sherwood G B, gardner, r 1405 Fairview
SHIELDS & CONLY, (J R Shields & J F Conly) attys ab 201 s Main
Shields E D, commercial traveler Barnes & Newcomb, r 349 n Emporia
Shields Jas A, blacksmith 1215 n Main, r 1258 Jackson
Shields J R (Shields & Conly) atty 201 n Main, r 349 n Emporia
Shields John H, asst editor Wichita Eagle, r 116 n Osage ws
Shields Mike, rms ab 601 e Douglas
Shields M P, clk 622 e Douglas, rms Hacker & Jackson blk
Shields R P, compositor Wichita Eagle, r Smith-Shinner blk
Shilling A C, engineer, r 1247 Fannie
Shinner Miss Birdie, r 1857 s Wichita
Shipley J W, teamster, r 1203 s Lawrence
Shippen E R, pastor Unitarian Church, bds Metropole
Shireman Cash, messenger A T & S F Ry, bds 419 s Lawrence
Shirley G H, r 905 w Central
Shirley Winfield S, poultry dealer, r 726 Chicago ws
Shober A E, mgr The H L Shober Co, r cor Kellogg and Lawrence
Shober The H L Co, boots and shoes, 312 e Douglas
Shober Mrs Tressie, r 1147 e Eleventh
Shockey J R, (Graham & Shockey) meat market and grocery 918 s Topeka, r 914 s Topeka
Shockey Miss Rena, student High School, r 914 s Topeka
Shoeman J P, clerk, r 1034 n Fourth
Shoeman Mrs Kate M, r 1517 n Emporia
SHOEMAKER & MILLER (Orion E. Shoemaker & W W Miller) druggists 248 n Main
Shoemaker Orion E, (Shoemaker & Miller) r third floor ab 246 n Main
Shooer Frank, laborer, Whittaker & Sons
Shooer John, laborer Whittaker & Sons
Shook F M, cooper, r 1948 n Mead
Shoots Chas, laborer, r 633 n Wichita
Shore C C Jr, wks Produce Co 125 n Market, r 1233 s Market
Short Chas, laborer, r n Fifth
Short Wm, laborer, r n Fifth
Shouse H C, student, r 926 e First
Showalter J L, farmer, r 2428 e Second
Showers H E, huckster 504 e Douglas, bds Lindell
Showers Thos, laborer, r 1632 n Strong
Shreve Charles E, butcher, r 119 n Oak ws
Shreve E D, butcher, r 243 Elizabeth ws
Shreve H B, wks P T Benbow, r 243 Elizabeth ws
Shripsick James, blacksmith wks Burton Car Wks
Shuck Miss Ella, r 308 s Topeka
Shuck Luther E, wks Lloyds 401 e Douglas, r 308 s Topeka
Shuker Henry, mason, r ab 412 e Douglas
Shull U P, Prin Wichita High School, 357 Wabash
Shulte Miss Eugenia, r 345 n Market
Shulte Miss Rosalie, r 345 n Market
Shults James, laborer, r 1112 n Washington
SHULTS J W, physician ab 150 n Main, r 713 n Water
Schultz Miss Carrie C, teacher, r 205 Lulu
Shumaker J A, fireman R R, r 926 s Emporia
Shumaker Miss Rosa, r 634 n Washington
Shuman Smith, laborer, rms 1116 Dayton ws
Shy Miss Carrie, student, r 1467 s Water
Shy J D, retired, r 1467 s Water
Shy Jennie, r 1467 s Water
Shy Simeon, cabinet maker, r 819 s Main
Sickels Riley, flagman Santa Fe, r 613 e Central
Sickner A W, music teacher ab 407 e Douglas, r 1551 s Water
Sickner Richard, stonemason, r 224 w Harry
Sidney Miss Kittie, domestic, r 607 n Market
Sidney S M, minister missionary Baptist, r 607 n Market
Siebrandt Jno, secton Pro-Catherdral, r 357 n Fourth
Sieglinger William, shoeshop 606 e Douglas
Siemer H A, tailor wks 155 n Main, r 257 n Topeka
Sigerson J, Ry postal clk, r 825 s Seneca ws
Sigerson Wm, r ab 255 n Main
Silver G P, barber shop 329 n Main, r same
Silver Mrs H C, r 1843 Jackson
Silver Laura B, r 1843 Jackson
Silver Miss Willie, milliner, r 1843 Jackson
Sim Coler L, V Pres of Sedg Co Bank 143 n Main, r 1065 n Emporia
Simes Alfred, house cleaner, r 425 s Fourth
Simison A C, stair builder, r 610 Texas ws
Simison John H, mill wright, r 610 Texas ws
Simison Miss Lula, wks W paper box fac, r 610 Texas ws
Simmons Miss Cora, clk 238 n Main, r 216 Cleveland
Simmons Mrs I W, laundress, r 737 s Mead
Simmons J B, canvasser, r 1654 s Emporia
Simmons John, r ab 152 n Market
Simmons Mrs N, dressmaker, r ab 152 n Market
Simmons Nathan, carpenter, r 712 n Waco
Simmons O T, rlest ab 110 n Main, r 550 Campbell ws
Simmons S A, huckster, r 1654 s Emporia
Simon Frank, cigarmkr 119 s Main, r 732 s Ida
Simon F J, traveling man, r 937 n Market
Simon Jesse, cigarmkr 606 e Douglas, r 732 Ida
Simon Kange, peddler, r 916 e First
Simonds Clark M, lab Whittaker & Sons, r n Fourth
Simons A J, cigarmkr, r 732 Ida
Simons J S, carpenter, r 732 Ida
Simons R A, grocery clk, r 741 Ida cor Kellogg
Simons W B, miller, r 216 Cleveland
Simons W B jr, miller, r 216 Cleveland
Simons F S, cigarmaker, r 732 Ida
Simpson Chas D, grocery clerk, r 236 w Morris
Simpson Miss Eva, r 537 Fern ws
Simpson Mrs Flora M, r 1028 Hendryx ws
Simpson Henry O, printer Beacon, r 228 s Water
Simpson Mrs Isabel, dressmaker, r 236 w Morris
Simpson Jos E, lab, r 228 s Water
Simpson J S, motoneer, r 537 Fern ws
Simpson L, r 537 Fern ws
Simpson Miss Lilian, wks Eagle bindery, r 236 w Morris
Simpson Miss Lillie, wks Eagle bindery, r 236 w Morris
Simpson Miss Maggie, r 537 Fern ws
Simpson W E, cigarmkr 206 n Main, rms 228 s Water
Simpson William, cigarmkr, r 228 s Water
Sims G H, pastor Central Church of Christ, r 1603 University ws
Sims James L, clk 420 e Douglas, r 623 n Fourth
Sims R A, gardener, r 1555 s Market
Sims Mrs Rosa, laundress, r 338 n Main
Sine Elwood, collector, r 515 n Wichita
Sinclair A H, traveling salesman 139 n Topeka, r 344 n Washington
Sinclair A W, prop Home Gallery ab 330 n Main, r 424 s Emporia
Sinclair Harvey, cigarmkr 139 n Topeka, r 344 n Washington
Sing Charlie, laundry 415 e Douglas
Singer & Donnell, (I N Singer and J F Donnell) 209-211 n Main, dlrs in second hand goods
Singer E C, model maker ab 118 e Third, r Gandolfo blk
Singer I N, (Singer & Donnell) 209-211 n Main, r in Country
Singer Miss Lula, r 711 e Central
SINGER MANUFACTURING CO, sewing machine salesmen 237 n Main, A C Singleton, mgr
Singleton A C, mgr Singer Mfg Co 237 n Main, r 935 s Lawrence
Singleton J H, collector Singer Mfg Co 237 n Main, r 935 s Lawrence
Sinning Geo, printer, wks Wichita Herold 201 n Main, r 1131 Cooledge
Sipe W J, stock raiser, r 2130 n Washington
Sisson B R, bkpr, r 2007 Hancock
Sisson Miss Edna, r 121 Pattie
Sisson Miss F M, r 2007 Hancock
Sisson Mrs S M, r 2007 Hancock
Sisters of Charity B V and M Sister Mary Veronica superior ws
Sites J R, lawyer ab 205 n Main, r cor Caroline & Brinley ws
Sivyer Mrs P, r 246 n Main
Sivyer Wm, waiter 112 w Douglas, r 246 n Main
Skaots E E, lunch room 209 e Douglas, r same
SKELTON W J, attorney ab 123 n Market, r 917 n Market
Skidmore J M, school teacher, r 224 s Poplar
Skiller Frank, wks 612 e Douglas, bds 602 n Washington
Skinner Mrs A L school teacher, bds 903 s Emporia
Skinner E N, gen agt N Y Life Ins Co, Zimmerly Blk, r 1027 s Hydraulic
Skinner G W, laborer at Dolds
Skinner Miss Ida, r 635 n Topeka
Skinner L D, Cash State Nat Bk, r 637 n Topeka, tel 112
Skinner Miss Minnie A, teacher drawing public school, r 635 n Topeka
Skinner Miss Pearl, r 635 n Topeka
Skinner Philip, wks Kansas Spring Bed Co, r 1857 s Wichita
Skinner Ray, drayman, r 614 Pine ws
Skinner R D, r 1857 s Wichita
Skinner O J, teamster Hydraulic Mill, r 143 n Hydraulic
Skinner S B, laborer, r 553 Mona
Skinner Sherman, bkpr State Nat Bk, r 635 n Topeka
Skinner Steve G, printer Beacon, r 903 s Emporia
Skinner V H, carrier No 11 P O, r 624 n Washington
Skinner William, harnessmaker 506 e Douglas, r same
Skinner W C, painter, r 1857 s Wichita
Skinner W E, patern maker Steward Bros, rms ab 154 n Market
Slade & Ackerman (E E Slade & E L Ackerman) grocers 318 e Douglas
Slade E E, (Slade & Ackerman) r 336 n Topeka
Slater R D, janitor Hacker & Jackson Blk, r 201 s Fourth
Slater Wm, retired, r 431 n Wichita
Slatter W S, preacher Osage City, r 517 n Water
Slatterly M F, clk Mo Pac Ry, bds 436 s Topeka
Slaughter Frank, cook Hotel Carey, r 122 n Emporia
Slaven James C, gardener, r 343 s Sycamore
Slayden Campbell, clk White House D G Co, r 806 Pattie
Slayden Miss Nettie, teacher, r 806 Pattie
Slayden W, r 806 Pattie
Slosser A P, money loaner ab 257 n Main, r same
Slosser D, wks 115 s Main, r 1124 Lewellen
Slosser H, r 1124 Lewellen
Slosser R B, trav sales Allen & Wright, r 1124 Lewellen
Slusser Fred, clk 130-132 n Main, r 313 n Market
Sluss H C, Judge Court of Claims' r 933 n Topeka
Slyter R R, city scavanger, r 1848 s Mead
Slyter W P, brick molder, r 1848 s Mead
Small E, trav sales J C Wright & Co, r 312 n Washington
Small M T, carpenter, r 1327 McCormick ws
Smich Ed C, eng City Roller Mills, r 220 s Fannie
Smith Mrs A, r 934 s Emporia
Smith Abram, Carpenter and contractor 348 n Main, r 437 n Lawrence
Smith Miss Ada, domestic, r 1103 n Topeka
Smith A F, mason, r 1203 e Douglas
Smith Albert T, brickmason, rm 1 Butler Blk
Smith Mrs Alice, r 1022 s Washington
Smith Arthur, farmer, r 2704 e Ninth
Smith Ben, cook, r 1234 Blain
Smith Miss Bessie, bkpr 246 n Main, r 907 s Lawrence
Smith B F, R R section boss, r 400 s Fourth
Smith C D, miller, r 141 n Hydraulic
Smith C H, buyer Whittaker & Sons, rms Occidental
Smith C H, farmer, r near Watch factory
Smith C S, drayman, r 826 n Water
Smith C S, money order clk P O, r 1632 n Fourth
Smith C W, carpenter, r 1127 n Market
Smith Curtis, r ab 115 n Topeka
Smith Mrs Dorcas, r 343 n Main
Smith D H, engineer, r 706 e Douglas
Smith D W, dentist ab 117 n Main, r 707 s Emporia
Smith E B, carrier No. 5 Post Office, r 218 s Fern ws
Smith Ed, brass moulder, a ab 261 n Main
Smith Ed, telephone lineman, r 221 Pattie
Smith Ed C, engineer City Mills, r 220 Fannie
Smith Edwin H, locomotive fireman, r 123 Mathewson
Smith Miss Ella, r 354 n Main
Smith Miss Etta, domestic, r 1149 n Market
Smith Mrs Emily, clk 254 n Main, r 344 n Water
Smith Miss Eva, student, r 720 e Oak
Smith F B, (Smith & Richardson) mgr Beacon, r 603 n Emporia
Smith Miss Florence, clk 254 n Main, r 344 n Water
Smith Francis S, laborer, r 537 s Mosley
Smith Frank, r 1724 n Waco
Smith Fred, wks D G Millison, r ab 115 n Topeka
Smith & Freeman, (O Z Smith & C K Freeman) rlest 135 n Market
Smith G section hand, r 1825 n Cherry
Smith G H, 1016 Hendryx
Smith G M, mechanic, r 1142 s Water
Smith George R, pastor Lincoln Presb Church r 1043 s Emporia
Smith Miss Grace, r 1646 n Minnie
Smith H C, butcher, r ab 406 e Douglas
Smith Mrs H C, wks 121 w First, r 406 e Douglas
Smith H H, farmer, r 1646 n Minnie
Smith H L, teamster, r 1512 Pattie
Smith H O, teacher,
Smith Hardin, pastor Second Baptist Church, r 534 n Washington
Smith Miss Hattie, teacher
Smith Miss Hattie E, r 221 Pattie
Smith Henry, mgr Cemetery Co, r 2704 e Frisco
Smith Henry, E, laborer, r 241 n Fern
Smith Herbert, wks L M Cox, r 344 n Water
Smith Homer, rlest r 207 s Lawrence
Smith Mrs Isabella, laundress, r 502 e Central
Smith J D, mattress maker, r 1227 n Market
Smith J F, restaurant 423 e Douglas, rms ab 425 e Douglas
Smith J G, carpenter, r 329 Wabash
Smith J Giles, spec agt N Y Life Ins Co, r 130 n Grove
Smith J H, laborer, r 220 s Washington
Smith J N, engineer A T & S F Ry, r 250 Ida
Smith Mrs J R, hskpr, r 307 w Third
Smith Mrs J R, r ab 115 n Topeka
Smith James H, laborer, r 303 n Osage ws
Smith Mrs Jennie, seamstress Dye Works, r 134 n Market
Smith Miss Jennie, r 641 n Market
Smith Jesse, wks mattress factory, r 1127 n Market
Smith John, laborer Whittaker P Co
Smith John W, retired, r 429 n Lawrence
Smith John W, gardener, r 1523 Sherwood
Smith Kittie, housemaid, r 334 s Fourth
Smith L F, carpenter car works, r 3447 n Fourth
Smith M A, wks Manhattan Hotel, r 411 n Mosley
Smith Mrs M L, professional nurse, r 537 n Topeka
Smith Mamie A, artist, r 655 Fannie
Smith Mrs Marenda, r 421 Caroline ws
Smith Miss Minnie L, r 934 s Emporia
Smith Nathan, wks Manhattan
Smith Mrs Nora, r 1035 s Fourth
Smith O, upholster, r 1102 s Topeka
Smith O H, engineer, r 729 Pattie
Smith, Mrs O J, wks ab 228 e Douglas
Smith O Z, (O Z Smith & Co) r 635 n Topeka
Smith Miss Ollie, bds 400 s Fourth
Smith P K, cigar maker 139 n Topeka, r 1025 n Wichita
Smith, Miss Pearl, boarder 133 n Wichita
Smith R E, brakeman Mo Pac, r 246 n Market
Smith R G, collector L C Jackson, r 709 s Market
Smith R H, r 159 n Emporia
Smith R L, laborer Whittaker & Sons, r 1515 n Topeka
Smith R W, trav salesman Maxwell & McClure, rms 340 n Topeka
Smith Mrs Rachael, r 522 n Water
Smith Ralph, r 130 Grove
Smith Ralph, r 707 n Emporia
Smith Miss Rena, domestic 1337 n Topeka
Smith & Richardson, (F B S & J S R) publishers The Beacon 121 n Market
Smith Mrs S A, housekeeper, r 605 n Waco
Smith S B. engineer. R ab 537 n Main
Smith S D, merchant, r Fletcher blk
Smith S L, clk 123 e Douglas, r 242 n Emporia
Smith-Skinner Block 135-137 n Market, O Z Smith mgr
Smith Susie W, r 521 s Seneca ws
Smith Timothy, carpenter 348 n Main, r 720 e Oak
Smith Mrs V, washwoman, r 910 e First
Smith W A, with Chicago Lumber Co, rms ab 143 n Water
Smith W A, wks 113 e Douglas, r Lawrence bet Douglas and Williams
Smith W B, capitalist, r 215 n Emporia
Smith W B, waiter Occidental, r 522 e Central
Smith W R, inside deputy sheriff, r 641 n Market
Smith W W, commercial traveler, r 1024 s Lawrence
SmithWm A, secy Sedg Loan & Trust Co, r 521 s Seneca ws
Smith Wm E, painter and paper hanger, r 714 n Main
Smith Warren, cement contractor, r 1712 Gold
Smith Willard, r 322 n Main
Smith William H, farmer, r 241 n Fern ws
Smith William J, laborer, r 241 n Fern ws
Smithson & Co, loans ab 129 e Douglas, H L Smithson mgr
Smithson H L, mgr Smithson & Co, ab 129 e Douglas, r 1214 n Waco
Smoke W C, bkpr Mahan Bros
Smyth C H, (F G Smyth & Sons) r 357 n Waco
Smyth David (Smyth & Douglas) atty, r 204 Indiana
Smyth & Douglas, (David S & Geo L D) attorneys Sedg blk
Smyth Mrs F G, r 303 n Waco
Smyth F G jr, (F G Smyth & Sons) r 1104 n Lawrence
Smyth F G & Sons, (F G sr, F G jr, C H and Robt A) Arkansas Valley Agriculture Warehouse 300-302 e Douglas
Smyth Robt A, (F G Smyth & Sons) r 303 n Waco
Smythe E W, trav salesman W W Grocer Co, r 519 s Topeka
Snider John, baker 459 n Main, r 437 n Water
Snively J Dale, clerk, r 501 s Elizabeth ws
SnivelyJ R, agt N Y Life Ins Co, r 501 s Elizabeth ws
Snoeberger A L, bkpr 203 n Water, r 130 Lulu
Snow William R, wks Hydraulic Mills, r 129 Mathewson
Snowden C F, r 322 n New York
Snyder C W. City policeman, r 1050 n Waco
Snyder D O, clk 150 n Main, r 219 s Topeka
Snyder John E, second hand store 563 w Douglas ws, r same
Snyder J M, engineer Electric Ry Plant, r 1227 n Wichita
Snyder J W, prop feed store 215 w Douglas, r 1937 n Main
Snyder L M, bdgh kpr, r 2281 n Lawrence
Snyder T H, plasterer, r 1105 n Ohio
Snyder W H, driver Vienna Bakery, r 202 s Exposition ws
Snyder Miss Annie, r 1937 n Main
Snyder Berton, candymkr Bon Ton Bakery, r 1105 n Ohio
Snyder Clayton, harnmkr 401 e Douglas, r 1105 n Ohio
Snyder Daniel, candymkr Cox Candy Factory, r 1105 n Ohio
Snyder Fred, waiter 116 w Douglas, r 202 Exposition ws
Snyder Frank, wks 111 w Douglas, r 1937 n Main
Snyder Geo B, clk 254 n Main, r 1105 n Ohio
Snyder Miss Lizzie, r 1237 n Wichita
Soderstrom E, (Ark Valley Fence Co), r 53l s Sycamore ws
Soer Wilhelm, janitor, r ab 255 n Main
Sohn Roy M, ex-teller Wichita Natl Bank, r 533 s Main
SOLLIDAY BROS, (H F S & D F S), extracts and baking powder 127 n Market, tel 318
Solliday D F, (Solliday Bros) 127 n Market, r 520 s Seneca ws
Solliday, H F, (Solliday Bros) 127 n Market, r 512 w Third
Solomon Hardy, real estate, r 222 s Lawrence
Solomon L B, com trav, r 222 s Lawrence
Sommer Miss Agnes, jeweler 316 e Douglas, r 3136 e First
Sommer Miss Julia, jeweler 316 e Douglas, r 3136 e First
Sommers Jno M, moulder 118 n Wichita, r 220 w Waterman
Souders Geo G, artist 330 n Main, r same
Soule L G, barber 308 n Main, r 717 s Main
Sousley J C, clk Boston Store, rms 412 w Central
South J C, teacher High School, r 700 n Fourth
Southerland Miss B M, r 336 n Water
Southerland Mrs J R, nurse, r 443 n Main
Southern Kansas Fair Assn, W P McNair secy, office City Building
Southward C W, mgr H M Hosick & Co, r 1067 n Emporia
Southwell Miss Alice, milliner 137 n Main, r 326 n Riverview
Southwell Edgar, driver laundry wagon, bds 701 s Water
Southwell Miss Mabel, student, r 326 n Riverview
Southwell Mrs Mary A, hskpr 326 n Riverview
Southwell Oscar H, wks 409 e Douglas, r 222 w Morris
Southwell R H, upholster 320 n Main, r 701 s Water
SOUTHWESTERN BUSINESS COLLEGE 400-402 e Douglas, E H Fritch prin
Southwick A E, student, r 716 e Tenth
Southwick N M, wks Dold Pkg Co, r 716 e Tenth
Sowder Geo M, r 228 ½ n Main
Spake B A, com traveler, r 527 s Market
Spalton Geo E, exam Lombard Mtg Co, r 224 n Topeka
Spangler E R, trav salesman, r 1226 n Waco
Spark Bernhard, wks for Mrs Stackman, r Riverside
Sparkes J T, laborer, r 405 Ida
Sparks Miss Anna, wks City Hotel
Sparks Fred N, wks Eagle office, r 1102 n Fifth
Sparks James, lab, r 414 s Emporia
Sparks John F, dairyman, 2703 e First
Sparks Miss Mita, wks City Hotel
Sparks Sanford, farmer, r 937 n Washington
Sparman Kewis, lab Whittaker & sons, r 720 e Tenth
Sparr Thos, lab Whittaker & Sons, r 1206 e Fifteenth
Spaun H C, r 413 n Washington
Spawr Edgar, lab, r 810 n Ohio
Spawr W W, nurseryman, r 810 n Ohio
Speece D F, lab, r 410 Stephen
Speece Miss Linnie, r 741 n Emporia
Speed L B, civil engineer Santa Fe, r 510 e William
Speed Tod, clk supt's off Santa Fe, r 510 e William
Spellman J D, lab Car Works, r 3534 n Fourth
Spence James, carpenter, r 505 Orchard ws
Spencer A D, bkpr stock yards, 224 w Fourth
Spencer C A, com traveler, r 1144 University ws
Spencer D A, trav salesman, r 506 Hewitt ws
Spencer M A, lab Whittaker & Sons
Spencer N H, stock dealer, r 1439 n Lawrence
Spencer, Arthur E, laborer, r 316 n Wichita ws
Spencer Calvin T, r 1140 Hendryx ws
Spencer Miss Maggie, r 1144 University ws
Spencer Stark, agt baking powder etc, r 344 n Mathewson
Sperk John, cab mkr 229 w Douglas, r 1001 s Water
Sperry Miss Ida, music teacher Bitting Blk, r 1436 n Waco
Spindall Wesley, laborer, r 831 s Water
Spiecha Miss Elma, cook, r 316 w Douglas
Sprague Mrs E. A., r 138 n Mosley
Sprague Geo F, clk 420 e Douglas, r 138 n Mosley
Sprague J A, sales W Deering & Co, rms Manattan Hotel
Sprague J W, carpenter, r 138 n Mosley
Sprague Mrs Elizabeth, seamstress, r 623 n Main
Sprague Miss Nettie, r 450 n Hydraulic
Sprague Samuel, painter, r 450 n Hydraulic
Springborn William, tailor 111 e First, r 1101 s Water
Springborn William Jr, cigarmaker, r 1101 s Water
Springgate J B, blacksmith Eighteenth and Lawrence, r 110 e Fourteenth
Spurrier Jas B, wks Kansas Commoner, r 703 s Market
Spurrier Miss Minnie, clk Boston Store, bds 703 s Market
Spurrier T B, ex-policeman, r 703 s Market
Squire E D, night clk Metropole, r 430 Stephen
Squire, A H, private asylum, corner Harry and Hydraulic
St Aloysius Parochial School, cor Fourth and Second
St Denis G, farmer, r 1516 e Oak
St Denis T B, railroader, r 1516 e Oak
St Francis Hospital, in charge of Sisters of Mercy, cor Fourth and Ninth, tel 363
St John J Ada, physician, r 412 e Elm, tel 12
ST JOHN P D, physician ab 120 e Douglas, r 412 e Elm, offi tel 40
St Ledger Jno, watchman Mo Pac, r 122 w Tenth
St Pauls M E Church, cor Thirteenth and Lawrence
Stackmann A, bds City Hotel
Stackmann Mrs. Fred, r Riverside
Stadtman Andrew, prop slaughter house, r 259 n Emporia
Stadtman John, horseman, r 259 n Emporia
Staebler Allen, switchman Santa Fe, r 312 n Topeka
Stafford Miss Josie L, student, r 1641 Fairview
Stafford J F, sporting goods 107 s Main, r 1641 Fairview
Stafford W B, hack driver Fourth Ave barn, r 1007 s Topeka
Stage A P, retired hotelkeeper, r 317 n Emporia
Stage I N, prop W Novelty Wks, r 319 n Emporia
Stahl & Cathers Cigar Co, (E J & W H Stahl & D W Cathers) mnfgrs of cigars 139 n Topeka
Stahl C W, cigar mkr 139 n Topeka
Stahl E J, (S & Cathers Cigar Co)
Stahl Miss Lizzie, student, r 625 s Lawrence
Stahl W H, (S & Cathers Cigar Co) r 1015 n Water
Stakebake F M (Frank & John) 210 n Main, r 228 n Emporia
Stalcup Miss Florence, r 1439 n Lawrence
Stallings D W & Sons, ( D W, W N & Ora Stallings) mfgrs toilet soaps 226 w Douglas
Stallings D W, (D W S & Sons) 226 w Douglas, r 827 Maple ws
Stallings W N, (D W S & Sons) 226 w Douglas, r 827 Maple ws
Stamp C E, artist, r 1455 n Vassar
Stancer George, farmer, r 618 Pine ws
Stancer Wm Sr, mfgr Palmea toilet soap 301 e Oak, r 1208 n Lawrence
Stancer Wm jr, r 1208 n Lawrence
Standard Oil Co, Fifth and Pine, tel 117
Stang John, freight foreman Wichita Transfer Co, r 256 n Water
Stangland Mrs Ella L, teacher, r 308 n Washington
Stanley A J, rlest agt, r 313 n First
Stanley Miss Florine, wks 113 w Second, r 313 n First
STANLEY & HUME, (W E S & J E H) attys ab Citizen's bank, tel 163
Stanley Miss May, r 446 n Wichita
Stanley V K, rlest and ins ab 142 n Main, r 1523 s Lawrence
Stanley W E, (Stanley & Hume) lawyer, r cor Gillman and Riverside
Stanley W S, carpenter, r 313 Short
Stansbury E F, farmer, cor Fifth and Harry
Stansburry Miss Ella, dressmakr, r cor Fifth and Harry
Stanzell Miss Etta, clerk, r 812 s Lawrence
Stansel Mrs R W, r 812 s Lawrence
Stansell C L, clk 104 w Douglas, r cor Fourth and Douglas
Stanton E, grocer cor Maple and Seneca ws, tel 383, r 1002 Maple ws
Stanton M, r 1002 Maple ws
Star Broom Factory, 1107 e Douglas, J A Groves mgr
Star Clothing House, 128 n Main, Robt Jacks prop
Stark H H, solicitor creamery, r 125 Grove
Starnes N, laborer, r 1024 n Ohio
Starnes Worthington, lather, r 540 n Water
Starr W M, editor and prop Western Methodist rms 11-12 Fletcher blk, r 239 s Market
Startzman E, (Startzman & Son) dealer in pumps 905 e Douglas, r 228 n Washington
Startzman J L, (Startzman & Son) dealer in pumps 905 e Douglas, r 228 n Washington
Startzman & Son (J L S & E E S) dealer in pumps 905 e Douglas
STATE NATIONAL BANK, B Lombard jr pres, L D Skinner cashier, s w cor Douglas and Main, tel 78
States G H, wks 116 n Market, r 333 s Main
Statham Geo, laborer Whittaker P Co
Stathem A, gardener, r 1233 n Mead
Stathem S, gardener, r 963 n Mead
Stearnes A, hotel porter, r 714 e Douglas
Stearns E B, wood engraver 123 n Market, r 130 s Millwood ws
Stearnes J L, clk 219 e Douglas, rms 115 n Topeka
Stearnes John, rms ab 115 n Topeka
Stearnes Leander, farmer, 3306 w Douglas ws
Stebbins P D, student Waterbury school, rms 116 e Douglas
Steck J D, stoker Gas Works, r 239 n Water
STEEL ALEXANDER & SON (A Steel & Geo T Steel) hardware 117 n Main
Steel Alexander, (A Steel & Son) 117 n Main, r 1218 n Market
Steel Geo T, (Alex Steel & Son) 117 n Main, r 1218 n Market
Steel J O, lawyer, r 1656 n Holyoke
Steele John, carpenter, r 1036 n Emporia
Steele W H, clk Steele & Son 117 n Main, r 1218 n Market
Steele David, atty, r 223 n Fourth
Steele & Walker, wholesale grocers 122-124 Lawrence, F C Wood mgr
Steffee John G, lawyer 3rd floor Sedgwick blk, r 246 Mathewson
STEFFEN N, prop Bon Ton Bakery and Kandy Kitched 254 n Main, tel 162, r ab same
STEINBUCHEL & BRO, (H & L S) rlest and loans ab 111-113 n Main
Steinbuchel H, (S & Bro) r Fletcher blk
Steinbuchel L, r 200 Indiana
Steinmeyer Chas, minister, r 741 Laura
Steinmeyer Fred, laborer, r 741 Laura
Steinmuller Miss Mamie, student, r 226 s Water
Stem Block 120 s Lawrence, W P Stein prop
Stephen Mrs Jessie, hskpr, r 739 n Market
Stephens E P, teamster Whittaker P Co, r n Main bet Twentysecond and Twentythird
Stephenson Fred R, Wks W Deering & Co, rms 133 n Water
Stephenson H L, r 1067 n Emporia
Stepleton Miss Grace, r 545 s Everett ws
Stepleton J O, carpenter, r 545 s Everett ws
Sternberg O E, carpenter, r 312 n Mosley
Sternberg W O, foreman Eagle job office, r 1130 Bitting
Sternberger Horace, butcher H B DuPlan, rms ab 607 e Douglas
Stettler Joe, clk Munson & McNamara 123-127 n Main, r 256 n Waco
Stevens Charles H, laborer, r 219 n Vine ws
Stevens H U, clk in supt offi Mo Pac twelfth st depot, bds 450 n Market
Stevens Mrs L A, r ab 422 e Douglas
Stevens Mrs Nannie, physician, office and r 205 s Water
Stevens Ralph, stock dealer, bds 205 sWater
Stevens S M, clk 122 e Douglas, r 343 n Main
Stever D M, retired preacher, r 304 w Third
Stever Miss M Belle, teacher, r 304 w Third
Stewart A G, yard master L C Jackson's, r 1201 Pattie
Stewart Bros ( R C & W A) PROPS Stewart Iron Wks 331 s Washington
Stewart C E, elk 222 e Douglas, r 523 s Main
Stewart C M, grocer, r 713 w Douglas ws
Steward. C R, wks 119 w First, r 119 w Pine
Stewart Mrs E J, r 236 s Water
Stewart E M, r 1102 s Emporia
Stewart Charles M, bds Metropole Hotel
Stewart Edward, laborer, r 330 s Fourth
Stewart Miss Flora, r 1303 e Douglas
Stewart G F, post tel opratr 111 n Main, r 426 s Topeka
Stewart Harry W, (Deam Abstract Co) r 917 Buffum
Stewart Miss Helen, r 1305 Vassor
Stewart Iron Wks & Foundry, 331-343 s Washington, tel 331
Stewart J G, wks L C Jackson, r 1201 Pattie
Steward J R, waiter at hotels, r 119 w Pine
Stewart James, stonemason, r 211 s Mosley
Stewart Jno, farmer, r 406 n Fourth
Stewart Joe, butcher, r 1157 n Mosley
Stewart Lafayette F, farmer, r 426 s Topeka
Stewart Miss Lena, domestic 157 n Topeka
Stewart Miss Mary, student High School, r 406 n Fourth
Stewart O D, brakeman W & W Ry, r 345 n Riverview
Stewart O K, carpenter, r cor Fifteenth and Beacon
Stewart Miss Pearl, domestic 631 n Fourth, r 119 w Pine
Stwart W A, (Stewart Bros) r 1044 n Lawrence
Stewart R C, (Stewart Bros) Iron Wks, r 1059 n Topeka
Stewart W J, traveling salesman, r 205 s Park
Stewart Mrs, cook, r 618 s Water
Stice W H, clk 119 n Main, r 400 s Main
Stiles Mrs Anna, r 112 w Morris
Stiles I E, laborer, r 736 e Thirteenth
Stillwell A W, trav fgt agt A T & S F, r 253 n Wabash
Stillwell James, contr carpenter, r 818 s Market
Stillwell W M, civil engineer, r 253 n Wabash
Stinchfield Miss Ella, r 1114 n Fifth
Stiner Henry, charcoal burner, r 1126 n Getto
Stines Chas, laborer, r 114 Minnesota
Stines Lafayette, laborer, r 538 n Water
Stines Wellington, lather, r 540 n Water
Stinson Chas A, traveling salesman, bds Manhattan
Stinson Mrs Eva, r 821 n Topeka
Stippich Louis, blacksmith 327 w Douglas tel 165, r 314 s Dodge ws
Stites A M, wks 121 n Topeka, r 437 s Market
Stites H M, r 437 s Market
Stites John F, with N F Niederlander, r 1602 e Central
Stites Mrs K, r 306 n Market
Stites M, solicitor, r 709 n Ohio
Stites W F, with N F Niederlander & Co, r 1602 e Central
Stites Miss Lillie, r 306 n Market
Stiver B, r 518 n Wabash
Stobie G W, street car conductor, r 1402 n Topeka
Stobie Miss Nannie, r 1402 n Topeka
Stobie Stewart, motoneer, r 1729 n Fifth
Stobie Harry, lab Whittaker & Son
Stockenger Mrs Jennie, r 1068 n Market
Stocker O B (O B S & Co), r ab 143 n Water
StockerO B & Co, (O B S & C W Carey), mantels and bldg material 143 n Water, tel 29
Stockert G B, carpenter, r 220 Park
Stocker John, fireman at station, r 806 n Market
Stock yards office, cor Topeka and Eighteenth tel 400
Stoddard W A, real estate 235 n Main, r same
Stokes Geo E, clk McKnight & Co 352 n Main, r same
Stone F R, hack barn cor Douglas and Waco, r 323 n Market
Stone J V, com traveler, r 244 Cleveland
Stone James R, retired, r 153 n Fourth
Stone Miss Laura B, r 153 n Fourth
Stoner & Andrews (E C Stoner, C H Andrews), house and sign painters 221 s Main
Stoner D P, lawyer, r 228 n Mead
Stoner E C, (Stoner & Andrews) r 318 s Lawrence
Stools Geo, lab at Whittaker & Sons
Stopher Mrs M E, hskpr, r 242 n Market
Stormer David, wks W L Baily, bds 412 n Riverview
Storr William, wks Peter Getto, rms Getto blk
Stortz Henry, lab at Whittakers, r 427 e Eighteenth
Stortz Jacob, lab at Whittaker's r 427 e Eighteenth
Stortz Mrs R, r 427 e Eighteenth
Story Chas, clk 528 e Douglas, r 231 Laura
Story T L, r 231 Laura
Story W A, salesman Alesbury & Norris, r 231 Laura
Stotts J A, laborer, r 713 Roberts ws
STOUGH & CAREY, ( C L Stough & Chas W Carey) props Hotel Carey, corn Douglas and Fourth
Stough C L, (Stough & Carey) mgr Hotel Carey
Stout Clint, lab, r 406 n Main
Stout Miss Belle, r 829 s Lawrence
Stout Mrs. J F, r 829 s Lawrence
Stout Joseph, r 1211 n Fifth
Stout Miss Lettie, student, r 829 s Lawrence
Stout Miss Lulu, clk 218 n Main, r 829 s Lawrence
Stout Miss May, dressmkr ab 116 n Main
Stout W F, lab Car Works, r 3433 n Fourth
Stout Wilbur F, mgr Kan & Texas Coal Co, r 3805 e Douglas
Stoutemyer I N, r 330 n Market
Stover Chas A, clk, r 719 n Fourth
Stover D S, clerk 322 e Douglas, bds Keystone
Stover Miss Ella, clk at Munson's 123 n Main, r 719 n Fourth
Stover Harry K, barber 103 n Main, r 1104 Chicago ws
Stover Samuel, carpenter, r 719 n Fourth
Stover S D, com traveler, r 426 w Elm
Stratton Irvin F, atty ab 110 n Main, r 110 n Hillside
Street S S, dentist, ab 126 n Main
Strickland Frank, contractor, r 610 s Topeka
Strickland Jno J, rlest, r 701 w Central
Strickland Jos, rlest, r 405 James
Strode B, jeweler, r 2004 n Ohio
Strode Geo W, silversmith, r 118 s Emporia
Strode Mrs M L, bdgh 118 s Emporia, r same
Strohmaier Fred, laborer Dolds Pkg House, r cor Sixteenth and Garland
Strong A P, painter, r 722 Martinson ws
Strong G C, banker, r 1501 n Fairmount
Strong Mrs. Lucy F, hskpr F G Rose, r 314 n Lawrence
Stroud R A, traveling man, r 255 n Lawrence
Struble E, horse dealer, r 1135 n Waco
Struble Miss Maude, clk Cash Henderson, r 1135 n Waco
Stubbs Harry, laborer, r 223 n Waco
Stubbs L H, traveling salesman Maxwell & McClure, rms 340 n Topeka
Stubenhaven John, cigar maker 606 e Douglas, rms Lindell
Stuchberry F E, clk 223 e Douglas, bds Emporia Ave Hotel
Stuckey F H, clk 406 e Douglas, r 329 n Emporia
Stuckey Miss Lucy, teacher, r 329 n Emporia
Stuckey M M, retired carpenter, r 329 n Emporia
Stuckey Miss Minnie, teacher, r 329 n Emporia
Stump L P, stone cutter, r 1202 Fannie
Sturdevant A M, (S & S) 1816 University ws
Sturdevant & Studevant, (A M & W L Sturdevant) attys ab 138 n Main
Sturdevant W L, (S & S) rms 305 s Water
Sturgeon Miss C M, dressmaker 232 n Main, r same
Sturgeon E T, fruit store 212 n Main, r 232 n Main
Sturgeon H E, clk 212 n Main, r ab 232 n Main
Sturgeon J D, laborer City Stables, r 232 n Main
Stuts Fred, laborer, bds 400 s Fourth
Stutes Geo, Wks Whittaker Pkg House, r e Twentyfirst
Sudarth Charles, picture salesman, bds 231 s Water
Suhm August, butcher 231 n Main, r ab 231 n Main
Suhm Karl, dairy, r Riverside
Suhm Miss Selma, domestic 426 n Waco
Suhre H W, painter 140 n Market, r 1103 Cherry
Sullard Mrs, r 409 s Sherbourn
Sullard John, farmer, r 116 Grove
Sullivan Chas, contr, r cor Clifton and Douglas
Sullivan Constantine, wks 223 s Market, r 412 sWater
Sullivan Miss Daisy, r 1704 n Holyoke
Sullivan E J, chief operator 114 e First, r 319 s Exposition ws
Sullivan Geo M, harnmkr 121 e Douglas, r 548 Campbell ws
Sullivan J F, contr and builder, r 1704 n Holyoke
Sullivan James, conductor Mo Pac, r 517 n Waco
Sullivan Jerry, machinist wks Burton Car Works
Sullivan J W, machinist wks Burton Car Works
Sullivan Mrs L J, operator W U T Co, r 319 s Exposition ws
Sullivan P, laborer Car Work, r 3340 n Mead
Summers Z F, breeder of fine horses, r 1622 n Campbell
Summit Benjamin, laborer, r 1247 n Mead
Sumner Lewis, G, barber 326 e Douglas, rms ab 115 n Topeka
SUMPTION BION E, prop Novelty Carriage Works 116-118 e Third, r 1418 s Fourth
Sumption G W, (G W Sumption & Son) r 847 s Lawrence
Sumption & Son, (G W S & P D Sumption) cement works 847 s Lawrence
Sumption P D, (G W Sumption & Son) r 847 s Lawrence
Sunflower Lodge No. 86 A F & A M, 3rd floor ab 1100 Martinson blk ws
Supertintendent of City Schools, tel 393
Sutherland Mrs E, r 3638 n Fourth
Sutton A M, salesman Barnes & Newcomb 407 e Douglas, r 414 n Mosley
Sutton Capt. Ernest, r 435 s Fourth
Sutton Geo, grocery clk, r 635 n Wabash
Sutton H, policeman, r 437 n Washington
Sutton James A, carpenter, r 435 s Fourth
Sutton W M, grocer 800 e Oak, r 635 n Wabash
Sutton William J, bridge carpenter, r 334 n Seneca ws
Swab F W, (Swab & Glosser) 145 n Main, r 1603 s Water
SWAB & GLOSSER, (F W Swab & T B Glosser) merchant tailors and men's furnishers 145 n Main
Swaim John G, clk 108 n Main, r 431 s Main
SwaimOscar, clk Tattershall grocery, r 418 w Central
Swaim T J, clk Payne & Andrews, r 418 Central
Swaniegan Will, laborer, r n Main
Swarz Adam, farmer, r 1111 n Getto
Swearengen John H, painter, r 1744 n Campbell
Sweazy A, brickmason, r 900 e First
Sweeney Francis A, painter, r 610 s Market
Sweeney Redmond, painter, r 455 Sherman
Sweeny Mrs Emma, r 450 n Hydraulic
Sweet F W, supt Elec Ry City Bank bldg, r 638 n Market
Sweet Jay M, wks R I Ry, r 225 n Fifth
Sweet R C, Ins agt for Wm E Huttman under City Bank, r 638 n Market
Sweet Miss Susie, student High School, r 638 n Market
Sweet Thomas, wks 230 n Main, r 326 s Emporia
Sweet W W, repairer Shaw's music Store 129 n Main, r 638 n Market
Swentzell Wm M, (Aldrich & S) druggist 110 e Douglas, r 1505 Rochester
Swerdfeger H P, clk 815 n Main, r 1018 n Jackson
Swezey J W, laborer, r ab 116 s Lawrence
Swezey Norman, farmer, r s Simmons
Swezy Clara E, dressmaker Munson's r 900 s First
Swezy S, laborer, r 900 e First
Swezy Schuyler, laborer, r 900 e First
Swift H H, gen supt Burton Car Works, r 1340 n Topeka
Swope G L, carpenter, r 3455 n Fifth
Sykes A B, printer Eagle job office, r 1039 s Emporia
Syms O P, minister Second Baptist Church, r 1453 Sherwood


TABELING WILLIAM, Laborer, Residence 701 South Mosley
Tabler Mrs Clara, r 309 s Dodge ws
Tablier Louis, motoneer, bds and rms 519 n Third
Taft Miss Ella G, teacher, r 116 s Green
Taft Ervin A, teacher, r 116 s Green
Taft T S, retired farmer, r 116 s Green
Tagg W W, asst ticket agt 158 n Main, bds Metropole
Talburt Chas W, clk 428 e Douglas, r 3640 e Douglas
Talburt Frank E, notions and Furnishings 428 e Douglas, bds Metropole
Talcott Eugene, clk 202 e Douglas, r 201 n Lawrence
Tallman C W, gardener, r 1121 McCormick ws
Tallman Mrs. M, wks 119 w First, r 252 Wabash
Tandy J E, housemover, r 347 Ohio
Tangney D J, Emporia Avenue Hotel 153 n Emporia
Tank Mrs Tillie, r 945 n Emporia
Tankersey Mrs M A, r 150 Laura
Tanner Chas, fireman S Fe, r 926 e Douglas
Tanner Mrs. Susan D, r Fletcher Blk
Tarbill John, cigars and tobacco, 708 Texas ws
Tarbill Reeves, cigars and tobacco, r 808 Texas ws
Tarter Frnk, hackdriver, 325 e Douglas, r 130 n Emporia
Tarter Jno A, teamster 223 s Market, r 257 n Mosley
Tarter Mrs L, r 257 n Mosley
Tarter Miss May E, clk The Enterprise, r 257 n Mosley
Tarter Miss Pearl, clk The Enterprise r 257 n Mosley
Tarter William, engineer Kan Bed Spring Factory, r 614 Pine
Tate Miss Lyda, dressmaker ab 116 n Main, r 150 Lulu
TATGENHORST H, prop Queen City Cigar Factory 317 e Douglas, r 528 s Water
Tatman Joel, farmer, r 208 Osage ws
Tattersall R F, grocer 256 n Main, tel 183, r 429 n Topeka
Taylor A, farmer, r 1815 s Main
Taylor A C, teamster, r 1650 s Main
Taylor & Bachtel, (J H Taylor & H J Bachtel) contractors
Taylor Miss Barbara E, domestic, r 325 s Lawrence
Taplor C K, bkpr 239 s Main, r 440 Riverview
Taylor Claud, laborer, r 1443 Sherwood
Taylor David, laborer, r 1443 Sherwood
TAYLOR EDWIN, prop City Stables 114 s Market tel 384, rms 119 e Williams
Taylor E C, solicitor, wks 103 s Topeka, bds 316 e Williams
Taylor Miss Fannie, r 1905 n Main
Taylor Geo B, draywagon, r 1443 Sherwood
Taylor Gustayus A, rms 405 s Lawrence
Taylor Col H L, insurance 143 n Main, r 304 n Lawrence
Taylyr Miss Helen E, student Lewis Acad, r 304 n Lawrence
Taylor J B, clk 109 w Douglas, rms 252 n Main
Taylor J H, (Taylor & Bachtel) contractor, r 520 s Osage ws
Taylor J Y, carpenter, r 520 s Osage ws
Taylor J S, brakeman W W R R, r 803 e Central
Taylor J T, carpenter, r 1751 Palisade
Taylor J W, teamster, r 1650 s Main
Taylor James S, blacksmith 901 e Eouglas, r 203 Laura
Taylor John, boarding house kpr, r cor Twentythird and Fifth
Taylor Lee, trav agt Dolds Pkg Co, r 1905 n Main
Taylor Lewis M, driver Wells Fargo Exp Co, r 114 w English
Taylor Miss Lillie, teacher, r 1745 Jackson
Taylor Miss Lizzie, wks Hotel Carey
Taylor Mrs L M, docrtess, r 405 s Lawrence
Taylor Mrs. M A, r 1725 e Douglas
Taylor Mrs. Mamie, r 330 s Fourth
Taylor Miss Maud, clk S F supt's offi, r 1348 n Topeka
Taylor Milton, cook 116 w Douglas, r 135 n Market
Taylor Miss Myrtle, r 203 Laura
Taylor O J, homoepathist ab 254 n Main, r 1105 n Fourth, tel 247
Taylor W E, lab, r 1232 s Fifth
Taylor William, hostler, bds 238 s Water
Taylor William, tailor, r 528 n Riverview
Temple T J, gardener, r cor Osie and Hillside
TENNY L, prop grocery 815 n Main
Terrill J H, specialist ab 148 n Main, r 151 n Topeka
Terry Walter, cobbler, r Exchange block
Testard Chas, exch teller Citizens Bk, r Metropole Hotel
Tester L, painter 918 e Douglas, r 1215 e First
Tewmey W D, prop R I grocery 718 e Douglas, tel 88, r ab same
Tewmey O H, grocer 718 e Douglas, r ab same
Thatcher C B, civil engineer, r 628 n Emporia
Thatcher Miss Edna, teacher, r 628 n Emporia
Thayer H A, painter Harrison & Co, r 725 n Main
THE BUNNELL & ENO INV CO, Sedgwick block, Chas H Morehouse mgr
The Fair, notions, toys, & c 306 e Douglas, H Pechin prop
THE KASSEL JEWELRY CO, Wm Kassel prop 142 n Main
The Racket, Collins & Bretch props 218 n Main
Thimsmich Miss Anna, domestic 336 s Main
Thomas Mrs. Abiline, r 250 Laura
Thomas Miss Beatrice, teacher of music, r 536 n Lawrence
Thomas Benjamin, laborer, r 132 n Lawrence
Thomas Chas S, liveryman, r 121 Pattie
Thomas E H, canvasser, r 518 e Central
Thomas Mrs Eva, washwoman, r 601 n Market
Thomas Miss Gracie, r 326 n Topeka
Thomas Miss Gertrude, r 536 n Lawrence
Thomas Miss Hattie, cigarmaker at 139 n Topeka, r 344 n Washington
Thomas H J, engineer 202 n Fourth, r 356 n Mead
Thomas James, wks L C Jackson, r 438 s Market
Thomas J C, lab Dold's Pkg Co, r 1457 n Lawrence
Thomas J F, laborer, r 326 n Topeka
Thomas J P, millright, r 1413 n Fifth
Thomas J W, (Clement & T) 253 n Main, r 1317 Vassar
Thomas Lizzie, chambermaid Metropole Hotel
Thomas L J, laborer, r 723 n Fourth
Thomas Miss M A, r 1457 n Lawrence
Thomas Obadiah, ydman W M Pond & Co, r 1457 n Lawrence
Thomas Ridgley, r 336 n Lawrence
Thomas W A, (Houck & T) real estate, r 536 n Lawrence
Thomas Wm, carpenter, r 730 Elizabeth ws
Thomas W L, retired, r 536 n Lawrence
Thomas W H, wks Carson Mfg Co, r 529 n Water
Thompson Angelo, wks steam thresher, r 352 n Wichita
Thompson B F, engineer water works, r 521 n Riverview
Thompson Miss Bessie, r 352 n Wichita
Thompson Corwin, clerk, r 413 Stephen
Thompson D H, motoneer, r 1253 n Fourth
Thompson Edward I, trav salesman, bds Packer's Hotel
Thompson Miss Florence, domestic, r 811 n Topeka
Thompson Frank, lab at Whittaker Pkg Co.
Thompson George S, janitor govt bldg, r 329 s Market
Thompson J B, barber 115 w Douglas, r 239 s Market
Thompson J J, druggist 601 e Douglas, rms ab same
Thompson John M, minister, r 1516 Park Place
Thompson J S, clk supt's office Santa Fe, r 1117 n Market
Thompson Miss Lulu B, r 2217 Arkansas
Thompson Miss Martha, domestic, r 522 e Central
Thompson Miss Mary, r 552 n Wichita
Thompson N W, retired, r 1116 s Topeka
Thompson Smith, cooper, r 1303 n Market
Thompson S, laborer Dold P Co
Thompson Miss Stacie, bds 329 s Market
Thompson T L, lab Whittaker P Co, r 1615 n Mead
Thompson W H, lawyer, r 1012 s Lawrence
Thompson Wm, farmer, r 2217 Arkansas
Thompson Miss Zoe, r 1012 s Lawrence
Thorn Mrs E A, r 332 n Washington
Thorn Ed S, clk 322 n Fourth, r 332 n Washington
Thornton Miss Belle, teacher, r 1007 s Emporia
Thornton H Belle, teacher, r 915 s Main
Thornton J R, grocer clk 728 n Main, r 726 n Market
Thornton J W, laborer Whittaker P Co
Thornton Mrs S, dressmaker, r 726 n Market
Thorp B L, dentist ab 144 n Main, r 210 Mathewson
Thorp C O, grocer 912 e Douglas, r 210 Mathewson
Thrift Mrs Esther, r 340 n Riverview
Throckmorton W B, lawyer Cit Bank, r 1031 n Topeka
Thurman Fountain, porter Manhattan
Thurston D F, retired, r 815 e Oak
TIHEN J HENRY, rector Pro-Cathedral, r 357 n Fourth
Tilford H C, inspector Union stock yards, r 4th floor Sedg blk
Timblin S A, harnmkr 121 e Douglas, r 613 s Water
Times Henry, laborer ab 636 n Water
Timmermeyer Miss Lizzie, seamstress wks ab 243 n Main, r same
Timmons David, harnmkr 125 w Douglas, rms 525 Chicago ws
Timmons Mrs E M, r 230 Cleveland
Timmons Miss Emma, sten, r 230 Cleveland
Timmons Sam, printer Mirror, r 230 Cleveland
Tint Geo, r 318 s Topeka
Tint Miss Jennie, r 318 s Topeka
Tint Leopold, r 318 s Topeka
Tint Lewis, peddler, r 318 s Topeka
Tipton John B, tailor, r 305 s Fifth
Tipps Mrs J M, pastry cook Metropole
Tipps Lannie, cook, r 324 s Main
Titsworth Miss Mabel, student, r 307 n Lawrence
Titterington Dick, laborer, r 600 s Fourth
Tobias Archie, clk 138 n Main, r 425 Sherman
Tobias G Z, jeweler 138 n Main, r 425 Sherman
Tobias Wm, farmer, r 225 n Fifth
Tobin Mrs Nellie, r R I depot
Tockhorn H W, tailor 111 e First, r 437 Spruce
Todd J H, r 1501 Fairmount
Todd F W, bkpr, r cor Highland and Maple ws
Todd H, feed store 1016 e Douglas, r 115 s Washington
Tognetti Frank, cigar store, r ab 412 e Douglas
Toler H G, stock farm, tel 367
Toliver Sam, laborer, r 232 n Lawrence
Tollman Mrs Mattie, r 252 Wabash
Tomer H F, grain dealer, r 240 Indiana
Tomlinson Wm, wood machinist Burton car works, r 3535 n Fourth
Tomlinson Miss Mary, r 3535 n Fourth
Topeka Ave Livery, 116 n Topeka, tel 314, J H Mercer prop
Topping Chas, bds Manhattan
Topping C P, (L C Topping & Co) rms 23 Zimmerly bldg, r Manhattan hotel
Topping L C & Co (L C & C P Topping) rm 23 Zimmerly blk
Topping L C, (L C Topping & Co) rm 23 Zimmerly blk, bds Manhattan Hotel
Toomey T F, teamster, r 802 s Topeka
Torrington R E, dist freight agt Santa Fe and Frisco, bds Carey
Torruy, A P postal clerk, r 135 New York
Tosch, C J tailor wks 126 e First, rms 141 n Market
Townsend E E, (Townsend & Son 622 n Main, r 208 e Oak
Townsend J D, (Townsend & Son 622 n Main, r 727 Ida
Townsend Miss Minerva, r 727 Ida
Townsend J Myers, prop Mo Pac coal yards w Tenth, tel 68, r 535 Cleveland
Townsend William, barber 307 e Douglas, r 412 n Market
Tay J W, harnmkr 121 e Douglas, r 915 Pine ws
Tay W W, prop People's Dye and Hat Works, r 125 s Lawrence
Trabue Miss Ollie, clerk internal revenue off, rms W C T U
Tracey Geo W, printer, r 213 s Topeka
Tracey Miss Lizzie J, student S W Business College, r 213 s Topeka
Tracey Mrs M, r 213 s Topeka
Tracy C A, car inspector, r 844 e Oak
Tracy Frank, wks W Produce Co, r 1327 s Main
Tracy Mrs Mary, r 1327 s Main
Tracy Miss Mary, seamstress, r 1327 s Main
Tracy T J, teamster, r 1027 s Water
Tramblie Mrs Charlotte, r ab 933 s Emporia
Trammel Abraham, laborer, r 357 Lulu
Transfer Co, W McKee prop, tel 107
Traughber Burt, cigar mkr 139 n Topeka, r 344 Washington
Trautwine John H, painter 611 e Douglas, r 221 s Ellie
Travers Charlie, bell boy Carey
Travers Simeon, laborer, r 237 s Emporia
Treat C S, pressman Eagle, r 1150 s Water
Treblecock John, wks Santa Fe freight depot, r 211 s Emporia
Tremain Jane R, prop Tremain Laundry, r 615 n Ohio
Tremain Martin, farmer, r 615 n Ohio
Tremain Wm, laborer, r 1301 Ida
Tremont House 220 s Fourth, L R Cole prop
Trempler Miss Amelie, domestic 224 n Topeka
Trent Miss Cora L, bkpr 122 w Douglas, r 1604 s Emporia
Trice Joel, rlest, r 1604 n Fairmount
Trickler Henry, laborer, r 634 n Washington
Tripplett Miss Jennie M, teacher, r 1904 Crown
Tripplett M A, farmer, r 1904 Crown
Tripplett Miss Olive, teacher, r 1904 Crown
Trone George E, retired, r 1141 s Hydraulic
Trone Geo W, wks 501 e Douglas, r 1141 s Hydraulic
Trone Miss Jane, r 1141 s Hydraulic
Trotter W W, horseman, r 1809 s Main
Troupe Lou S, traveling salesman, rms 424 n Water
Troupe W H H, mgr Wichita Book Co 118 e Douglas, r 428 s Market
Trousdale T F, rental collector, r 321 n First
Trout G W, carpenter, r 803 s Martinson
Truehart Elijah, barber 205 e Douglas, rms same
Truesdell Mrs Helen, dressmaker, r ab 539 n Main
Truex, C S, traveling salesmrn, r 926 s Lawrence
Truex Guy, student High School, r 926 s Lawrence
Tucke Mrs Sylvia, r 1857 s Wichita
Tucker Amos, r 1708 n Lawrence
Tucker Cliff, clk 113 e Douglas, rms 117 n Main
Tucker H O V, farmer, r 1708 n Lawrence
Tucker J H, collector Water Co, r 1016 n Fourth
Tucker J T, prop restaurant 113 e Douglas, rms 117 n Main
Tucker's Restaurant, 113 e Douglas
Tucker Seba M, r 1708 n Lawrence
TUCKER S M, Justice of Peace ab 209 n Main, r 1126 Dayton ws
Tucker & Spencer (W R Tucker & Geo K Spencer) rlest and loans ab 202 e Douglas
Tucker W H, printer, r 1126 Dayton ws
Tucker W R, (Tucker & Spencer) rlest and loans ab 202 e Douglas, r 209 n Topeka
Tuckett R H, wks M R Diver & Co, r 144 n Main
Tuder Granville, laborer, r 341 n Walnut ws
Tuder G W, teamster, r 1061 n Washington
Tuder John, teamster, r 1161 n Washington
Tuder William, teamster, r 1161 n Washington
Tuders W M, janitor Court House, r 320 n Walnut ws
Tull Louisa, r 217 s Fourth
Tuller Bert H, wks 519 w Douglas, r 1550 n Lawrence
Tuller E, laborer, Dolds Pkg Co
Tuller Harry A, carriage painter 519 w Douglas, r 1550 n Lawrence
Tuller H K, prop Kan Spring Wagon Co 519-529 w Douglas, r 1550 n Lawrence
Tullis Miss Ella, r 1104 Tarlton
Tullis Frank, stonemason, r 1104 Tarlton
Turk Miss Minnie, dining room girl, r 724 e Douglas
Turley & Harris, (_____Turley, Fred Harris and W H Carroll) second hand store 230 n Main
Turner Alvin, foreman Mo Pac Shops, r 416 Sherman
Turner Edward, farmer, r n Emporia
Turner Ed L, clk 311 e Douglas, r same
Turner Emma, student, r 818 n Water
Turner Miss Evelyn, r 527 s Water
Turner Geo S, cook 111 n Main, r 818 n Water
Turner Miss Henrietta, r 1214 s Fifth
Turner J G, clk 115 w Douglas, r 623 s Water
Turner James, laborer, r 1214 n Main
Turner James, wks Whittaker & Sons, r ab 636 n Water
Turner J K, carpenter, r 430 n Main
Turner John R, r 527 s Water
Turner R M, weigher Stock Yards, r 623 s Water
Turner S R, blacksmith, r 702 s Mead
Turner W D, laborer S Fe Ry, r 428 n Main
Turner W S, elevator boy Carey Hotel, r 523 s Water
Turner Thomas, janitor, r 728 n Water
Turner W T, farmer, r n Emporia
Tusch Miss Amelia, r 240 n Emporia
Tusch Miss Carrie, r 240 n Emporia
Tusch Miss Edith, r 240 n Emporia
Tusch Miss Emma, r 240 n Emporia
Tusch Miss Tella, r 240 n Emporia
Tusch Wm, retired grocer, r 240 n Emporia
Tuttle James L, cattleman, r 900 n Topeka
Tuttle R L, clk 410 e Douglas, r 717 Hinton
Tuttle Zopher, farmer, r 900 n Topeka
Tutwiler Caswell, wks City Roller Mills, bds 141 Lulu


UDELL J H, ravels for Lombard Investment Company, boards Manhattan Hotel
Uhler Miss Elizabeth, r s Richmond
Uhler W M, farmer, r s Richmond
Umbarger Chas, motoneer, r 1246 n Emporia
Underwood Henry, janitor Fourth Nat'l Bk, r s Fourth
Underwood H C, hotel kpr 709 e Douglas, r same
Underwood H M, janitor Fechheimer bldg, r 709 e Douglas
Underwood Mrs Lizzie, r 709 e Douglas
Union Depot of Santa Fe and Frisco Rys, cor Douglas and Fifth, tel 139
Union Hotel, Twentyfirst, bet Lawrence and Topeka, Amiel Swanfeld prop
Union Meat Market, 320 n Main, W W Williams prop
Union Stock Yards, offi Eighteenth and Emporia, W R Dulaney supt, phone 400
United Presbyterian Church, First bet Wabash and Ohio, Jas A Lawrence pastor
United Sash and Door Co s Mead and s Mosley, A S Parks secy and gen mgr, tel 306
United States Express office, 158 n Main, phone 67
U S Signal Service, Office rm 523 Sedgwick blk, F L Johnson observer


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