Midwest Historical &

Genealogical Society

Wichita, Kansas

1889 City Directory

Wichita, Kansas

Transcription by Mary Broker.

  Abbie ave, extension of Volutsia from Central to 13th
  Academy ave, extension of Volutsia from 13th to 17th
  Academy ave, ws, extension of Grand ave from Meridian w
  Addison st, extension of Park ave from Central to 9th
  Adeline st, 37th n of Douglas ave fr Little River e
  Agnes st, 36th n of Douglas from Foster av, e to wichita
  Alice ave, extension of Poplar ave fr 11th to 13th
  Allen ave, extension of Mathewson From Central to 9th
  Allman ave, 30th e of Main fr Douglas s to Gilbert
  Anderson ave, ws, extension of Webster st fr Expositien w
  Arkansas ave, 5th w of Main fr 17th n to city limits
  Ash st, 21st e of Main fr Douglas n to 2d
  Atkins ave, exension of Moser ave fr 13th n
  Avenue "A," is that part of Johnson bet Kellogg and Lincoln
  Avenue "B," extension of Grace fr Kellogg to Levy
  Avenue "C," extension of Kirk ave fr Kellogg to Howard
  Bayley st, that part of Henry fr river e to Market
  Beacon ave, 13th w of Main fr 11thto 17th
  Bernice st, extension of Minnesota from 2d to Pine
  Bettie ave, 27th n Douglas fr Arkansas ave e to Ohio ave
  Bishop st, extension of Minneapolis fr Pine to 12th
  Bitting ave, 8th w of Main fr 10th to 12th
  Blaine st, 7th n Douglas fr Ohio e to Cleveland
  Bluff ave, 39th e of Main fr Douglas n to Central
  Buffum ave, 6th w Little river fr Andrews w
  Bonn st, 17th w river from Maple
  Boulevard ave, follows the w bank of Little river fr 13th to 19th
  Briggs ave, extension Tenth st, w to Big Arkansas
  Brook ave, 20th e of Main from Douglas s to Kellogg
  Bryant st, 35th e of Main fr Central n to 9th
  Burns ave, 10th w Main fr 17th n
  Campbell ave, extension of Mathewson fr 17th to 25th
  Campbell ave, ws, extension Osage fr Maple s
  Carter ave, 3d w Little river fr Park ave n
  Carey ave, 17th n Douglas fr Little river e
  Carlos ave, 9th w of Main fr 10th to 12th
  Central ave, 4th n of Douglas fr river e
  Charles ave, 16th w river fr Anderson to Maple
  Chateau ave, extension of Carne ave fr Lincoln s
  Chatauqua ave, 30th e of Main fr Douglas n to Olive
  Cherokee st, 2d no of Douglas ws, fr river to Seneca
  Cherry st, extension of Indiana from 9th to 21st
  Clara ave, extension of High st fr Hydraulic e to Stites ave
  Clark st, 20th s of Douglas fr river e to Hydraulic
  Cleveland ave, 13th e of Main fr Douglas n
  Clifton ave, 36th e of Main extending fr Central s to city limits
  Columbia ave, 2d w Little river fr 21st n
  Cooledge ave, 11th w Little river from Andrews n
  Cooley st, that part of 25th fr Little river e to Guthrie ave
  Cowper st, 37th e of Main from Central n to 13th
  Crown st, 2d w Little river, fr 17th n
  Dayton ave, ws, 7th s of Douglas fr river w
  Decatur ave, 6th w of Little river, fr 21st n
  Delaware ave, 3d w Little river, fr 21st n
  Dickens st, extension of Moser ave fr Central n to 13th
  Division st, extension of Waterman fr Washington e to Hydraulic
  Dodge ave, 8th w of river fr Cedar to Maple
  Dort ave, 10th w of Little river, fr Andrews n
     Douglas ave, extending east and west to city limits.  It is the basis of      numbering on all streets running north and south
       Eagle st, extension of Walnut fr 5th to Cleveland
       Edgar st, extension of Penn fr Pine to 9th
       Eighteenth st, 18th n of Douglas fr Little river e
       East Indiana av, extension of Orme st fr Park av e to East st
       Eleventh st, 11th n of Douglas fr Little river e to Hillside
       Eliza ave, extension of Kirk fr Hodson s
       Elizabeth ave, extension of Avenue "F" fr Frances to Hodson
       Elizabeth ave, 11th w of river, fr Cedar s
       Elliott ave, extension of Poplar ave fr 9th to 11th
       Ellis ave, 14th e of Main, fr Douglas s
       Elm st, 5th n of Douglas, fr Riverview e to Fifth ave
       Emmerson st, extension of Bluff ave fr Central n
       Emporia ave, 4th st e of Main, extends n and s to city limits
       Erie st, 29th e of Main, fr Douglas s to Kellogg
       English st, 2d s of Douglas, fr river e to 5th ave
       Estelle ave, 27th e of Main, extending fr Kellogg to 13th
       Everett st, 18th w of river fr Mentors
       Ewing ave, extension of Mathewson fr 9th to Seventeenth
       Exchange ave, 4th w of Little river, fr 21st n
       Exposition ave, 9th w of river, fr Cedar to Maple
       Fairmount ave, extension of Park ave fr 13th n
       Fairview ave is that part of Wichita st bet 13th and 17th sts
       Fannie ave, 15th e of Main fr Douglas s
       Faulkner ave, 7th w Little river fr Andrews n
       Fern ave, 12th w of river fr Glenn s
       Fifth ave, 6th e of Main, extends n and s to city limits
       Fifteenth st, 15th n of Douglas, extends from Little river e
       First st, next n of Douglas ave fr river e
       First st, extension of Ash from Second to Central
       Florence ave, extension of Pennsylvania fr 9th to 13th
       Forest ave, 11th w of Main fr 10th to 12th
       Fourth ave, 5th e of Main, extends n and s to city limits
  Fourteenth st, 14th n of Douglas fr Little river e
  Frances st, 17th s of Douglas fr river e
  Franklin ave, extension of Walnut fr Little river w
  Franklin ave, 23d s of Douglas fr river e to city limits
  Frisco ave, extension of Park fr Hillside ave e
  Garden st, part of Walnut fr 5th ave to Hydraulic
  Garland ave, 8th w Little river fr 13th n
  Getto ave, extension of New York ave fr 9th to 13th
  Gilman ave, 5th w of Little river fr Park ave n
  Gilbert st, 9th s of Douglas fr river e to Avenue N
  Glenn ave, 15th w of river fr Anderson s to city limits
  Goethe ave, extension of Estelle fr 13th n
  Gold st, 5th w of Main fr Howard to Frances
  Gordon ave, extension of New York ave fr 13th to 17th
  Grace ave, 18th e of Main fr Douglas s to Kellogg
  Grand ave, ws, extension of Cherokee fr Seneca to Meridian
  Grandview ave, extension of Walnut fr Hydraulic e
  Green ave, 26th st e of Main extending fr Central to Kellogg
  Greenway st, that part of Kellogg fr river e to 5th
  Grove st, extension of Pennsylvania avenue fr Pine to 9th
  Grove st, 24th e of Main running n and s fr Central to Kellogg
  Guy ave, extension of Ash st fr 11th n
  Hancock st, 2d s Douglas, ws, fr Martinson to Meridian
  Harney ave, 5th w of Little river fr 21st n
  Henry st, 7th w of Main fr 3d to Elm
  Henry st, 12th s of Douglas fr river e
  Herbert ave, extension of Minneapolis fr 12th to 21st
  Hewitt ave, extension Walnut ws, fr Maple s
  High st, 23d n of Douglas fr Little river e to 4th ave
  Highland ave, extension of Oak fr Hydraulic e
  Hillside ave, 32d e of Main running n and s to city limits
  Hinton ave, 4th n of Douglas from 5th ave to Mead
  Hiram ave, 16th w of river from Maple s
  Holyoke ave, 33d e of Main fr 13th n to city limits
  Hood ave, 7th w of river fr 17th n
  Howard st, 15th s of Douglas fr river e to city limits
  Humboldt ave, extension of Poplar fr 13th n
  Hunter st, that part of Lewis fr Washington e to Hydraulic
  Huron st, w extension of High st fr Little river w
  Hydraulic ave, 16th e of Main running n and s to city limits
  Ida ave, 10th e of Main fr Douglas ave s
  Indiana ave, 12th e of Main fr Douglas n to Central
  Indianapolis st, 8th s of Douglas fr river e to Pattie ave
  Jackson st, 4th st w of Main extending fr Walnut n to city limits
  James st, 8th st w of Main fr 3d to Elm
  Jeanette ave, 2d w Little river fr 13th to 17th
  Jefferson ave, 6th w of Main fr 10th to 12th
  Kellogg st, 6th s of Douglas fr river e
  Kinkaid ave, 21st s of Douglas fr river e
  La Fayette ave, w extension of 21st st fr Little river e to Water
  Larimer ave, 7th w of Main from 10th to 12th
  Laura ave, 11th e of Main fr Douglas s to Franklin
  Lawrence ave, 2d e of Main extends n and s to city limits
  Levy st, 19th s of Douglas fr river e to Oliver ave
  Lewellen ave, extension of Sherman st fr 10th to 13th
  Lewis st, 4th s of Douglas fr river e to Washington
  Lincoln st, 11th s of Douglas fr river e to city limits
  Lincoln st, ws, 4th n of Douglas fr river to Exposition
  Litchfield ave, 8th w Little river from Andrews n
  Locust st, 22d e of Main n of Douglas to 2d
  Lorraine ave, extension of Moser ave fr 11th to 17th
  Louie ave, extension of Grove st fr Hodson s
  Lulu ave, 13th e of Main fr Douglas s to Franklin
  McCormick ave, 9th s of Douglas ws, fr river w
  Mabel ave, is that part of Estelle bet Central and Oak
  Madison ave, 35th e of Main fr Gilbert s to Henry
     Main st, extending n and s to city limits.  It is the basis of      numbering on streets running east and west
  Maple st, extension of Prince fr Grove st e
  Maple st, 3d s of Douglas fr river w
  Market st, 1st e of Main extends n and s to city limits
  Martinson ave, 10th w river fr Cedar s
  Mathewson ave, 14th e of Main fr Douglas n to Central
  Mead ave, 7th e of Main extends n and s to city limits
  Mentor ave, 4th s of Douglas ws, fr Elizabeth to Meridian
  Meridian ave, 22d w of river running n and s to city limits
  Milwaukee ave, is that part bet 21st and 23d
  Millwood ave, 13th w of river fr Glenn s
  Minneapolis ave, 19th e of Main fr Douglas to 2d
  Minnesota ave, 20th e of Main fr Douglas n to 2d
  Mona ave, extension of Poplar from Central to Oak st
  Morris st, 5th s of Douglas from river e to 5th ave
  Morris st, 10th s of Doug & 2d Morris s of Doug, from river e to 5th ave
  Moser ave, 38th e of Main running from Central s to Henry
  Mosley ave,8th e of Main running n and s to city limits
  Motor ave, 9th w of Little river fr 13th n
  Mt Vernon ave, extension of Royston fr 13th to 17th
  Mulberry st, 5th s of Douglas ws, fr river to Martinson
  Myers ave, 22d n of Douglas fr Arkansas ave e to Dold's packing house
  New York ave, 15th e of Main n of Douglas to 9th
  Ninth (Park) st, 9th n of Douglas fr Little river e to city limits
  Nineteenth st, 19th n of Douglas fr Big river e to city limits
  North ave, extension of Minnesota fr Pine to 9th
  Oak st, 7th n of Douglas fr Little river e
  Oak st, 2d w of river from Cherokee to Maple
  Ohio ave, 11th e of Main fr Douglas n to Cyrus ave
  Olive st, 6th w of Main fr 20th to 22d st
  Orchard st, extension of Oak ws fr Maple to Mulberry
  Orme st, 7th s of Douglas fr river e to Park ave
  Osage ave, 3d w of river fr Cedar w to Texas ave
  Osie ave, 16th s of Douglas fr river e to Oakwood ave
  Park ave, 34th e of Main running n and s fr Central to Levy st
  Park Place ave, is that part of Water st bet 13th and 17th
  Park st, 9th n of Douglas fr Little river e to Hillside ave
  Parker ave, extension of Cowper st fr 13th n
  Pattie ave, 12th e of Main fr Douglas s to Franklin
  Payne ave, 6th w of Little river fr 17th n
  Pearl ave, extension of Sherbourn fr Frances s
  Pearl st, 1st n of Douglas ws, from river to Dodge
  Pear st, that part of Henry from Topeka to Fifth ave
  Pennsylvania ave, 16th e of Main fr Douglas n to Pine
  Piatt ave, extension of Ash st fr Pine to 11th
  Pierce ave, 10th w of Main fr 10th to 12th
  Pine st, 6th n of Douglas fr Little river e to 5th ave
  Pine st, ws, 2d s of Douglas fr river to Elizabeth
  Plum st, extension of Indiana fr Central to 9th
  Poe ave, 5th w of Little river fr 17th n
  Poplar st, 25th e of Main fr Douglas s to Kellogg
  Porter ave, 9th w of Little river fr Andrews n
  Power st, 21st w of river fr Douglas s
  Prince st, 1st s of Douglas e of William fr Washington e to Brook
  Royston ave, 29th e of Main fr Douglas n to Central
  Riddell ave, extension of Spruce fr 10th n
  River st, 4th w of Main extending fr Pine st s to city limits
  Riverside ave, fr w end Park nw to Buffum ave
  Riverview ave, is that part of River st bet Elm and 2d
  Rochester ave, is that part of Jackson bet 13th and 15th
  Schiller ave, extension of Green ave fr 13th n
  Second st, 2d n of Douglas ave fr river e
  Second st, runs n and s bet 2d and Central e of Short st
  Sedgwick ave, extension of Minnesota fr 9th w
  Seneca st, 7th w river fr Cedar s
  Seventeenth st, that part Carey ave fr Hydraulic e
  Shelton ave, 6th w of Main fr 22d to 25th
  Sherman st, 5th w of Main extending fr 2d to Elm
  Short st, extension of Locust fr 2d to Central
  Sherwood ave, 5th w of Main fr 13th to 17th
  Sixteenth st, 16th n of Douglas fr Little river e
  Skinner st, 18th s of Douglas fr river e to Linden ave
  Spaulding ave, 4th w of river fr Park ave n
  Spruce st, 23d e of Main fr Douglas n to Central
  St John st, extension of Minneapolis fr 2d to Pine
  Stephens st, 6th w of Main fr 3d to Elm
  Stites ave, extension of Grove st fr Central n
  Stover st, that part of Park from Washington ave to Cleveland
  Strong ave, extension of Locust fr 13th n
  Sycamore st, 1st w of river running n and s
  Tarsy ave, 4th w of Little river fr 13th to 17th
  Tenth st, 10th n of Douglas fr Little river e
  Texas ave, 1st st s of Douglas, ws, fr river w to Elizabeth
  Third st, 3d n of Douglas ave, fr river e
  Thirteenth st, 13th n of Douglas, fr Little river e
  Topeka ave, 3d e of Main extends n and s to city limits
  Twentieth st, 20th n of Douglas fr Big river e to city limits
  Twelfth st, 12th n of Douglas fr Little river e
  Twenty-first st, 21st n of Douglas fr Little river e
  Twenty-fifth st, 25th n of Douglas fr Little river e
  Twenty-sixth st, 26th n of Douglas from Decatur e
  Tyler ave, same as Stites ave
  University ave, 5th s of Douglas ws, fr Martinson to Garfield University
  Vassar ave, extension of Bryant st fr 13th n
  Volutsia ave, 28th e of Main extending from Kellogg to Central
  Wabash ave, 10th e of Main fr Douglas n
  Waco st, 3d w of Main, extends n and s to city limits
  Walnut st, 8th n of Douglas fr Little river e to Hillside
  Walnut st, ws, 6th w of river fr Cedar to Maple
  Washington ave, 9th e of Main n and s to city limits
  Waterman st, 3d s of Douglas fr river to Washington
  Webster st, 3d n of Douglas, ws, fr river to Exposition
  Wheeler ave, 15th s of Douglas, ws, fr river w
  William st, 1st s of Douglas fr river e to 5th
  Wichita ave, 5th w of river fr Cedar to Maple
  Wichita st, 2d w of Main extending n and s to city limits
  Woodland ave, extension of Kirk fr Frances to Hodson
  Woodland ave, 3d w of Little river fr 13th n
  Woodman ave, 2 extension of Twelfth between rivers
  Wynona ave, is that part of Estelle fr 2d to Central
  Yale ave, extension of Myers e fr Stites ave
  Zimmerly st, 13th s of Douglas from river e


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